


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1 er competition (highest SCI quartile [0.87-0.92]; p=0.0081) than in areas with weaker competition.
2 VAC-KC priming significantly more (up to a P value of 0.01) than in a group without poly-ICLC.
3 Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) level 20-35 than in patients with ETDRS level <20 (P = 0.005).
4 er (P = .001) in the canakinumab-treated group (n = 5 of 7) than in the placebo group (n = 0 of 13).
5 4) and survivors of acute symptomatic CSE (13.3%, 3.7-37.9) than in those of remote symptomatic CSE (45.5%, 21.3-72.0) an
6 iduals who had infectious enteritis more than 12 months ago than in individuals who had not (95% CI, 1.8-3.0).
7 ipheral retinal changes are more prevalent in eyes with AMD than in control eyes.
8 genotype had significantly lower relapse risk in the GO arm than in the No-GO arm (26% v 49%; P < .001).
9 e frequently and at a lower body mass index (BMI) in Asians than in European populations, the mechanisms involved have ye
10             PAC-SYM and PAC-QoL scores were higher in IBS-C than in FC and NRC.
11 endent activation of RAS more potently in colorectal cancer than in melanoma and causes resistance only in the former.
12 tenuated PGE2 and IL-6 release in HG+IL-1beta-treated cells than in NG+IL-1beta-treated cells.
13 Enzymes of amino acid biosynthesis were higher in coculture than in axenic culture, and this was reflected in increased a
14 common in Rett syndrome, prolonged remission is less common than in other causes of childhood onset epilepsy.
15                Allergen loads were on average higher in DCC than in homes.
16 n EAC, SCC and glandular lesions than in SE and more in EAC than in BE and CM.
17 tiation were significantly higher in the blinatumomab group than in the chemotherapy group, both with respect to complete
18 NaFeEDTA compared with FeSO4 was higher in the Fe+GOS group than in the Fe group (88% compared with 63%; P = 0.006).
19 ore restrictive (lower median CCS) in the hemorrhagic group than in the nonhemorrhagic group (1 vs 6.5; P < .001).
20 severe dysfunction) was greater in the angiotensin II group than in the placebo group (-1.75 vs. -1.28, P=0.01).
21 nitiation was significantly lower in the intervention group than in the control group (31 [33%] of 94 participants vs 42
22 or below was significantly lower in the sotagliflozin group than in the placebo group.
23 is were significantly more common in the canakinumab groups than in the placebo group.
24                 The EOD case fatality rate (71%) was higher than in LOD (32%) or controls (15%) (P = .0001).
25  obvious roles in floral and leaf development in C. hirsuta than in A. thaliana.
26 ecosystems, temporal dynamics are relatively more important than in many systems given that hydroperiod is the ultimate f
27 tly more highly-expressed in EAC, SCC and glandular lesions than in SE and more in EAC than in BE and CM.
28 n was significantly better in lung grafts on EVLP with a LF than in lungs on EVLP without a LF.
29                  The signal intensity was higher in in-line than in angled LS DESI MS.
30 he hypoglycemic proportion in the vGMS period was 36% lower than in the pre-vGMS period (difference, -0.28 [CI, -0.35 to
31  attached to the modified PMMA resin was considerably lower than in the control.
32 symptomatic cases were approximately 1-2 log10 copies lower than in symptomatic cases.
33                          In grade 1 HE the S-ANT1 was lower than in MHE.
34 ttachment loss (CAL) was observed in the 3D RSA measurement than in the 2D RL measurement at the evaluated CRRs.
35 t the buffet meal was approximately 80% higher in older men than in older women (P < 0.001).
36 iratory exchange rate was significantly lower in LERKO mice than in Controls, suggesting an increase in lipid oxidation.
37 patients who had infectious enteritis in the past 12 months than in those who had not (95% CI, 3.1-5.7); risk of IBS was
38 mplexation in coastal sediments, as much as four times more than in low OC deep sea sediments.
39 s, since hydroxytyrosol and tyrosol are almost 8 times more than in olive oil.
40 d contraction amplitudes were smaller in CD38(-/-) myocytes than in the WT.
41                        Fecal LPS was higher in IBS patients than in healthy subjects (HS), and IBS patients on a 4-week L
42 r-magnitude, potentially protective anti-V1V2 IgG responses than in adult vaccinees receiving the moderately effective RV
43 centration was over 3.5-fold higher in supplemented samples than in control lambs.
44                        Higher Spiroplasma density in testes than in ovaries was also detected by fluorescent in situ hybr
45 ry RNFL was 5.7 mum (95% CI, 4.3-7.1 mum; P < .001) thinner than in children whose mothers had not smoked after correctio
46 the RNFL was 3.5 mum (95% CI, 0.6-6.3 mum; P = .02) thinner than in normal-birth-weight children after adjustment for all
47 ficantly longer in the group that underwent transplantation than in the group that received RVD alone (50 months vs. 36 m
48 ention time (>5days) and much higher accumulation in tumors than in normal organs, as shown by near-infrared fluorescence
49                     Prevalence of asthma is higher in women than in men, but the mechanisms underlying this sex bias are
50 n and activity of TACE were lower, in wild-type DCs (wtDCs) than in TNF knockout (TNFko) DCs.

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