


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e on the origin of mirror neurons, stressing the necessity to abandon the dichotomy between genetic a
2 ypothesis is without foundation, underlining the necessity to accept only similarity of sequence and/
3 ajor challenges facing cancer researchers is the necessity to adequately model the human disease.
4 s of nanomagnetic logic have been limited by the necessity to apply a magnetic field for clocking.
5 ode microwave detectors have been limited by the necessity to apply a magnetic field.
6 ked key benefits at small scales, indicating the necessity to apply models that include finer-grained
7 ristic of all positive-strand RNA viruses is the necessity to assemble viral RNA replication complexe
8                      The study re-emphasises the necessity to avoid inbreeding in captive breeding pr
9 us, while their coactivation may result from the necessity to bind promoters as heterodimers, it may
10 lty of similar discriminations may relate to the necessity to both strengthen rewarded representation
11 olute free energy of the hydride ion without the necessity to calculate it directly.
12 ducing IFN-beta pathways, but also highlight the necessity to check autophagy status upon taking 3-MA
13                 Our meta-analysis highlights the necessity to connect the quantity and quality of cro
14                     These findings highlight the necessity to consider co-contaminant effects when we
15 e at advanced stages of the disease suggests the necessity to consider modulation of the IL-23/Th17 p
16  a G-quadruplex folding funnel and highlight the necessity to consider solvent viscosity in studies o
17 asevarion switching in NTHI pathogenesis and the necessity to considered phasevarion regulation when
18 racterization of the patients, there is also the necessity to determine the drug-clearance properties
19                         Our study highlights the necessity to determine whether primary cells from a
20                                    Moreover, the necessity to develop common instruments and evaluati
21                        The results confirmed the necessity to develop most controls and suggest the i
22                                              The necessity to develop new approaches for craniofacial
23 emia after cessation of HAART and underscore the necessity to develop therapies directed toward such
24 otential to improve recovery, and underscore the necessity to distinguish the role of tonic and phasi
25 idelity and its control has been hampered by the necessity to employ complex DNA templates requiring
26        This eliminates the common problem of the necessity to estimate one or more of the input param
27           Furthermore, this work underscores the necessity to evaluate multiple routes of infection a
28                                   Because of the necessity to exit many CS treated sites due to break
29 ts a high flexibility, and possibly reflects the necessity to expose more ice-binding groups.
30 thin a multidomain protein, achieved without the necessity to express the individual subunits separat
31 mbled particles with spherical symmetry, and the necessity to fill space at uniform density within th
32 e patients developing tuberculosis emphasize the necessity to find new antitubercular targets and dru
33 ay be related to its unique binding site and the necessity to fit its bulky macrocycle into this clef
34 le steps of viral replication cycle indicate the necessity to further investigate BBI as an alternati
35  These techniques have limitations including the necessity to generate separate calibration curves fo
36 al mandates and authority to set priorities, the necessity to greatly improve the quality of care, an
37 ents are by their very nature complicated by the necessity to handle hazardous materials.
38  from experience is used actively, relieving the necessity to hard-wire all connections and allowing
39                                              The necessity to have long molecules for maintaining mec
40 xity of the PTP-PEST interactome underscores the necessity to identify its interacting partners and p
41 d with standard chemotherapy has highlighted the necessity to identify targeted therapies that can im
42 tions of this exciting technology as well as the necessity to identify the mechanisms underlying any
43 ow over the sensing interface (i.e., without the necessity to implement an additional regeneration st
44 nt drawbacks of existing therapies emphasise the necessity to improve therapeutic strategies.
45                  Previous studies have shown the necessity to include protein flexibility in ligand d
46 uses, but this effort is often encumbered by the necessity to initially identify compounds of interes
47           The package particularly addresses the necessity to integrate multiple omics information ar
48 p2 domain contains determinants which confer the necessity to interact with cyclophilin A for efficie
49 tumor cell-microenvironment interactions and the necessity to interpret experiments taking the contex
50 ase (RT) appears to have been constrained by the necessity to maintain function within an asymmetric
51 nd is over-expressed constitutively, without the necessity to manipulate factors such as cell growth
52 complex in HCMV vaccine design and emphasize the necessity to monitor the integrity of the pentameric
53 f possible chemical modifications highlights the necessity to obtain structural information about the
54 ctivity to promote H5N1 infection underlines the necessity to optimize management strategies for a pl
55          A common feature of this process is the necessity to pass through the plant cell wall, an im
56 plication of this modification is limited by the necessity to prepare corresponding acylated tRNA by
57      This difficulty is often exacerbated by the necessity to prepare the sample in the appropriate s
58          To balance the need for copper with the necessity to prevent accumulation to toxic levels, c
59 ans, complex surgical technical demands, and the necessity to prevent long-term complications.
60  were only partially congruent, underscoring the necessity to probe HCMV immunomodulation using speci
61  challenge to developing a dengue vaccine is the necessity to produce fairly uniform protective immun
62  with raised expectations of next of kin and the necessity to provide early predictions of long-term
63                                     How does the necessity to provide stability with respect to mutat
64  COPs during sun drying and storage indicate the necessity to re-evaluate the processing and storage
65 sociation studies are challenging because of the necessity to realistically model the underlying alle
66                       The results underscore the necessity to reconsider strategies that utilize atte
67 equirement for these structures derives from the necessity to regulate the directionality of recombin
68 o avoid these planetary nitrogen burdens and the necessity to remediate this problem, we foresee the
69 ctions with unsuitable signal levels without the necessity to repeat the analysis.
70 NCX3-AC compared with NCX3-B is in line with the necessity to restore Ca(2+) levels in the sarcoplasm
71 ral composition and fatty acids profile) and the necessity to revalorize and protect its traditional
72 ring the post-hospital transfers, indicating the necessity to review the appropriateness of medicatio
73 onsiderable programmatic implications (e.g., the necessity to screen for iron status before intervent
74 termining ovarian cancer risk, and highlight the necessity to screen for missense alterations as well
75 ng biological mechanisms, but also highlight the necessity to seek optimal regimens of continual oxyt
76                  In particular, we highlight the necessity to simulate the seasonal patterns of heter
77   Using a nonfluorescent acceptor eliminates the necessity to spectrally isolate the donor fluorescen
78 effect sizes of single genetic variants, and the necessity to statistically correct for testing milli
79  times in continuous flow conditions without the necessity to stop the flow.
80  who harbor CD79 mutations also illustrating the necessity to stratify DLBCL patients according to th
81                             This circumvents the necessity to synthesize amino alcohols derived from
82 of even a single large inversion, confirming the necessity to thin SNPs by linkage disequilibrium at
83 sembles, there are downsides, most obviously the necessity to trade-off reversibility against structu
84 d for trained panel in the first lot confirm the necessity to train always before a sensory procedure
85  high cost of colony-stimulating factors and the necessity to treat large numbers of patients who do
86 tual disability disorders, thus highlighting the necessity to understand Las1 regulation and function
87  entering the human body, our data emphasize the necessity to understand the biological role that the
88 nt technologies is steadily growing, driving the necessity to understand the interaction of these new
89  widely used actin-binding domain underlines the necessity to understand their structural interaction
90 of Ezrin in cancer metastasis have increased the necessity to understand this regulatory switch.
91                                  By removing the necessity to use any specific database, OE2GO makes
92 s, often containing similar information, and the necessity to use complicated tools to achieve the de
93 trolled RCTs seem to diverge, which stresses the necessity to use placebo in the control arms of thes
94                                         (ii) The necessity to use powerful oxidants such as ferric ch

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