


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 research directions to advance this field in the next decade.
2 r setting rational ITN coverage targets over the next decade.
3 inevitably lead to substantial progress over the next decade.
4 hcare costs and improve patient outcome over the next decade.
5 he highest standard is an important goal for the next decade.
6  human health in industrialised countries in the next decade.
7  generation of anti-obesity medications over the next decade.
8  and its prevalence will increase greatly in the next decade.
9  hold promise for widespread clinical use in the next decade.
10 edicts a continued rise in liver cancer over the next decade.
11 l number of patients who receive dialysis in the next decade.
12  is expected to increase dramatically during the next decade.
13 kely to lead to important discoveries within the next decade.
14 sion all appeared from our laboratory within the next decade.
15  neural repair may augment rehabilitation in the next decade.
16 st of Jupiter's vortices to disappear within the next decade.
17 gement of gastrointestinal malignancies over the next decade.
18 d 40% of CT infections would be averted over the next decade.
19 ed HCC is likely to continue to increase for the next decade.
20 potential benefits of this technology within the next decade.
21 llomavirus (HPV) may become available within the next decade.
22 xpected to reach epidemic proportions within the next decade.
23 nge many aspects of clinical medicine within the next decade.
24 he greatest effect on clinical practice over the next decade.
25  strategically guide research efforts during the next decade.
26 number of women will experience menopause in the next decade.
27 ring the next 30 years and 32 +/- 12% during the next decade.
28 medical research and health care evolve over the next decade.
29  predicted to be completely sequenced within the next decade.
30 coming homeless or entering foster care over the next decade.
31 will be assigned to most soluble proteins in the next decade.
32 the pre-eminent occupational lung disease in the next decade.
33 markers and therapeutics in dermatology over the next decade.
34 ical focal points for HPV cancer research in the next decade.
35 re substantial and expected to increase over the next decade.
36 ment, with many expected to be introduced in the next decade.
37 ome a potent tool for cancer management over the next decade.
38 t it shapes and forecasts the experiments of the next decade.
39 ects of neuroimmunology will be heading over the next decade.
40 sure worldwide are expected to increase over the next decade.
41 ajor treatment backbone in many cancers over the next decade.
42 ers advances that are likely to occur during the next decade.
43 e planning for the "genomical" challenges of the next decade.
44 0%, overwhelming climate-driven changes over the next decade.
45 ttings, averting 33-46% of HIV infections in the next decade.
46 -condom use) among FSWs and their clients in the next decade.
47 aturization of computational components over the next decade.
48 uld avert 20% (95% UI 8-36) of infections in the next decade.
49 chniques that will become more widespread in the next decade.
50 herapy (RRT) are expected to rise sharply in the next decade.
51 new power plants built in these regions over the next decade.
52 ge in the medical liability environment over the next decade.
53 ced requirement for vascular intervention in the next decade.
54 ining all components to 40 nanometers within the next decade.
55 l be optimised and become established within the next decade.
56  component of patient management and care in the next decade.
57  "how much" will increase our relevance over the next decade.
58 including cures, are now realistic goals for the next decade.
59 re cardiovascular deaths than any other over the next decade.
60 ted to continue to expand significantly over the next decade.
61 gnosis of diseases and disease monitoring in the next decade.
62 d the anticipated advances in their use over the next decade.
63 ities and efforts can make this a reality in the next decade.
64 entia and identifies research priorities for the next decade.
65  diabetes are projected to increase > 50% in the next decade.
66 ation of mechanical circulatory support over the next decade.
67  mitochondrial genetic disease emerging over the next decade.
68 lated into perioperative patient care within the next decade.
69  diagnostic strategies for appendicitis over the next decade.
70 ding indication for liver transplantation in the next decade.
71 rogenesis field is poised to leap forward in the next decade.
72 edicts a global increase of 17% in NCDs over the next decade.
73 n the clinic will most likely be achieved in the next decade.
74  management, and surgical decision-making in the next decade.
75 asy and is the most substantial challenge to the next decade.
76  remain resistant to such shrub expansion in the next decades.
77 new optimism that progress will be made over the next decades.
78 us and expected to continue to increase over the next decades.
79 if we are to realize an effective vaccine in the next decades.
80 derstand how productivity will change within the next decades.
81 rokes and might multiply several-fold during the next decades.
82 es in both drought intensity and duration in the next decades.
83 lent position most probably will continue in the next decades.
84 epicts a bleak future for this organism over the next decades.
85 es increased cardiovascular mortality within the next decades.
86                                           In the next decade, advances in complementary metal-oxide s
87 re supply of pediatric surgeons will be over the next decade and a half and to compare that projected
88                                           In the next decade and beyond, many conceptual and technolo
89 ealth gains that immunisation can achieve in the next decade and beyond--understanding these factors
90 anslational and clinical cancer research for the next decade and made recommendations to achieve that
91 plications will continue to increase through the next decade and will mostly affect those older than
92 reatening to reach epidemic proportions over the next decade, and only a small number of countries ha
93        At 40% coverage of indicated MSM over the next decade, application of CDC guidelines would ave
94                               Priorities for the next decade are described.
95  is expected to become even more urgent over the next decades as a result of increased demand for foo
96 to at least match growth in food demand over the next decade, assuming no major weather anomalies.
97  Izmit earthquake are likely to occur within the next decades beneath the Marmara Sea, south of Istan
98           Lifespans will increase further in the next decade, but a quarter of life expectancy at age
99                    Much progress was made in the next decade, but changing times required founding of
100 d healing and fibrosis will be enriched over the next decade by plethora of new information regarding
101 at sea-ice loss of the magnitude expected in the next decades could substantially impact California's
102        Whether this status is sustained over the next decade depends strongly on meeting increasingly
103 splant waitlist size will remain static over the next decade due to patient dropout.
104  savings offered by MMC and ART over TasP in the next decade, for similar health benefits, challenges
105  chromatin states and time-resolved studies, the next decade holds great promise for hypothesis-drive
106                                              The next decade holds great promise for our understandin
107  out of fuel oil from the shipping sector in the next decade; (ii) natural gas-based fuels (liquefied
108 la of spacecraft are to be sent to Mars over the next decade in an effort to understand the planet's
109 s are predicted to increase significantly in the next decade in low-income and middle-income countrie
110 ent will undoubtedly reap great rewards over the next decade in treating lung diseases.
111 f care' for organ transplant recipients over the next decade?" In a productive 2-day meeting, there w
112                      Important questions for the next decade include identifying the evolutionary for
113 he major goal for prostate cancer imaging in the next decade is more accurate disease characterizatio
114                            The challenge for the next decade is to build the global epidemiological i
115                      The major challenge for the next decade is to chart the many cellular processes
116                            The challenge for the next decade is to simultaneously address questions r
117                                       Within the next decade, it is predicted that more than 90% of t
118  were unremarkable, but during the course of the next decade left anterior temporal atrophy was noted
119 ary valve, and outlines how real-time MRI in the next decade likely will replace x-ray fluoroscopy as
120 lence of cigarette smoking are achieved over the next decade, lung cancer will remain as an all too c
121                                         Over the next decade, MaizeGDB became more sequence driven wh
122 become a "virtual vaccine company," and over the next decade managed a network of public-private and
123                                              The next decade may provide answers to these puzzling is
124                                          For the next decades, mechanochemistry developed slowly; min
125                                         Over the next decade, modeling suggests 94% of infections are
126               As it is estimated that within the next decade more than half of all individuals with c
127     As new genetic tests become available in the next decade, more and more clinicians will have to a
128 will likely clarify these relationships over the next decade, much to the benefit of public health.
129 ommittee (MASC), has drawn up a road map for the next decade of Arabidopsis research to inform scient
130 forts by highlighting strategies for guiding the next decade of research in this area.
131  medicine but rather in the development over the next decades of therapies based on novel biological
132 er sediment starvation and climate change in the next decades of this century or even a few centuries
133 e U.S. $0.875 to $1.23 billion annually over the next decade, of which 12% is currently funded.
134 o drugs will reach the medical mainstream in the next decade or so.
135 therapy may indeed introduce a sea change in the next decade or two.
136 ith clinical expression of mucosal toxicity, the next decade promises to identify new molecular inter
137                                         Over the next decade, rapid advances in our understanding of
138 akers therefore need to be aware that during the next decade recycling is unlikely to substantially c
139 eding program now being initiated will, over the next decades, return C. elephantopus tortoises to Fl
140                                              The next decade should bring further information about t
141                                              The next decade should determine whether chiropractic ma
142                                              The next decade should see an even greater number of inn
143                                              The next decade should see the PPS, and the UM-BBD on wh
144 for girls, and 3.53 [3.04-4.09] for boys) in the next decade than they did after accident-related inj
145 cidence of cancer is on the rise, and within the next decade, the disease is expected to become the l
146                                         Over the next decade, the impact of library synthesis will pl
147                                         Over the next decade, the number of treatments available will
148                                       During the next decade, the value of these therapies, and other
149 use genome editing hold great potential over the next decade to bring real-time in vivo GPCR imaging
150        Sustained monitoring is required over the next decade to elucidate with statistical confidence
151                      Who will step up during the next decade to ensure decision making in countries l
152 lescope offer promising opportunities within the next decade to find the missing dark matter.
153 ironmentalists are urged to work together in the next decade to make the environment a personal issue
154 inquish its historical international lead in the next decade unless such measures are undertaken.
155 an annual rate of decline in TB incidence in the next decade was substantially higher in Texas (3.3%;
156                                           In the next decade, we can anticipate a functional understa
157                                       Within the next decade, we expect to find and study a 'habitabl
158 myocardial infarction and stroke deaths over the next decade, while cessation advice would be expecte
159                                              The next decade will be a crucial period in the public h
160 AIs and AMU in Singapore, repeated PPSs over the next decade will be useful to gauge progress at cont
161 s been well researched over the past decade; the next decade will combine this knowledge with technol
162 ulation and economic growth anticipated over the next decade will exacerbate greenhouse gas emissions
163 equencing programmes in non-model organisms, the next decade will hopefully see these phylogenetic fi
164 tected area management and Ebola prevention, the next decade will see our closest relatives pushed to
165                                              The next decade will witness an explosion of research an
166 lthough recent progress has been impressive, the next decade will yield even more substantial insight
167  million to $97.0 million) investment during the next decade would be needed, which would link an ext
168  the predicted change in surface ocean pH in the next decades would appear to have minimal effect on

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