


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1 on of representations corresponding to recent experience is thought to be a critical mechanism supporting long-term memor
2           Changes in synaptic strength and connectivity are thought to be a major mechanism through which many gene varia
3 that are important for growth in intestinal mucus, which is thought to be a major source of nutrients for E. coli in the
4                  The formation and retrieval of a memory is thought to be accomplished by activation and reactivation, re
5 id and persistent increase in synaptic transmission that is thought to be affected in Alzheimer's disease (AD).
6                                         Arsenite oxidase is thought to be an ancient enzyme, originating before the diver
7 Circuits in the sensorimotor system (e.g., spinal cord) are thought to be assembled sequentially [10-14], making this an
8 mproves oral health behaviour or oral health state in those thought to be at risk of psychosis or with early psychosis.
9                          However, although empathy is often thought to be automatic, recent theories have argued that the
10 residence at high altitude or other conditions is generally thought to be beneficial in terms of increasing tissue oxygen
11      Impaired inhibition of fear or behavioral responses is thought to be central to PTSD symptomatology, but its role in
12  hippocampal ripples, and the cortical slow oscillations-is thought to be critical for memory consolidation during sleep,
13 modulators may induce at neighboring non-active synapses is thought to be detrimental for the specificity of memory stora
14 n Okazaki fragment processing during DNA replication but is thought to be dispensable for DNA end resection.
15                                     Changes in land use are thought to be driving the rise in reported P knowlesi cases,
16 widespread use is constrained by dose-limiting side effects thought to be due to activation of the peroxisome proliferato
17                                          These memories are thought to be encoded by alterations within specific patterns
18 s unable to form the conserved catalytic interface that was thought to be essential for ATP synthesis, and cannot convert
19                                           These signals are thought to be essential for proper biogenesis and function of
20                 Conformational freedom of the FMN domain is thought to be essential for the electron transfer (ET) reacti
21 t transcription units (gene bodies) in the human genome are thought to be heavily methylated.
22   The inactivation of vri disrupts multiple output pathways thought to be important for activity rhythms, including PDF a
23                                   Epigenetic mechanisms are thought to be important for balancing effector and memory dif
24 nd emotional regulation, and the ACC has motor areas and is thought to be important for error detection, the dialogue bet
25 nitiates positive selection, but the CD8(+)-lineage fate is thought to be induced by cytokines after TCR signaling has ce
26        Both locomotion and the change in cortical state are thought to be initiated by projections from the mesencephalic
27 , and epigenetic driver genes have been identified that are thought to be involved in early stages of tumorigenesis.
28 ic scaling is a key homeostatic plasticity mechanism and is thought to be involved in the regulation of cortical activity
29 lying mechanisms are unknown, massive cytokine secretion is thought to be involved.
30 ignal transduction.Protein-tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) are thought to be major targets of receptor-activated reactive ox
31      Aggression in borderline personality disorder (BPD) is thought to be mediated through emotion dysregulation via high
32  Adult mammalian cardiomyocyte regeneration after injury is thought to be minimal.
33 ry since its activity was discovered in 1939, has long been thought to be monomorphic.
34 Soluble oligomers of the amyloid-beta peptide (AbetaOs) are thought to be proximal neurotoxins involved in early neuronal
35                                               Although long thought to be rare, protein-based epigenetic inheritance has
36                                        In addition, ToxR is thought to be responsive to various environmental cues, such
37 ncidence and prevalence of neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) are thought to be rising, but updated epidemiologic data are lack
38 ioenergetics) and apoptosis (cell life/death decision) were thought to be separate.
39  sensing have been discovered for organelles that were once thought to be simple energy converters.
40 n by folding domains into loop structures, which are widely thought to be stable.
41                   Heterotrophic microorganisms are commonly thought to be stoichiometrically homeostatic but their stoich
42                        Modern desert rodent communities are thought to be strongly structured by competitive interactions
43                                     The beta1 and beta2 are thought to be the dominant myocyte ARs.
44 ks in electropherograms, because longitudinal diffusion was thought to be the only factor that contributes to band broade
45 eration; instead, axon autonomous, intrinsic mechanisms are thought to be the primary driver for this type of axon disint
46                                   Many of these changes are thought to be the result of increased reward-value coupled wi
47         Inhibition of PI3K-dependent exocytosis of TRPC6 is thought to be the underlying mechanism, and recent studies sh
48                                    NRGs have generally been thought to be transported to axons and presynaptic terminals
49                                          These patterns are thought to be ubiquitous across temperate forests, and are th
50                                      Pulsatile dynamics are thought to be widespread, and single-cell live imaging of gen

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