


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 division and differentiation has illuminated the necessity for a cellular machinery that mediates mit
2 work's role in modeling human physiology and the necessity for a community-based consensus reconstruc
3 ged residues in the polar region circumvents the necessity for a Mg(2+), which, by contrast, is a str
4 r of small molecules into cells and point to the necessity for a more complex model.
5 hobic contributions along the interface, and the necessity for a particular orientation of the spectr
6 -9-deaza nucleosides using Heck methodology, the necessity for a pyrrole protecting group was discove
7 evious functional misannotation and supports the necessity for a reclassification of these enzymes un
8 ncreased significantly in the last decade as the necessity for a renewable source of carbon has becom
9 f this segment with the beta subunit explain the necessity for a second highly conserved His residue
10 nts multiple molecular lifetimes, suggesting the necessity for a self-perpetuating signal.
11 errors suggests that the ampakine eliminated the necessity for a shift in response strategy that prod
12 corporation into virus particles and to test the necessity for a specific interaction between Env and
13 ture is facing multiple challenges including the necessity for a substantial increase in production t
14 mposite end points of in-hospital mortality, the necessity for a temporary pacemaker, or the need for
15 ssion of neural crest markers, demonstrating the necessity for a Wnt signal during neural crest induc
16 fic and essential for cell viability, due to the necessity for accurate translation of the genetic co
17 ocks its nuclear translocation, demonstrates the necessity for active ERK1/2 nuclear localization for
18                                              The necessity for acyl protein thioesterases to have max
19 , sex differences in disease susceptibility, the necessity for adjuvants in experimental animal model
20 e the limits of the neuromuscular system and the necessity for alternate forms of communication.
21                                              The necessity for an accurate, but at the same time, ine
22 liferate in response to androgen, indicating the necessity for an additional factor not present in vi
23  compounds selectively (see example) without the necessity for an excess of the alkane substrate.
24            These results clearly demonstrate the necessity for an internal standard for quantitative
25                                              The necessity for an undiscovered series of steps and en
26                     Thus, in this age group, the necessity for anticoagulation or its avoidance may b
27                                    We tested the necessity for appropriate spatial alignment of these
28     Full-length TAP mutagenesis demonstrates the necessity for at least one consensus site, supportin
29  plateau potential in B31/B32 and eliminates the necessity for B63 in B50-elicited motor programs.
30 ve been developed are examined, highlighting the necessity for better data to parameterise and fit th
31                         These data emphasize the necessity for biopsy at the first recurrence of FL.
32 re is little mechanistic evidence to support the necessity for blocking H2R, a receptor best characte
33                                              The necessity for bone marrow aspiration and the lack of
34 o that achieved with other materials without the necessity for bone-graft harvesting or a second proc
35                                              The necessity for both Cry48Aa1 and Cry49Aa1 components
36                      These results emphasize the necessity for both redox-active disulfide centers in
37 cellular cysteine pairs in CSF3R and suggest the necessity for broader screening of CSF3R extracellul
38                      Risk factors influenced the necessity for C-CT.
39                These findings strongly imply the necessity for candidate EIAV and other lentivirus va
40                       Our findings highlight the necessity for careful upfront cellular enrichment in
41                                        Thus, the necessity for CD103 emerges in the efferent CD8+ T-c
42                                              The necessity for CD4 help was overcome, however, if the
43 an target chemokines for degradation without the necessity for cell signaling, and without desensitiz
44 C) express notch and notch ligands; however, the necessity for cell-autonomous notch signaling during
45                        We also characterized the necessity for cell-cell contact for these effects.
46 vely studied since the cells' isolation, but the necessity for cell-secreted factors in self-renewal
47                                              The necessity for changes in allocation in response to c
48 of the aspartase-fumarase enzyme family, and the necessity for chemically reasonable functionalities
49 lecule 3-oxo-C12-homoserine lactone, showing the necessity for cholinergic transmission.
50 extreme shortage of matched organ donors and the necessity for chronic immunosuppression has made it
51                                     However, the necessity for collecting data at room temperature, e
52  means of communication for learning without the necessity for committing multiple errors across tria
53 1 in different cellular compartments suggest the necessity for complex regulation.
54 s been hampered by functional redundancy and the necessity for conditional inactivation strategies.
55 h OspA, their lack of specificity highlights the necessity for confirming equivocal or positive react
56                                 We highlight the necessity for consideration of alternative (e.g., hy
57 ly variable changes that we report highlight the necessity for considering local factors such as topo
58  small- and large-scale laboratories suggest the necessity for continued microbiology-based understan
59 ted the effect of competitive pressures, and the necessity for cooperation among nutrition societies.
60 geoengineering"), typically characterized by the necessity for costly new infrastructures and industr
61                  This difference may reflect the necessity for DCs to interact with multiple T cells
62                        This study emphasizes the necessity for declaration of funding source.
63 s vigilance to permit timely recognition and the necessity for defibrillator implantation and heart t
64                                This stresses the necessity for dermatologists to perform comprehensiv
65                        This study highlights the necessity for developing a parameterization of dust
66  the proprietary nature of data sources, and the necessity for developing new software), the benefits
67 recruitment of the 43S complex and alleviate the necessity for direct eIF4G/eIF3 interaction.
68 IM1 remotely gates the Orai1 channel without the necessity for direct STIM1 contact with the pore-for
69 s of the hammerhead ribozyme, and emphasizes the necessity for dynamic structural fluctuations in the
70                                              The necessity for earlier genetic alterations before bia
71                              This highlights the necessity for efficient glutamate clearance from the
72 the effects of activity blockade, indicating the necessity for endogenous neurotrophins for developme
73 ound that lack of NFATc2 and NFATc3 obviates the necessity for engagement of CD28 on naive cells and
74                         The approach removes the necessity for evenly spaced samples, an advantage il
75  flexibility of the filter that demonstrates the necessity for extended simulations to study conducti
76 e in burn depth and area would likely reduce the necessity for extensive surgical debridement as well
77              Moreover, the method eliminates the necessity for extensive thermodynamic calculations.
78 e, noninnocent NO ligand in electron uptake, the necessity for Fe'-S bond breaking (or the hemilabili
79 f cells with natural C(16)-ceramide bypassed the necessity for forced antibody cross-linking and enab
80 of SecA via azide treatment, consistent with the necessity for formation of a preprotein-SecB-SecA co
81 aintaining fetal tolerance during pregnancy, the necessity for Foxp3(+) cells with fetal specificity
82 r, the limitation of this type of therapy is the necessity for frequent administration of cytokine pr
83                                              The necessity for full reperfusion after a preconditioni
84                                              The necessity for further evaluation, possible treatment
85 omic growth in recent decades, thus implying the necessity for further investigations on both the int
86                        This study highlights the necessity for further research focused on recurrence
87  of similarity, and it probably results from the necessity for fusion to occur to establish the prima
88 it is limited by its temporal resolution and the necessity for Hg modified electrodes.
89                                     However, the necessity for high operating temperatures (800-1,000
90                    Here, we sought to define the necessity for histamine receptors in the pathology o
91 f cytotoxicity by alkylating agents includes the necessity for homologous recombination to repair DSB
92        RNA interference strategies confirmed the necessity for Hsp27 as well as both beta-arrestin is
93  consistent platelet product, while reducing the necessity for human donations.
94 scuss how interspecies differences highlight the necessity for human model systems to complement exis
95         Central injection is easy and avoids the necessity for image-guided injection of nonpalpable
96 nable chemicals manufacture is discussed and the necessity for immobilisation of enzymes as a key ena
97  recommendation for a new nutrient, and show the necessity for including nutrient interaction in the
98 tation of metabolic labeling experiments and the necessity for inclusion of additional controls.
99 comprehensive 2D gas chromatography (GCxGC): the necessity for individual compounds to be chromatogra
100 uted tomography (CT) scanning in determining the necessity for initial laryngectomy for advanced lary
101        Their conservation is probably due to the necessity for interaction of proximally bound transc
102 pment of this complication, which emphasizes the necessity for intermittent assessment of parathyroid
103 r of species detected simultaneously without the necessity for internal calibration and indicate the
104 r evasion of the PKR pathway likely explains the necessity for IRS1 or TRS1 for productive infection.
105 n that of the cytoplasmic form, underscoring the necessity for its continuous nuclear transport to ma
106 olution below Rayleigh criterion and without the necessity for labeling with fluorescent probes is pr
107          This extraordinary event highlights the necessity for laboratories to remain vigilant in the
108 on of the mouse model is its small size, and the necessity for laborious histologic analyses to quant
109 hallenges for any future hydrogen economy is the necessity for large scale hydrogen production not in
110 not promote limb regeneration, demonstrating the necessity for limb progenitor cells.
111 erogeneity and non-Mendelian inheritance and the necessity for linkage methods to deal with these iss
112                      This study demonstrates the necessity for local information on common mental dis
113                  In the MR imaging scenario, the necessity for lymph node dissection was based on MR
114 %) were maintained with disopyramide without the necessity for major non-pharmacologic intervention w
115 oxin concentration and load, which points to the necessity for measuring endotoxin levels in both the
116                         This decay indicates the necessity for methods and reagents for the routine m
117 gs of the guide-specific approach highlights the necessity for meticulous guide design and assessment
118 systems will never be completely eliminated, the necessity for minute-to-minute intervention may.
119 ity on Polga and provide genetic evidence of the necessity for mitochondrial Hsp40 in preventing DCM.
120  comparison to adult phase I trials, include the necessity for multiinstitutional participation and t
121 denture, retention of compromised teeth, and the necessity for multiple implant surgeries complicate
122 nation could provide the solution and reduce the necessity for multiple injections to achieve immunit
123 son to the BXSB parental strain, emphasizing the necessity for multiple interactions in the productio
124  needed for maintaining fidelity may reflect the necessity for multiple substrate recognition in vivo
125 ssful in treating hepatocellular carcinomas, the necessity for multiple treatments, injection of larg
126                                              The necessity for multiple wash steps for accurate quant
127 nse of cells to drugs, this study emphasizes the necessity for new in vitro cancer models and the use
128 atment discontinuation with current therapy, the necessity for new therapies targeting CML stem cells
129               Overall, our results highlight the necessity for open data sharing to provide a more so
130                                              The necessity for, or redundancy of, distinctive KChIP p
131                                              The necessity for pathogen recognition of viral infectio
132                    These results demonstrate the necessity for peripherin/rds in ROS membrane fusion,
133                                              The necessity for PET attenuation correction required ne
134                                     However, the necessity for polyubiquitination of APOBEC3G in this
135 nducer of homeostatic proliferation, without the necessity for prior immunodepletion.
136 ising target for sensitive detection without the necessity for prior in vitro amplification.
137 se of hypothermia for stroke to date include the necessity for proactive antishivering therapy for su
138                                              The necessity for protection against diverse pathogens,
139 dy administration has limitations, including the necessity for purification and multiple injections f
140         For example, can we definitely prove the necessity for quantum, as opposed to classical, mode
141 ologic fracture, spinal cord compression, or the necessity for radiation or surgery to bone metastasi
142  consequence for the production of fibers is the necessity for realignment by extension in the flow d
143 e sorting and cloning methods by eliminating the necessity for repetitive purification steps and incr
144 nvolvement in these responses does not imply the necessity for resistance to URT infections.
145                          Here we investigate the necessity for retinoic acid in motor neurogenesis fr
146 Our study, therefore, draws attention toward the necessity for rigorous characterization of transdiff
147               This review focuses on some of the necessities for screening: sensitive, specific, and
148                                This supports the necessity for semantic cognition in internal process
149 ed diagnosis for HCM could potentially avoid the necessity for serial echocardiography in many such r
150  via inhibition of glial TLR4 and illustrate the necessity for sex-specific research and individualiz
151                               One problem is the necessity for short- and long-term storage of islets
152 C S1PR2 dependency for chemokine release and the necessity for signal transducer and activator of tra
153 ses to accommodate Mg(2+) and Ca(2+) without the necessity for significant bending of the overall hel
154                           These features and the necessity for significant remodeling of the Prx stru
155  spectrum of BM contribution, we demonstrate the necessity for site-specific expression of stromal-de
156 results explain prior modeling failures with the necessity for somatic LOH in a developmentally regul
157 de the development of new therapies, such as the necessity for spatial and temporal control in neural
158 ergies for catalysis of AdoMet formation and the necessity for subsequent PPP(i) hydrolysis to allow
159 nd the severity of illness, which results in the necessity for surgery, there is little information o
160 wn and Vav1 overexpression each circumvented the necessity for synergy because NKG2D or 2B4 alone bec
161                               To investigate the necessity for T-B cell contact in MRL autoimmunity,
162 idden within national statistics, confirming the necessity for targeted policies and metrics that rea
163                           The data highlight the necessity for temporally and spatially distinct CD4
164 aining the most accurate discrimination, and the necessity for testing discriminatory functions again
165                                 To determine the necessity for the 4-allyl moiety in (+)-2, this subs
166                                              The necessity for the activation of one particular kinas
167 uired for virion maturation and infectivity, the necessity for the C-terminal cleavages of Gag is les
168                           To directly assess the necessity for the combination of neu-specific cellul
169 findings predict and additional data confirm the necessity for the cooperation of multiple integrin a
170                                  Inspired by the necessity for the development of a protein drug of h
171 out the safety of consumers, and it suggests the necessity for the development of a sensitive and a r
172 e in human pathogenic bacteria has increased the necessity for the discovery of novel, yet unexplored
173 in the absence of CD4(+) T cells and support the necessity for the expression of distinct effector me
174 omprised exclusively of encoded amino acids, the necessity for the incorporation of unnatural amino a
175 antations, leading to price fluctuations and the necessity for the industry to find high quality coco
176 n of mitotic cells unnecessary and obviating the necessity for the more technically demanding DNA det
177 h prior neuraminidase treatment highlighting the necessity for the presence of available acceptors wi
178 ranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) to assess the necessity for the short-term retention of spatial in
179 d the splice donor mutation, thus confirming the necessity for the splice donor site for Sag function
180 N, albeit with lower efficiency, challenging the necessity for the Tyr(224) aromatic ring.
181                    Furthermore, we show that the necessity for these two closely related, non-redunda
182 change in its function) that likely explains the necessity for tight co-regulation of the ybgF and to
183 gland during early pregnancy, but underscore the necessity for tight control of this signaling molecu
184                     These findings highlight the necessity for timely antiretroviral care, for suppor
185                                     However, the necessity for translation of genetic changes restric
186 e posterior ROP (kappa = 0.35); moderate for the necessity for treatment (kappa = 0.41); and fair for
187 e posterior ROP (kappa = 0.60), moderate for the necessity for treatment (kappa = 0.47), and substant
188 7% for aggressive posterior ROP, and 25% for the necessity for treatment.
189 e show that B7 deprivation in mice overrides the necessity for Tregs in averting systemic autoimmunit
190                              We propose that the necessity for two distributions is a criterion for c
191                                              The necessity for two types of thioredoxins (Trx f and m
192                                              The necessity for UBE2E3 in RPE proliferation was determ
193 ity to cardiac titins and this may eliminate the necessity for unfolding of Ig domains under physiolo
194 had a percutaneous drainage, and we assessed the necessity for urgent or emergent operation.
195 netic logic scheme at room temperature where the necessity for using a magnetic field clock can be co
196 ing exponential growth due to autolysis, and the necessity for using high starting inocula.
197                           The results showed the necessity for using samples with an original concent
198                                              The necessity for VH 4-34 FR1 explains the almost exclus
199      In the present study, we also addressed the necessity for viral infection and/or replication in
200 nt C-type inactivation involving S4, without the necessity for voltage-dependent opening, allosteric

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