


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                                              These data demonstrate that 5-HT2 receptors can form fun
2                                  Altogether, these data demonstrate that 6E11 is a novel potent small
3                                     Together these data demonstrate that a clutch-like mechanism betw
4                               In conclusion, these data demonstrate that a complex regulatory network
5                                              These data demonstrate that a more comprehensive analysi
6                                              These data demonstrate that a mutation in GAS carrier st
7                                              These data demonstrate that a single intramuscular admin
8                                              These data demonstrate that a strictly enteric helminth
9 producing strains of C. carbonum Analyses of these data demonstrate that acetylation is a widespread
10                                              These data demonstrate that ACKR2 is an important regula
11                                              These data demonstrate that activation of the TLR9 pathw
12                                              These data demonstrate that activity in the vHipp-mPFC p
13                                              These data demonstrate that ADAR1 promotes malignant reg
14                                     Overall, these data demonstrate that Aha1 contributes to tau fibr
15                                              These data, demonstrating that albumin and calcium act s
16                                              These data demonstrate that Aldo promotes increased inte
17                                              These data demonstrate that alpha-toxin is highly conser
18                                              These data demonstrate that alpha2M* and LRP1 modulate t
19                                              These data demonstrate that although chronic infection g
20                                              These data demonstrate that alveolar macrophages may pla
21                              Taken together, these data demonstrate that ALX, through its dual action
22                                              These data demonstrate that an ASD risk gene alters the
23                                    Together, these data demonstrate that an atypical TLR7 signaling p
24                                              These data demonstrate that an axis involving IL-33 and
25                                Collectively, these data demonstrate that an orally available selectiv
26                                              These data demonstrate that antigens identified by serol
27                                              These data demonstrate that arginine flux preserves cell
28                                              These data demonstrate that AS160 has a direct role in l
29                                              These data demonstrate that Ascl2 inhibits myogenic diff
30  cortical responses to afferent stimulation, these data demonstrate that auditory cortical inhibition
31                                              These data demonstrate that automated digital analysis c
32                                              These data demonstrate that BCD inhibits CC-induced infl
33                                              These data demonstrate that BLA-->OFC projections enable
34                                              These data demonstrate that bNAb-mediated protection aga
35                                              These data demonstrate that both genes, bbb22 and bbb23,
36                                    Together, these data demonstrate that both LRL and RSL genes are c
37                                              These data demonstrate that both Pak2 kinase activity an
38                                    Together, these data demonstrate that both tumor-derived and de no
39                                              These data demonstrate that BRD7 is involved in male inf
40                                              These data demonstrate that breaching peripheral toleran
41                                              These data demonstrate that by interacting with desmopla
42                                Collectively, these data demonstrate that C3a and C5a, via direct sign
43                                    Together, these data demonstrate that C9-related toxicity can be m
44                                              These data demonstrate that CCL2 is a potent effector of
45                                              These data demonstrate that CD47mAb blockade decreases I
46                                    Together, these data demonstrate that cell death upon Munc18-1, sy
47                                    Together, these data demonstrate that cell-seeded engineered discs
48                                              These data demonstrate that CHI3L1-dependent pathways ex
49                                    Together, these data demonstrate that CHMI leads to previously una
50                                              These data demonstrate that chronic ethanol exposure pro
51                                              These data demonstrate that chronic, continuous administ
52                                              These data demonstrate that CIC maintains T-cell homeost
53                                              These data demonstrate that class switch-competent anti-
54                                              These data demonstrate that cNIC can increase silent syn
55                                              These data demonstrate that cobalamin may function as an
56                                              These data demonstrate that cocaine leaves a long-lastin
57                                              These data demonstrate that collagen can suppress the T
58                                              These data demonstrate that complex magma reservoirs wit
59                                    Together, these data demonstrate that cortical remodeling during y
60                                              These data demonstrate that CRISPR-Cas9 can be used to g
61                                              These data demonstrate that crystal structures of isolat
62                              Taken together, these data demonstrate that CTL-driven escape mutations
63                                              These data demonstrate that cytolytic induction therapy,
64                                              These data demonstrate that DDR1 is a key modulator of R
65                                              These data demonstrate that dendritic spine stabilizatio
66                                     Overall, these data demonstrate that dental plaque eDNA is potent
67                                              These data demonstrate that, depending on an individual'
68                                              These data demonstrate that, despite shared property of
69                                Collectively, these data demonstrate that DH E2 treatment elicits ERK-
70                                              These data demonstrate that different alleles of the sam
71                                              These data demonstrate that disruption of normal HA cata
72                                  Altogether, these data demonstrate that DNA methylation changes, inc
73                                              These data demonstrate that, during normal lung maturati
74                                              These data demonstrate that, during water deficit, plant
75                                              These data demonstrate that dynamic changes of a pro-inf
76                                Collectively, these data demonstrate that EC-derived jagged-2 activate
77                                              These data demonstrated that eCig exposure has profound
78                                    Together, these data demonstrate that ECs are the predominant sour
79                                              These data demonstrate that EDN2-induced intraovarian co
80                                              These data demonstrate that effector-associated epigenet
81                                              These data demonstrate that enamel cells have SOCE media
82                                              These data demonstrate that endocytic receptors expresse
83                                Collectively, these data demonstrate that endogenous NTS GLP-1R signal
84                                              These data demonstrate that endogenous polyclonal anti-c
85                                     Together these data demonstrate that endophilin is a multifaceted
86                                    Together, these data demonstrate that EphB2 signaling not only mod
87                                Collectively, these data demonstrate that epigenetic repression of miR
88                                              These data demonstrate that Epstein-Barr virus and possi
89                                              These data demonstrate that ERG is an essential regulato
90                                              These data demonstrate that escape from VRC01 class anti
91                              Taken together, these data demonstrate that ex-miRNA mimics (miR-34a, -1
92                                              These data demonstrate that exchanging the recognition m
93                                    Together, these data demonstrate that exposure to PTSD-like trauma
94                                    Together, these data demonstrate that exRNA of cardiac origin exhi
95                                              These data demonstrate that extraglomerular renin lineag
96                                              These data demonstrate that FABP4/aP2 directly regulates
97                                              These data demonstrate that FAK plays an essential role
98                                              These data demonstrate that ferroptosis can be targeted
99                                              These data demonstrate that filopodial Ca(2+) signals re
100                                              These data demonstrate that fluvastatin is a potent supp
101                                              These data demonstrate that formation and release of HDV
102                                              These data demonstrate that functional vaccine-elicited
103                                              These data demonstrate that GALGT2 overexpression can re
104                                              These data demonstrate that GEMM tumors exhibit relative
105                                              These data demonstrate that general use of implantable h
106                                    Together, these data demonstrate that genome-edited HSPCs engraft,
107                                    Together, these data demonstrate that glutaminolysis is a critical
108                                              These data demonstrate that GRP-GRPR signaling is necess
109                                              These data demonstrate that GSG1L represents a new class
110                                    Together, these data demonstrate that H2A.Z is required for effici
111                                              These data demonstrate that haploinsufficiency for Dnmt3
112                                              These data demonstrate that Hdac7 suppresses proliferati
113                                              These data demonstrate that HJURP selectively recruits t
114                                Collectively, these data demonstrate that homeostasis of carnosine and
115                                    Together, these data demonstrate that HpHtrA plays an important ro
116                                              These data demonstrate that HSPGs are important cellular
117                                              These data demonstrate that IFT52 is essential for anter
118                                              These data demonstrate that IGF2BP1 is a potential oncog
119                                              These data demonstrate that IL-25 is critical for host p
120                                              These data demonstrate that IL-33 contributes to hepatic
121                                Collectively, these data demonstrate that IL-33 plays a critical role
122                                              These data demonstrate that IL-4 contributes to IL-10 pr
123                                    Together, these data demonstrate that Ilk controls branching morph
124                                              These data demonstrate that, in addition to Notch and Wn
125                                              These data demonstrate that individual variability in th
126                                              These data demonstrate that influenza vaccination promot
127                                              These data demonstrate that inhibition of TLR4 signaling
128                                    Combined, these data demonstrate that initial suppression of the T
129                                              These data demonstrate that intrapatient tacrolimus vari
130                                              These data demonstrate that intrinsic disorder in CcdA p
131                                  In summary, these data demonstrate that IRAK-4 is essential for inna
132                              Taken together, these data demonstrate that kidney compensation, induced
133                                              These data demonstrate that Kif26b, together with Dvl3/D
134                                              These data demonstrate that kinase-dependent signal prop
135 detection of KLKI MHV68 reactivation ex vivo These data demonstrate that kLANA and mLANA are function
136                                              These data demonstrate that Klf5 suppresses Fgf4-Fgfr-ER
137                                     Overall, these data demonstrate that learning produces robust cAM
138                                              These data demonstrate that LPS P. gingivalis stimulates
139                                              These data demonstrate that LRRC8 proteins together cons
140                                              These data demonstrate that LytA has pleiotropic effects
141                                              These data demonstrate that M type-specific and cross-re
142                                    Together, these data demonstrate that M. ulcerans infection causes
143                                    Together, these data demonstrate that M2-like macrophages critical
144                                              These data demonstrate that manufacturing a defined-comp
145                                              These data demonstrate that many regulatory regions cont
146                                              These data demonstrate that mean DBP >/=25 mm Hg during
147                                              These data demonstrate that memory for augmented PS-spec
148                                              These data demonstrate that mere recruitment of peripher
149                                              These data demonstrate that mGlu3 mediates stress-induce
150                                              These data demonstrate that mice with an endogenous IL-1
151                                              These data demonstrate that miR-181b and Card10 are impo
152                                     Overall, these data demonstrate that miR-29a is critical for main
153                              Taken together, these data demonstrate that MLL1 inhibition may be a pow
154                                    Together, these data demonstrate that MMP-13 is critical for the d
155                                              These data demonstrate that MNO people are resistant, wh
156                                              These data demonstrate that modulating Ryrs has neuropro
157                                              These data demonstrate that mRGCs drive a light-dependen
158                                              These data demonstrate that multiple pathogenic strains
159                                              These data demonstrate that multiple, parallel DNA damag
160                                   Altogether these data demonstrate that mutations in INPP5K cause a
161                                              These data demonstrate that N. gonorrhoeae filamentous p
162                                Collectively, these data demonstrate that naive CD8(+) T cells express
163                                Collectively, these data demonstrate that neuronal activity gives rise
164                                              These data demonstrate that neuroretinal expression of L
165                                              These data demonstrate that newly recruited MAC387(+)Brd
166                                              These data demonstrate that NFU3 is involved in the asse
167                                              These data demonstrate that NLRP3 activation and IL-1bet
168                                    Together, these data demonstrate that NLRP3 inflammasome, through
169                                              These data demonstrate that Nlrp6 functions with Dhx15 a
170                                              These data demonstrate that nucleoside-modified mRNA-LNP
171                                     Overall, these data demonstrate that O3-derived oxysterols have p
172                                              These data demonstrate that obese adolescents have impai
173                                    Together, these data demonstrate that our AuNRs-PPTT platform is e
174                                    Together, these data demonstrate that oxidation of KCNB1 channels
175                                              These data demonstrate that oxidative growth of goethite
176                                Collectively, these data demonstrate that oxLDL ICs induce inflammasom
177                                    Together, these data demonstrate that P. aeruginosa impairs the ab
178                                              These data demonstrate that p11 located in ChAT or D2R-c
179                                    Together, these data demonstrate that P2X7 plays a critical role i
180                                              These data demonstrate that P2Y receptor activation stim
181                                              These data demonstrate that palmitoylation of SynDIG1 is
182                                              These data demonstrate that pancreatic ductal cells, whe
183                                    Together, these data demonstrate that Par1a/b has a key role in gl
184                                              These data demonstrate that PD-L1 selectively enhances T
185                                              These data demonstrate that PEITC regulates chromatin bi
186                                              These data demonstrate that perinatal exposure to DDT ca
187                                              These data demonstrate that PGC and CVM cell migrations
188                                              These data demonstrate that phasic DA is released during
189                                Collectively, these data demonstrated that phosphorylation of the M2-1
190                              Taken together, these data demonstrate that PKC-mediated lamin phosphory
191                                    Together, these data demonstrate that PmtA is a key component of G
192                                     Together these data demonstrate that pol beta contains a specific
193                                              These data demonstrate that pomalidomide leads to strong
194                                   Altogether these data demonstrate that PPA2 is an essential gene in
195                                              These data demonstrated that prenatal DES exposure can c
196                                              These data demonstrate that progesterone mediates a phen
197                                              These data demonstrate that protracted endogenous fibrin
198                                              These data demonstrated that PXR regulated pathogen-indu
199                                Collectively, these data demonstrate that radiotherapy can upregulate
200                                              These data demonstrate that RAGE drives tumor progressio
201                                              These data demonstrate that, regardless of the transgene
202                                    Together, these data demonstrate that RELMalpha but not RELMbeta s
203                                              These data demonstrate that residues R128 and R129 are c
204                                    Together, these data demonstrate that response selectivity is pres
205                                              These data demonstrate that REV-ERBalpha-mediated inhibi
206                                              These data demonstrated that RMs can be used to investig
207                                              These data demonstrate that rs58542926 (E167K) and rs187
208                                              These data demonstrate that S-type strains, which are mo
209                                  Altogether, these data demonstrate that screams occupy a privileged
210                              Taken together, these data demonstrate that SEC23B but not SEC23A is ess
211                                 Furthermore, these data demonstrate that self-antigens that are expre
212                                    Together, these data demonstrate that SEPP1 influences inflammator
213                                              These data demonstrate that sequestration and impairment
214                                     Together these data demonstrate that SFPQ orchestrates spatial ge
215                                              These data demonstrate that short-duration administratio
216                                              These data demonstrate that Siglec-8 functions uniquely
217                                Collectively, these data demonstrate that siLP ILCs are not completely
218                                              These data demonstrate that similar to murine bone marro
219                              Taken together, these data demonstrate that, similar to food and cocaine
220                                              These data demonstrate that similarly sized tumors can p
221                                              These data demonstrate that skin vaccine delivery using
222                                    Together, these data demonstrate that sleep plays a more fundament
223 t SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV replication in vitro These data demonstrate that specific approved drugs can
224                                              These data demonstrate that specific CAR T cell effector
225                                              These data demonstrate that SPX-101 promotes durable red
226                                              These data demonstrate that SPZ1, a newly dscribed molec
227                                    Together, these data demonstrate that Sre1 and Mga2 are each regul
228                                Collectively, these data demonstrate that STAT1 is a key orchestrator
229                                              These data demonstrate that STAT3-dependent transcriptio
230                                Collectively, these data demonstrate that steroid-sensitive mPOA neuro
231                                              These data demonstrate that stress-induced drug seeking
232                                              These data demonstrate that structural modification of t
233                              Taken together, these data demonstrate that sustained SERT loss of funct
234                                    Together, these data demonstrate that SUV39H1 inhibition and the c
235                                     Together these data demonstrate that synchronized activation of t
236                                              These data demonstrate that T cell-specific activation o
237                                              These data demonstrate that Tcf7l2 plays a cell autonomo
238                                              These data demonstrate that Tet1-mediated DNA hydroxymet
239                                    Together, these data demonstrate that TET2 is an important regulat
240                                              These data demonstrate that TFR cells are highly permiss
241                                              These data demonstrate that the 5-HT abnormalities in di
242                                Collectively, these data demonstrate that the addition of a vaccine wi
243                                              These data demonstrate that the adjuvanted Env protein b
244                                Collectively, these data demonstrate that the cAMP-PKA pathway plays a
245                                              These data demonstrate that the CD4(+) T-cell compartmen
246                                              These data demonstrate that the cefoxitin surrogate test
247                                              These data demonstrate that the coevolution of LHCPs and
248                                              These data demonstrate that the CP gate is a key negativ
249                                              These data demonstrate that the CXCR2 network and CXCL4
250                                              These data demonstrate that the defect in Treg homeostas
251                                              These data demonstrate that the EILV host range restrict
252                              Taken together, these data demonstrate that the fetal metabolism is impa
253                                  Altogether, these data demonstrate that the force-dependent alpha-ca
254                                              These data demonstrate that the formation of hPSC-derive
255                                              These data demonstrate that the full effect of insulin o
256 sses and root hairs in angiosperms [13, 14], these data demonstrate that the function of RSL class I
257                                              These data demonstrate that the HIF-1alpha/VEGF-A axis i
258                              Taken together, these data demonstrate that the immunological function o
259                                              These data demonstrate that the iNap sensors will be val
260                                              These data demonstrate that the induction of death recep
261                                              These data demonstrate that the integrin-regulated Arg k
262                                              These data demonstrate that the interplay between PccA a
263                                              These data demonstrate that the manner and ratio with wh
264                                    Together, these data demonstrate that the miR-23b/-27b cluster fun
265                                              These data demonstrate that the N terminus of the VACV E
266                                              These data demonstrate that the novel NTR1-targeting the
267                                              These data demonstrate that the NOX5-p22phox complex dri
268                                              These data demonstrate that the NSP4 VPD is a Ca(2+)-con
269                                              These data demonstrate that the p.P50T substitution of A
270                                    Together, these data demonstrate that the palatable meal-inducible
271                                Collectively, these data demonstrate that the post-translational modif
272 ysis indicated the predominance of PPARgamma These data demonstrate that the PPARgamma regulatory net
273                              Taken together, these data demonstrate that the protein kinase activity
274                                    Combined, these data demonstrate that the prrF-encoded sRNAs are c
275                                Collectively, these data demonstrate that the risk of renal disease as
276                                              These data demonstrate that the SEC2 translocase likely
277                                              These data demonstrate that the slan-based definition of
278                                    Together, these data demonstrate that the small intestinal GALT ar
279                              Taken together, these data demonstrate that the SMC5/6 complex is essent
280                                    Together, these data demonstrate that the spatiotemporal control o
281                                              These data demonstrate that the split GFP-COase provides
282                                  In summary, these data demonstrate that the sulfation of the CS chai
283                                              These data demonstrate that the synbody approach can gen
284                                              These data demonstrate that the time when CD4(+)T cell h
285                                              These data demonstrate that the unique leaf structure en
286                                              These data demonstrate that the VMHvl can mediate both a
287                                              These data demonstrates that the transcription regulator
288                                              These data demonstrate that therapeutic treatment modula
289                                              These data demonstrate that there are separate, but over
290                                              These data demonstrate that thrombospondin-1 exerts CD47
291                                  In summary, these data demonstrate that toxicity was the most common
292                                              These data demonstrate that TP is a distinct clinical en
293                                              These data demonstrate that tPA activates PPK in plasma
294                                    In total, these data demonstrate that trNK cells play a key role i
295                                              These data demonstrate that type II JAK inhibition is a
296                                    Together, these data demonstrate that UCP2 controls pancreas devel
297                                              These data demonstrate that vaccination with heterologou
298                                              These data demonstrated that VHSV M plays an important r
299                              Taken together, these data demonstrated that we had developed a novel cl
300                                Collectively, these data demonstrate that WSMV- and TriMV-encoded CP a

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