


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nce) as well as second-order cues (contrast, texture).
2 to investigate their effect on structure and texture.
3 transformations in morphology of the surface texture.
4 ium up to 25% without any negative impact on texture.
5 such networks may be affected by an object's texture.
6 d for their typical taste, aroma and crunchy texture.
7 ied were medium-hard to hard based on kernel texture.
8  to the formation of Vesta's current surface texture.
9 it batch to obtain four samples differing in texture.
10 (TVBN), K-value, biogenic amines, color, and texture.
11 1) texture except for some weaker FePt (110) texture.
12 endence of the underlying Fermi-surface spin texture.
13 s frost exposure mainly influenced aroma and texture.
14 f aroma compounds was affected by the matrix texture.
15 racterized in terms of dimensions, color and texture.
16 ne body composition predictors of trabecular texture.
17 ned, as well as their contributions to fruit texture.
18 etween traits that assist with understanding texture.
19 ic such as soil type, slope, aspect, or soil texture.
20 bial community respond to different sediment texture.
21 cal processing and to produce an alternative texture.
22 ntially helped shape Vesta's current surface texture.
23  detector, in response to moving objects and textures.
24 ving the theoretical model upon hierarchical textures.
25 enerate selectivity for surface patterns and textures.
26 he maximum order of rotation symmetry in the textures.
27 e a role to play in the perception of visual textures.
28 obust colloidosomes with a range of membrane textures.
29                  We conclude that the use of textured active layers has the ability to improve power
30  and distinguishes the subtle differences in texture alteration inside the oxygenated and deoxygenate
31                      Purpose To test whether texture analysis (TA) allows for the diagnosis of subacu
32 propose a novel technique that uses radiomic texture analysis (TA) features associated with heterogen
33                                Moreover, the texture analysis algorithm is quite general, as it does
34 sed neonatal porcine skin) were confirmed by texture analysis and optical coherence tomography, respe
35 ed with transmission electron microscopy and texture analysis by X-ray diffraction.
36      The potential role of radiogenomics and texture analysis in the management of advanced RCC will
37       These findings suggest that trabecular texture analysis might contribute information about bone
38    Purpose To evaluate whether features from texture analysis of breast cancers were associated with
39 h their application for protein detection in texture analysis of gel electrophoresis images.
40                             In recent years, texture analysis of medical images has become increasing
41 y using computed tomographic (CT) trabecular texture analysis of the lumbar spine in patients with an
42               Atlas-based quantification and texture analysis revealed significant differences in reg
43              We implemented two computerized texture analysis schemes, classification and regression,
44 daptive multiple features method (AMFM) lung texture analysis software recognizes high-resolution com
45                              Two-dimensional texture analysis was performed by using software at T2-w
46                                   Trabecular texture analysis was performed by using software.
47  in general, there is no consensus regarding texture analysis workflow, or reporting of parameter set
48 es including signal intensity histograms and texture analysis.
49 ts of their behaviour using dental microwear texture analysis.
50 spectral parametric maps in conjunction with texture-analysis techniques to differentiate non-invasiv
51                                              Texture-analysis techniques were applied to determine im
52  stickiness of dough were analysed using the Texture Analyzer.
53 nsible for the formation of the strong basal texture and a significant number of 30 degrees misorient
54 ced, batch-fried potato crisps have a unique texture and are growing in popularity in the UK/EU premi
55 l properties, microstructure, water content, texture and Bloom of sucrose free white chocolate was in
56 to determine associations between trabecular texture and body composition.
57 ganic acids) and physicochemical properties (texture and colour) of cultured and uncultured beef jerk
58 in turn improved dough handling, bread crumb texture and crust color.
59 portant fruit quality traits including fruit texture and flavor, and provide evidences supporting a m
60                               The nano-scale texture and isotopic analyses provide a partial record o
61 tly higher body weight at harvesting, softer texture and lower connective tissue yield compared with
62 producibility for features related to lesion texture and margins on T2-weighted images ranged from 0.
63 the central adaptor contour and the surround texture and measured for each manipulation the degree to
64 lithium deposits is given to connect various texture and morphology scenarios for different battery e
65                            Because both soil texture and nitrogen availability are temperature indepe
66 Petch relationship emerges in both initially texture and non-textured materials and our values are in
67  gels were characterized in terms of colour, texture and oxidative stability (TBARS) after processing
68  form of nanocomposites with varying surface texture and self-cleaning hydrophobicity properties.
69 were evaluated for physichochemical, colour, texture and sensory characteristics.
70              Because of the unchanged sample texture and the lack of mass transfer out of the substra
71 n the topological winding number of the spin texture and the polarized resonant X-ray scattering proc
72 96), higher L( *) (54.4 vs. 57.3), and lower texture and water holding capacity (WHC) than normal mea
73 lations that successfully reproduce the spin textures and behavior.
74 ral perspectives of spin transport, magnetic textures and dynamics, and materials research.
75 two stimulus types (spatially filtered noise textures and sinusoidal gratings) and three manipulation
76 erpretability of the complex combinations of textures and to weight the importance of each particular
77          Edible flowers provide new colours, textures and vibrancy to any dish, and apart from the "g
78  size, shape, margin morphology, enhancement texture, and kinetic assessment.
79 ing indicated unequal importance of kinetic, texture, and morphologic features for mass and nonmass l
80 nd viscosity, homogeneous structure, desired texture, and physicochemical high stability during stora
81 e index, enzyme susceptibility, pasting, gel texture, and thermal properties of the flour have been o
82 ocal statistics that occur in natural visual textures, and tolerant of manipulations that preserve th
83                                  The surface textures are shown to perform a switchable wetting funct
84 es (viz., grain size, grain orientations and texture) are fundamentally important in understanding th
85             There was a difference in tissue texture at both 6 months and 5 years, with CMX + CAF sit
86                                              Texture, aw and bread moisture varied according to a fir
87            Specific studies are performed on textures based on periodic striations oriented along dif
88 ules by the distribution of nine color-coded texture-based exemplars.
89                                         In a texture-based, change-detection paradigm, human performa
90 bstantial discrepancies in myocardial tissue texture between the 2 MI models (native T1 day 1: perman
91 chiral ones form flat films and show uniform textures between circular polarizers when suspended in s
92 To examine the relationship between sediment texture, biogeochemistry, and biological activity in the
93 re and high temperature, which yields highly textured body-centred cubic nanograins above a transitio
94 on) and 6 were rated on a categorical scale (texture, border definition, contour, lobulation, spicula
95 ns are repeated in space to form textures or texture boundaries.
96 ed minimal changes in the yogurt's color and texture but slightly altered the yogurt's viscosity.
97             We confirmed its Dirac-like spin texture by spin-filtered momentum imaging.
98 a set of well-controlled moving naturalistic textures called "compound motion clouds" (CMCs) [15, 16]
99 the control of reversibly deformable surface textures can be applied to transfer microdroplets.
100 heat transfer processes by nanoscale surface texturing can lead to higher energy transfer efficiencie
101 ghlight the potential of converting the soft textured carp roe mass into stable fish roe powder with
102 converts stepwise into a dense, ultrasmooth, textured CH3 NH3 PbI3 perovskite thin film.
103 can detect and monitor the earliest cellular texture changes after the induction of reprogramming in
104 s V2 neurons exhibited better performance in texture classification.
105                 Experimental crystallization textures closely resemble those observed in natural micr
106 destructive effect on volatile compounds and texture compared to thermal treatment.
107 t level (CAL), clinician rating of color and texture compared with surrounding tissues, and patient e
108 the formation of a strong near-Cu {112}<111> texture component as a result of fatigue-assisted deform
109 ned by differences either in luminance or in texture contrast.
110 Via 2D X-ray diffraction, highly ordered and textured crystals for films prepared from solutions with
111 irst time, mechanisms that are selective for texture density have been revealed at contrast detection
112 ure, characterized by its aerated and tender texture, depends on the presence of solid fat during kne
113                                   Yet, tumor texture derived from PET images only coarsely reflects t
114 on pressure allows us to augment the surface texture design, so that the barriers to dewetting are el
115        In addition, no significant colour or texture deterioration were found on produce samples trea
116 ovide a molecular-scale view of porosity and texture development of the aggregates.
117 d BIA-ALCL cases have been associated with a textured device.
118                           Here, we show that texture discrimination can be artificially provided in h
119                                    This food texture discrimination depends upon a previously unknown
120 eriorated performance in a whisker-dependent texture discrimination task.
121 aintain normal activation of PV+ INs, normal texture discrimination, and L5 PN spine dynamics similar
122 ace approach, bridge crossing, gap crossing, texture discrimination, floating in water, and whisking
123 cally into a metallic phase with irregularly textured domain walls in the charge density wave order i
124 this failure can be minimized by scaling the texture down to nanosize.
125 iate layer, FePt 10 nm films exhibited (001) texture except for some weaker FePt (110) texture.
126 nts, combined with spatial variation in soil texture, explains observed patterns of variation in ecos
127  (quantifying tumour image intensity, shape, texture) extracted from pre-treatment FDG-PET and CT ima
128 ) representations from multimodal images via texture feature extraction, scale selection, independent
129 ed images, to make meaningful comparisons of texture feature results between different subjects.
130             Stepwise dimension reduction and texture feature selection based on reproducibility, mach
131 g the ADC maps did not have an impact on any texture feature.
132  setting was observed for all but one of the texture features (P = .002-.998).
133                     Results Five independent texture features allowed for differentiation between isc
134 erapy and to explore the association between texture features and tumor subtypes at pretreatment magn
135 cal-regional magnetic resonance (MR) imaging texture features derived from primary rectal cancer.
136  achieve this, we quantitatively analyze the texture features of a region within the lesion boundary.
137 s study was to assess how sensitive Haralick texture features of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC)
138 ng benign from malignant SPNs, especially by texture features on delayed FDG PET/CT images.
139           Machine learning models trained by texture features on DTPI images achieved significant imp
140 ntitative heterogeneity derived from various texture features on dual time FDG PET/CT images (DTPI) c
141 onal second-order and high-order statistical texture features reflecting the intensity and spatial in
142            Repeatability was assessed for 46 texture features, and mean difference, 95% limits of agr
143 d images had a significant influence on most texture features, and that the effect size varied betwee
144 clei and compute shape, size, intensity, and texture features, store and index images and analysis re
145 ulti-modal descriptor that combines multiple texture features.
146 ith anodized aluminum oxide (AAO) nanoporous texture finish.
147 wing consideration of naturally occurring BD texture for applications in optical and photonic devices
148 r greater soil C storage, especially in fine-texture forest soils.
149 quently adding 4 comprehensive (18)F-FDG PET texture/geometry features (corrected c-index, 0.77).
150 ferroelectric phases form a mesoscale, fibre-textured hierarchical superstructure.
151     Results show that computational model of texture homogeneity along the periphery of skin lesion b
152                                     By using texture homogeneity at the periphery of a lesion border
153             Its momentum dependence and spin texture imply an intimate connection with the topologica
154 s to explore exciton physics with pseudospin texture in electrically tunable graphene systems.
155   Results show how shear can create a harder texture in fat blends based on symmetric monounsaturated
156 y, we report the observation of helical spin texture in monolayer, centrosymmetric and semiconducting
157 e ultrafast dynamics of this chiral magnetic texture in real space, which is the hallmark of its quas
158                                     The nano-texture in the CsMPs records multiple reaction-process s
159 ic devices, the stabilization of chiral spin textures in in-plane magnetized films has remained rare.
160                      Comparison of inclusion textures in lapilli from the active submarine volcano NW
161 issue as they are arguably the smallest spin textures in magnetic thin fi lms in nature.
162                                  Chiral spin textures in ultrathin films, such as skyrmions or chiral
163                              Two families of texture index reflecting different types of uptake patte
164                                 To allow for texture index value interpretation, we investigated the
165                               Variability in texture index values as a function of voxel size and inc
166 udies, yet the interpretation of PET-derived texture index values has not been thoroughly reported.
167                                          All texture index values were sensitive to voxel size (varia
168                                The values of texture indices and how they changed as a function of th
169 n, we investigated the changes in value of 6 texture indices computed from simulated and real patient
170                                          Six texture indices derived from the PET images, autoradiogr
171  nuclear medicine physicians in interpreting texture indices in future studies and clinical practice.
172              Furthermore, the calculation of texture indices lacks a standardized methodology, making
173 els and real tumors, we identified 2 sets of texture indices reflecting different types of uptake het
174 els and real tumors, we identified 2 sets of texture indices reflecting different types of uptake het
175                                    Four of 6 texture indices significantly differed between homogeneo
176                                   The use of texture indices to characterize tumor heterogeneity from
177 s report, our study found that variations in texture indices were intuitive in the sphere models and
178               For each volume of interest, 6 texture indices were measured.
179    Yet, the relationship between PET-derived texture indices, precise tracer distribution, and biolog
180 etal surface is to provide an efficient spin texture induced by the spin-orbit coupling in the topolo
181                                              Texture information could be used in proteomics to impro
182                                     One such texture is a skyrmion, in which the spins can be mapped
183 density and diffraction efficiency of the BD texture is demonstrated by a selection of a confinement
184                                 Such orbital texture is likely to be a generic feature of various top
185           Knowledge of internal nanomagnetic textures is critical for understanding macroscopic magne
186 able workflow for segmenting image masks and texture mapping of tumors, hepatic artery, portal vein,
187 and not other cues to object identity (e.g., texture/material).
188 ip emerges in both initially texture and non-textured materials and our values are in agreement with
189                  According to the colour and texture measurements, this sample (JPP2) was more reddis
190                We show that the highly [001] textured MgO films contain numerous tilt grain boundarie
191 , featuring strong uniaxial-crystallographic texture, micrometer-grain morphology, high crystallinity
192 , we report a grain-oriented (with 95% <001> texture) modified PbTiO3 ceramic that has a high Tc (364
193 ects are shown to induce an interfacial spin texture modulation and establish an effective long-range
194 e invariant to the cue (luminance, contrast, texture, motion) that defines them.
195 ch exhibit an obligate association with soft-textured mushrooms.
196 operties without HRE, a crystallographically textured nanoscale grain structure is ideal; and this co
197 in response to whisker deprivation, impaired texture novel object recognition and altered social beha
198 ation can be used as a tool to improve flesh texture of farmed cod with a low gaping score, but with
199 ects of shear rate on the microstructure and texture of fats.
200 presentations of the taste, temperature, and texture of food in the mouth independently of hunger and
201 enols, anthocyanins antioxidant capacity and texture of frozen/thawed blueberries.
202 s ingredients to improve nutritive value and texture of functional foods for human consumption.
203 iable and comprehensive understanding of the texture of hierarchically structured materials.
204      The scores for taste, flavor, color and texture of irradiated samples were higher, but not signi
205 n pole-figure analysis demonstrates that the texture of Li deposits is primarily dependent on the typ
206          Our results show that the intrinsic texture of pPv-(Mg0.75,Fe0.25)SiO3 should be (001) at re
207 hnological applications (e.g. to improve the texture of protein-rich foods or in generating antibody-
208  when the adaptor contour is surrounded by a texture of similarly-shaped contours, a surprising resul
209 dition to its evolutionary implications, the texture of the facial bones of the new taxon, and other
210                               The fresh-like texture of the matrix enhances the comparability of this
211 onvey information about the shape, size, and texture of the object and its motion across the skin.
212 oved the Alveograph profile of dough and the texture of the prepared cakes.
213  achieves conformal contact with the complex texture of the rugged skin, which allows to respond to t
214 ges observed in moisture, water activity and texture of the samples, coupled with the high peroxide v
215 emarkable adaptability to the coloration and texture of their surroundings by modulating their skin c
216        Specifically, we analysed the surface textures of lion teeth to assess whether these notorious
217 luding cheetahs and hyenas, dental microwear textures of the man-eaters do not suggest extreme duroph
218 e modulation of TFT transconductance via the texturing of the gate metal created by the addition of a
219 dge sharpness, pixel value distribution, and texture) of lesions on multi-detector row CT images of 2
220 emical information has to be connected to 3D texture on submicrometre scale.
221 s may be related to the influence of surface texture on tactile speed judgment.
222 introducing well-patterned micropillar array texture on the electrode surface, the number of pillars
223 ectron-hole pockets and a particular orbital texture on the electron pocket.
224 dulation deals with the effect of a surround texture on the perceived shape of a contour, in the cont
225 -edge patterns are repeated in space to form textures or texture boundaries.
226 s, pathology, pancreatic duct size, pancreas texture, or operative technique.
227  (such as nanoscale tailoring, sophisticated textures, or coating) to obtain long cycle life with cur
228 riation in transconductance depending on the texture orientation as compared to conventional planar g
229    These variables included pancreatic gland texture, pancreatic duct diameter, intraoperative blood
230                 We hypothesized that surface texture parameters can differentiate simulated erosion,
231 ties, leading to higher yield, moisture, and texture parameters of curd.
232 l texture parameters, indicating that global texture parameters should be sufficiently robust for cli
233 R imaging repeatability is better for global texture parameters than for local-regional texture param
234                                              Texture parameters, but not bone mineral density, were a
235 l texture parameters than for local-regional texture parameters, indicating that global texture param
236 applied to pasta products, both improved the texture parameters.
237 , ranging from metallic to pixelated or matt textures, paving the way for the development of truly su
238     Here we report the preparation of highly textured, polycrystalline Mn3Ge films on amorphous subst
239 lls have been constructed on nanoholes array textured polyimide (PI) substrates.
240                   Here we show that Li-metal texturing (preferential crystallographic orientation) oc
241                                     However, texture profile analysis revealed lower resilience and c
242 in proteolysis, bioactivity, water mobility, texture profile, and fatty acids of the cheeses as a fun
243 imate composition, pH, acidity, instrumental texture profile, total phenolic content (TPC), antioxida
244 parameters, biogenic amines, fatty acids and texture profiles and sensory panel evaluations were cons
245 n, fat, fiber, instrumental color values and texture profiles of nuggets.
246  the meat structure and hence, impairing the texture properties of dry-cured loins.
247 ource imaging, we find specific responses to texture regularity that depend parametrically on the max
248                                              Texturing results in the semiconductor-insulator interfa
249 l systems, and explain the importance of the texture's feature size and shape.
250                   These results suggest that texture-sensitive activity in the primary somatosensory
251  image classifier using nuclear orientation, texture, shape, and tumor architecture to predict diseas
252 ows that a conformal coating of PEDOT:PSS on textured silicon can greatly improve the junction qualit
253 xcellent stability are fabricated on pyramid-textured silicon substrates by applying a water-insolubl
254  air-filled pore spaces, but not in the fine-textured soil regions.
255 performance of WRC predictions for different textured soils when the suction values were >/=100 cm.
256 10 years), in warm temperate zones with fine-textured soils, and in soils with higher clay contents (
257 n gratings with selectivity for the carrier (texture) spatial frequency and, in some cases, orientati
258 fore provide opportunities for creating spin-textured states and suggest routes to interfacial contro
259                                      We used texture stimuli from four of the groups that differ in t
260  imaging features were not prognostic, while texture-strength measured at the end of treatment signif
261 ide a wide researching space to redesign the textured structures.
262 site drug delivery system consists of highly-textured superhydrophobic electrosprayed microparticle c
263 obust colloidosomes with a range of membrane textures, surface chemistries and optical properties.
264 standing how fluid flow interacts with micro-textured surfaces is crucial for a broad range of key bi
265 ysics governing heat transfer enhancement on textured surfaces is explained by a deterministic model
266  Indeed, the perceived roughness of coarsely textured surfaces tracks the spatial variation in SA1 re
267 urs that define objects from those that form textured surfaces.
268 oosting in common source amplifiers based on textured TFTs as compared to conventional TFTs is demons
269                                              Textured TFTs showed upto +/-40% variation in transcondu
270  are able to dissolve the initial material's texture that has been formed in prior thermomechanical p
271                             The strong basal texture that is commonly developed during the rolling of
272 rsibly self-assembles with aligned flows and textures that feature orientational order at the millime
273 le surfaces transform from flat sheets to 3D textures that imitate natural stone and plant shapes and
274 esentation of the rotation symmetries in the textures that is not present in either V1 or V2, the fir
275  an experiment using arrays of micro-pattern textures that varied in overall stimulus area and sparse
276          Rainfall variability, aridity, soil texture, tillage duration, crop species, and fertilizer
277 es image features, such as colour, shape and texture to infer image content.
278 ificantly enhanced due to the nanostructured/textured top surface.
279 al properties of bistable bubble domain (BD) texture torons in a thin layer of cholesteric liquid cry
280 gic characteristics of nodule shape, margin, texture, tumor environment, and overall lung characteris
281          In this larger data set, soft gland texture was an independent risk factor for superficial S
282                              Although lesion texture was significantly affected by the reconstruction
283 I, 1.64-109.72; P = .02), whereas soft gland texture was the only risk factor for organ-space SSI (OR
284 here we show that on surfaces with nanoscale texture, water density fluctuations can lead to a reduct
285 great potential as gelling agents to improve texture, water retention capacity and stability of food
286 uate the best technique to identify relevant textures, we use several different kernel-based machine
287 r the first time, macrostructural changes in texture were elucidated and quantified by a novel protei
288 chnological properties (pH, processing loss, texture) were also evaluated.
289                 Micro- and nanoscale surface textures, when optimally designed, present a unique appr
290 e is also characterized by helical-like spin textures which are mainly induced by strong spin-orbit c
291 es of Decalepis possess similar exudates and texture, which challenges the ability of conventional te
292 has tremendous effect on the resulting solid texture, which could range from complete gum to a workab
293 features included tumor size and enhancement texture, which indicated tumor heterogeneity.
294 ace state, yet shares a similar spin-orbital texture with opposite orientation.
295 ditory stream like music or speech or scan a texture with our fingertip, physical features in the sti
296 del and comparing the calculated deformation texture with the measurement.
297                                 Naturalistic textures with an intermediate degree of statistical regu
298 c skyrmions are topologically protected spin textures with attractive properties suitable for high-de
299 he liquid crystal, the films exhibit optical textures with concentric ring patterns and radial variat
300 lysulfide, the lithium deposits are strongly textured, with Li (110) planes parallel to the substrate

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