


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 d were not affected by the co-application of thiabendazole.
2 sensitivity to 3-aminotriazole, benomyl, and thiabendazole.
3 NA-damaging agents and to the spindle poison thiabendazole.
4  growth by the antimitotic drugs benomyl and thiabendazole.
5 re triple quadrupole has been used to detect thiabendazole, a common pesticide, in apples at a level
6 13-117 (cyclin B) and mal3-1 (EB-1) cells to thiabendazole, a microtubule poison.
7                                              Thiabendazole, a systemic fungicide used to treat vegeta
8  potassium sorbate and hot water potentiated thiabendazole activity.
9         This insight led to the finding that thiabendazole, an orally available antifungal drug in cl
10 ested for its use in pesticide (carbaryl and thiabendazole) analysis.
11 d growth defects of elp3Delta in response to thiabendazole and at 37 degrees C.
12 more resistant to the anti-microtubule drugs thiabendazole and benomyl, suggesting that Mtq2p may als
13                                    Imazalil, thiabendazole and carbendazim were detected in the studi
14 igh concentrations of the microtubule poison thiabendazole and have abnormally long cytoplasmic micro
15 ensitizes cells to the anti-microtubule drug thiabendazole and the histone deacetylase inhibitor tric
16 nopus tadpoles, to disrupt the microtubules (thiabendazole) and microfilaments (cytochalasin D and la
17 iation, X-rays, methylmethane sulfonate, and thiabendazole, and these sensitivities were compared wit
18 pyram, prochloraz, spinosad, terbuthylazine, thiabendazole, and thiacloprid).
19 hypersensitive to the anti-microtubule agent thiabendazole at a semi-permissive temperature, suggesti
20 SERS-active substrate to quantify the eluted thiabendazole from MISPE.
21                            For the fungicide thiabendazole, I50 value was roughly the same as that pr
22 ue of 10 multiclass fungicides (carbendazim, thiabendazole, imazalil, tridemorph, triadimefon, bitert
23 be used for rapid and sensitive detection of thiabendazole in agri-foods.
24 f detection of this chemosensor was 4ppm for thiabendazole in orange juice.
25  novel MISPE-SERS chemosensor and determined thiabendazole in orange juice.
26 s tailor-made sorbents for the separation of thiabendazole in orange juice.
27 aches; carbendazim, imazalil, terbutryn, and thiabendazole in oranges; terbutryn in salmon; and azoxy
28 y for recovery and quantitative detection of thiabendazole on apple surfaces.
29 the co-application of potassium sorbate with thiabendazole reduced thiabendazole residues in Moro and
30 potassium sorbate with thiabendazole reduced thiabendazole residues in Moro and Sanguinello oranges,
31 of P. digitatum (thiabendazole-sensitive and thiabendazole-resistant) notably improved, indicating th
32 er, in vivo time-lapse imaging revealed that thiabendazole reversibly disassembles newly established
33 ficacy against two isolates of P. digitatum (thiabendazole-sensitive and thiabendazole-resistant) not
34 rbation of the microtubule cytoskeleton with thiabendazole slowed the translocation of both arrestin
35               Importantly, we also show that thiabendazole slows tumor growth and decreases vascular
36 sitive to the microtubule-destabilizing drug thiabendazole (TBZ) and cold sensitive for growth.
37 tivity to the microtubule-destabilizing drug thiabendazole (TBZ) and increases chromosome missegregat
38 itive to the microtubule- destabilizing drug thiabendazole (TBZ) and show a lethal 'cut' phenotype in
39  (carbamazepine (CBZ), flumequine (FLU), and thiabendazole (TBZ) at 100 mug L(-1)) and two AR bacteri
40                                              Thiabendazole (TBZ) is a chemical fungicide and parasiti
41 ent with the microtubule-depolymerizing drug thiabendazole (TBZ).
42 ivity to the microtubule destabilizing drug, thiabendazole (TBZ).
43 itive to the microtubule-disrupting compound thiabendazole, they showed increased resistance to the c
44 in Moro and Sanguinello oranges, compared to thiabendazole treatment alone.
45 ed the efficient and selective adsorption of thiabendazole using synthesized MIPs via precipitation p
46 f carbendazim, carbofuran, cyproconazole and thiabendazole were found below the LOQ in coconut water

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