


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 y equals or exceeds that of normal alpha- or theta-defensins.
2 rallel disulfide bonds, is characteristic of theta-defensins.
3 in the structure, stability, and activity of theta-defensins.
4                                       Rhesus theta-defensin 1 (RTD-1) is a unique tridisulfide, cycli
5          We evaluated the efficacy of rhesus theta-defensin 1 (RTD-1), a novel cyclic antimicrobial p
6 fensins (hominid retrocyclins 1-3 and rhesus theta-defensins 1-3) and four human alpha-defensins (hum
7                             We tested rhesus theta-defensins 1-3, retrocyclins 1-3, and several analo
8                   The peptide, termed rhesus theta defensin-1 (RTD-1), is microbicidal for bacteria a
9                      Development of modified theta-defensin analogs provides an approach for creating
10 ta-defensins and illustrate the potential of theta-defensin analogues as scaffolds for peptide drug d
11                                              theta-Defensin analogues with different numbers and comb
12 dings also suggest that interactions between theta-defensins and gp41 may contribute to the ability o
13 n addition, we compared the ability of these theta-defensins and HNP-1 to protect J53-BL cells (an in
14 ide insights into the mechanism of action of theta-defensins and illustrate the potential of theta-de
15                                         Anti-theta-defensin antibody localized the peptides in circul
16                             alpha, beta, and theta defensins are effectors of the innate immune syste
17                    We recently reported that theta defensins are miniature lectins that bind gp120 of
18                                              Theta-defensins are circular octadecapeptides that conta
19                                              Theta-defensins are cyclic octadecapeptides encoded by t
20                                              theta-Defensins are cyclic octadecapeptides found in non
21                                              Theta-defensins are lectin-like, cyclic octadecapeptides
22                                              Theta-defensins are macrocyclic antimicrobial peptides t
23                                              theta-Defensins are ribosomally synthesized cyclic pepti
24 with lectin-like properties exist in plants, theta-defensins are the first such molecules to be ident
25                        Equal amounts of each theta-defensin bound to E. coli cells, indicating that t
26 llowing for the prediction of 10 theoretical theta-defensins (BTD-1 to BTD-10) produced by binary, he
27 We now report the characterization of baboon theta-defensins (BTDs) expressed in bone marrow and peri
28        We previously reported that synthetic theta-defensins called retrocyclins can neutralize and a
29  Because retrocyclin-1, an ancestral hominid theta-defensin, can protect human cells in vitro from in
30 i-disulfide ladder, and arginine residues of theta-defensins contributed substantially to these prote
31                                              Theta-defensins (cyclic octadecapeptides found in nonhum
32  3) whose sequences were inferred from human theta-defensin (DEFT) pseudogenes.
33  blotting disclosed the presence of putative theta-defensins, distinct from RTD-1, in leukocyte extra
34 ides of many if not all vertebrates, and the theta-defensins found in certain non-human primates.
35 and RC2, humanized versions of the antiviral theta-defensins found in the leukocytes of certain nonhu
36                                        Human theta-defensin genes contain a premature stop codon that
37                                              theta-Defensins have multiple arginines and a ladder-lik
38       This study compares the ability of six theta-defensins (hominid retrocyclins 1-3 and rhesus the
39      We found that members of the alpha- and theta-defensins, magainins and cathelicidins had substan
40 ure, and multiple host defense activities of theta-defensins make them intriguing potential therapeut
41                        Low concentrations of theta-defensins not only killed vegetative cells of B. a
42               Growing evidence suggests that theta-defensins offer the best opportunity for therapeut
43 and in vivo led us to examine the effects of theta-defensins on Bacillus anthracis (Sterne).
44  of broad-spectrum antiviral peptides termed theta-defensins, potently inhibits Abeta oligomer and fi
45                          Four cDNAs encoding theta-defensin precursors were characterized, allowing f
46         Overall, these findings suggest that theta-defensins provide molecular templates that could b
47 a-defensins HNP-1 and HD-5 and the synthetic theta-defensin RC-101, but not beta-defensins hBD-1 and
48                        Here we show that the theta-defensin retrocyclin 2 (RC2) inhibited influenza v
49          To test the activity of a synthetic theta-defensin, retrocyclin (RC)-2, in a murine herpes s
50                              The most potent theta-defensin, retrocyclin-2, bound with exceptionally
51                                              theta-Defensin RTD-1 is a noncompetitive inhibitor of an
52                                   The rhesus theta-defensin RTD-1 protects mice from an experimental
53  (Crp-4), beta-defensins (HBD-2, HBD-3), and theta-defensins (RTD-1, BTD-7), we show how these peptid
54                                      Two new theta-defensins, RTD-2 and RTD-3, were purified by rever
55                 The peptides included rhesus theta defensins (RTDs) 1 to 3, originally isolated from
56  disulfide bridges of RTD-1, a member of the theta-defensin subfamily, could be replaced with noncova
57 gh degree of sequence conservation among the theta-defensins tested.
58           Retrocyclin (RC)-101 is a cationic theta-defensin that inhibits HIV-1 entry.
59 t progress in our understanding of alpha and theta-defensins - the two structural classes composed of
60 g and the antiviral properties of alpha- and theta-defensins, the lectin-like behavior of defensins m
61                                              theta-Defensins, the only cyclic peptides of animal orig
62        We tested the ability of 20 synthetic theta defensins to protect cells from infection by type
63                        Five of the predicted theta-defensins were purified from baboon leukocytes, an
64               Thus, baboons express numerous theta-defensins which appear to differentially contribut
65 ong, widespread downregulation of alpha- and theta-defensins with anti-HIV activity, which are not ex
66                                    Synthetic theta-defensins with sequences that correspond to those

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