


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ge that a particular shape imparts is one of the most fascinating and challenging areas of study in m
2                                      Some of the most fascinating and challenging questions in ecolog
3                                       One of the most fascinating and exciting periods in my scientif
4                            Plants are one of the most fascinating and important groups of organisms l
5 the risk of cardiovascular disease is one of the most fascinating and important questions in the fiel
6                                       One of the most fascinating and remarkable features of Plasmodi
7                                       One of the most fascinating and unusual features of trypanosoma
8                                       One of the most fascinating areas in plant biology research foc
9                                      Perhaps the most fascinating aspect of Trk receptor-mediated sig
10 xceptionally rare in nature, although one of the most fascinating aspects of New Guinea's biodiversit
11                                       One of the most fascinating aspects of plant morphology is the
12                                 Thus, one of the most fascinating aspects of pollen biology is the qu
13                Quantum entanglement is among the most fascinating aspects of quantum theory.
14                                        Among the most fascinating aspects of the protozoan parasites
15 altered arousal and/or cognition, is perhaps the most fascinating behavioral state of general anesthe
16                                       One of the most fascinating discoveries in the past decade was
17 la typhimurium topA- strains has been one of the most fascinating examples for the DNA supercoiling e
18                                       One of the most fascinating features of amyloid fibrils is thei
19                                       One of the most fascinating features of biological systems is t
20  of gene expression, and it comprises one of the most fascinating frontiers in cell biology.
21                                       One of the most fascinating issues in neuroscience is how the b
22 f topologically dissimilar systems is one of the most fascinating manifestations of a novel nontrivia
23 ting bosons or fermions give rise to some of the most fascinating phases of matter, including high-te
24                                       One of the most fascinating quality-control mechanisms involves
25                                       One of the most fascinating questions about protein-ligand reco
26                                       One of the most fascinating structural features of this materia
27 lyamorphsim in amorphous materials is one of the most fascinating topics in condensed matter physics.
28 fferent visual stimulus categories is one of the most fascinating topics in the cognitive neuroscienc
29                                        Among the most fascinating virulence attributes of Candida is

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