


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  functional diversity is lost after neonatal thymectomy.
2 ow chimeras prepared after complete surgical thymectomy.
3 s by combined cyclophosphamide treatment and thymectomy.
4 imilar to the previously described effect of thymectomy.
5 n, and these cells disappear following early thymectomy.
6 hymus prevents the induction of disease post-thymectomy.
7 utes of Health-funded international trial of thymectomy.
8 ult male C57BL/6 mice with and without prior thymectomy.
9  cells, and rapidly decreased after complete thymectomy.
10  reduction surgery, lung transplantation and thymectomy.
11 n target peripheral T cells up to 2 mo after thymectomy.
12 eated with FK506, anti-CD4 mAbs (GK1.5), and thymectomy.
13 atients before and from 27 to 517 days after thymectomy.
14 for MG decreased thymopoiesis independent of thymectomy.
15 nt ways: total body irradiation and neonatal thymectomy.
16 fficacy is questionable or unproved, such as thymectomy.
17 loantigenic stimulation 2 wk after the adult thymectomy.
18 ejected and survival was not affected by the thymectomy.
19  frequency that is enhanced significantly by thymectomy.
20 d MG patients studied at varying times after thymectomy (1 day to 41 years), we found no significant
21                    Group 5 animals underwent thymectomy 100 days after co-transplantation (n=4).
22 uction of tolerance by performing a complete thymectomy 21 d before renal transplantation.
23 2 days of CyA underwent either (1) a partial thymectomy 21 days before kidney transplantation (day -2
24 urse of cyclosporine (CyA), and that a total thymectomy 21 days before transplantation abrogates the
25                                              Thymectomy 3 wk after neonatal MTLV infection enhances t
26  treated with modified regimens that omitted thymectomy, 3 Gy TBI, anti-Thy1.2, and anti-NK1.1 mAbs,
27  prognosis was good, with a reduced need for thymectomy (6.3% vs 19.2%) and a high proportion of pati
28 ptide induces operational tolerance, whereas thymectomy abrogates this effect.
29           Moreover, halting thymic output by thymectomy accelerates the age-dependent decline in peri
30 IL-7R, or devoid of T cell renewal via adult thymectomy, all exhibited significant increases in TCE i
31 ally transplanted into recipients undergoing thymectomy alone or recipients undergoing thymectomy plu
32 st, using the complementary methods of early thymectomy and adoptive transfers, we found that PTEN-de
33                            Here we have used thymectomy and antibody depletion to examine the effect
34 c age of residual PTK7 (+) T cells following thymectomy and may also explain in part the prematurely
35                                   When adult thymectomy and postgraft donor ThyTx were combined with
36 n be induced in normal laboratory rats after thymectomy and split dose gamma-irradiation.
37 etes, induced in rats by a protocol of adult thymectomy and split-dose gamma irradiation, can be prev
38  with naive CD4+CD25- effector T cells after thymectomy and T-cell depletion in CBA mice that receive
39 rgan-specific autoimmune disease after day 3 thymectomy and the effector function of cloned autoantig
40  responses could first be detected 5 wk post-thymectomy and were accompanied by high background respo
41 ed through a partial (n=6) or complete (n=2) thymectomy, and growth of the autologous thymic graft wa
42  the response to extended cervicomediastinal thymectomy as a component of the integrated management o
43            A cohort of BALB/c mice underwent thymectomy at day 3 after birth (d3Tx).
44 D mice did not result in suppression of post-thymectomy autoimmunity.
45                                              Thymectomy before HIV-1 infection did not preclude eithe
46                                              Thymectomy before i.v. injection of P5-activated syngene
47  primary response to H-Y for some time after thymectomy but lost this ability at approximately 6 mo.
48 press not only the induction of disease post-thymectomy, but can also efficiently suppress disease in
49 ast, mice that were primed to H-Y just after thymectomy continued to display immunological memory to
50                                        Day 3 thymectomy (D3Tx) leads to a paucity of CD4(+)CD25(+) su
51                                        Day 3 thymectomy (D3Tx) results in a loss of peripheral tolera
52                                        Day 3 thymectomy (D3Tx) results in a loss of peripheral tolera
53                                We found that thymectomy decreased CD4 or CD8 T cell TREC concentratio
54 ting to the relevance of the thymic effects, thymectomy decreases by approximately 50% the bone loss
55                                              Thymectomy did not influence xenograft survival in any t
56                                Pretransplant thymectomy diminished the efficacy of CD4-targeted thera
57 the T cell pool in fetal life, but postnatal thymectomy does not lead to immunodeficiency in humans.
58                                     However, thymectomy does not result in homeostatic proliferation
59                                 In contrast, thymectomy eliminated LN recent thymic emigrants.
60                                        Timed thymectomy experiments confirmed that the CD8-SP autoeff
61 s' most recent 100 consecutive transcervical thymectomies for nonthymoma-associated MG was performed
62 ecutive patients who underwent trans-sternal thymectomy for symptomatic myasthenia gravis from 1969 t
63               The transcervical approach for thymectomy for the treatment of MG produces results simi
64 ne (6.15 vs. 8.99, P<0.001); patients in the thymectomy group also had a lower average requirement fo
65 between groups (P=0.73), but patients in the thymectomy group had fewer treatment-associated symptoms
66                        Fewer patients in the thymectomy group than in the prednisone-only group requi
67  by multiple doses of AH.F5 with and without thymectomy (groups 7 and 8).
68                       Patients who underwent thymectomy had a lower time-weighted average Quantitativ
69                                              Thymectomy has been a mainstay in the treatment of myast
70                                              Thymectomy improved clinical outcomes over a 3-year peri
71 pread acceptance of the notion that complete thymectomy improves the course of the disease.
72                                     Neonatal thymectomy in BALB/c mice has been described as a model
73                                      Because thymectomy in humans is performed for treatment of myast
74 ld be reserved for difficult cases or before thymectomy in lieu of plasma exchange.
75                                  The role of thymectomy in the management of the disease remains unpr
76                                  The role of thymectomy in the management of these patients remains u
77 ll with acute hepatitis B after undergoing a thymectomy in which a thoracic-surgery resident who had
78 lls in PG and SMG following short-term adult thymectomy indicated that immature salivary gland T cell
79 ls that inhibit SAT were eliminated by day 3 thymectomy, indicating they belong to the subset of natu
80 A/J and (C57BL/6J x A/J)F1 hybrids, neonatal thymectomy-induced autoimmune ovarian dysgenesis (AOD) i
81 uggests that, as in adult myasthenia gravis, thymectomy is a viable therapeutic option for selected c
82                  Extended cervicomediastinal thymectomy is the procedure of choice as a component of
83  and naive CD4 T cells, is enhanced by 3-day thymectomy, is independent of IL-7, and requires a class
84                                   Autoimmune thymectomy models have revealed suppressor cell populati
85 ment, compared to conventional trans-sternal thymectomy, neither the pathologic diagnosis (presence o
86 e gastritis spontaneously develops following thymectomy of 3-day-old BALB/c mice (d3Tx).
87                                              Thymectomy of BALB/c mice on day 3 of life results in th
88                                              Thymectomy of neonatal mice can result in the developmen
89                                              Thymectomy of recipient animals before transplantation d
90 of donor-specific thymus combined with adult thymectomy of recipients enhances the tolerogenic effect
91                                              Thymectomy of susceptible strains of mice on day 3 of li
92 plant tolerance, which was then abrogated by thymectomy of the recipient before intravenous injection
93 contrast, there was no significant effect of thymectomy on absolute numbers of naive PB T cells.
94                 Animals undergoing a partial thymectomy on day -21 or serial thymic biopsies showed s
95 ay 0 host-type thymocyte infusions following thymectomy on day -21, developed donor-specific hyporesp
96 ithout changes in thymic volume), (3) a sham thymectomy on day -21, or serial sham thymic surgery on
97     Female (C57BL/6xA/J)F(1) mice undergoing thymectomy on day 3 after birth (d3tx) developed autoimm
98        We have also determined the effect of thymectomy on levels of PB cells containing signal joint
99 have studied patients with MG for effects of thymectomy on peripheral blood (PB) naive (CD45RA(+), CD
100 le tolerance induction, because either prior thymectomy or a series of thymic biopsies induce a spont
101   Suppression of resistance of recipients by thymectomy or injections of granulocyte colony-stimulati
102 ssential for tolerance because pretransplant thymectomy or peritransplant depletion of CD25(+) cells
103                                    A partial thymectomy or serial thymic biopsies markedly interfere
104 nosuppressive-conditioning regimen including thymectomy or thymic irradiation, extracorporeal immunoa
105 equently performed surgical procedure (e.g., thymectomy) or in cases where there was no predominant p
106 myasthenic patients, for whom treatment with thymectomy, plasmapheresis, and conventional immunothera
107            We compared extended transsternal thymectomy plus alternate-day prednisone with alternate-
108 ng thymectomy alone or recipients undergoing thymectomy plus either CD4+ or CD8+ T cell depletion.
109 ed a multicenter, randomized trial comparing thymectomy plus prednisone with prednisone alone.
110 ic rats before the onset of disease by adult thymectomy plus short-term anti-CD8alpha mAb treatment.
111 r-old man with myasthenia gravis and a prior thymectomy presenting with 2 months of diffuse, involunt
112                                              Thymectomy prevented disease, confirming the causal asso
113                                              Thymectomy prevented the induction of tolerance.
114                  The results show that adult thymectomy prevents the inhibition of trinitrophenol (TN
115 sponse of patients with myasthenia gravis to thymectomy primarily with respect to the bivariate endpo
116                                     Although thymectomy prolongs enhanced CTLA-4 expression, long-ter
117 ntinuous isotype-matched control mAb, 3) the thymectomy/pulse anti-CD8alpha regimen, or 4) no treatme
118  and contrast-enhanced CT groups had similar thymectomy rates (P = .97) and disease-related symptom t
119 ted with RIB 5/2 plus an i.v. alloantigen +/-thymectomy received kidney transplants after 40 days.
120 ever, the best technique to achieve complete thymectomy remains controversial.
121                                              Thymectomy resulted in the gradual loss of these DNA del
122                                              Thymectomy showed that thymic output of IGRP-specific tr
123                                              Thymectomy significantly reduces survival after MCMV cha
124 ons most when thymopoiesis was active before thymectomy (six of six patients), but had little effect
125 aboons underwent a conditioning regimen with thymectomy, splenectomy, and anti-monkey CD3 antibody co
126 ppressive conditioning regimen that included thymectomy, splenectomy, extracorporeal immunoadsorption
127  patient with myasthenia gravis treated with thymectomy subsequently developed extensive granulomatou
128  days, whereas anti-CD4, in combination with thymectomy, synergistically prolonged survival of pancre
129  in patients without bilateral transcervical thymectomy (TCT).
130 onships between performance on the UPSIT and thymectomy, time since diagnosis, type of treatment regi
131                                   Failure of thymectomy to affect the course of tolerance after day +
132               We now report: (a) addition of thymectomy to the protocol permitted skin allografts to
133                         In agreement, adding thymectomy to the regimen results in permanent engraftme
134 c graft-vs-host reaction (synGVHR) and timed thymectomy (Tx) assays revealed that autoeffector T cell
135 s were created by subjecting juvenile RMs to thymectomy versus sham surgery, respectively, followed b
136 ereas the use of extended cervicomediastinal thymectomy was associated with a greater than twofold ch
137                                The effect of thymectomy was particularly notable in those individuals
138                                        Adult thymectomy was performed 4 weeks before grafting.
139                                              Thymectomy was performed in 17 children, of whom 11 expe
140 ldren and adolescents who underwent neonatal thymectomy, we demonstrate that the naive CD4+ T cell co
141 s without adoptive transfer, irradiation, or thymectomy, we developed genetically modified mice that
142                                        Total thymectomies were performed in six animals (postoperativ
143                                              Thymectomies were performed on days -21, 0, +8, +21, and
144 at their numbers progressively decline after thymectomy with a half-life of approximately 2 weeks.
145 th a history of thymoma or thymic neoplasms, thymectomy within 12 months before screening, or use of
146 y the escape of self-reactive T cells before thymectomy without accompanying T reg cells.
147 e neonatal thymus/T cells (e.g., by neonatal thymectomy) without virus infection.

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