


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ccumulated in neurons as autophagic flux was thwarted.
2 y acquiring an E3 ligase domain, AvrPtoB has thwarted a highly conserved host resistance mechanism.
3 ut transcriptionally dormant cells currently thwarts a cure for the more than 35 million individuals
4 onmental cues associated with drug use often thwarts abstinence efforts by triggering drug using memo
5 become activated when normal regeneration is thwarted and trigger the appearance of "progenitor" cell
6 03 coordinates with other cowpox proteins to thwart antigen presentation.
7 ules released within the microenvironment to thwart antitumor immune responses, thereby facilitating
8     Innate and adaptive immune responses are thwarted as a consequence of Yop activities.
9 hypothesis that JA-inducible proteins (JIPs) thwart attack by disrupting digestive processes in the i
10 as immediately and consistently effective at thwarting attack and bats regularly performed catching b
11           By adhering, the beetle is able to thwart attacking ants, given that it is able to cling mo
12                                    Hagfishes thwart attacks by fish predators by producing liters of
13 ed by the NER apparatus and is followed by a thwarted attempt at gap-filling by the replicative Polym
14 on of the remarkably unreactive hemiketal 16 thwarted attempts to elaborate 15 to tedanolide.
15  heterogeneity of Glut4 neurons has thus far thwarted attempts to understand their function.
16  solid-state crystal packing, and this often thwarts attempts to produce isostructural series of crys
17 We report that the transcription factor MafB thwarts auto-amplification by a metastable switch activi
18 K-4, MyD88, and UNC-93B pathway blockade may thwart autoimmunity in humans.
19 ains largely unknown how anti-B cell therapy thwarts autoimmunity in these pathologies.
20                 In pre-BCR(+) ALL, ibrutinib thwarted autonomous and induced pre-BCR signaling, resul
21 iogenesis does not occur and tumor growth is thwarted beyond 1-2mm in size.
22 xploits the limits of a previous approach to thwart branch migration, but the design of the 12-arm ju
23 ts a liability to melanoma cells, which they thwart by assuming an oncogenic dependency on the E3 lig
24   Unfortunately, achieving our objective was thwarted by a lethal embryonic phenotype.
25                           The final step was thwarted by a pinacol-like rearrangement that delivered
26 te 17 containing the silyl ether linkage was thwarted by a slow alkylation and an undesired Peterson-
27 espread implementation of cocooning has been thwarted by both individual-level and system-level issue
28 protein functionality has been significantly thwarted by both intrinsic instability and stringent sol
29 eir development for mass production has been thwarted by difficulties in aligning and integrating the
30 based on intraspecific polymorphisms, can be thwarted by difficulties in delineating species' boundar
31  ethnic homogeneity in the market and can be thwarted by diversity.
32 ffects of sunlight in human epidermis may be thwarted by either: transient growth arrest and repair o
33 scission by vibrational excitation have been thwarted by energy thermalization.
34 ectroscopy shows that the charge transfer is thwarted by hybridization effects tuned by the rare-eart
35 The long-term application of Pt complexes is thwarted by issues, leading scientists to examine other
36  against the enzyme, these efforts have been thwarted by lack of cellular activity.
37 i-obesity hormone, but this role is commonly thwarted by leptin resistance.
38 ted with lymphopenia, such as AIDS, has been thwarted by limited techniques for studying T-lymphocyte
39 oplet edge, whereas new polymer formation is thwarted by long nucleation times, since the concentrati
40 forts towards an effective vaccine have been thwarted by poor understanding of what constitutes prote
41 nt of HIV-1/AIDS, but their effectiveness is thwarted by rapid emergence of drug resistance.
42   Attempts to resolve these issues have been thwarted by small and noisy datasets, and by lack of com
43 otentially potent pro-ISIS aggregates can be thwarted by targeting smaller ones.
44 ssively more 'efficient' male-killers can be thwarted by the appearance of host resistance.
45 e, defining the most critical forms has been thwarted by the changeable nature of these aggregates an
46 stereochemistry at the pro-C(11) center were thwarted by the congestion imparted by the presence of t
47 ture of the prothrombinase complex have been thwarted by the dependence of complex formation on phosp
48 uman clinical studies are cumbersome and are thwarted by the extent of investigation that can be perf
49 nt of a vaccine for the common cold has been thwarted by the fact that there are more than 100 seroty
50                      Progress toward 29a was thwarted by the failure of the key dithiacyclophane-form
51                          These responses may thwarted by the high rate of mutation, which leads to th
52 espread implementation in this role has been thwarted by the lack of a lightweight, safe, on-board hy
53 rease in INS-1 cell IRS-2 protein levels was thwarted by the mammalian target of rapamycin(mTOR) inhi
54 ective control of tuberculosis (TB) has been thwarted by the need for prolonged, complex and potentia
55         Remarkably, viral persistence is not thwarted by the presence of apparently vigorous, virus-s
56 ysiological basis of their behavior had been thwarted by the pressurized nature of their internal bod
57 effectiveness of vaccination programs can be thwarted by the public misperceptions of vaccine risk.
58                      These studies have been thwarted by the rarity of IgE(+) cells in vivo and the l
59 ly difficult to diagnose and surveillance is thwarted by the subjectivity of many components of the s
60  bug (Stiretrus anchorago), were shown to be thwarted by the thatch.
61  expression in large animal models have been thwarted by transient expression or immune responses to
62 everal earlier attempted congresses had been thwarted by World War I and European tensions would also
63 or vascularity provide a potential avenue to thwart cancer progression.
64            Loss of eIF2alpha phosphorylation thwarts caspase activation and delays apoptosis.
65 f Nephromyces, and its unusual habitat, have thwarted characterization of the phylogenetic affinities
66 ixed redox and ligand states in the crystals thwart clear conclusions.
67                  The tumour microenvironment thwarts conventional immunotherapy through multiple immu
68        This review moves beyond the problems thwarting correlational GxE research to propose genetic
69 ing novel therapies specifically designed to thwart critical pathways responsible for this malignancy
70 ps in our understanding of pathogenesis that thwart development of optimally effective control progra
71 icular Vkappa germline genes in promoting or thwarting DNA binding.
72               S. aureus has the potential to thwart effective neutrophil chemotaxis, and phagocytosis
73 n nanotubes (CNTs) in pure form continues to thwart efforts by scientists to use these ultrathin mate
74 ordial germ cells (PGCs) in the mouse embryo thwart efforts to investigate molecular mechanisms of ge
75 6d and other conduction electron states, has thwarted efforts for fully understanding this class of c
76 on, but the apparent instability of MD-2 has thwarted efforts to more fully separate and characterize
77 rapidly undergoes O-O bond cleavage, thereby thwarting efforts to trap it using rapid mixing methods.
78 parum underlies its transmission success and thwarts efforts to control disease caused by this parasi
79 mediated cell cycle activity specifically by thwarting EGF-mediated Tcf/Lef transcriptional activity,
80 bsorption of iron, calcium, and vitamin B12; thwarts enteric infection; and prevents bacterial overgr
81 ) display intrinsic drug resistance that may thwart eradication of a malignancy by chemotherapy.
82 nism by which many soft biological materials thwart excessive deformation to protect tissue integrity
83 ic and granulomatous inflammation capable of thwarting fungal growth.
84 chanisms may reveal unique opportunities for thwarting GATA-2-dependent processes in a therapeutic co
85 f RESV treatment after SE is efficacious for thwarting glutamatergic neuron degeneration, alleviating
86 roportion of F-cells that have enough HbF to thwart HbS polymerization is the most critical predictor
87       A second variant, 45-46m7, designed to thwart HIV-1 resistance to NIH45-46(G54W) arising from m
88 e efficient expression of viral genes and to thwart host cell protein synthesis.
89 ive regulators of innate immune signaling or thwart host cell proteins that are activated by ubiquiti
90 selects for a cuckoo plumage polymorphism to thwart host detection.
91 o strategies used by pathogenic bacteria for thwarting host defenses and surviving in human blood.
92 es C3b binding and their antigenic variation thwarts host immunological defences.
93               These efforts can, however, be thwarted if exploitation is compensated demographically
94 emplified by the many BCR/ABL mutations that thwart imatinib activity in patients with chronic myelog
95                  Chronic viruses and cancers thwart immune responses in humans by inducing T cell dys
96                       The Epstein-Barr virus thwarts immune surveillance through a Gly-Ala repeat (GA
97                     While we were ultimately thwarted in using the ammonium ylide/rearrangement casca
98       By virtue of specific adaptations that thwart individual innate or adaptive immune mechanisms,
99 striction factors target the viral capsid to thwart infection.
100 e active kinase complexes to synergistically thwart innate immunity.
101 ion (42% versus 28% isolated yield), thereby thwarting installation of the isocyclic ring (ring E, sp
102 ine-rich domain structure within Pfs230 have thwarted its recombinant expression and characterization
103 are still possible, realizing these gains is thwarted largely by economic rather than scientific conc
104 n adenylated ligase complex and consequently thwarted ligation.
105 thogen, which may lead to new strategies for thwarting Lyme disease.
106                        Multiple factors have thwarted molecular identification of this channel, inclu
107 es rapid and sustained BTK inhibition, while thwarting more slowly accumulating off-target reactivity
108  of gene transcription, a mechanism that has thwarted most efforts to inhibit MYC function as potenti
109 everal key cells of the human immune system, thwarting multiple arms of the host immune response, and
110 duals then act to fortify or replenish their thwarted need or needs.
111 ght to improve visibility during fixation by thwarting neural adaptation to unchanging stimuli, but h
112 y, activating inflammation through TNFR1 and thwarting opsonization by trapping IgG Fc domains, while
113 ameters could identify optimal strategies to thwart or redirect assembly to block infection.
114  class A beta-lactamases (ESBLs) continue to thwart our best clinical efforts.
115 nderstanding of cancer's diversity currently thwarts our goal of a cure for every patient, but recent
116 appreciation of the complexities of RAS that thwarted past efforts, and armed with new technologies a
117                                           To thwart pest resistance, some transgenic crops produce 2
118 y excluding infection of heterologous phage, thwarting phage production and further infection.
119 don states, computational burden has largely thwarted phylogenetic reconstruction under codon models,
120                           Steric limitations thwarted plans to prepare the naphthalene analogue of 10
121 to develop resistance to antimalarial drugs, thwarting present efforts to control it.
122 mocystis spp. outside the mammalian lung has thwarted progress toward understanding their basic biolo
123 tic, the dosage at which bacterial growth is thwarted, provides an effective quantitative measure for
124 ached B cell tolerance to DNA, apparently by thwarting receptor editing.
125 inhibitory signals produced by CNS glia that thwart regenerating axons.
126 immune MRL-Fas(lpr) mice could exacerbate or thwart renal injury.
127 These properties may underlie its ability to thwart replicative senescence and, not surprisingly, hav
128 ptic knockdown of the fly homologue of LRRK2 thwarts retrograde, homeostatic synaptic compensation at
129 nd presumably quantitatively, bind siRNAs to thwart RNA-interference-mediated degradation.
130 generates intrinsic stimulatory capacity and thwarts signal blockade strategies.
131                         This arrangement has thwarted standard genetic approaches to generate an Hsp7
132  beneficial for restraining seizures, cannot thwart status epilepticus (SE) induced neurodegeneration
133 conserved elements of the target epitope, by thwarting strain-specific and distracted lineages.
134                              Pleiomorphy has thwarted structural analysis by image reconstruction of
135 ue two-stage translation silencing mechanism thwarts synthesis of a male-specific transcription activ
136 clusion protein that provides a mechanism to thwart T-even phage infection.
137 trace explosives is crucial in the effort to thwart terrorist explosives attacks.
138 HTLV-1) has evolved a remarkable strategy to thwart the antiviral effects of the cellular cytidine de
139 d toxin-producing bacteria, GBS may actively thwart the autophagic pathway.
140 ar environment may provide an opportunity to thwart the cell death initiated by the loss of dystrophi
141 homeostasis, are co-opted by cancer cells to thwart the development of effective antitumor responses.
142 gical drug development strategy is needed to thwart the development of metastatic disease at every st
143 processes may facilitate HCC progression and thwart the efficacy of immunotherapeutic interventions.
144 nother strategy utilized by this pathogen to thwart the host immune response.
145 six effector proteins into the host cells to thwart the host innate immune response.
146 ts of granuloma-specific bacterial genes may thwart the host's attempt to completely eradicate the ba
147 d carotenoid (shield), act in partnership to thwart the immune phagocytic defenses.
148  we suggest a role that allows B. cepacia to thwart the immune response and a model of the events tha
149 l to females, and female countermeasures may thwart the interests of males, which can lead to an arms
150 al for survival and enables C. neoformans to thwart the mammalian immune system.
151 d/or aggregation is an appealing strategy to thwart the onset and progression of this disease.
152 go extensive replication, it might therefore thwart the purpose of MRT In order to improve the safety
153  of the U.S. educational system continues to thwart the search for a straightforward answer to the qu
154 and vaccine development will be essential to thwart the staggering worldwide impact of this disease;
155 tives for the pursuit of AR treatments, have thwarted the ability to understand AR pathology and mech
156 41 and the methylene amino acrylate ester 48 thwarted the completion of the synthesis of lysergic aci
157 s resulting from error-prone replication has thwarted the discovery of a universal prophylactic vacci
158        Ultimately, undesired C-N cyclization thwarted the final projected C-C bond forming ring closu
159 -based dietary small RNAs in circulation has thwarted the use of dietary RNA therapeutics.
160                                     This has thwarted the use of FM dyes in systems more intact than
161  apoptosis in sepsis is beneficial; however, thwarting the development of secondary necrosis through
162 esponses could improve drug effects, thereby thwarting the emergence of acquired resistance.
163 gests a novel role for gram-positive pili in thwarting the innate defenses of phagocyte killing.
164 ctions of these pathways in AML are unclear, thwarting the rational application of targeted therapeut
165 n latently infected individuals survives and thwarts the attempts of eradication by the immune system
166 s the numerous mechanisms by which the virus thwarts the cells from expressing its genes after infect
167 hose components may favor a selfishness that thwarts the evolution of cooperation.
168 an enigmatic microbial virulence factor that thwarts the host immune surveillance system to cause dis
169 n important mechanism by which H. capsulatum thwarts the host immune system.
170              An electron-deficient phosphine thwarts the reduction step but, based on the Ru-S cataly
171        Proliferative vitreoretinopathy (PVR) thwarts the repair of rhegmatogenous retinal detachments
172 the complexity of these molecular structures thwarts their accessibility.
173  inherent and acquired antibiotic resistance thwarts therapy.
174 ns and the strategies employed by viruses to thwart these defenses.
175 et of mutations dominating the picture, have thwarted this approach.
176                                              Thwarting this accelerated grass-fire cycle is at the fo
177 m (chemokine receptors, adhesion molecules), thwarting tissue retention and recirculation into the ti
178           However, significant barriers have thwarted translation of these approaches to true therapi
179                    Furthermore, loss of GCN2 thwarted translational control, normal epidermal differe
180 st in the host, facilitate transmission, and thwart treatment of infected patients.
181 llular senescence or apoptosis, which act to thwart tumor development.
182 suggests that driving pyruvate oxidation can thwart tumor growth in BRAF-driven melanoma by inducing
183 , host cells have also evolved strategies to thwart viral immune escape.
184                                   One way to thwart virus infection is to inhibit interaction with ce
185                            Repression can be thwarted when stable transcription preinitiation complex
186                  This additional layering is thwarted when the PE conformation is constrained.

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