


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ients with amiodarone-induced alterations in thyroid function tests.
2 hocardiograms, neurological assessments, and thyroid function tests.
3 rements has simplified the interpretation of thyroid function tests.
4          There was an increased incidence of thyroid function test abnormalities among those who rece
5 ents with non-thyroidal illness, patterns of thyroid function test abnormalities may vary considerabl
6                          Given the fact that thyroid function test abnormalities seen in non-thyroida
7 hird of psychiatric patients may demonstrate thyroid function test abnormalities that do not reflect
8 using all available prospective cohorts with thyroid function tests and subsequent follow-up of heart
9                  The development of abnormal thyroid function tests and vitiligo after therapy was as
10 of the lithium users (54.1%) did not receive thyroid function tests, and few (4.2%) received renal fu
11 st population subgroups other than newborns, thyroid function tests are not considered sensitive indi
12                                        Thus, thyroid function tests are routinely checked in psychiat
13 e focuses on whether it is useful to order a thyroid function test for patients who have no history o
14 thyroidism who underwent polysomnography and thyroid function testing, four new cases or 1.41% (95% C
15   Polybrominated diphenyl ether exposure and thyroid function tests in North American adults.
16                           Thus, any abnormal thyroid function tests in psychiatric patients should be
17                    Studies of screening with thyroid function tests in the general adult population o
18 ulated and correlated with Tc-99m uptake and thyroid function tests of the patients.
19                              In this review, thyroid function test results are grouped into six diffe
20 e dysfunction because of the many changes in thyroid function test results that occur in euthyroid pa
21 inical manifestations and further changes in thyroid function test results.
22 e reported for 4 groups defined according to thyroid function test results: subclinical hyperthyroidi
23 ard deviation=1.9, range=5.9-17.9), maternal thyroid function tests (serum thyrotropin [TSH], free th
24  Recognizing the need for standardization of thyroid function testing, the International Federation o
25 e present review, we discuss the appropriate thyroid function tests to establish a suspected diagnosi
26 ured as the Committee for Standardization of Thyroid Function Tests, to examine its feasibility.

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