


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                                              This is because 1) its measurements reflect the sum of o
2                                              This is because (1) massive necrotic cell death and incr
3                                              This is because A and T, and G and C, are uncorrelated i
4                                              This is because a biosensor cannot be more accurate than
5                                              This is because a fundamental understanding of how antib
6                                              This is because a large distortion energy ( approximatel
7                                              This is because a large number of odds ratios need to be
8                                              This is because a mathematical definition of 'differenti
9                                              This is because a mutated gene can produce a novel, some
10                                              This is because ABZ would exceed 2.
11                                              This is because activation occurs over a broad range of
12 n of the target genes, it is unclear whether this is because AID targets transcribed genes.
13                                              This is because allostery does not have an identifiable
14                                              This is because although on one hand active AMPK inhibit
15                                              This is because analysis of weakly homologous protein mo
16                                              This is because antibodies to a number of the DBL domain
17                                              This is because apoB reflects the total number of athero
18                                              This is because AR, unlike any other nuclear receptor, p
19 rom specific cortical areas remains unknown; this is because axonal fibers from different cortical ar
20                              We suggest that this is because B-Raf activation is independent of tyros
21                                              This is because beneficial mutations are most likely to
22                                              This is because binding characterization remains a criti
23                                              This is because biologically more homogeneous subgroups
24                                              This is because both DeltaS(o)(ET) and DeltaS(o)(HAT) ha
25                                              This is because both prephenate and arogenate have been
26                                              This is because Cdc7 is still required for the activatio
27                               We verify that this is because cells in liquid culture are larger than
28                                     In part, this is because chemical reactions networks are nonlinea
29 pability in the degradation of CIP than IBU; this is because CIP has electron-rich organic moieties (
30                                              This is because CO(2), like ozone, N(2)O, CH(4), and chl
31                                We argue that this is because collagen fibrillogenesis requires format
32                                              This is because complex information at both the protein
33                                              This is because conformity not only distorts the accurac
34                                              This is because critical aspects of the cellular, tumor
35                                    Possibly, this is because CsA blocks the mitochondrial permeabilit
36                                              This is because current approaches fail to identify all
37                       To investigate whether this is because cytochrome b(5) and cytochrome b(5) redu
38                                              This is because diastereoselective Cu-H elimination may
39                                              This is because direct observations of how lake drainage
40                                              This is because dispersal by individuals of each sex can
41                                              This is because dispersal of offspring leads to enhanced
42                                              This is because DNA synthesis and replication is thought
43                                              This is because each C-mode opening transports hundreds
44                                              This is because each T cell response harbors multiple cl
45                                              This is because EDL thicknesses are a significant fracti
46                                              This is because efficient early learning about one's own
47                                              This is because endothelin-1 acts on Galpha(q/11) as wel
48                                              This is because environmental stressors also cause CHD.
49                                              This is because epigenetic phenotypes are typically unst
50                                              This is because epsilon C is not found in E. coli DNA, a
51                                              This is because ER-Golgi-cycling FKBP proteins contain a
52                                              This is because every time a new set of test proteins is
53                                              This is because evolution favors increased buffering aga
54                                              This is because exchange dynamics is related to the prop
55 osecond chemistry has not yet been realized; this is because excitation and manipulation of molecular
56                                              This is because few studies quantify how individuals var
57                                              This is because folds are comparatively insensitive to t
58                                              This is because, for the female rat, sexual behavior is
59                                              This is because four of the six pi electrons occupy the
60                                              This is because fundamentally the function that relates
61                                     Firstly, this is because funders require evidence of return from
62                                              This is because GABAB Rs selectively suppress N-type cal
63                                              This is because gamma(1)34.5 associates with protein pho
64                                      In part this is because genetic markers such as tag SNPs are usu
65                                              This is because genomic DNA is physically associated wit
66 let counting performed in PRP indicated that this is because GP IIb/IIIa antagonists are more potent
67                                              This is because gp120 activates brain microglial cells a
68                                              This is because GPx1 mRNA is degraded by the surveillanc
69                                              This is because graphene is more electrochemically inert
70                                              This is because hormone receptor status may reflect diff
71                         Our findings suggest this is because HSF-1 and DAF-16 together activate expre
72                                              This is because human exposure to pesticides is predomin
73         Laboratory experiments indicate that this is because hurricane names lead to gender-based exp
74                                              This is because HUVEC lack both subunits of the IL12 rec
75                                     In part, this is because identification and characterization of p
76                                              This is because in hydrogenations mediated by RhP2 compl
77                                              This is because in this regime the (large) untuned compo
78                                              This is because in vitro infection studies have only bee
79                                              This is because in-group assortative sociality is more i
80                                              This is because, in principle, they can be modified read
81                                              This is because, in standard isotope mass balance models
82                                   We propose this is because infant cancer is from an etiologic and p
83                                     In part, this is because infant crying, especially prolonged unso
84                                              This is because inhalable particles efficiently deliver
85                                              This is because insufficiently wrapped hydrogen bonds ar
86                                              This is because interruption of the current motor plan m
87 goes in mammalian cells, and we suggest that this is because it enables the dilated rims of cisternae
88 ome in breast cancer patients, and postulate this is because it facilitates invasion by providing tra
89                                              This is because it has been challenging to identify thei
90                                              This is because it has been conclusively shown that low
91                                     In part, this is because it is unclear how heterogeneity in soils
92                                              This is because Itch is autoinhibited by an intramolecul
93 which do not necessarily exist; essentially, this is because life-history variables have been regress
94                                              This is because light absorption in tropical canopies is
95                              We suggest that this is because local helical contacts are so dominant t
96                                              This is because locations of early star formation (and t
97                                              This is because losses "select" for shorter pathways bet
98                                              This is because low molecular weight compounds do not ha
99                                              This is because m(6)A is required for female-specific al
100                                     In part, this is because magnetic resonance imaging lacks sensiti
101                                              This is because manipulation of the sequence about a hot
102                                              This is because many disorders resulting in lung fibrosi
103                                     In part, this is because many small-molecule antagonists disrupt
104                                              This is because members of the superfamily are involved
105                                              This is because mice have much lower levels of AR expres
106                                              This is because mispriming can cause failure of the ampl
107         The free-text responses suggest that this is because most believe that quality of care is mul
108                                              This is because multimode waveguides cannot be compactly
109                                 We show that this is because mutants act as cheats, exploiting the co
110                                              This is because mutations generate agents that punish co
111                                              This is because negative (purifying) selection acting on
112                                              This is because neither its structure nor its interactio
113                                              This is because NIH research is the primary source of ne
114  cells; however, it is controversial whether this is because of a lack of BCR-ABL kinase inhibition i
115                         To determine whether this is because of a lack of ethanol-responsive elements
116                                              This is because of a reduced Bcd-dependent transcribing
117                   Here we show that in mice, this is because of a shorter genomic interference distan
118                  It is still unclear whether this is because of a true increase, case finding, or inc
119                                              This is because of an almost complete absence of functio
120                                Reassuringly, this is because of compensatory vasodilatation rather th
121                                      Whether this is because of essential cohesin functions in the ce
122                                              This is because of extensive axon pruning and local axon
123         In the case of protein bacteriocins, this is because of high levels of sequence diversity and
124 er efficiency, and kinetic analysis suggests this is because of higher affinity for the cellular bind
125 sed in recent years, it is not clear whether this is because of increased access, increased demand, i
126                                We found that this is because of inhibition of OXPHOS by NO and that t
127 d suffer lower costs of inbreeding, but that this is because of interactions between embryos.
128                        It is unknown whether this is because of low intake or altered handling, and i
129                                              This is because of low p53 levels and can be inhibited b
130                                              This is because of many positive attributes of micelle p
131                                              This is because of massive apoptosis of select neurons i
132  cells contain similar concentrations of Mg; this is because of Mg out-diffusion from the soda-lime g
133                                 We tested if this is because of modulated neutrophil function by HS.
134                                              This is because of multiple layers of regulation that op
135                                              This is because of our ability to generate large data se
136                                     In part, this is because of our incomplete understanding of paras
137 For multiple myeloma (MM), we postulate that this is because of preclinical models that overemphasize
138                                              This is because of protein kinase A (PKA)-dependent seri
139 s with melanoma, but it is not known whether this is because of SES itself or because of treatment di
140                                              This is because of severe experimental and theoretical d
141                                              This is because of significant differences in the rates
142                                              This is because of strong interactions of sodium ions wi
143                          We demonstrate that this is because of the ability of Pgamma to increase the
144                                              This is because of the activity of the proteasomal ATPas
145                                      In part this is because of the complex nature of inactivation, a
146                                              This is because of the complex short-term physical and c
147                                              This is because of the improved surface area and pore si
148                                              This is because of the influence of these processes on d
149                                              This is because of the known ability of vCyclin/cyclin-d
150                                              This is because of the lack of an appropriate animal mod
151 ch as path finding by neuronal growth cones; this is because of the lack of simple methods to inhibit
152 of photonic structures using optical forces; this is because of the large forces that are required to
153                                   Crucially, this is because of the leveraging effect imposed in typi
154                                              This is because of the micelle to solvent stacking mecha
155 cient to induce pathological mineralization, this is because of the presence in all ECMs of pyrophosp
156                    We have hypothesized that this is because of the presence of tau on axonal microtu
157 eran, Drosophila melanogaster, indicate that this is because of the repressive effects of the homeoti
158                                              This is because of the tangential load component associa
159  an age- and light-dependent manner and that this is because of TOR's ability to suppress autophagy.
160             Sequence analysis indicates that this is because of two polyadenylation signals, the prox
161                                              This is because OME-A feedback dominates eddy potential
162                                              This is because ORR is inherently a sluggish reaction; i
163                                              This is because overexpression of CyPA and a CyPA mutant
164                                              This is because OXE modified bases provide nuclease prot
165                                              This is because oxygen is less soluble in warmer water a
166                                              This is because pH determines the net charge on the prot
167                                              This is because PN ensemble representations changed rela
168                                              This is because poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) is usually c
169                              We suggest that this is because poverty-related concerns consume mental
170                                              This is because precipitation variability varies >fivefo
171                                              This is because primary cells derived from these carcino
172                                     In part, this is because probing spindle mechanics in live cells
173 ed multiattribute choice models suggest that this is because prospective donors shift attention to th
174                                   We suggest this is because protective immunity and T cell memory do
175                                              This is because protein deletion often affects the compo
176                                              This is because protein metal-binding sites are much mor
177                             Mechanistically, this is because PTEN-null astrocytes are compromised in
178                              We propose that this is because Raf-1 is not phosphorylated on Tyr-341 u
179                                              This is because Ras-GTPase activity sets the intrinsic r
180                                              This is because readthrough transcripts now extend into
181                                              This is because recently a network of anti-HIV miRNAs in
182                                              This is because receptor diffusion is a slower process t
183                                              This is because reduction in the macrophage supply below
184                                              This is because reduction of INaL stabilizes the action
185                                              This is because redundant sorting signals within the cyt
186                                              This is because reperfusion transiently or permanently r
187                                              This is because reported frequencies vary widely across
188                                              This is because respiratory and Mayer wave (or 10 s) car
189                                              This is because REV3L is essential during embryogenesis,
190                                              This is because selection is unlikely to be strong enoug
191                                              This is because single nonlinear imaging modalities such
192                                              This is because site diffusion requires only local rearr
193                                We posit that this is because some cells undergo changes in vitro that
194                                We argue that this is because somitogenesis shows uncoupling or dissoc
195                                              This is because spike cancellation produced by an inhibi
196                                              This is because standard supervised learning requires 'g
197                                              This is because stiffness is insensitive to microstructu
198                                              This is because studies have traditionally relied on fix
199                          Theory assumes that this is because subordinate reproduction depresses the f
200                                              This is because such images enter a regime in which clas
201            We and others have suggested that this is because synchrony is maintained by pulses of Not
202                                              This is because systematic errors, including biased taxo
203 o changes in rainfall, it is unclear whether this is because taxa adopt strategies that maximise fitn
204                                              This is because terrestrial deposits of ancient glacial
205                                              This is because the 2D-FT-ESR spectra exhibit a selectiv
206 fs in the physiological design of predators; this is because the ability to capitalize on pulses of f
207                                              This is because the activity of most neurons cannot easi
208                                              This is because the aerosol absorption Angstrom exponent
209                                              This is because the approximations made to describe cond
210                                              This is because the assumptions required by these models
211                                              This is because the camphanates' O=C-C-O dihedral angles
212                Current opinion suggests that this is because the cell lines and xenografts that are c
213                                              This is because the conformation of the overlap region t
214                                              This is because the conjugated chromophores attached to
215                                              This is because the CSA method can find many distinct fa
216                                     In part, this is because the development of open-source software
217                                              This is because the DICOM standard for spectroscopy deal
218                                              This is because the different parts of 2 match 1 and 3.
219                                              This is because the discovery of {Pd(84)} allows the rel
220 n, both analytically and by simulation, that this is because the estimate of the sampling variance be
221                                 We show that this is because the excitonic effect is very strong in t
222                                              This is because the existing methods for metabolic prote
223          In this report, we demonstrate that this is because the expression of oncogenic beta-catenin
224                                     We argue this is because the folk affect concept "contempt" has b
225                                              This is because the formula for the quantum capacity inv
226                                              This is because the FST statistics they used were inflat
227                                              This is because the functionality, processing, localizat
228                                              This is because the future upper (adaxial) side of the l
229                                              This is because the genetic manipulations required to ge
230                                              This is because the H2O2 derives from a sub-population o
231                                              This is because the HAs refold with distributed kinetics
232                                              This is because the implied activity is persistently pre
233                                              This is because the impulse response function of diffusi
234                              We propose that this is because the increase in haematocrit and vascular
235                                              This is because the increased interatomic distance at di
236                                              This is because the infectious period is shorter (mean 1
237 ls of formation of the earliest black holes; this is because the initial conditions of black hole see
238                                              This is because the intramolecular helices containing 2'
239 s is almost independent of size; presumably, this is because the locus of the initial ligand exchange
240                                              This is because the long-period electric currents coming
241                                              This is because the mechanism of altering focus, termed
242                                              This is because the mitochondrial genome is placed in a
243                                              This is because the molecular crowding of non-polymerizi
244                                              This is because the more the locations involved are, the
245                                              This is because the nanomaterial signals are inevitably
246                                              This is because the only mechanism known to produce MIF-
247                                              This is because the other half reaction of water splitti
248                                              This is because the pathway from Ela to p53 is disrupted
249 vident; we investigated the possibility that this is because the period of observation was insufficie
250                                              This is because the predicted nuclear localization signa
251                                              This is because the range of the emissions is one to two
252                                              This is because the reaction of N-semiquinone with amicy
253                                              This is because the reconstruction of its ancestral cond
254                                              This is because the same set of genes can interact diffe
255                                              This is because the sensitivity of the microchannel plat
256                                              This is because the serine homopolymer is conserved desp
257                                     In part, this is because the simple patterns of stimulation used
258                                              This is because the size of the meta-atom is comparable
259                                              This is because the speaker's facial movements relay inf
260                                              This is because the superexchange rate is shown to have
261                                              This is because the symmetric microporous shells combine
262                                     In part, this is because the systematic identification of the mol
263                                              This is because the transport mechanisms it proposes, su
264                                              This is because the two subunits negatively regulate one
265                                              This is because the two-dimensional surface that bounds
266                   Our analyses indicate that this is because the virus is surprisingly inefficient, b
267                                              This is because: the two populations determined by a gen
268                                              This is because there are at least two other cis-acting
269                                              This is because there are bidirectional connections betw
270                                              This is because there are few reports of structural char
271                                              This is because there can be substantial heterogeneity o
272                                              This is because there has been no enduring marker that w
273                                              This is because there is a larger proportion of contacti
274                                              This is because there is a profound functional overlap b
275                                              This is because there is limited information as to the a
276                                      In part this is because these approaches enable the study of neu
277                                              This is because these diseases are primarily systemic bi
278                                              This is because these membranes have cylindrical, monodi
279                           It is not known if this is because these receptor tyrosine kinases have com
280                                              This is because these system do not consider the semanti
281                                              This is because they are assumed to be relatively free f
282                                              This is because they cannot distinguish the true ITD con
283                                              This is because they do not consider the semantic relati
284                                              This is because this process, generally called nucleatio
285                                              This is because total mRNA acts as a competitor to the s
286                                              This is because translation rates can reduce the probabi
287                                              This is because trapped gas (e.g. air) in the roughness
288                                              This is because two commonly employed methods for measur
289                                              This is because unlike the PA membrane for which foulant
290                                              This is because very rarely does one have data on host a
291                                      Perhaps this is because walking and running use the least energy
292                                              This is because when competition occurs, the phenotype o
293                                              This is because when excitation increases, inhibition in
294                                              This is because, when proteins competitively bind to the
295                                              This is because, with local competition, fitness is rela

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