


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 y to myelinate and remodel myelin via mTORC1 throughout life.
2 nd Cdx2 also regulate intestinal homeostasis throughout life.
3 brain, neural stem cells produce new neurons throughout life.
4 gressive, and the majority remained ambulant throughout life.
5 ar zone (V-SVZ), replenish olfactory neurons throughout life.
6  and glial-specific gene expression patterns throughout life.
7 m for long-term maintenance of human T cells throughout life.
8 onal, cognitive and neurological impairments throughout life.
9 es, microbes, and allergens that are inhaled throughout life.
10  divisions in the human hematopoietic system throughout life.
11 ten suffer an array of neurological deficits throughout life.
12 irth, but persists in specific brain regions throughout life.
13 ar determinant of thymic epithelium function throughout life.
14 f the mammalian olfactory bulb are generated throughout life.
15 nce of fat seen in human hearts at birth and throughout life.
16 development and the extent of bone formation throughout life.
17 lize with ILC3 in secondary lymphoid tissues throughout life.
18 precise and timely delivery of key molecules throughout life.
19 y active in early development and continuing throughout life.
20 emain susceptible to repeated RSV infections throughout life.
21 y in development and maintain their identity throughout life.
22  (HSPCs) produce blood cells of all lineages throughout life.
23  the innate and adaptive immune compartments throughout life.
24 nimals and that B lymphogenesis occurs there throughout life.
25 ration of new olfactory granule cells (OGCs) throughout life.
26 maintain neurogenesis in the mammalian brain throughout life.
27 oth early development and tissue homeostasis throughout life.
28 an organism and runs at a constant frequency throughout life.
29 le in neurodevelopment, despite its presence throughout life.
30 ble final common pathway for motor behaviors throughout life.
31 ycle can manifest as a spectrum of disorders throughout life.
32 ells (satellite cells) that remain quiescent throughout life.
33 ent and continues to be critically important throughout life.
34  homeostasis and regenerate the blood system throughout life.
35 ight also be necessary for cortical function throughout life.
36 malian vertebrates can regenerate hair cells throughout life.
37 or levels specifically during development or throughout life.
38 evealed that sexual fates must be maintained throughout life.
39  other homeostatic altering mechanisms occur throughout life.
40 oire, thymic function progressively declines throughout life.
41 es of FMRP and to treat patients effectively throughout life.
42  to safeguard the lymphatic vascular network throughout life.
43 uring development and for tissue homeostasis throughout life.
44  pools of offspring during embryogenesis and throughout life.
45 ell lineages at millions of cells per second throughout life.
46 brafish, the histaminergic system is altered throughout life.
47 zation and patterning during development and throughout life.
48 sed by the niche, enabling self-preservation throughout life.
49 o ensure tissue homeostasis and regeneration throughout life.
50 ding a potential reservoir for T cell memory throughout life.
51 onetheless the inflation of this compartment throughout life.
52 ithin the hippocampus of the mammalian brain throughout life.
53  develops in the neonatal period and persist throughout life.
54 EST may contribute to obesity predisposition throughout life.
55 l-defined neural connections that regenerate throughout life.
56  enables mouse incisors to grow continuously throughout life.
57 nstructive cytokines, and then self-maintain throughout life.
58 ntal demands implies that neurons can change throughout life.
59 egrity and facilitate proper neural function throughout life.
60 tigenic diversity, repeated infections occur throughout life.
61  consequently the threshold for new learning throughout life.
62 function and increased respiratory morbidity throughout life.
63 fication and lineage commitment and possibly throughout life.
64 t supply all cells with nutrients and oxygen throughout life.
65 somy 21, T21) have hematologic abnormalities throughout life.
66  as individuals can be repeatedly reinfected throughout life.
67 rentiation and maintain calbindin expression throughout life.
68 essential for the prevention of autoimmunity throughout life.
69 opment and remains normally nonproliferative throughout life.
70  targeting endogenous cells can be effective throughout life.
71 ge, or cortical plasticity, that is retained throughout life.
72 hippocampus continues generating new neurons throughout life.
73 ortical structures might also remain in flux throughout life.
74 ng in the regulation of cardiac cell biology throughout life.
75 irments of movement and posture that persist throughout life.
76 rogenitor cells (NSCs) that generate neurons throughout life.
77  mammals, retain their ability to regenerate throughout life.
78 ies known to possess widespread neurogenesis throughout life.
79  and (2) the genome continues to be modified throughout life.
80  a common cause of acute respiratory illness throughout life.
81 lopment and survival of dopaminergic neurons throughout life.
82 15)N values remained roughly constant values throughout life.
83 st that therapies for RTT must be maintained throughout life.
84 neration of new neurons in the dentate gyrus throughout life.
85 ndergoing experience-dependent modifications throughout life.
86 known number of protein-protein interactions throughout life.
87 al development to ubiquitous external forces throughout life.
88  role in maintaining musculoskeletal tissues throughout life.
89            These differences were maintained throughout life.
90             Mouse incisors grow continuously throughout life.
91 s may function under depolarizing conditions throughout life.
92 early 24% of the sample maintained a low SEP throughout life.
93 odeling to carry out these crucial functions throughout life.
94 opment can lead to deficiencies that persist throughout life.
95 ction in tissue homeostasis and regeneration throughout life.
96 e important for maintaining normal cognition throughout life.
97 that were not inherited but arise in tissues throughout life.
98 ue dynamic property to cyclically regenerate throughout life.
99 ure a balanced production of all blood cells throughout life.
100 ndent inverse relation to breast cancer risk throughout life.
101 pathogenesis of these diseases are expressed throughout life.
102 covery that has remained relatively constant throughout life.
103  cellular homeostasis and blood regeneration throughout life.
104 llized by adulthood, they are largely stable throughout life.
105 xposure to domestic violence) have on health throughout life.
106 ocess that starts around birth and continues throughout life.
107 P could support complex behaviours in humans throughout life.
108 n the adult mammalian brain generate neurons throughout life.
109 ergence of depressive and suicidal behaviors throughout life.
110 ants before age two and causing re-infection throughout life.
111  hippocampus self-renew and generate neurons throughout life.
112 cells (MuSCs) capable of tissue regeneration throughout life.
113 equires continuous production of osteoblasts throughout life.
114  the public health message of staying active throughout life.
115 ast progeny that remain restricted to joints throughout life.
116 t axis, differentially affecting individuals throughout life.
117 o result in permanent improvements in vision throughout life.
118 (+) lymphoid progenitors that was maintained throughout life.
119 racellular cues during early development and throughout life.
120  Somatic mutations accumulate in human cells throughout life.
121 us is essential to sustain T cell production throughout life.
122 ty and number of severe sunburns experienced throughout life.
123 ions to hepatic and pancreatic organogenesis throughout life.
124  has tested how ornaments influence hormones throughout life.
125 negative) can affect lung health and disease throughout life.
126 e necessary support and continued monitoring throughout life.
127 eflexes and thereby ensuring image stability throughout life.
128 ighly organized olfactory bulb (OB) circuits throughout life.
129 em cells that generate mature blood lineages throughout life.
130 mation and maintenance of the granular ducts throughout life.
131 which patients may require opioid analgesics throughout life.
132 enew and persist as a minor B1 B cell subset throughout life.
133 oth longevity and mitochondrial proteostasis throughout life.
134 ead to suppression of immune system function throughout life.
135 elopment and must maintain these connections throughout life.
136 d postnatal exposures on general lung health throughout life.
137 switching, causing high-level HbF expression throughout life.
138 tion optimally and in the absence of disease throughout life.
139 , some vertebrates can regenerate myocardium throughout life.
140 n adult Schwann cells, has a latent function throughout life.
141 d cells and is required to maintain zonation throughout life.
142 ific activity of common mutational processes throughout life.
143 d that both of these functions were required throughout life.
144  migration in developing brain, is expressed throughout life.
145 esults in a substantial dental health burden throughout life.
146 has been established, its fate is maintained throughout life.
147 lls that contribute to continuous eye growth throughout life.
148 d serve distinct roles in normal development throughout life.
149 smission is modified at cortical connections throughout life.
150 which infant trauma memories remain powerful throughout life.
151 eurons and neural circuits stably maintained throughout life?
152 descriptions: 1) delta(15)N values increased throughout life, 2) delta(15)N values increased to a pla
153 hey undergo cyclic regeneration repetitively throughout life, (3) regeneration occurs physiologically
154 s add new neurons to existing brain circuits throughout life, a process thought to be essential for t
155                                              Throughout life, adult organs continually adapt to varia
156                      Parietal podocytes form throughout life and are regularly observed in human biop
157 ic stem cells (HSCs) sustain blood formation throughout life and are the functional units of bone mar
158 opoiesis is not sustained at constant levels throughout life and define a heretofore unappreciated de
159 n supporting cells retain thin F-actin belts throughout life and express little E-cadherin.
160 tructure with the ASD cortical transcriptome throughout life and has downstream impact on cell cycle
161 lls capable of generating functional neurons throughout life and in the aged animal in particular.
162 at retains a remarkable degree of plasticity throughout life and in the presence of chronic heart fai
163 es, a healthy mammalian retina does not grow throughout life and lacks a ciliary margin zone capable
164 er intact or disrupted BMAL1 expression both throughout life and limited to adulthood.
165 e circadian control of peripheral metabolism throughout life and may help to explain its dysregulatio
166             Senescent cell production occurs throughout life and plays beneficial roles in a variety
167 ly plastic, undergoing constitutive turnover throughout life and regulating tyrosine hydroxylase expr
168 ata indicate that TC LTP in the ACx persists throughout life and therefore can potentially contribute
169 l from preadipocytes has been shown to occur throughout life and to contribute to obesity, yet very l
170 as well as a mild ileocolitis that persisted throughout life and was associated with impaired weight
171 and, both long-term SPI (continuous SPI diet throughout life) and ST-SPI diet only in early life prot
172 hma and recurrent acute asthma exacerbations throughout life, and contribute considerably to the heal
173 r stability in brain-cognition relationships throughout life, and indicate that early life factors im
174 arger than previously anticipated, continues throughout life, and is particularly associated with cer
175 artilage development and subsequent function throughout life, and mutations in this gene result in se
176 rotein abundance must be precisely regulated throughout life, and nowhere is the stringency of this r
177 rect, lead to permanent defects in the teeth throughout life, and result in teeth with low quantities
178  with implications for inspiration and sighs throughout life, and the ability to autoresuscitate when
179  immune system are replaced in large numbers throughout life, and the underlying mechanisms have been
180  to remain open to modulation and adaptation throughout life, and understanding of these mechanisms m
181                                              Throughout life animals learn to recognize cues that sig
182 hat quality of life and social participation throughout life are what individuals with cerebral palsy
183 OE) is known for its ability to renew itself throughout life as well as to reconstitute after injury.
184 ucer cells may form in the fetus and persist throughout life, as hypothesized in rodents.
185  is plastic and continues to undergo changes throughout life, as the gut grows and responds to dietar
186            Some processes generate mutations throughout life at a constant rate in all individuals, a
187  dentate gyrus, which undergoes neurogenesis throughout life, axon refinement is achieved by a compet
188         The olfactory system remains plastic throughout life because of continuous neurogenesis of se
189 the ability to study the evolving connectome throughout life, beginning in utero, which promises to m
190 ess-induced epigenetic changes to accumulate throughout life both in select chromatin regions and at
191 Es are present in the peripheral T-cell pool throughout life but are the most common subset of T cell
192 one (SGZ) is involved in learning and memory throughout life but declines with aging.
193 ls (OPCs) that are produced from progenitors throughout life but more actively during the neonatal pe
194  are added into the mammalian olfactory bulb throughout life, but it remains unknown whether the prop
195     The corpus callosum changes structurally throughout life, but most dramatically during childhood
196          Experience shapes brain development throughout life, but neuroplasticity is variable from on
197                      Reinfections are common throughout life, but no vaccines or antiviral treatments
198     New neurons are added to the adult brain throughout life, but only half ultimately integrate into
199 tical for the maintenance of spermatogenesis throughout life, but the cellular pathways regulating un
200 n a robust capacity for cardiac regeneration throughout life, but the same is not true of the adult m
201  often remain expressed in the induced organ throughout life, but their requirements in adults are un
202 rotransmitters have been thought to be fixed throughout life, but whether sensory stimuli alter behav
203 nflammatory disease generated and maintained throughout life by autoreactive T and B cells.
204 e hematopoietic system sustains regeneration throughout life by balancing self-renewal and differenti
205 ative quiescence of hematopoietic stem cells throughout life by limiting the number of active mitocho
206 tally and are assumed to maintain themselves throughout life by self-proliferation.
207 genitor cells maintain self-renewing tissues throughout life by sustaining their capacity for prolife
208 ensure the maintenance of tissue homeostasis throughout life by tightly regulating their self-renewal
209 as the progressive accumulation of mutations throughout life can lead to cancer and contribute to agi
210 lthough cardiomyocyte mitosis was detectable throughout life, cardiomyocyte cytokinesis was not evide
211             OSNs undergo continuous turnover throughout life, causing the constant replacement of the
212 t neurogenic niches ensure neuronal turnover throughout life, contributing to plasticity and homeosta
213 functional alterations of vessels accumulate throughout life, culminating in increased risk of develo
214 sms that promote cardiomyocyte proliferation throughout life, deciphering why proliferative capacity
215 e genes and accumulation of numerous insults throughout life dictate the progression of age-related d
216   The process of cell migration is essential throughout life, driving embryonic morphogenesis and ens
217 l neural stem cells generate newborn neurons throughout life due to their ability to self-renew and e
218 t multi-hit lymphomagenesis gradually occurs throughout life during successive immunological challeng
219 le long-term stability and typically persist throughout life, for reasons that are not fully understo
220 ce infected with LCMV Cl 13 remained viremic throughout life from defects in the adaptive antiviral i
221 matopoietic cells are continuously generated throughout life from hematopoietic stem cells, thus maki
222 ay during early postnatal life (PND 1-21) or throughout life from PND 1 until the end of the study.
223        The retinas of lower vertebrates grow throughout life from retinal stem cells (RSCs) and retin
224 ed a high turnover rate of endothelial cells throughout life (>15% per year) and more limited renewal
225 rly factors impact human brain and cognition throughout life has remained challenging.
226 the importance of maintaining cell integrity throughout life, how the HSC pool achieves this and how
227        Taste cells undergo constant turnover throughout life; however, the molecular mechanisms gover
228 of impairments to those mice expressing mHtt throughout life: (i) striatal neurodegeneration, (ii) ea
229 f hosts might affect infectious disease risk throughout life, if such disruptions during formative ti
230 ess, most organisms maintain healthy neurons throughout life, implying the existence of active mainte
231 multilineage differentiation, and to persist throughout life in a number of tissues.
232                 Although ecdysone is present throughout life in both males and females, its functions
233 effects and maintain functional neurogenesis throughout life in discrete regions of the mammalian bra
234         Engulfment of apoptotic cells occurs throughout life in multicellular organisms.
235 ration of mechanoreceptive hair cells occurs throughout life in non-mammalian vertebrates and allows
236 ndergo cell death and replacement (turnover) throughout life in non-mammalian vertebrates.
237                 Erythrocyte formation occurs throughout life in response to cytokine signaling.
238                  Adult neurogenesis persists throughout life in restricted brain regions in mammals a
239 neurons from adult neural precursors, occurs throughout life in restricted brain regions in mammals.
240 is followed by continuous B cell development throughout life in the bone marrow to immature B cells t
241    Neural stem cells (NSCs) generate neurons throughout life in the hippocampal dentate gyrus (DG).
242 ate granule cell (DGC) neurogenesis persists throughout life in the hippocampal dentate gyrus.
243           In most mammals, neurons are added throughout life in the hippocampus and olfactory bulb.
244 ting functionally integrated neurons, occurs throughout life in the hippocampus of the mammalian brai
245                    Adult neurogenesis occurs throughout life in the mammalian hippocampus and is esse
246 d integration of new granule cells generated throughout life in the mammalian hippocampus remain poor
247              Forebrain neurogenesis persists throughout life in the rodent subventricular zone (SVZ)
248               Neuronal precursors, generated throughout life in the subventricular zone, migrate thro
249 ctory bulb granule cells (GCs) are generated throughout life in the subventricular zone.
250 emain constant with age; rather, they change throughout life, in some cases improving in function, bu
251  states in pregnancy need to be limited, and throughout life inflammation needs to be terminated comp
252            Intellectual lifestyle enrichment throughout life is increasingly viewed as a protective s
253 havioral impact of adding new neurons to HVC throughout life is unclear.
254 gh these niche cells sustain spermatogenesis throughout life, it is not understood how their fate is
255 tart during infancy and increase in severity throughout life, leading to hospitalization and poor qua
256         And would this structure be retained throughout life-long blindness or would it fade as a res
257 D, we evaluated WT mice pair-fed three diets throughout life: low-AGE (MG(-)), MG-supplemented low-AG
258             Spermatogonial stem cells divide throughout life, maintaining their own population and gi
259 d photoreceptor development and degeneration throughout life, making them a useful model for investig
260 us provides evidence that lower Abeta levels throughout life may be protective against AD.
261 ggest that maintaining a healthy body weight throughout life may reduce multiple myeloma risk.
262      Predicting and preventing exacerbations throughout life might help to reduce progressive lung fu
263                                              Throughout life, neural stem cells (NSCs) in different d
264 a regenerating appendage maintain expression throughout life of transcription factor genes that can i
265  counteract the effects of aging continually throughout life, or whether they act during specific per
266 ontinue to be generated in the dentate gyrus throughout life, providing this region of the hippocampu
267                                              Throughout life, rats emit ultrasonic vocalizations (USV
268 r, adult brain plasticity, although possible throughout life, remains restricted mostly to subcellula
269 ent infected individuals remain asymptomatic throughout life, serious complications such as loss of v
270 iation exposure increases the risk of cancer throughout life, so continued follow-up of survivors is
271                                              Throughout life, stem cells in the ventricular-subventri
272         The persistence of immune deficiency throughout life suggests that the cellular target of AHR
273 crovascular occlusion is a common phenomenon throughout life that might require greater recognition a
274 in the adult skeleton by forming osteoblasts throughout life that regenerate bone and repair fracture
275                                              Throughout life, the eye is exposed to a multitude of st
276                                 In addition, throughout life, the liver is bombarded with chemical an
277                                              Throughout life, the T cell system adapts to shifting re
278                                              Throughout life, these gene rearrangements continuously
279 e of three years and then repeatedly infects throughout life; this it does despite relatively slight
280 mpetencies in children that would carry them throughout life, through social skills training, parent
281 t in early childhood and decreases gradually throughout life to <1% per year in adulthood, with simil
282 Central neural networks operate continuously throughout life to control respiration, yet mechanisms r
283  chronic mechanical and physiological stress throughout life to maintain proper contractile function.
284             Functional Tregs must be present throughout life to provide continuous protection for the
285   These pathways function in development and throughout life to regulate cellular, organ, and whole-o
286           New neurons are continuously added throughout life to the dentate gyrus of the mammalian hi
287             Experience shapes brain function throughout life to varying degrees.
288 s from non-beta-cell origins is thus enabled throughout life via delta- or alpha-cell spontaneous rep
289         Taste cells are continuously renewed throughout life via proliferation of epithelial progenit
290  pool of cells that generates new DG neurons throughout life was reduced, commensurate with the small
291 enerate new olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) throughout life, we investigated the possibility that 5-
292 the epigenome remains sensitive to stressors throughout life, we propose two key principles that may
293 ning new motor skills and maintaining memory throughout life, which rapidly decline with Parkinson's
294 hibitors arise in patients with hemophilia A throughout life with a bimodal risk, being greatest in e
295 he lungs during embryogenesis and self-renew throughout life with minimal replacement by circulating
296 usual in that they are continually generated throughout life, with aberrant integration of new cells
297  maturation patterns were largely maintained throughout life, with site-specific variations.
298                  These domains remain stable throughout life without evidence of secondary tangential
299 ensure a sufficient number of cell divisions throughout life, yet prevent unlimited cell division and
300 rast to microglia, which remain of YS origin throughout life, YS-derived LC precursors are largely re

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