


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nt of which may be whole genome duplication (tetraploidy).
2 o genes expected from the ancestral salmonid tetraploidy.
3 omosomes, multipolar spindles, and increased tetraploidy.
4 opy-neutral loss-of-heterozygosity (LOH) and tetraploidy.
5  and aneuploidy but not with binucleation or tetraploidy.
6  resulting in whole-genome reduplication and tetraploidy.
7 tin bridges, cleavage furrow regression, and tetraploidy.
8 DNA damage responses, p53 stabilization, and tetraploidy.
9 rkers identified the genetic requirements of tetraploidy.
10 Gp1balpha concurrent with their promotion of tetraploidy.
11       Most duplicate genes are removed after tetraploidy.
12 hich results in near-diploid aneuploidy, not tetraploidy.
13 3 RNAi permits both arrest insensitivity and tetraploidy.
14 ch correlated with an increased incidence of tetraploidy.
15 l expression of Plk1 protein correlates with tetraploidy.
16 aberrant mitoses with extra centrosomes, and tetraploidy.
17 effects of PARP inhibition on development of tetraploidy.
18 A synthesis, resulting in the acquisition of tetraploidy.
19 y accelerates the spontaneous development of tetraploidy.
20 evere damage and the eventual development of tetraploidy.
21       In maize, a species that experienced a tetraploidy 5-12 million years ago, we show that in addi
22 y (16 of 18) and 90% of tested patients with tetraploidy (9 of 10) had an IgH translocation.
23 on, doublets were diploidized with ancestral tetraploidy already blurred.
24                                              Tetraploidies and balanced segments inject bias for thos
25  chromosome segregation errors, resulting in tetraploidy and aneuploidy.
26                      An equivalent period of tetraploidy and body plan evolution may have ended for a
27 the organism because it immediately produces tetraploidy and centrosome amplification, which is thoug
28 plicable to the recently observed pattern of tetraploidy and gene conversion in asexual, bdelloid rot
29 in and its downstream target, MTMC1, promote tetraploidy and other forms of GI.
30 s expected from this combination of defects, tetraploidy and polyploidy are consequences of APC inhib
31 y increased centrosome aberration frequency, tetraploidy, and aneuploidy in nonirradiated HMEC.
32 able as evidenced by spontaneous DNA damage, tetraploidy, and aneuploidy.
33 ome bridges and mis-segregation in anaphase, tetraploidy, and faster mitotic slippage in the presence
34 n intestinal commensal generated aneuploidy, tetraploidy, and gammaH2AX foci in HCT116, RKO, and YAMC
35 d microtubule dynamics, prometaphase arrest, tetraploidy, and mitotic cell death.
36 totic defects associated with high levels of tetraploidy/aneuploidy.
37                                      Ancient tetraploidies are found throughout the eukaryotes.
38 megakaryocytic endomitosis and c-Myc-induced tetraploidy are mechanistically linked by their reliance
39  caused by HPV-16 where bypass of arrest and tetraploidy are separable consequences of p53 loss with
40                                              Tetraploidy, arising from a cytokinesis defect, is known
41  that induction of senescence is critical to tetraploidy arrest.
42 s, overexpression of Plk1 in cells generates tetraploidy but does not confer resistance to arrest.
43 NA-mediated inhibition of Gp1balpha prevents tetraploidy by both c-Myc and MTMC1, whereas Gp1balpha o
44                                              Tetraploidy can arise from various mitotic or cleavage d
45                                   Given that tetraploidy can have deleterious consequences, such as g
46 -proficient cells to spontaneously evade the tetraploidy checkpoint degenerates to uncontrolled polyp
47  provide a functional demonstration that the tetraploidy checkpoint does not exist in normal mammalia
48 proposal that normal mammalian cells have a "tetraploidy checkpoint" that arrests binucleate cells in
49  as yet ill-defined mechanistic basis of the tetraploidy checkpoint, the involvement of a tumor-suppr
50 vented through activation of a p53-dependent tetraploidy checkpoint.
51                                              Tetraploidy constitutes a genomically metastable state t
52 but a general mechanism for the induction of tetraploidy during tumorigenesis is lacking.
53 nforced expression of cyclin B1 also induces tetraploidy, either after mitotic spindle inhibition or
54                                        Thus, tetraploidy enhances the frequency of chromosomal altera
55 c allopolyploidy and result from 28 distinct tetraploidy events plus an additional six hexaploidy eve
56    Antimyeloma effects included induction of tetraploidy followed by apoptosis.
57                                 However, the tetraploidy genome and long generation-time of the commo
58    We propose that, similar to aneuploidy or tetraploidy, haploidy triggers a p53-dependent response
59 the detection of moderate gains (such as tri-tetraploidy) has been a challenge in cancer research.
60              The E6 mutant fails to generate tetraploidy; however, the presence of E7 is sufficient t
61  oesophageal adenocarcinoma, aneuploidy, and tetraploidy in a cohort of 350 people with Barrett's oes
62            Thus, the announcement in 1999 of tetraploidy in a mammal, the South American red vizcacha
63 spindle poisons accelerate the appearance of tetraploidy in cells either lacking functional p53 or ov
64 NI of TMPRSS2-ERG had generalized aneuploidy/tetraploidy in contrast to tumors without TMPRSS2-ERG CN
65 overexpression alone is sufficient to induce tetraploidy in established and primary cells.
66 uclei and the progressive accumulation of G1 tetraploidy in human diploid fibroblasts.
67   To explore the origins and consequences of tetraploidy in the African clawed frog, we sequenced the
68                        After the most recent tetraploidy in the Arabidopsis lineage, most gene pairs
69 ion of p75(NTR) in the induction of neuronal tetraploidy in the mouse neocortex.
70  Nbs1 fragment induced DNA rereplication and tetraploidy, in NBS-deficient but not NBS-proficient cel
71                 Our results demonstrate that tetraploidy increases exponentially over the life span o
72 o pathway kinase LATS2 is a key mechanism of tetraploidy-induced cell-cycle arrest.
73 amage marker remains at control levels after tetraploidy induction.
74                                              Tetraploidy is accompanied by significantly higher level
75 on of nonfractionated cells, suggesting that tetraploidy is an important mediator of Aurora-B-induced
76         This potentially oncogenic effect of tetraploidy is countered by a p53-dependent barrier to p
77                              In the striatum tetraploidy is mainly associated with long-range project
78                                            A tetraploidy left Arabidopsis thaliana with 6358 pairs of
79                             We conclude that tetraploidy mainly affects long-range projection neurons
80  cyclin D2, elucidating a possible route for tetraploidy-mediated genomic instability in carcinogenes
81 neuploidy (n=35 cases; 0.25 [0.12-0.54]) and tetraploidy (n=45 cases; 0.44 [0.22-0.87]).
82 s as well as partial triploidies and partial tetraploidies of portions of chromosome 22q were mapped
83                                 Although the tetraploidy of maize is ancient, biased gene loss and ex
84 wo sets of four ribosomal RNA genes confirms tetraploidy of this clone.
85 m human tumors and mouse models suggest that tetraploidy, one example of polyploidy, can promote tumo
86 0, 16, and 18 was associated with aneuploidy/tetraploidy (P = 0.037, 0.013, and 0.054, respectively).
87                               Once acquired, tetraploidy persists in most cases examined.
88 es the rate of cell proliferation results in tetraploidy, premature appearance of irreversible hyperp
89 o GPI 6150 did not induce the development of tetraploidy, suggesting that, aside from its catalytic f
90 ent of their three independent, fractionated tetraploidies sum to a powerful comparative genomic syst
91                              For all studied tetraploidies, the loss of duplicated genes, known as ho
92                       Following most ancient tetraploidies, the two subgenomes are distinguishable be
93 nterest, even though the definitive proof of tetraploidy, the presence of four copies of each chromos
94 Plk1, suggesting that loss of p53 results in tetraploidy through upregulation of Plk1.
95  De Lange make important connections between tetraploidy, tumorigenesis, and telomere crisis-a common
96 to the resistance of arrest and induction of tetraploidy, we used an E6 mutant unable to degrade p53
97 mpanying the DNA damage response, LT induces tetraploidy, which is also dependent on Bub1 binding.
98  the metals caused a persistent induction of tetraploidy, which was not noted in hTERT- cells.
99 us, sustained expression of Aurora-B induces tetraploidy, which, in turn, facilitates genomic instabi
100 i-quadruplets still reflecting the ancestral tetraploidy with clear signs of advanced rediploidizatio
101    The pattern is consistent with degenerate tetraploidy with numerous segmental deletions, some in o
102 ation) and ploidy abnormalities (aneuploidy, tetraploidy) within each Barrett's esophagus segment of

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