


コーパス検索結果 ( left1)

1                                                             These data show that ablation of Rom1 results in the conversi
2                                                             These data show that afterimage drifts in the Taylor illusion
3                                                             These data show that ammonia is not only a secreted waste pro
4                                                             These data show that an ancient divergence allowed for the em
5                                                             These data show that Angptl4 does not link glucagon receptor
6                                                             These data show that anti-vimentin autoreactivity is prevalen
7                                                             These data show that antigen-specific B lymphocytes and T lym
8                                                             These data show that CD4(+) T(Pam3) cells are capable of Th1
9                                                             These data show that common genetic variability has a role in
10                                                             These data show that commonly accepted anatomical representat
11                                                             These data show that deficiency of APA increases susceptibili
12                                                             These data show that early activation of the neurokinin-1 rec
13                                                             These data show that GATA3 abundance regulates the recombinat
14                                                             These data show that hematopoietic stress, including granuloc
15                                                             These data show that Hodgkinia genome degradation has proceed
16                                                             These data show that HUVECs secrete neurotrophic factors that
17                                                             These data show that liver fat is more important than the ass
18                                                             These data show that loss of sacsin effects the organization
19                                                             These data show that microbial colonization during early life
20                                                             These data show that mIndy is increased in liver of obese hum
21                                                             These data show that MYO5B deficiency may lead to isolated ch
22                                                             These data show that nanoscale changes in surface topology ar
23                                                             These data show that scheduled feeding can improve cognitive
24                                                             These data show that speech comprehension is constrained by c
25                                                             These data show that spinal cord pathology significantly cont
26                                                             These data show that the extent of TNFAIP3 expression in DCs
27                                                             These data show that the innate response of infected keratino
28                                                             These data show that the normal distribution of surface glyco
29                                                             These data show that the potential of p53 targeted therapies
30                                                             These data show that the preconditioned cue in our procedure
31                                                             These data show that the quality control function of IleRS is
32                                                             These data show that topical application of 0.5% PVI could pr
33                                                             These data show that TTNtv have molecular and physiological e
34                                                             These data show that VSIG4 negatively regulates macrophage ac
35                                                             These data show that Wag31 is likely not the direct target of
36                                                 Altogether, these data show that concurrent Meth and mating experience ca
37                                                 Altogether, these data show that disruption of CLOCK alters cortical circ
38                                               Collectively, these data show that a virus can acquire genes encoding nutri
39                                               Collectively, these data show that GCGR antibody inhibition represents a po
40                                               Collectively, these data show that glucocorticoids act directly on activate
41                                               Collectively, these data show that GS-9620 can activate HIV production and
42                                               Collectively, these data show that ROCK2 activation induces malignancy in r
43  regulated by cholesterol-rich "lipid rafts." Collectively, these data show that RIDalpha utilizes ORP1L in a way that is
44                                             INTERPRETATION: These data show that circulating exosomes have a distinct RNA
45                                             INTERPRETATION: These data show that molecular mechanisms of atrophy and rege
46                                                    Overall, these data show that AA9 LPMOs can display different apparent
47                                                 In summary, these data show that neurodegenerative disease enhances the d
48                                                   Together, these data show that leptin regulates synaptic transmission a
49                                                   Together, these data show that mast cells sense colder temperatures, re
50                                                   Together, these data show that rudimentary multicellularity is deeply r

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