


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 herefore potentially undermines the authors' thesis.
2 graphic differences extend and qualify C&C's thesis.
3 nvironment offer an opportunity to test this thesis.
4 eries of in vivo experiments to explore this thesis.
5 e completed within the scope of a single PhD thesis.
6 principal component analysis, supported this thesis.
7  code, which also became the basis of my PhD thesis.
8        These findings support the redundancy thesis.
9 missing, we argue, is a positive, generative thesis about associative learning mechanisms and how the
10                                          The thesis advanced here is that we are initiating treatment
11 ts of likely voters are consistent with this thesis, and directly contradict one major prediction fro
12  in older adults, others do not support this thesis, and further definition of the risk-factor concep
13 ing an investor, seek those whose investment thesis, areas of expertise and desired company stage (ea
14 rella of convenient truths that support this thesis as well as some inconvenient truths that are not
15 setts General Hospital as part of her senior thesis at Radcliffe College, and Herb was returning from
16   We now provide additional support for this thesis by presenting an in-depth analysis of some condit
17                    This article extends this thesis by reviewing the central role of ASCO in these ev
18 ound affects one's science, but I think that thesis can also be exaggerated.
19               Despite the importance of this thesis, confounding factors in observational data have m
20 f Conference Abstracts, the Dissertation and Thesis Database, and the National Registry of Research.
21 get article offers a negative, eliminativist thesis, dissolving the specialness of mirroring processe
22  7) and a major deviation from the null hypo thesis for LRRFIP1 [leucine-rich repeat (in FLII) intera
23 h cells vulnerable to damage and providing a thesis for the selective loss of small, but not large, b
24                                         This thesis, framed by variations in the behavior of small-ho
25                          Thus, the geometric thesis gives the best account of the available evidence.
26                                     My Ph.D. thesis in the laboratory of Severo Ochoa at New York Uni
27                                          The thesis is developed that the mechanisms that control tra
28                  The induced intensification thesis is reviewed and tested for 265 households in 6 vi
29                                  Our general thesis is that the scientific practices of experimental
30                                          Our thesis is that these two distinctive features of humans
31                                 However, our thesis is that they provide a more accurate and powerful
32                This third "continental axis" thesis is the most difficult of Diamond's several explan
33                                        F&S's thesis is wrong.
34 s and to apply this knowledge to selecting a thesis laboratory, and second, to cultivate an education
35 hallenged by ways of testing Van de Vliert's thesis more generally using playfulness as a surrogate f
36                              To examine this thesis, N- and C-terminal StrepII-tagged beta under the
37                           In support of this thesis, Na2N2O3 was markedly more toxic to human fibrobl
38 a test of one observable implication of this thesis, namely that linguistic diversity should be more
39 ften concisely and intuitively highlight key thesis of a research article.
40 hrough a test of the induced intensification thesis of agricultural change.
41 writers have turned to a classic degradation thesis of deforestation and presumed desertification wit
42 al operon; (ii) genes involved in the biosyn-thesis of extracellular polysaccharides including group
43                                          The thesis of the paper is to place emphasis on this importa
44                         Contrary to the main thesis of the space-charge model, there exists no eviden
45 ct encoding of numerosity and undermines the thesis of the target article that "continuous magnitudes
46              Most commentators supported the thesis of the target article, though there were also tho
47                                          The thesis of this Review is that the encephalopathy of prem
48                                          The thesis of this review is that the presence of gap juncti
49 and/or collapse is far more complex than the thesis permits, and uncritical adoption of such simplifi
50                                          The thesis presented here is that biomedical research is bas
51 anized intact fibres are consistent with the thesis previously proposed from studies on Ca2+-activate
52                                          The thesis proposed in this paper is that realistic estimati
53                           The ultrasociality thesis proposes that the same "mechanistic evolutionary
54                         Fatty acid synthesis thesis shifted towards shorter chains in progeny express
55    On the other hand, Zwegers' 2002 doctoral thesis showed that all of Ramanujan's examples are holom
56                                         This thesis suggests that a severe liver oxidant injury would
57 oreover, they provide strong support for the thesis that a blockade to normal differentiation is an i
58 l expansion model we propose is based on the thesis that a series of mutational hits (1st Hit) at the
59   The present micropuncture studies test the thesis that albumin infusion depresses proximal reabsorp
60  caused by high-fat feeding and supports the thesis that AMPK alpha2 is an important target for the p
61                                 Based on the thesis that apoptosis of biliary epithelial cells (BECs)
62  recurrence (IBTR) in such women, and by the thesis that both modalities might be more effective than
63 el is not universally correct in its central thesis that cancer cell death is inevitable after loss o
64                               We develop the thesis that capacitive relaxation processes of any origi
65                         Our data support the thesis that chaperonins GroEL/GroES mediate iterative an
66               We present data supporting the thesis that codon choices for human genes are largely a
67                         The data support the thesis that distinct functional sequences in a large pol
68                        Here, I expand on the thesis that diversity is maintained by the interaction b
69                                          The thesis that EPA impacts on anabolism, immune function, a
70 as the age of the participants, based on the thesis that estrogen in recently menopausal women could
71        We believe available data support the thesis that HA can improve performance in cool condition
72        We believe available data support the thesis that HA can improve performance in cool condition
73 ignificantly faster than HbA, supporting the thesis that heme electronics (i.e. redox potential) cont
74                      This study supports the thesis that HER-2/neu can be rate-limiting for the malig
75 -ras gene and provide further support to the thesis that K-ras allele itself is a primary mouse lung
76                       These data support the thesis that local adenosine generated by cells at the in
77     The results are thus consistent with the thesis that MDMA consumption causes 5-HT impairment in h
78                        They also support the thesis that membrane-spanning domains possess a sequence
79 atures, taken together, strongly support the thesis that metallabenzenes represent a new class of aro
80                Our finding also supports the thesis that molecular mimicry may be implicated in the i
81                Clinical trials supported the thesis that operable cancer is a systemic disease and th
82 y high frequency of AMAs in ALF supports the thesis that oxidative stress-induced liver damage may le
83 helium of patients with PBC, and support the thesis that PBC originated from either a mucosal challen
84 th environmental temperature and support the thesis that posttranscriptional modification is a univer
85 factors and replication proteins support the thesis that promoter elements may have a role in DNA rep
86                         Our data support the thesis that RANTES, MIP-1alpha, and MIP-1beta production
87         Llewellyn develops the more specific thesis that rapid eye movement (REM) dreams, because of
88 ngle, novel events, thereby violating Hume's thesis that spatiotemporal cooccurrence from prior exper
89 mulations and field observations support the thesis that speciation by ecotypification is occurring,
90   Taken together, our work here supports the thesis that stabilizing non-toxic conformers of a plasti
91             These novel findings support the thesis that the CXCR4-mediated chemorepellent activity o
92                      The results support the thesis that the increased uptake of uridine in cells tre
93                 We provide arguments for the thesis that the relationship between quantitative kineti
94 iseased kidney for the most part support the thesis that these nephrons retain their essential functi
95 ommon event in human liver and supported the thesis that this may contribute to the induction/mainten
96                      This study supports the thesis that, in preneoplastic stages such as hyperplasia
97                   Consistent with this hypo- thesis, the ATPgammaS effects were both time- and concen
98  aspect of cancer and, contrary to Halsted's thesis, the bloodstream is of considerable importance in
99 e article was an unpublished dissertation or thesis, the mean age of participants was older than 18 y
100 notype." According to the "Strong Minimalist Thesis," the key distinguishing feature of language (and
101 ped two low-cost programs--"Present Your PhD Thesis to a 12-Year-Old" and "Shadow a Scientist"--that
102                         Cassel's provocative thesis was anchored in a cogent synthesis of findings fr
103                          Unfortunately, this thesis was formed around several misunderstandings about
104                                         This thesis was put forward after discounting several O2 prod
105                            To illustrate our thesis, we describe the 'Robot Scientist' - the first ph
106                              To address this thesis, we developed three colonies of double-knockout m
107       This topology violates a long-standing thesis where highly symmetric building units are expecte
108 e both consistent with the Strong Minimalist Thesis, which has at its core a single repeatable operat
109                             While this Ph.D. thesis work continued, a group at the Albert Einstein Co

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