


コーパス検索結果 ( right1)

1                                                             This may aid clinicians in presurgical evaluation by providin
2                                                             This may alleviate the restriction of N supply for increased
3 is a hallmark of cerebrovascular events, we postulated that this may also be true for transient ischaemic attack, and tha
4 anced survival during apoptosis compared with controls, and this may also contribute to the increased accumulation observ
5 modulated by resource availability and we hypothesized that this may alter biodiversity-invasion relationships.
6                                                         How this may alter the outcome of disease remains to be determine
7 ectrolocation and other active sensory systems suggest that this may be a mechanism shared by (active) sensory systems.
8                                                             This may be a significant contributor to excessive inflammati
9                                                             This may be considered a paradigm of the ground work needed t
10                                                             This may be due to conditions associated with fetal growth re
11                                                             This may be due to the overuse of terminology that stresses r
12                                                             This may be exploited in the future to predict viscosity in n
13                                                             This may be from patients being motivated by, and modelling,
14                                                             This may be important in slowing disease progression and prov
15                                                             This may be important, since the administration of lactate du
16 3, are essential for C. muridarum to induce tubal fibrosis; this may be induced by the gastrointestinal C. muridarum, as
17                                                             This may be related to lower likelihood of retransplantation
18 irmed in larger studies with longer follow-up and controls, this may be the desired treatment modality.
19                                              Hot zones like this may be the primary reservoirs for arc volcanism, influen
20                                                             This may be used to identify unique chemical signatures of va
21                                                             This may compromise information coding capacity and thereby m
22                                                             This may constitute the basis for a new mouse model of ACPA-p
23                                                             This may contribute to the fine tuning of expression of the d
24                                                             This may explain our findings of increased lymph node invasio
25                                                             This may explain why TBI patients are more vulnerable to cogn
26                                                             This may facilitate better population-level disease subtyping
27                                                             This may facilitate the targeted manipulation of metabolic ro
28 itations of this form of analysis and the implications that this may have for bioinformatics database design.
29                                                             This may indicate a block in the downstream glycerolipid meta
30 ar pattern recognition by the innate immune system, and how this may influence adaptive immunity.
31                                                             This may lead to novel applications using blue light induced
32 layer provide evidence that the material is "high quality", this may not be true for electronic performance.
33                                                             This may not preclude the longer-term effects of fetal exposu
34 ing technique can be demotivating in some contexts and that this may occur through an attention-based mechanism.
35                                                             This may open new avenues for the study of ion pumps and simi
36                                                             This may partly explain the mechanism underlying adipocyte hy
37 KZF1 result in deregulation of mitochondrial integrity, and this may play a pathogenic role in the development of IO IBD.
38                                                             This may pose problems with managing adverse effects and the
39                                                             This may prompt the consideration for pharmacological manipul
40                                                             This may provide insight into disease pathogenesis, diagnosis
41                                                  We suggest this may represent one of the control loops that sense the ra
42                                                             This may result from stronger equatorial westerly ducts and s
43                                                             This may result from the variety of selection pressures from
44 orylation of Akt and mTOR, impairing Akt-mTOR signaling and this may result in an increased risk for developmental neurop
45                                                             This may result in highly differentiated therapeutics with gr
46 senior PIs with research time in exchange for less funding, this may reverse a decades-long trend of more money going to
47                                                             This may seriously compromise the conservation of biodiversit
48                                                             This may suggest alternate pathways are at work in copper-bas
49 tter estimated by using selective fungal culture media, and this may translate to important clinical decisions.
50                                                             This may underlie the mechanisms by which cells sense directi

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