


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 sential roles in vertebrate reproduction and thyroid function.
2 e (T3) is an important diagnostic marker for thyroid function.
3 viewed as a secondary consequence of altered thyroid function.
4 ad lower thyroid manganese levels and normal thyroid function.
5  and other indexes of hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid function.
6 tration to the dam before the onset of fetal thyroid function.
7 ggests that phthalates interfere with normal thyroid function.
8 dide uptake into the thyroid, thus affecting thyroid function.
9 ow environmental exposures to perchlorate on thyroid function.
10 es identifies novel variants associated with thyroid function.
11  were matched for age, sex, and stability of thyroid function.
12 d human studies suggest that BPA may disrupt thyroid function.
13 dary outcomes included pregnancy outcome and thyroid function.
14 and perfluorononanoic acid (PFNA) may impair thyroid function.
15 sin expression but did not affect adrenal or thyroid function.
16 identify their independent associations with thyroid function.
17  production, adrenocortical hyperplasia, and thyroid function.
18 infant serum and indices of infant renal and thyroid function.
19 lized thyroid tissue despite normal baseline thyroid function.
20 ing that chronic anti-VEGF treatment impairs thyroid functions.
21 ercent of participants (n = 2639) had normal thyroid function, 15% (n = 496) had subclinical hypothyr
22  MCI was 16% in 1450 individuals with normal thyroid function, 17% in 313 persons with clinical hypot
23 fibrillation compared with those with normal thyroid function (67 events vs 31 events per 1000 person
24 eness in euthyroid hamsters, but blockade of thyroid function accelerated the onset of photorefractor
25                       Here we review typical thyroid function alterations observed in the critically
26 concentrations of PFAAs were associated with thyroid function among 10,725 children (1-17 years of ag
27 ychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and markers of thyroid function among Michigan adults.
28       In 11 postmenopausal women with normal thyroid function and 25 postmenopausal women with hypoth
29 and db/db mice display similar reductions in thyroid function and brown adipose tissue expression of
30                      The association between thyroid function and cardiovascular disease is well esta
31 ts of supplementary iodine for both maternal thyroid function and child neurodevelopment.
32 To gain insights into the role PTEN plays in thyroid function and disease, we have generated a mouse
33 ffects of iodine supplementation on maternal thyroid function and infant neurobehavioral development
34 or (TSHR) plays a central role in regulating thyroid function and is targeted by IgGs in Graves' dise
35 ain past findings relating familial atypical thyroid function and male homosexuality.
36  metabolite 3,4-dichloroaniline (3,4-DCA) on thyroid function and metamorphosis in tadpoles of Lithob
37     We aimed to explore the relation between thyroid function and myocardial injuries in idiopathic d
38 explanation for the poor correlation between thyroid function and serum TSHR-Ab concentrations.
39 e follow-up that included screening tests of thyroid function and stimulation testing for growth horm
40 opausal women, but no prospective studies of thyroid function and subsequent fracture risk have been
41                  Understanding of changes in thyroid function and the consequences of thyroid disease
42           Founder transgenic mice had normal thyroid function and were backcrossed to BALB/c.
43        Serum TSH is a sensitive indicator of thyroid function, and overt abnormalities in thyroid fun
44             In conclusion, both low and high thyroid function are associated with alterations in Glob
45 rom prospective cohort studies that measured thyroid function at baseline and assessed incident AF.
46 ely to have a clinically important effect on thyroid function at birth.
47 hyroidism treated with thyroxine, I assessed thyroid function before they started estrogen therapy an
48 nd and by excess iodine intake on the other, thyroid function biomarkers may be useful for assessing
49 erence intervals for some of the most useful thyroid function biomarkers, including serum concentrati
50                                              Thyroid function can be impaired by environmental contam
51 se data are consistent with the notions that thyroid function contributes to normal retinal vascular
52                                              Thyroid function depends on the essential trace mineral
53 of any effect of selenium supplementation on thyroid function, despite significant increases in plasm
54 hlorobenzene at background levels may affect thyroid function during pregnancy.
55 l dichloroethylene (DDE) are associated with thyroid function during pregnancy.
56 as been shown to improve indexes of maternal thyroid function, even in marginally iodine-deficient ar
57 It was hypothesized that subjects with lower thyroid function, even within the normal range, would ha
58 V allele showed the typical abnormalities of thyroid function found in heterozygous humans with RTH.
59                                 Disorders of thyroid function have also been linked to development of
60 ven mild perturbations of maternal and fetal thyroid function have an effect on neurodevelopment, the
61 reased SCD risk, even in the normal range of thyroid function (hazard ratio, 2.28 per 1 ng/dL FT4; 95
62                                              Thyroid function, human chorionic gonadotropin, and estr
63 n the sexual effects of abnormal adrenal and thyroid function, hyperprolactinaemia, and metabolic syn
64                    High-yield tests included thyroid function (hypothyroidism, 10.1%), audiometry (he
65                                 We evaluated thyroid function in 27 patients with cutaneous T-cell ly
66                       To clarify the role of thyroid function in ischemic heart disease (IHD) we asse
67  essential for iodide homeostasis and proper thyroid function in mammals.
68 ral administration of the agonist stimulated thyroid function in mice, resulting in increased serum t
69  improve the assessment of iodine status and thyroid function in observational studies and clinical t
70 estigated relations between BPA exposure and thyroid function in pregnant women or neonates.
71 ssive iodine intake can cause alterations in thyroid function in susceptible individuals, safe upper
72 c study has been published on its effects on thyroid function in these patients.
73  iodine, and for several serum biomarkers of thyroid function including thyroid-stimulating hormone,
74                 Clinical laboratory tests of thyroid function (including serum concentrations of the
75                               Serum tests of thyroid function, including those for the thyroid hormon
76                                  When normal thyroid function is disturbed because of ionizing radiat
77                                       Normal thyroid function is essential for development, growth, a
78                                       Normal thyroid function is essential for health, but its geneti
79                      Regular surveillance of thyroid function is warranted in patients receiving the
80 thyroid function, and overt abnormalities in thyroid function lead to common endocrine disorders affe
81                  We also measured a panel of thyroid function markers in plasma collected at the same
82 ssion, and changes in hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid function may affect the mood response to sleep d
83 fied 2 important new mechanisms by which low thyroid function may lead to heart failure.
84 m the observation that restoration of normal thyroid function most often reverses the abnormal cardio
85 rformed a detailed analysis of the pituitary-thyroid function of mice lacking the gene for the RXR-ga
86     Effects of iodine supplementation on the thyroid function of mothers and their children were inco
87      Low maternal iodine intake disturbs the thyroid function of neonates transiently or permanently.
88 assessed physical and radiological features, thyroid function, physiological and biochemical markers
89 tropin (TSH), the main hormonal regulator of thyroid function, regulates NIS activity, post-transcrip
90 expressed in PTC included tumor suppressors, thyroid function-related proteins, and fatty acid bindin
91  PBDE, decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-209), on thyroid functioning remain unclear.
92 ion between metabolic syndrome and declining thyroid function remains unclear.
93 art review was used to obtain information on thyroid function status, polysomnography results, levoth
94          There was an increased incidence of thyroid function test abnormalities among those who rece
95 ents with non-thyroidal illness, patterns of thyroid function test abnormalities may vary considerabl
96                          Given the fact that thyroid function test abnormalities seen in non-thyroida
97 hird of psychiatric patients may demonstrate thyroid function test abnormalities that do not reflect
98 e focuses on whether it is useful to order a thyroid function test for patients who have no history o
99                              In this review, thyroid function test results are grouped into six diffe
100 e dysfunction because of the many changes in thyroid function test results that occur in euthyroid pa
101 inical manifestations and further changes in thyroid function test results.
102 e reported for 4 groups defined according to thyroid function test results: subclinical hyperthyroidi
103 thyroidism who underwent polysomnography and thyroid function testing, four new cases or 1.41% (95% C
104  Recognizing the need for standardization of thyroid function testing, the International Federation o
105 ard deviation=1.9, range=5.9-17.9), maternal thyroid function tests (serum thyrotropin [TSH], free th
106 using all available prospective cohorts with thyroid function tests and subsequent follow-up of heart
107                  The development of abnormal thyroid function tests and vitiligo after therapy was as
108 st population subgroups other than newborns, thyroid function tests are not considered sensitive indi
109                                        Thus, thyroid function tests are routinely checked in psychiat
110   Polybrominated diphenyl ether exposure and thyroid function tests in North American adults.
111                           Thus, any abnormal thyroid function tests in psychiatric patients should be
112                    Studies of screening with thyroid function tests in the general adult population o
113 ulated and correlated with Tc-99m uptake and thyroid function tests of the patients.
114 e present review, we discuss the appropriate thyroid function tests to establish a suspected diagnosi
115 of the lithium users (54.1%) did not receive thyroid function tests, and few (4.2%) received renal fu
116 ured as the Committee for Standardization of Thyroid Function Tests, to examine its feasibility.
117 hocardiograms, neurological assessments, and thyroid function tests.
118 rements has simplified the interpretation of thyroid function tests.
119 ients with amiodarone-induced alterations in thyroid function tests.
120                     In the women with normal thyroid function, the serum free thyroxine and thyrotrop
121     Vitamin A and retinoids affect pituitary-thyroid function through suppression of serum thyroid-st
122 rly, the use of specific serum biomarkers of thyroid function to screen for both iodine deficiency an
123 sible relationship of hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid function to the mood response.
124 ue potential as agents to selectively rescue thyroid function to these RTH-associated mutants.
125                                              Thyroid function was assessed monthly, and the levothyro
126            In euthyroid participants, higher thyroid function was associated with worse gait patterns
127                                              Thyroid function was normal, as were 5-hydroxyindoleacet
128                        Genetically predicted thyroid function was not associated with IHD (odds ratio
129 ibited by this agent, clinical evaluation of thyroid function was performed.
130 mponents of metabolic syndrome and declining thyroid function were also undertaken.
131  index of glucose metabolism, and markers of thyroid function were assayed.
132 mas when there is a change in nodule size or thyroid function which requires treatment.
133  seen whether pharmacological enhancement of thyroid function will facilitate recovery from bipolar d
134            To investigate the association of thyroid function with atherosclerosis throughout its spe
135 We therefore investigated the association of thyroid function with gait patterns in 2645 participants
136                 However, the relationship of thyroid function with manifestations of atherosclerosis
137     Therefore, we studied the association of thyroid function with SCD in a prospective population-ba
138 m, but it is uncertain whether variations in thyroid function within the normal range or subclinical
139  are particularly sensitive to variations in thyroid function within the normal range.

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