


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1                                                We undertook the present studies to search for potential factors that are
2 nflammatory functional food ingredients was demonstrated in the present study.
3                                                          In the present study a simple colorimetric sensor should be deve
4                          Taking advantage of these results, the present study aims (i) to show that calorimetry and EINS
5                                                          In the present study an optimization of trienzyme treatment comb
6                                                          In the present study, Calhm1 knockout, Panx1 knockout, and wild-
7                                                             The present study considers two different approaches to obtai
8                                                             The present study demonstrated that a node within MDC, locate
9  differences in hyperalgesic priming.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The present study demonstrates a mechanism that plays a role
10                                                             The present study demonstrates the potential of our experimen
11                                                             The present study establishes a widely prevalent mechanism of
12                                                          In the present study, event-related potential (ERP) and behavior
13                                                             The present study examined the concurrent associations betwee
14                                                             The present study examines how social evaluation shapes views
15                                                             The present study examines this issue by focusing on the role
16                                                 Concluding, the present study found that OCD patients had difficulties wi
17                                                             The present study investigates the effects of alpha-amylase (
18     In contrast, similar evidence for seagrasses is sparse; the present study is a contribution towards filling this gap.
19                                                             The present study is a summary of the current level of the in
20                                                  The aim of the present study is to determine the immunomodulatory effect
21                                                  The aim of the present study is to examine presence of systemic immunore
22                                                  The aim of the present study is to identify microbiota surrounding expos
23                                                       Thus, the present study prospectively assesses bioequivalence betwe
24                                                             The present study provides a detailed analysis of the connect
25      By combining activity clamp with computer simulations, the present study provides a potential explanation for the pa
26                                                             The present study provides mechanistic insights into cooperat
27    Given the relevance of lungfishes in evolutionary terms, the present study provides the first comprehensive and detail
28                                                             The present study reports a drug delivery system comprising n
29                                                             The present study revealed, for the first time, that Rodentia
30 the robust autophagy activity of the Kalpha2-helix peptide, the present study showed that treatment with the Kalpha2 pept
31                                                             The present study shows that HyLIC, which is capable of achie
32                                                          In the present study, ten different DNA extraction methods, incl
33                                                          In the present study, the role of AnxA1 was investigated in L. b
34                                                             The present study was devoted to CyHV-3 VTPs.
35                                     Accordingly, the aim of the present study was to analyze very long-term outcome after
36                                              The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the presence and form of th
37                                                  The aim of the present study was to translate these findings into precli
38                                                  The aim of the present study was to understand to what extent the inclus
39                                                          In the present study we explore the role of AP-2, a key endocyti
40                                                          In the present study we report that among PLK family members, PL
41                                                          In the present study, we characterized the effect of PKM2 deleti
42                                                          In the present study, we describe for the first time the presenc
43                                 To address this deficit, in the present study, we established an in vitro mouse brain sli
44                                                          In the present study, we evaluated the effect of dietary salt in
45                                                          In the present study, we hypothesized that macrophages and their
46                                                          In the present study, we provide a detailed picture of the BM va
47                                                          In the present study, we retrogradely transported dye from the c
48                                                          In the present study, we show evidence indicating that SIDT1 and
49                                                          In the present study, we show that a reduced BCAA diet promotes
50                                                          In the present study, we show, in a quad-transgenic model, that

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