


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 hed the generation of CD8(+) single-positive thymocytes.
2 the number of MoMLV-infected splenocytes and thymocytes.
3 odeficient mice that received p53cKO-derived thymocytes.
4 g a subset of CD45RA(+)CD31(-) mature CD4(+) thymocytes.
5 s already established in single-positive CD8 thymocytes.
6  accumulation of mature single positive (SP) thymocytes.
7 r77 and CD5high) in CD4 single positive (SP) thymocytes.
8 ocytes and CD8(+) and CD4(+) single-positive thymocytes.
9 am of Ras in RasGRP1 T-ALL but not in normal thymocytes.
10 T cells and prevents escape of high-affinity thymocytes.
11 nduces the programmed cell death of immature thymocytes.
12 ation sites in wild-type and Cxxc1-deficient thymocytes.
13 scue the survival defects in Cxxc1-deficient thymocytes.
14 igands leading to excessive loss of immature thymocytes.
15 is crucial in determining the T-cell fate of thymocytes.
16 t prevented expansion of post-beta-selection thymocytes.
17 he distal (P1) or proximal (P2) promoters in thymocytes.
18 sfully traversed by only approximately 5% of thymocytes.
19 ecombination events in developing gammadelta thymocytes.
20 d the developmental defects of YY1-deficient thymocytes.
21  thymocytes but then downregulated in mature thymocytes.
22 show that expression is confined to maturing thymocytes.
23 numbers of single-positive CD4(+) and CD8(+) thymocytes.
24 erates on CD4(-) CD8(-) doubly negative (DN) thymocytes.
25  efficient negative selection of Ag-specific thymocytes.
26 yclonal and T cell receptor (TCR) transgenic thymocytes.
27 re presented and help tolerize self-reactive thymocytes.
28 ocal chromatin accessibility in CD4(-)CD8(-) thymocytes.
29 esses the expansion of Kras(G12D)-expressing thymocytes.
30 aks on CD3(high)CD4(+)CD8(+) double-positive thymocytes.
31 iated the developmental block in Themis(-/-) thymocytes.
32 ade as double-negative (DN) TCRalphabeta(hi) thymocytes.
33 by TCR signaling in murine T cells and human thymocytes.
34 onventional naive CD4 T cells and mature CD4 thymocytes, a property that may contribute to the VIT's
35 e of the G-proteins Galphai2 and Galphai3 in thymocyte and T cell function, we developed several mous
36             We investigated the mechanism of thymocyte and T cell loss, determining that the major th
37                                              Thymocyte and T cell trafficking relies on signals initi
38 lipid raft content on the plasma membrane of thymocytes and antigen presenting cells.
39 s reported roles in cell death, fibroblasts, thymocytes and B cells lacking AIF underwent normal deat
40 e modifications to TRAV12 in double-negative thymocytes and caused a substantial increase in usage of
41 used quantitative mass spectrometry and both thymocytes and CD4(+) T cells from mice in which a tag f
42 finity signaled CD4(+)CD8(+) double-positive thymocytes and CD8(+) and CD4(+) single-positive thymocy
43  after positive selection in single-positive thymocytes and continues in the periphery in recent thym
44 ic progenitors (ETPs), and double-negative 2 thymocytes and cultured these populations on OP9-Delta-l
45  compensatory hyperproliferation of immature thymocytes and development of T cell lymphoma.
46 d in increased negative selection of OTII(+) thymocytes and in increased thymic and peripheral T regu
47 7BL/6 (B6) mice, causing severe depletion of thymocytes and peripheral T cells.
48 gets on a genome-wide scale in primary mouse thymocytes and show that Zfp36l1/l2 regulate DNA damage
49  correlated with the levels of cell death in thymocytes and splenocytes, respectively, as measured by
50 rkhead box protein O1 (Foxo1) and Klf2 in DP thymocytes and the accumulation of postselection interme
51 ion of immature CD4(+)CD8(+) double-positive thymocytes and their commitment to the CD4(+)CD8(-) sing
52  for robust proliferation of double-negative thymocytes and their differentiation into double-positiv
53 glycolipid processing and presentation by DP thymocytes and undefined intrinsic alterations in iNKT p
54 L-22) in response to loss of double positive thymocytes and upregulation of IL-23 by dendritic cells.
55  growth factor 1 (Egr1) and Egr3 in immature thymocytes and, in turn, of the expression and function
56 is of mature naive T cells without affecting thymocytes and/or recent thymic emigrants remains unknow
57 ppresses the B-lineage potential of immature thymocytes, and consolidates their differentiation to T
58 itic cells (DC) delete self-antigen-specific thymocytes, and drive development of Foxp3-expressing im
59 to its expression by post-positive selection thymocytes, and expression of its ligands by medullary t
60      ShcA is an adapter protein expressed in thymocytes, and it is required for productive signaling
61  and intrathymic positioning of CD4(+)CD8(+) thymocytes, and their ability to generate mature alphabe
62  autoimmunity was identified in preselection thymocytes, and, consistently, public, disease-associate
63                         In normal rat liver, thymocyte antigen 1 (Thy1) is expressed in fibroblasts/m
64 compartment and developmental stage at which thymocytes are deleted.
65                                              Thymocytes are highly motile within the thymus and trave
66        Remaining A20-deficient NKT1 and NKT2 thymocytes are hyperactivated in vivo and secrete elevat
67 ymic DC subsets to acquire MHC and stimulate thymocytes are poorly understood.
68                                   Itpkb(-/-) thymocytes are pre-TCR hyperresponsive, hyperactivate Ak
69                T-lineage committed precursor thymocytes are screened by a fate-determination process
70 sitive and negative selections in the thymus.Thymocytes are screened by two processes, termed positiv
71 cytometry to evaluate the response to S1P of thymocytes at different stages of maturation.
72  survival of common lymphoid progenitors and thymocytes at the double-negative to double-positive tra
73  of TCR signals, a developmental blockage of thymocytes at the transition from double-negative 3 to 4
74 selection is altered in young mice such that thymocytes bearing TCRs with low affinity for self-pepti
75 s where the malignancy is initiated in early thymocytes, before T-cell receptor (TCR) beta-rearrangem
76 tial defects in the deletion of autoreactive thymocytes, BIM-deficient NOD (NODBim(-/-)) mice develop
77  highly upregulated in immature CD4(+)CD8(+) thymocytes but then downregulated in mature thymocytes.
78 sor populations among TCRbeta(+)CD4(-)CD8(-) thymocytes by dependence on the kinase TAK1 and rigorous
79 IL-7) promotes the survival of TCRbeta(-) DN thymocytes by inducing expression of the pro-survival mo
80 s are instrumental in clearance of apoptotic thymocytes by macrophages, maintenance of a noninflammat
81 report, we confirm the expression of TSHR in thymocytes by protein immunoblotting and quantitative PC
82        We also found that wild-type immature thymocytes can be separated into distinct populations ba
83           In this study, we show that murine thymocytes can support surprisingly efficient negative s
84  in mice attenuates the generation of mature thymocytes caused by impaired thymocyte-positive selecti
85 s the prevalent S1P receptor on mature human thymocytes (CD3(hi)CD27(+)CD69(-)), the population that
86 th respect to the numbers of double-positive thymocytes, CD4(+)CD8(-) T cells, regulatory T cells, CD
87 e report that, despite being dispensable for thymocyte clonal deletion, RasGRP1 is critical for agoni
88 numbers and diminished expansion of immature thymocytes, concordant to its role in suppressing signal
89 ignaling, mir-181a-1/b-1, in double-positive thymocytes dampened TCR and Erk signaling and increased
90 ature was independent of NF-kappaB; however, thymocytes deficient in the interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha)
91                                              Thymocyte deletion, anergy induction, and agonist select
92 and is sustained in immature single-positive thymocytes, despite the strong decrease in Themis mRNA l
93 sults delineate a role for Galphai2 in early thymocyte development and for Galphai2/3 in multiple asp
94 y tyrosine kinase expressed at all stages of thymocyte development and is required for maturation of
95 e TH17 differentiation but maintained normal thymocyte development and normal lymph-node genesis, exc
96             However, its precise role during thymocyte development and peripheral T cell immune respo
97 nes and costimulatory molecules indicated in thymocyte development and Treg induction.
98    Loss at the double positive (DP) stage of thymocyte development caused an increase in mature cells
99 study, we analyzed five sequential stages of thymocyte development in a mouse strain containing a tar
100                    Furthermore, the block in thymocyte development in IKK1/2-deficient mice could be
101 al TCR-proximal signaling events and impairs thymocyte development in retrogenic mice.
102  study, we examined the role of Nur77 during thymocyte development in the presence and absence of Bim
103 ables their regulation of specific stages of thymocyte development is poorly understood.
104 this process, their involvement during early thymocyte development often precludes direct analysis of
105 n the periphery and is not due to defects in thymocyte development or emigration.
106 cell-mediated autoimmunity but do not affect thymocyte development or induce lymphoma.
107  NF-kappaB independent of the CBM complex in thymocyte development or whether another NF-kappaB activ
108 unit (gammaepsilondeltazeta) is required for thymocyte development or whether any particular CD3 ITAM
109 n to the NFATc1beta from P2 promoter impairs thymocyte development resulting in severe T-cell lymphop
110 properties are collectively required to bias thymocyte development toward production of self-tolerant
111 nstrate that although NIK is dispensable for thymocyte development, it has a cell-intrinsic role in r
112 ssed the importance of LMO2 in erythroid and thymocyte development, two lineages in which cell cycle
113 on to bypass its involvement in CD4(-)CD8(-) thymocyte development, we show CXCR4 is dispensable for
114  signaling largely induces cell death during thymocyte development, whereas weak TCR signals induce p
115 ne encephalomyelitis (EAE), it also disrupts thymocyte development, which could lead to lethal thymic
116  it is unknown whether Cxxc1 plays a role in thymocyte development.
117  that depleted YY1 at two distinct stages of thymocyte development.
118 t this molecule is an intrinsic regulator of thymocyte development.
119 strongly support a critical role of Cxxc1 in thymocyte development.
120 aB in peripheral T cells is not required for thymocyte development.
121 s impairs selective T cell functions but not thymocyte development.
122 ally' disrupted TH17 differentiation but not thymocyte development.
123 was depleted in CD4(-)CD8(-) double-negative thymocytes, development to the CD4(+)CD8(+) double-posit
124      CD4((+))CD8((+)) "double positive" (DP) thymocytes differentiate into diverse alphabeta T cell s
125 D32, CD11B, CD45, Lys76, Ly(-6c) and Ly(6c), thymocyte differentiation antigen 1, and discoidin domai
126 er identified a non-coding RNA named ThymoD (thymocyte differentiation factor).
127 hronization of thymopoiesis, with a periodic thymocyte differentiation profile persisting for at leas
128 pecific subset of genes involved in terminal thymocyte differentiation, especially S1pr1, encoding a
129 L-1 and SHARPIN have essential roles in late thymocyte differentiation, FOXP3(+) regulatory T (Treg)-
130 tional programme of the penultimate stage of thymocyte differentiation.
131 damage responses, which are known to promote thymocyte differentiation.
132                             Postimmigration, thymocytes downregulate CCR9 and migrate toward the subc
133 ated and participates in the localization of thymocytes during their selection for self-tolerant rece
134 ns modulate Galphai2 signaling to facilitate thymocyte egress and T cell trafficking.
135 ceptors (S1P-Rs) play a role in mature human thymocyte egress and to identify the thymocyte populatio
136  work demonstrating that S1P is required for thymocyte egress to the periphery, our data highlight a
137 lphai2 interactions are essential for normal thymocyte egress, T cell trafficking, and homeostasis.
138 ngosine-1-phosphate (S1P) receptors in human thymocyte egress.
139 data highlight a new key chemokine for human thymocyte egress.
140  sphingosine-phosphate receptor required for thymocyte egress.
141                 Absence of IL-4Ralpha limits thymocyte emigration, leading to an intrathymic accumula
142 tionships between thymic dendritic cells and thymocytes, employing retrovirus-based cellular barcodin
143          A knowledge of when, where, and how thymocytes encounter self-peptide MHC ligands at differe
144                       As they differentiate, thymocytes encounter spatially restricted cues critical
145                     Whereas, preTCR-negative thymocytes exhibit only P2 promoter-derived Nfatc1beta e
146 single-positive subsets, and double-positive thymocytes exhibited increased Ca(2+) mobilization to TC
147 rived Nfatc1beta expression, preTCR-positive thymocytes express both Nfatc1beta and P1 promoter-deriv
148  most egress-capable mature CD45RA(+) CD4 SP thymocytes express CD31.
149                       During the period when thymocytes express rag2 their migratory behavior was mor
150                                              Thymocyte expression of S1pr1 was not rescued in Jmjd3-
151                            Although these DN thymocytes fail to re-express coreceptors after OP9-DL1
152                        These single-positive thymocytes failed to upregulate Bcl-2, leading to increa
153 is of zymosan and efferocytosis of apoptotic thymocytes following epoxI treatment.
154 egulation helps conserve positively selected thymocytes from being purged by negative selection remai
155  previous model posited that THEMIS prevents thymocytes from inappropriately crossing the positive/ne
156 stically, NCoR1 protects positively selected thymocytes from negative selection by suppressing Bim ex
157 5, GITR, and phosphorylated IkappaB-alpha in thymocytes from NODBim(-/-) mice suggest that autoreacti
158  mechanisms that govern the egress of mature thymocytes from the human thymus to the periphery remain
159 thesized that a combination of low-dose anti-thymocyte globulin (ATG) and pegylated granulocyte CSF (
160                       Pretreatment with anti-thymocyte globulin (ATG) decreases the occurrence of chr
161                     Usage and timing of anti-thymocyte globulin (ATG), introduced to the conditioning
162                Using a murine analog of anti-thymocyte globulin (mATG) in a mouse model of cardiac tr
163 ry drug regimen includes induction with anti-thymocyte globulin and alphaCD20 antibody, followed by m
164  1 patient), fludarabine, thiotepa, and anti-thymocyte globulin or alemtuzumab conditioning were used
165  busulfan, cyclophosphamide, and rabbit anti-thymocyte globulin was followed by aHSCT.
166 whether the combination of fludarabine, anti-thymocyte globulin, and total body irradiation (TBI) wou
167 received intraportal islet grafts under anti-thymocyte globulin-mycophenolate mofetil-tacrolimus prot
168 clophosphamide, fludarabine, and rabbit anti-thymocyte globulin.
169            Although CD31 expression on human thymocytes has been reported, a detailed analysis of CD3
170 ncy in the TF Bcl11b in double-positive (DP) thymocytes has been shown to cause absence of iNKT cells
171 protein with high expression in CD4(+)CD8(+) thymocytes, has a crucial role in positive selection and
172  DN3 thymocytes indicated that PRR-deficient thymocytes have perturbations in key cellular pathways e
173 of the migratory behavior and development of thymocytes in a fully functional thymus, we developed tr
174  selection/maturation of CD8 single-positive thymocytes in a thymocyte-intrinsic manner.
175                                              Thymocytes in CD4-Cre/ShcFFF mice progressed normally th
176 ositive selection was similar for all CD8(+) thymocytes in mice, despite markedly different TCR signa
177 stem/progenitor cells (HSPCs) and developing thymocytes in Smarcal1-deficient mice showed increased D
178  suggest two distinct migratory behaviors of thymocytes in the thymus.
179 and suggested a role for S1P-R2 in retaining thymocytes in the tissue.
180 activity from P1 promoter in preTCR-negative thymocytes, in addition to the NFATc1beta from P2 promot
181  ShcA can fine-tune the development of early thymocytes, including a previously unappreciated ShcA-c-
182 ctions during the maturation of CD4(+)CD8(+) thymocytes, including downstream stages of iNKT and alph
183 e generation of mixed chimeras from neonatal thymocytes indicated that cell-intrinsic IL-15Ralpha exp
184       Gene expression analysis on sorted DN3 thymocytes indicated that PRR-deficient thymocytes have
185            Conversely, ectopic expression in thymocytes induces DNA replication and drives these cell
186 nals are involved in the final maturation of thymocytes into naive T cells.
187  limiting agonist selection of self-reactive thymocytes into the Treg cell lineage.
188 ation of CD8 single-positive thymocytes in a thymocyte-intrinsic manner.
189                                         If a thymocyte is activated by a self-antigen, the cell under
190 on of the TCR beta (Tcrb) locus in committed thymocytes is a critical process for continued developme
191 ative selection against highly self-reactive thymocytes is critical for preventing autoimmunity.
192 CR4 expression by CD4(+)CD8(+) pre-selection thymocytes is progressively downregulated following both
193 ts for Tcrd recombination in double-negative thymocytes is regulated, at least in part, by intrinsic
194  in the genome, but their role in developing thymocytes is unclear.
195             CD31 expression on TCRgammadelta thymocytes is very similar to that of CD4 SP cells.
196 anges were substantially more modest than in thymocytes lacking all Tcf1 isoforms.
197                            Double-negative 3 thymocytes lacking Zfp36l1/l2 share a gene expression pr
198          Adaptive immunity depends on mature thymocytes leaving the thymus to enter the bloodstream a
199    Without upregulation of let-7 miRNAs, NKT thymocytes maintained high PLZF expression and terminall
200         Commensal bacteria-free animals have thymocyte maturation defects, and exogenous NOD ligands
201 fects, and exogenous NOD ligands can enhance thymocyte maturation in culture.
202 ctified the dysregulated gene expression and thymocyte maturation in Gfi1-deficient mice.
203  Lck gene in mice results in severe block in thymocyte maturation with substantial reduction in the d
204 endent regulatory T-cell differentiation and thymocyte maturation, which progressed to a failure in r
205  shown to drive robust pre-TCR signaling and thymocyte maturation.
206 light the importance of Ras signaling during thymocyte maturation.
207                         Mechanisms promoting thymocyte medullary entry and interactions with APCs are
208 n of a pre-T cell receptor (pre-TCR) induces thymocyte metabolic activation, proliferation, survival
209  time-lapse microscopy to directly visualize thymocyte migration and signaling events, together with
210  illuminate the dynamics of chemokine-driven thymocyte migration, localization, and interactions with
211 a (IL2RG) were observed at the most immature thymocytes much earlier than expected based on gene expr
212                                              Thymocytes must pass both positive and negative selectio
213 rance establishment, which is constituted by thymocyte negative selection and cluster of differentiat
214 dendritic cells (DCs) required for effective thymocyte negative selection.
215   In contrast to peripheral lymphoid tissue, thymocyte number and subsets were not affected by the de
216 expression resulted in significantly reduced thymocyte numbers and diminished expansion of immature t
217 xcessive negative selection to reduce mature thymocyte numbers.
218 ipts, were significantly decreased in mature thymocytes on exposure to S1P.
219 tect early stage CD4(+)CD8(+)double-positive thymocytes on which T-cell receptors are 10- to 30-fold
220 e human thymocyte egress and to identify the thymocyte population or populations that express S1P-Rs
221 alpha expression skewed the insulin-specific thymocyte population toward greater regulatory T (Treg)
222                     Thus, THEMIS facilitates thymocyte positive selection by enhancing the T cell ant
223 led a critical requirement for THEMIS during thymocyte positive selection, implicating THEMIS in sign
224 tion of mature thymocytes caused by impaired thymocyte-positive selection.
225                Accordingly, loss of CHMP5 in thymocyte precursor cells abolished T cell development,
226 ditional deletion of cohesin from noncycling thymocytes preserved enhancer position, H3K27ac, H4K4me1
227 ymic involution with an increase in earliest thymocyte progenitors and cortical thymic epithelial cel
228 arrangements in CD4(-)CD8(-) double-negative thymocyte progenitors differentiated in vitro from bone
229 ion, fundamentally altering the potential of thymocyte progenitors to adopt conventional versus uncon
230 ammatory milieu, and attraction-expansion of thymocyte progenitors.
231 unappreciated ShcA-c-Abl axis that regulates thymocyte proliferation.
232                         Polyclonal antihuman thymocyte rabbit IgGs (antithymocyte globulin [ATG]) are
233                                 Mature human thymocytes rely on S1P-R1 to migrate toward S1P.
234                         Double-positive (DP) thymocytes respond to intrathymic T-cell receptor (TCR)
235 d Tet3 in mouse CD4(+)CD8(+) double-positive thymocytes resulted in dysregulated development and prol
236 ts that RORgammat inhibition in CD4(+)CD8(+) thymocytes resulted in skewed T cell repertoire, contrib
237 ntation of tissue-specific Ags to developing thymocytes, resulting in deletion of self-reactive T cel
238  and forced expression of ARID5B in immature thymocytes results in thymus retention, differentiation
239  lacked a thymic medullary region, exhibited thymocyte retention, had a peripheral T cell deficiency,
240 ndicate that CD6 modulates the threshold for thymocyte selection and the generation and/or function o
241 ein 2 is not involved in CD8 single-positive thymocyte selection or ERK signaling.
242  of genes involved in antigen processing and thymocyte selection.
243 mic epithelial cell (TEC) stimuli that drive thymocyte selection.
244                                We found that thymocyte-selection-associated family member 2 (Themis2)
245 eting miRNAs by Dicer ablation (Dicer KO) in thymocytes selectively impairs iNKT cell survival and fu
246 reduction in the development of CD4(+)CD8(+) thymocytes, severe reduction of peripheral T cells, and
247                   Flow cytometry analysis of thymocytes showed an increased frequency of immature T c
248                                     p45(-/-) thymocytes showed increased apoptosis and alterations in
249              In addition, transfer of mature thymocytes showed that this response was an intrinsic T
250 s are arrested at the CD4(+)/CD8(+) cortical thymocyte stage and that a subset of leukemia cells inap
251                     At the double negative 3 thymocyte stage where the pre-TCR is first expressed, pr
252 antified by means of real-time PCR in sorted thymocyte subsets and flow cytometry.
253  based on gene expression profiling of human thymocyte subsets and studies with corresponding mouse m
254  and T cell loss, determining that the major thymocyte subsets were infected with MRV; however, CD4(+
255 d normal numbers and phenotypes of alphabeta thymocyte subsets, but impaired differentiation of fetal
256 quitination promoted DC activation of CD4(+) thymocytes supporting regulatory T-cell development inde
257    We show that coronin 1 is dispensable for thymocyte survival and development, egress from the thym
258 Tc1 plays a critical role in double-negative thymocyte survival and differentiation.
259 hat YY1 functions as a critical regulator of thymocyte survival and that it does so by suppressing th
260 sitive selection by promoting post-selection thymocyte survival in part through stabilization of the
261 ls the expression of key genes important for thymocyte survival such as RORgammat and for T-cell rece
262 tenin interaction is necessary for promoting thymocyte survival to maintain thymic output.
263 m1 to inhibit negative selection and promote thymocyte survival.
264 omotes the expansion of a rare population of thymocytes that express oncogenic Kras(G12D).
265 tial subset of semimature (CD45RA(-)) CD4 SP thymocytes that lack CD31 expression.
266 ends on interactions between double-positive thymocytes that provide key homotypic interactions betwe
267                                              Thymocytes themselves display self-peptide/MHC class I c
268     When YY1 was depleted in double-positive thymocytes, they underwent increased cell-autonomous apo
269 e pre-T cell receptor (pre-TCR) guides early thymocytes through maturation processes within the thymu
270 s diminished in p45(-/-) mice, transition of thymocytes through the maturation stages was unaffected,
271            The ordered migration of immature thymocytes through thymic microenvironments generates bo
272                               Increased anti-thymocyte/Thy-1 autoreactive (ATA) BCR cells in the B1 B
273                                      In anti-thymocyte/Thy-1 autoreactive BCR knock-in mice lacking s
274 nal is generated that positively selects the thymocyte to become a mature CD4(+) or CD8(+) T cell tha
275 R and V-Jalpha rearrangement in CD4(+)CD8(+) thymocytes to form the TCRalpha-chain of the alphabeta T
276 -Ddelta-Jdelta rearrangement in CD4(-)CD8(-) thymocytes to form the TCRdelta chain of the gammadelta
277 where THEMIS enhances TCR signaling enabling thymocytes to reach the threshold for positive selection
278 oforms are adequate in supporting developing thymocytes to traverse through maturation steps and in r
279 nd that IL-7 signaled TCRbeta(+) DN3 and DN4 thymocytes to upregulate genes encoding molecules involv
280  a small thymus, a double negative (DN)1/DN2 thymocyte transition block, and an accumulation of matur
281 lation of chromatin structure is critical as thymocytes transition from an immature cell with open ch
282 gs provide novel insight into how developing thymocytes translate lineage-specific high-affinity TCR
283 n expression is increased in double-positive thymocytes undergoing positive selection and is sustaine
284 hat the increased apoptosis in YY1-deficient thymocytes was attributed to overexpression of p53, beca
285 turation of CD4 and CD8 single-positive (SP) thymocytes was blocked in mice lacking IKK1/2 in the T c
286    Positive selection of CD8 single-positive thymocytes was restored in RORgammat-KO Bcl-xL transgeni
287                                        Human thymocytes were exposed to S1P in Transwell plate migrat
288 g, indicated that thymic dendritic cells and thymocytes were largely of distinct developmental origin
289 e (WT) and DKO mice, CD3(+) alphabeta TCR(+) thymocytes were significantly reduced in DKO mice, imply
290               We found that IKK1/2-deficient thymocytes were specifically sensitized to TNF-induced c
291 tiate into CD4(+)CD8(+) double-positive (DP) thymocytes, which then rearrange the locus encoding the
292  at the double-negative 2-4 stages in normal thymocytes, while it is induced by the TAL1 complex in h
293                    Negative selection purges thymocytes whose T-cell receptors (TCR) exhibit high aff
294 ction ensures the survival and maturation of thymocytes whose TCRs display intermediate affinity to s
295                                       Mature thymocytes with a Galphai2 mutation that disables RGS pr
296   Consistent with this finding, treatment of thymocytes with an antagonist of the inhibitor of kappaB
297     During negative selection in the thymus, thymocytes with autoreactive potential are either delete
298 ions, which are permissive only for immature thymocytes with intermediate avidity to the selecting li
299 dysregulated T cells, and autoreactive mouse thymocytes with weak Zap-70 signaling can escape toleran
300 ing to an intrathymic accumulation of mature thymocytes within medullary perivascular spaces and redu

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