


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 dionuclides that selectively localize in the thyroid gland.
2 le in radiation-induced tumorigenesis in the thyroid gland.
3 regulation result in an immune attack on the thyroid gland.
4 47.7%) patients, most commonly involving the thyroid gland.
5  a function of increasing age in the dolphin thyroid gland.
6 ge to, for example, the (211)At-accumulating thyroid gland.
7 id hormones and is accumulated avidly by the thyroid gland.
8 n the brain ventricles, salivary glands, and thyroid gland.
9 ocrine tumor arising from the C-cells of the thyroid gland.
10 lei, the anterior lobe of pituitary, and the thyroid gland.
11 ripheral blood, pancreas, adrenal gland, and thyroid gland.
12 itively inhibits the uptake of iodide by the thyroid gland.
13 mantle zone of lymphoid follicles within the thyroid gland.
14  hormone (TH) synthesis and release from the thyroid gland.
15  innervation in the heart, renal cortex, and thyroid gland.
16 inomas, the most prevalent malignancy of the thyroid gland.
17 in follicular epithelial tumors of the human thyroid gland.
18 chial body, a developmental precursor of the thyroid gland.
19 oid gland that regulates TH synthesis by the thyroid gland.
20 rmal development of the forebrain, liver and thyroid gland.
21          Csx protein was not detected in the thyroid glands.
22 d sustained T4 production and release by the thyroid glands.
23 fication and preservation of parathyroid and thyroid glands.
24 Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins and 2 human thyroid glands.
25  and in increased cell density in the female thyroid glands.
26 ymphocyte populations isolated from affected thyroid glands.
27 odium-iodide symporter expression in TSHR-KO thyroid glands.
28 mone synthesis requires a normally developed thyroid gland, a properly functioning hypothalamic-pitui
29 metabolic state include a normally developed thyroid gland, a properly functioning system for thyroid
30 hich was likely maintained through decreased thyroid gland activity and increased hepatic deiodinase
31 n multiple muscle tissue types as well as in thyroid gland and bone marrow.
32 ox2/thyroid oxidase 2 were identified in the thyroid gland and characterized as H2O2 donors for thyro
33 ently, production of thyroid hormones in the thyroid gland and circulating thyroid hormone level were
34  is involved in the secretion of TH from the thyroid gland and contributes, in part, to the low serum
35         Infiltration of lymphocytes into the thyroid gland and formation of lymph node-like structure
36       The mean colloid volume of the dolphin thyroid gland and human thyroid gland was 1.22x10(5) mic
37           Unbound (211)At accumulates in the thyroid gland and in other vital normal tissues.
38                       mRNA isolated from her thyroid gland and injected into Xenopus oocytes failed t
39 25I, the rate of both its secretion from the thyroid gland and its appearance in the serum as trichlo
40 ecursor, is a major protein component in the thyroid gland and may have other important functions.
41       However, the functions of GLIS3 in the thyroid gland and the mechanism by which GLIS3 dysfuncti
42 utoimmune disease that typically affects the thyroid gland and the orbit.
43 posure to alemtuzumab, usually targeting the thyroid gland and, more rarely, blood components.
44 bu are most abundant in muscle, bone marrow, thyroid gland, and salivary gland; comparatively little
45  frequently included at diagnostic CT (eyes, thyroid gland, and testes) were performed with the same
46 ived lipase in placenta, liver, lung, ovary, thyroid gland, and testis.
47 weak cross-reactivity with GD1b, adrenal and thyroid glands, and no staining of other non-neural norm
48    PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Microcarcinomas of the thyroid gland are defined by the size criteria as tumors
49 yroid follicles, the functional units of the thyroid gland, are delineated by a monolayer of thyrocyt
50  diffusely increased (18)F-FDG uptake in the thyroid gland as an incidental finding on PET/CT.
51  luminal membrane of follicular cells in the thyroid gland as well as in the endolymphatic duct and s
52 ts with a diffusely enlarged and very tender thyroid gland associated with elevated free T4 levels, e
53  levels and radioactive iodine uptake in the thyroid gland associated with measurable serum TSH.
54 gnificant difference in the ADC value of the thyroid gland between patients and the control group (P=
55 eral surgeons perform US examinations of the thyroid gland, breast, gastrointestinal tract, peritonea
56      Furthermore, the homozygous mice had no thyroid gland but had a normal parathyroid.
57 adioactivity in the heart, renal cortex, and thyroid gland but not in the liver, spleen, renal pelvis
58 ginate from the follicular epithelium of the thyroid gland, by inducing caspase-mediated apoptosis, a
59          We concluded that ADC values of the thyroid gland can be used to differentiate Graves' disea
60 he varied postoperative appearance of normal thyroid gland can prevent its misdiagnosis as tumor.
61 ism in fetal sheep induced by removal of the thyroid gland caused asymmetric organ growth, increased
62 thyrocytes results in a dramatic loss of the thyroid gland cellularity, associated with down-regulati
63 diagnosed at birth as athyreotic because her thyroid gland could not be visualized by isotope scannin
64 rns, owing to complete or partial failure of thyroid gland development.
65 nal role of canonical NF-kappaB signaling in thyroid gland differentiation and function, we have gene
66                                              Thyroid gland disorders include benign and malignant thy
67 perplasia (FTH) refers to enlargement of the thyroid gland due to cellular hyperplasia.
68  large numbers of CD1-expressing APCs to the thyroid gland during the early stages of autoimmune thyr
69 f thyroid ophthalmopathy and its relation to thyroid gland dysfunction defies elucidation, and thus o
70                       In this study, we used thyroid gland epithelial cells and a series of genetical
71 Tg), the major secretory glycoprotein of the thyroid gland, folds and homodimerizes in the endoplasmi
72 ls were treated with surgical removal of the thyroid gland followed by 131I ablation of residual thyr
73 ata indicate that Eya1 also regulates mature thyroid gland formation.
74                                              Thyroid gland fragments, cellulose powder, and immortal
75 ovations have allowed surgeons to remove the thyroid gland from a remote site while avoiding visible
76                           Importance: Normal thyroid gland function is critical for early neurocognit
77 ells may provide important information about thyroid gland function such as hormone storage and secre
78 ween Toll-like and Fc receptor signaling and thyroid gland function, uncovering a role of mast cells
79 (ko/ko) mice had a marked enlargement of the thyroid gland (goiter) that was associated with circulat
80 vatives (the thymus, parathyroid glands, and thyroid gland), heart, and gut.
81 d to be random in both the dolphin and human thyroid gland; however, the size of follicles appeared t
82 utive core-needle biopsies of lesions of the thyroid gland in 198 patients (median age, 48 years; age
83  of PUS for quantitative analyses of dolphin thyroid gland in both research and clinical practices at
84                    The mean ADC value of the thyroid gland in Graves' disease was 2.03+/-0.28x10(-3)
85                    The mean ADC value of the thyroid gland in patients positively correlated with ser
86 ed in sheep fetuses following removal of the thyroid gland in utero.
87                                              Thyroid glands in Mct8-KO mice contained more non-thyrog
88 e chemical inhibitors of TH synthesis by the thyroid gland, inhibit the transition from larva to juve
89 m of thyroid hormone (TH) secretion from the thyroid gland into blood is unknown.
90          US-guided core-needle biopsy of the thyroid gland is a safe outpatient procedure with a high
91 finding of increased (18)F-FDG uptake in the thyroid gland is associated with chronic lymphocytic (Ha
92                                          The thyroid gland is one of the most sensitive organs to the
93                          The activity of the thyroid gland is stimulated by food availability via lep
94                     Insular carcinoma of the thyroid gland is unusual in the pediatric age group, how
95 orsal root ganglia, first cervical vertebra, thyroid gland, kidney tubules, esophagus, stomach, and i
96  that targeted expression of RET/PTC1 in the thyroid gland leads to the development of thyroid carcin
97                               Cancers of the thyroid gland, liver, and oral cavity occurred primarily
98                                The mammalian thyroid gland maintains basal metabolism in tissues for
99        A 15-year-old girl was referred for a thyroid gland mass, which rapidly enlarged in the brief
100 t if radiation-induced carcinogenesis in the thyroid gland may be associated with somatic minisatelli
101                                   Within the thyroid gland of affected individuals, iodide is incompl
102 ssion of PPARgamma mRNA was repressed in the thyroid gland of mutant mice during carcinogenesis.
103 reatment that almost completely depleted the thyroid gland of TH.
104                                              Thyroid glands of transgenic mice were markedly enlarged
105                                              Thyroid glands of TSHR-KO mice produced uniodinated thyr
106 ormone or some other factor regulated by the thyroid gland on its constitutive expression.
107 ith the specific procedures completed on the thyroid gland or cervical lymphatics.
108 roup also had decreased radioactivity in the thyroid gland (P = 0.01).
109 ressed in placenta, cerebellum, bone marrow, thyroid gland, peripheral leukocytes, liver, and spleen.
110  calcium enables parafollicular cells of the thyroid gland (PF cells) to release calcitonin (CT) and
111 e inferior concha (PRP, 4%; mean SUV, 1.56), thyroid gland (PRP, 3%; mean SUV, 1.31), and tongue (PRP
112 o's thyroiditis is frequently encountered in thyroid glands resected for a neoplasm.
113 cases of sporadic medullary carcinoma of the thyroid gland (Ret M918T).
114                                          The thyroid gland secretes primarily tetraiodothyronine (T4)
115  rendered hypothyroid through removal of the thyroid gland showed normal induction of CYP4A genes by
116 e unambiguous distinction of parathyroid and thyroid glands simultaneously in the context of blood an
117 R38 is encoded by a single gene expressed in thyroid gland, stomach, and bone marrow.
118  calculated for normal brain, liver, spleen, thyroid gland, stomach, bone marrow and whole body.
119                                          The thyroid gland synthesizes thyroxine (T4), which passes t
120 -iodo-l-thyronine (3-T(1)), in the brain and thyroid gland (TG) using isotope ([(13)C]T(4))-dilution
121  feedback loop between the pituitary and the thyroid gland that regulates TH synthesis by the thyroid
122 n that mediates active I(-) transport in the thyroid gland, the first step in thyroid hormone biogene
123                    In both dolphin and human thyroid glands, the size of the follicles tended to be q
124 adrenal gland, colon, parotid gland, kidney, thyroid gland, thymus, or uterus had fairly even odds (r
125 d-stimulating hormone receptor (TSHR) on the thyroid gland, triggering thyroid hormone release.
126                                 Knowledge of thyroid gland volume plays a key role in the treatment o
127 olume of the dolphin thyroid gland and human thyroid gland was 1.22x10(5) microm(3) and 7.02x10(5) mi
128 tion of large and small follicles within the thyroid gland was also found to be random in both the do
129 ent diffusion coefficient (ADC) value of the thyroid gland was calculated and correlated with Tc-99m
130         Diffusion-weighted MR imaging of the thyroid gland was performed in patients and controls.
131                             Radiation to the thyroid gland was reduced by 60% (from 0.0573 to 0.0229
132 nd benign) from nonneoplastic lesions of the thyroid gland were 96% (74 of 77), 89% (109 of 122), and
133 oid hormone synthesis and secretion from the thyroid gland, whereas thyrotoxicosis refers to the clin

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