


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ng platelets as identified by the binding of thiazole orange.
2 e-based cationic core structure identical to thiazole orange.
3 was designed and synthesized on the basis of thiazole orange and isaindigotone skeleton.
4 hain antibodies (scFvs) using derivatives of thiazole orange and malachite green.
5  was used to measure RPs after staining with thiazole orange and to define the upper 20% and lower 20
6  functional groups including biotin, BODIPY, thiazole orange, and Cy7 through a polyethylene glycol l
7 en tethered to the intercalating fluorophore thiazole orange, and the DNA recognition characteristics
8                     We determine, using this thiazole orange assay on a crude bacterial cell lysate,
9 quadruplex formation of c-di-GMP to design a thiazole orange-based fluorescent detection of this impo
10  were conjugated to a DNA-intercalating dye, thiazole orange, by a reaction targeting Cys 110 of hist
11 e molecules of DNA multiply labeled with the thiazole orange derivative T06 as they passed through th
12 ide probes were doubly labeled with adjacent thiazole orange derivatives.
13 NA) probes in labeling mRNA transcripts with thiazole orange donor and Alexa-594 acceptor fluorophore
14 5'-WGWWCW-3' (W = A or T) were conjugated to thiazole orange dye at the C-termini to examine their fl
15             We synthesized two conjugates of thiazole orange dye to small molecules (GMP and AMP) and
16 from the displacement of ethidium bromide or thiazole orange from the DNA of interest or, in selected
17                                          The thiazole orange is able to intercalate and fluoresce whe
18                                              Thiazole orange is also shown to oxidize the 5'-G of rem
19 he quinolinium ring system (SYBR Safe, n-Pr; thiazole orange, Me).
20  the recognition sequence where the tethered thiazole orange moiety is able to intercalate and subseq
21                            The intercalator (thiazole orange or benzothiazole orange) provides an anc
22  studies have observed a correlation between thiazole orange-positive platelets and platelet synthesi
23                                  The EC50 of thiazole orange-positive platelets from IL-6-treated dog
24               Because it has been shown that thiazole orange specifically labels a subpopulation of d
25 ls were determined using flow cytometry with thiazole orange staining.
26 s on markers of platelet age have focused on thiazole orange-staining for enumeration of "reticulated
27 ome conjugates also include a fluorescein or thiazole orange tag.
28 ncentrations when aromatic molecules such as thiazole orange template the quadruplex formation.
29 a series of fluorinated analogues of the dye thiazole orange that exhibit improved fluorescence quant
30                                              Thiazole orange (TO) derivatives are fluorescent interca
31 which two (or more) intercalator dyes of the thiazole orange (TO) family serve as nucleobase surrogat
32                              The cyanine dye thiazole orange (TO) is a well-known fluorogenic stain f
33 the erstwhile used structurally related dye, Thiazole Orange (TO), which did not induce any quadruple
34 PNA analogues having intrinsic fluorescence, thiazole orange (TO)-PNA and [bis-o-(aminoethoxy)phenyl]
35 mer, bis-benzimide (DAPI), Hoechst 33258 and thiazole orange] to function as suitable reporter molecu
36 des/assay with ethiduim bromide or less with thiazole orange), with a rapid readout using a fluoresce

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