


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1 annual variability, a 25% load reduction is required before there is 95% certainty of observing any hypoxic area reductio
2                                       In south east England there is a 7% chance of exceeding the current rainfall record
3 ackled almost exclusively by macroscopic techniques so far, there is a clear need for local-probe measurements.
4                                                             There is a decrease in 2- and 3-linked arabinose oligosacchar
5                                                    However, there is a fundamental gap in our quantitative understanding
6                                                  Obviously, there is a general trend of predominance of Phax conformer in
7 , and although some cases may respond initially to therapy, there is a high incidence of CLAD and poor survival after AMR
8  radiotherapy is often encountered in cancer treatment, and there is a lack of effective treatment.
9                                                    However, there is a lack of knowledge as to which drug pharmacokinetic
10                                                    However, there is a lack of real-world data to support this estimate.
11                                                             There is a lack of simple and validated severity assessments
12 , TS8 is key to understanding the potential energy surface; there is a low barrier for the pseudopericylic [1,3]-NO shift
13                                                             There is a need for a more refined, molecularly based classif
14                                                             There is a need for new greener materials (than for example p
15 tudy of dynamic regulation of protein interactions in vivo, there is a need for techniques that can yield time-resolved i
16                                                             There is a need to develop efficient statistical methods and
17                                                             There is a need to develop methods that are robust to platfor
18                                               Despite this, there is a paucity of information regarding characteristics o
19 tion of a fluorescent noncanonical amino acid, we show that there is a rearrangement in the eag domain-CNBHD interaction
20                                                             There is a striking enrichment of longer-range interactions c
21  affected in seipin2 seipin3 and triple seipin mutants, but there is a striking increase in seed dormancy levels.
22                                                             There is also evidence of herd protection against the vaccine
23 nd characteristics, which accounts for sex differences, but there is also evidence to support underlying genetic variance
24 eral species, and also at the aggregate level (G); however, there is ambiguous evidence for the existence of g when analy
25                                                             There is an increasing appreciation for the role of the human
26                                Our aim being to consider if there is an overall differential control of fR and VT that ap
27                                              In particular, there is an unmet need in rapid, reliable detection of short
28                                                  Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop a high-throughput and effi
29                                                             There is an urgent need to develop an efficacious and afforda
30                                                    However, there is an urgent need to rigorously estimate actual mortali
31 idual behaviour under natural conditions is challenging and there is currently little data from the wild.
32 ossible to identify multiple disease-related mutations, but there is currently no systematic framework for translating th
33                                                             There is evidence implicating the role of female sex hormones
34 nism of cyclization within the enzyme active site; however, there is evidence that conformational restriction of the subs
35                     535 Acknowledgements 536 References 536 There is growing evidence that life has been on land for bill
36                                                             There is growing interest in utilizing antibody-dependent cel
37                                                             There is limited understanding of the associations between sy
38 ar event affecting most individuals in an aging population, there is little consensus regarding its precise anatomic defi
39                                                             There is little room for cropland expansion to increase produ
40                                                     To date there is no clear information on the role of VEGF-A in IPF.
41 ry, competing causes of death may diminish the benefit, and there is no evidence to recommend screening in this group.
42                                                  Currently, there is no generally accepted model to predict outcomes in s
43 amplitude of oscillations start to decay immediately, since there is no means to restitute the energy dissipated.
44                                                    To date, there is no regenerative treatment available.
45                                                             There is no support for the adaptive coevolution of the Galph
46                                                             There is still a high rate of short-term mortality and compli
47                                    Recent studies show that there is sufficient cone structure remaining in the central f
48                                                  We believe there is sufficient evidence to support referring or daily mo
49                                       Our results show that there is variability for circadian traits in the wild barley
50                                                             There is widespread interest in the relationship between the

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