


コーパス検索結果 ( right1)

1                                                             The present results suggest that (1) alpha1GABAARs, compared
2                                                             The present results suggest that 1) EMD enhances osteoblast a
3 ing residual selection bias and confounding were not large, the present results suggest that a considerable proportion of
4 ehensive data sets, using multiple experimental approaches, the present results suggest that a constrained mixture theory
5 atients are germline heterozygous for mutations in VHL, and the present results suggest that a single wild-type allele fo
6                                                             The present results suggest that AD-like neuropathology exten
7                                                             The present results suggest that additional studies are warra
8                                                             The present results suggest that aerosol phase processing of
9                                                             The present results suggest that autophagy is controlled by t
10                                                             The present results suggest that axoglial alterations at the
11                                                             The present results suggest that both intersubunit interactio
12                                                             The present results suggest that carbonyl probes are capable
13 he suppressive effects of TGF-beta in other in vivo models, the present results suggest that Cbl-b(-/-) Teffs demonstrate
14                                                   Together, the present results suggest that CIP is a critical neural loc
15                                                             The present results suggest that complex life-and-death moral
16                                             Taken together, the present results suggest that cortical hierarchies are bui
17                                                             The present results suggest that disruption of functional con
18 bly indicates the mechanical stimulus to their stereocilia, the present results suggest that distinct low-frequency forwa
19                                                             The present results suggest that ECs coexpress BMP antagonist
20        Together with prior findings with audiogenic stress, the present results suggest that either or both the anterior
21                                                             The present results suggest that elevated PFC levels are asso
22                                                   Together, the present results suggest that empathy seems to rely on neu
23                                                   Together, the present results suggest that gain-of-function mutations i
24                                                             The present results suggest that gammaD-crystallin may polyme
25                                                             The present results suggest that gastric IGLEs are among the
26                                                             The present results suggest that ghrelin might improve cognit
27                                                             The present results suggest that IL-1beta inhibits mitochondr
28                  Taken together with previous observations, the present results suggest that intense or prolonged vagal a
29                                                             The present results suggest that LNP drug products are highly
30                                                             The present results suggest that mimicking glycan complexity
31                                                             The present results suggest that myosin IIIA can spend a majo
32                                                             The present results suggest that olfactory input and olfactor
33                                                             The present results suggest that oseltamivir resistance mutat
34                                                             The present results suggest that PDE4D, in particular long-fo
35               Together with previous inactivation findings, the present results suggest that PL transforms transient amyg
36                                                             The present results suggest that PSII SCs, despite being requ
37         Consistent with the previous computational studies, the present results suggest that reinforcement learning may b
38                                                             The present results suggest that selective inhibition of LPA(
39                                                             The present results suggest that some sources of descending f
40                 Because 5-HT facilitates reversal learning, the present results suggest that stress-induced changes in th
41                                                             The present results suggest that the antimicrobial efficacy o
42                                                             The present results suggest that the claustrum projections ma
43                                                             The present results suggest that the CNS innate immune system
44                                                             The present results suggest that the concept of cell type may
45                                                             The present results suggest that the down-regulation of myosi
46                                                    Although the present results suggest that the lack of functional hippo
47                                                   Together, the present results suggest that the mechanical inflammatory
48                                               Collectively, the present results suggest that the SCN1A polymorphism has m
49                                                             The present results suggest that the usual metastable state c
50                                                             The present results suggest that transgenic overexpression of

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