


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ing and tissue-specific genes based on their tissue specificity.
2 ing regulatory nucleotide sequence determine tissue specificity.
3 ilitate fine-tuning of receptor activity and tissue specificity.
4 ht into the genetic determinants of host and tissue specificity.
5 f mice expressing human SLAM with human-like tissue specificity.
6 ation molecule (SLAM, CD150) with human-like tissue specificity.
7 ost different in skew if they have different tissue specificity.
8 al step in defining the viral host-range and tissue specificity.
9 these genes as candidates for biomarkers for tissue specificity.
10 o striking, we considered the possibility of tissue specificity.
11 d a distinct pattern of genomic location and tissue specificity.
12 aracterize them and determine their cell and tissue specificity.
13 tage of an organism, and often show striking tissue specificity.
14 a quantitative role but was not required for tissue specificity.
15      Multiple TFs work in concert to achieve tissue specificity.
16 s of a given species, such as host range and tissue specificity.
17  the alternative polyadenylation signals has tissue specificity.
18  of epidermal genes, thus exerting intrinsic tissue specificity.
19 volutionary rates are highly correlated with tissue specificity.
20 ied in all tissues, there are clear cases of tissue specificity.
21 oupled sequences that unambiguously modulate tissue specificity.
22  lncRNA properties such as low abundance and tissue specificity.
23 anges are associated with tumorigenesis, not tissue specificity.
24 pressor elements led to the apparent loss of tissue specificity.
25  clusters, some of which showed tumor and/or tissue specificity.
26 ene products and without a unique pattern of tissue specificity.
27 tected only in normal testis, supporting its tissue specificity.
28 tification of tissue expression profiles and tissue specificity.
29 ression cassettes with predictable stage and tissue specificity.
30 the bacterial adhesin intimin contributes to tissue specificity.
31  luminal progenitor cells to oncogenesis and tissue specificity.
32 actors initiate disease and what directs its tissue specificity.
33 d the roles that AS may play in diseases and tissue specificity.
34 CR, which expressed in a network manner with tissue specificity.
35 concepts such as gene dosage-sensitivity and tissue specificity.
36 genomic background and then predicting their tissue specificity.
37 temic side effects due to the drugs' lack of tissue specificity.
38 d key transcription factors controlling this tissue specificity.
39 s, pilRNA expression is dynamic and displays tissue specificity.
40 on genes in mouse than in human, which poses tissue specificity.
41 ted 84,301 developmental enhancers and their tissue specificity.
42 e loss of hCD79b transcriptional activity or tissue specificity.
43 , their phylogenetic similarities, and their tissue specificity.
44 nous hormonal homeostasis, again with strong tissue specificity.
45 n about their transcriptional regulation and tissue specificity.
46 sociation analysis approaches by considering tissue specificity.
47 effectors of omega-3 fatty acids with marked tissue specificity.
48 stly change 3' UTR isoform ratios to achieve tissue specificity.
49 ble levels, 162 microRNAs exhibited striking tissue-specificity.
50 ciation analysis approaches fail to consider tissue-specificity.
51 s, anther tapetum, and seed coat with unique tissue-specificity.
52 ntrinsic properties rather than merely their tissue specificities.
53              HBV infection has both host and tissue specificities.
54 o new members of the Rh family with distinct tissue specificities.
55  as illustrated by their excessive degree of tissue specificity (80%).
56 s found to be accurate for 69% of identified tissue specificities and for 80% of expression profiles.
57 y linked genes with three mutually exclusive tissue specificities and interdigitated control elements
58        These data are evidence for divergent tissue specificities and targeting of multigene families
59 ed AtMLO genes showed similar or overlapping tissue specificity and analogous responsiveness to exter
60      Taken together, the remarkable prostate-tissue specificity and androgen-dependent expression of
61 he existence of TFAP2 coactivators that have tissue specificity and are important for ductal developm
62 us ovarian and breast cancer, confirming the tissue specificity and cell surface localization.
63  organ structure is essential in maintaining tissue specificity and cellular differentiation.
64                                         Both tissue specificity and electrophysiological studies stro
65 -II splice variants were compiled with their tissue specificity and exon usage.
66 ed protein sequence of PSGR and its prostate tissue specificity and expression profile in human prost
67                                    We define tissue specificity and expression-pattern specificity ac
68 ny interesting phenotypes such as virulence, tissue specificity and host range, for which it would be
69 ngs provide insights into both the basis for tissue specificity and into possible therapeutic opportu
70 iled analysis of the roles of repeat length, tissue specificity and level of expression in the neurod
71 ation pathway impacts on current concepts of tissue specificity and models of active chromatin domain
72 lant color) alleles of r have nonoverlapping tissue specificity and nonhomologous 5' flanking sequenc
73 ggesting that adaptive immunity controls the tissue specificity and persistence of CHIKV infection.
74 an lead to suboptimal performance, a lack of tissue specificity and potential toxicity.
75 hought to account at least partially for the tissue specificity and progressive nature of the symptom
76 ate transporters showed a complex pattern of tissue specificity and regulation by sulfur nutritional
77 ses (ACs), a group of enzymes with different tissue specificity and regulation.
78 gene expression and to diagnose the probable tissue specificity and role of transcription factors.
79  approach can be broadly applied to increase tissue specificity and sensitivity of differential expre
80 ocess can be usefully analyzed in respect to tissue specificity and synergy.
81 alleles are necessary but not sufficient for tissue specificity and the clinical syndrome.
82 otassium channels provides information about tissue specificity and the complex regulation of genes e
83  cell biology but often with debate over the tissue specificity and the efficacy of inactivation.
84 c1 and tps26 maize orthologs differ in their tissue specificity and their induction by insect herbivo
85 splantation, with the aim of identifying the tissue specificity and types of immunogenic non-HLA anti
86 on-biased, and likely contributes toward the tissue-specificity and progressive nature of the symptom
87 ds the unusual genetics, and most likely the tissue-specificity and progressive nature of the symptom
88 oantigen-specific T cells may allow study of tissue-specificity and subsequent alloantigen identifica
89 ith vastly different clinical presentations, tissue specificities, and ages of onset.
90 ict both the presence of enhancers and their tissue specificity, and are thus a feature that can be e
91  are expressed with overlapping cellular and tissue specificity, and coding region mutations can caus
92 nsequences at enhancers depend on cell type, tissue specificity, and constraints at associated promot
93 tliers test for ranking genes based on their tissue specificity, and correlated this ranking with NXS
94 a treatment modality with targeted delivery, tissue specificity, and therapy tailored to address mech
95                                         This tissue specificity appears to be governed by the relativ
96 terms of sequence and expression levels, but tissue specificities are often conserved.
97 rol of the process of mineralization and its tissue specificity are important steps in the search for
98 ell lines, showing that their host range and tissue specificity are largely determined by events occu
99      However, the mechanisms underlying such tissue specificity are unknown.
100   However, these networks do not account for tissue specificity, are limited to protein-coding genes,
101 g a score test-based approach where we model tissue-specificity as a random effect and investigate an
102 ique in not only its structure, but also its tissue specificity, as it is the first member to be foun
103     Here, we present a method for predicting tissue specificity based on quantitative deregulation of
104 romoters by adapting a quantitative index of tissue-specificity based on Polr2a occupancy.
105 ing elements (CNEs) likely to have a desired tissue-specificity based on the expression of nearby gen
106 e proximal promoter of the alphaIIb gene for tissue specificity, but also characterizes the distal or
107 at these receptors are unlikely to determine tissue specificity, but rather, may play a wider role in
108 hat the proximal promoter was sufficient for tissue specificity, but that a region 2.5 to 7.1 kb upst
109 controlled by multiple enhancers have higher tissue specificity, but the regulating enhancers are les
110 tested for antigen specificity by ELISA, for tissue specificity by immunohistochemistry, for affinity
111 tion (8/10) were reported to have a matching tissue specificity by independent studies in the publish
112              A new study sheds light on this tissue specificity by showing that binding of clock acti
113                                 Analysis for tissue specificity by using the Northern blot and revers
114 roid membrane receptor: plausible structure, tissue specificity, cellular distribution, steroid bindi
115 genetic effects, we characterize patterns of tissue specificity, compare local and distal effects, an
116 and red cob (WR pattern), and this switch in tissue-specificity correlated with increased transgene m
117 to solid tumor development and indicate that tissue specificity defines functional significance for t
118 umulated in an age-dependent manner, but the tissue specificity did not obviously correlate with cell
119 e exists that the intronic promoter provides tissue specificity different from that of the primary pr
120 r-infrared (NIR) fluorophores with different tissue specificities driven by their inherent chemical s
121 hat they have evolved different functions or tissue specificities following duplications.
122  degradation in the nucleus to ensure narrow tissue specificity for a gene (e.g., that for FR-alpha)
123 rexpressed autoantigen genes for SSc and its tissue specificity for fibroblasts, cDNA microarrays of
124 thelial lineage, could provide the locus and tissue specificity for histone methylation and chromatin
125  the genus contrasts with stringent host and tissue specificity for individual species and pathovars.
126 nsplantation, donor exosomes with respective tissue specificity for islet beta cells and renal epithe
127 umulates in the liver, suggesting a striking tissue specificity for ribose metabolism.
128 o influence the level of expression bias and tissue specificity for some allelic combinations.
129 nfounding effects (e.g. temporal regulation, tissue specificity, genetic background) are not consider
130 n of at least nine enhancers with individual tissue specificities in the digit anlagen, growth plates
131 al conditions including the mechanism of its tissue specificity in any organism.
132                           These sites showed tissue specificity in degree of hydroxylation and a patt
133 y show that individual TFs can contribute to tissue specificity in different tissues by interacting w
134                           We discovered that tissue specificity in ER activation was due to differenc
135                               Accounting for tissue specificity in global integration of functional g
136 (Xenopus laevis) and has the most restricted tissue specificity in mammals, whereas beta, gamma, and
137 ocal" immune cells play a role in regulating tissue specificity in relation to disease heterogeneity
138 action of the genome is expressed with great tissue specificity in the adult, demonstrating the need
139                                              Tissue specificity in the distribution of AMPK subtypes
140 ed or divergent B lineage characteristics or tissue specificity in these animals.
141 osity in the BRCA1 locus could contribute to tissue specificity in tumor development.
142  therapeutics in their lack of pharmacologic tissue specificity in vivo.
143             Northern blot analysis to detect tissue specificity indicates that the human and mouse ge
144 ar and membrane proteins are associated with tissue specificity, indicating a potential role for them
145               Additional analysis shows that tissue specificity is due to abnormal activation of the
146                          We demonstrate that tissue specificity is not sacrificed in an ADV backbone
147 ific COX deficiency, but the reason for such tissue specificity is unknown.
148 owever, in both cases, the basis of neuronal tissue specificity is unknown.
149                                              Tissue-specificity is an important aspect of many geneti
150  but not airway epithelium; we conclude that tissue specificity likely contributes to the effect of n
151        Recently, studies have suggested this tissue specificity may be linked to inhibition of estrog
152 es of torsinA dysfunction, demonstrating how tissue specificity may result from differential suscepti
153                                              Tissue specificity may result from the presence of more
154 een transcriptional and post-transcriptional tissue specificity mechanisms in cereal globulin genes.
155 numerous tumors, we sought to understand how tissue specificity might factor into their functional si
156                 This may help to explain the tissue specificity observed for many viruses.
157 in preputial gland to 97% in testes, and the tissue-specificity observed in vivo was retained in cult
158                                 Notably, the tissue specificities of these genes include known target
159 he results show a strong correlation between tissue specificity of a gene and the propensity of its p
160                   Our finding highlights the tissue specificity of a gene network regulated by a miRN
161 onses at high temperature, suggesting either tissue specificity of ABA signaling or a role of ABA in
162  remains controversial partly because of the tissue specificity of ACAD9 expression: high in liver an
163     Advantage has been taken of the relative tissue specificity of adenovirus for liver, and the gene
164 exon-intron structure, alternative splicing, tissue specificity of alternative splice forms, and prot
165                      The molecular basis for tissue specificity of beta-catenin-dependent oncogenesis
166 ed their additional exons, as well as tested tissue specificity of both previously reported and novel
167                     Here, we investigate the tissue specificity of both the global levels and locus-s
168                       Here, we highlight the tissue specificity of BRAF and EGFR alterations and impl
169                          The reason for this tissue specificity of BRCA1 carcinomas must be found if
170 , these results provide important aspects of tissue specificity of BRCA1-mediated suppression of brea
171         Our work elucidates the basis of the tissue specificity of BRCA1-related tumor predisposition
172                                          The tissue specificity of cancers that arise from malfunctio
173 bryonic stem (ES) cells, we investigated the tissue specificity of CTCF binding sites.
174     We have studied the in vivo function and tissue specificity of Dcas, the Drosophila ortholog of C
175 matically characterize the global extent and tissue specificity of developmental expression programs
176 r, this simple hypothesis cannot explain the tissue specificity of disorders caused by homoplasmic mt
177 e I hypersensitive sites (DHSs) with similar tissue specificity of DNase-seq signal patterns.
178                                              Tissue specificity of embryonic Fpn1 dysregulation was e
179                     Indeed, we show that (i) tissue specificity of enhancers and nearby gene expressi
180 h in PTSD, important limitations include the tissue specificity of epigenetic modifications, the phen
181 ce of nearby transposable elements (TEs) and tissue specificity of expression increased the odds of A
182                                          The tissue specificity of expression of the mouse gene also
183                                              Tissue specificity of expression of these genes, along w
184 hydroxybenzaldehyde, than with tricetin, the tissue specificity of expression suggests it may be a ca
185                                       Marked tissue specificity of expression was observed in Zn-depl
186                          Consistent with the tissue specificity of expression, complete sequencing an
187  immunotherapeutic agents because of unusual tissue specificity of expression, uniquely safe profile
188 in-like and CDK-like proteins showing strong tissue specificity of expression.
189       However, this does not account for the tissue specificity of FSHD pathology, which requires sta
190                     To better understand the tissue specificity of FV replication and host immunologi
191  and second, it yields information about the tissue specificity of gene expression by the use of nati
192                                          The tissue specificity of gene expression is imparted by an
193                                          The tissue specificity of genes is known to correlate positi
194 ortant implications for our understanding of tissue specificity of glucocorticoid action including th
195            The molecular factors that govern tissue specificity of glucocorticoids, however, are poor
196 dentifies critical elements required for the tissue specificity of hEPCR and suggests a mechanism for
197                     We present evidence that tissue specificity of Hh targets depends on transcriptio
198  interplay of these components may determine tissue specificity of hormone action.
199 ning to be understood, as are aspects of the tissue specificity of hormone action.
200 ease genes alone cannot explain the observed tissue specificity of human diseases.
201 rkers by analyzing numeric approximations of tissue specificity of human genes.
202 nd among-cell selection may also explain the tissue specificity of human mitochondrial defects.
203  robust platform for deciphering the complex tissue specificity of human mitochondrial-based disorder
204 lly characterize this phenomenon, we analyze tissue specificity of imprinting from allelic expression
205                                              Tissue specificity of imprinting is widespread, and gend
206 izing the infection process, determining the tissue specificity of infection, and the spatial migrati
207 izing the infection process, determining the tissue specificity of infection, the spatial migration o
208 -ras(LA2) allele, we have uncovered dramatic tissue specificity of K-ras(G12D)-dependent p19(Arf) up-
209 elationship and the basis for the pronounced tissue specificity of laminopathies are poorly understoo
210                             The relevance of tissue specificity of microvascular endothelial cells (M
211 ssing and translation may be involved in the tissue specificity of mitochondrial DNA disease mutation
212 that miRNA expression broadly contributes to tissue specificity of mRNA expression in many human tiss
213                                              Tissue specificity of NECI-CAT expression demonstrated t
214                              We examined the tissue specificity of nine BK alpha alternative exons an
215 tion in these families may shed light on the tissue specificity of oxidative phosphorylation disorder
216                                              Tissue specificity of PARP-DBD expression in human tumor
217 ation disorders or modulate the severity and tissue specificity of pathogenic mitochondrial DNA mutat
218 n of Ppp1cc2, and recapitulate the wild-type tissue specificity of PPP1CC2 in transgenic mice.
219           We have shown previously that this tissue specificity of Ras isoforms is defined by the Ras
220 ntal in primary function is unknown, and the tissue specificity of recapitulated gene expression rema
221                              Analysis of the tissue specificity of reflectin subtypes reveals that tu
222                      To study the timing and tissue specificity of retrotransposition, we created tra
223  a previously unknown factor involved in the tissue specificity of SCA7 and that trichostatin A may a
224 n to identify factors that contribute to the tissue specificity of SCA7.
225  framework to explain the age dependence and tissue specificity of the ADLD disease phenotype.
226 at auxin may be responsible for the observed tissue specificity of the AtPGM promoter.
227 ts, we provide genetic evidence for gene and tissue specificity of the Brahma chromatin remodeling co
228                                              Tissue specificity of the bullfrog rem2 gene showed that
229 islet allograft rejection and highlights the tissue specificity of the chemokine/chemokine receptor s
230 branes selectively in neurons, mimicking the tissue specificity of the human disease and providing a
231 hophysiological mechanisms that underlie the tissue specificity of the m.3243A > G mutation, and impo
232                                 The striking tissue specificity of the muscle mtDNA mutations detecte
233 ndependent apoptotic effects and mechanisms, tissue specificity of the p53 response, a molecular unde
234             These findings indicate that the tissue specificity of the pp52 promoter is determined by
235  In this investigation, we have compared the tissue specificity of the small heat shock protein (shsp
236 erized genes and assessing the frequency and tissue specificity of their expression in silico.
237                                          The tissue specificity of these DHSs mirrored the activity o
238 ribosomopathies and attempt to reconcile the tissue specificity of these disorders with the ubiquitou
239                               To explore the tissue specificity of these eQTLs and hence to quantify
240 on factor-binding sites, which determine the tissue specificity of these genomic assays.
241                                              Tissue specificity of these linkages was examined in mic
242 as no more than 2,500 cpm, demonstrating the tissue specificity of this construct.
243 noglobulin G (IgG) seem incongruous with the tissue specificity of this disease.
244                                      To test tissue specificity of this nongenomic signaling mechanis
245                     We have investigated the tissue specificity of this pathway in body size regulati
246 pha alters energy metabolism in vivo and the tissue specificity of TNF-alpha action are unclear.
247 the pathway genes was perturbed, whereby the tissue specificity of transcripts was altered.
248 ting that factors other than Env mediate the tissue specificity of tumor induction by ENTV.
249 s variation provides one explanation for the tissue specificity of tumor suppression by p53.
250 oteins Lkb1 and Tsc1/Tsc2 may underlie their tissue specificity of tumor suppressor action.
251 idespread implications for understanding the tissue specificity of tumor suppressor gene phenotypes.
252  A2BP1 play an important role in determining tissue specificity of UGCAUG-mediated alternative splici
253 ression Atlas 2 data allow the cataloging of tissue-specificities of the predicted SREs.
254                    The results indicate that tissue-specificity of an isolated enhancer may be quite
255                                     Cell and tissue-specificity of cytokine action appears to be dete
256           Statistical methods leveraging the tissue-specificity of DNA methylation for deconvoluting
257                                              Tissue-specificity of enhancer candidates is defined bas
258 model by measuring the number, identity, and tissue-specificity of functional regulatory targets for
259  we investigate the relationship between the tissue-specificity of gene expression and the type of pr
260 n syringyl monomer content and abolishes the tissue-specificity of its deposition.
261 gated the intriguing question related to the tissue-specificity of malignant conversion in VHL diseas
262 estigated the relative expression levels and tissue-specificity of NCF2 5'-UTR variant mRNAs and thei
263 by sub-optimal expression levels or improper tissue-specificity of particular promoters, or rely on t
264 ontributes toward the progressive nature and tissue-specificity of the symptoms.
265 hen used in vivo reporter assays to test the tissue-specificity of these enhancers, chromatin configu
266    For the same set of proteins, the curated tissue specificity offered in SWISS-PROT was accurate in
267 tire collections of enhancers with a defined tissue specificity or conservation depth.
268 differences in isoform dependence arise from tissue specificity or from the nature of the oncogenic s
269                                We found that tissue-specificity plays a crucial part in the function
270    Neuropsychiatric side effects and lack of tissue specificity precluded clinical use of first-gener
271 ed real time PCR (rtPCR) to characterize its tissue specificity, regional brain expression, and brain
272                         The reasons for this tissue specificity remain unknown, although biliary epit
273                  Although some of these show tissue specificity (roots or leaves), none exhibit recip
274 iated with mitochondrial dysfunction and the tissue specificity seen in many mitochondrial disorders.
275   Furthermore, complex indels display strong tissue specificity (such as VHL in kidney cancer samples
276 cRNAs show remarkably strong conservation of tissue specificity, suggesting that it is selectively ma
277 is more strongly correlated with measures of tissue specificity than nonreproductive genes, suggestin
278 w avenues of research into toxic effects and tissue specificity that are necessary to allow their suc
279 ular factors that vary depending on dose and tissue specificity, the activation of NF-kappaB appears
280                   Despite this high level of tissue specificity, the cis-regulatory elements that con
281                                              Tissue specificity, the traditional predictor of gene fu
282 sion system greatly facilitates changing the tissue-specificity, the transgene expressed, or the cell
283 other neurodegenerative disorders exhibiting tissue-specificity, thereby guiding the search for effec
284 ving both basal transcriptional activity and tissue specificity to cone photoreceptors and pinealocyt
285  the role of p53 and p21 in determination of tissue specificity to DNA damage in vivo, we compared th
286 ms may be important in conferring target and tissue specificity to its transcriptional activity.
287 l mouse small intestine tissues and a strong tissue-specificity to the process.
288                                              Tissue-specificity values facilitated high-throughput an
289 mental and cell-type-specific functions, yet tissue specificity was established for only a small frac
290                                         This tissue specificity was greatly altered via alternative s
291 duced pigment in vegetative tissues, but the tissue-specificity was different from B-Bolivia, suggest
292                           To understand this tissue specificity, we compared early mutant huntingtin-
293 oxLDL-induced cytotoxicity and determine its tissue specificity, we have used Chinese hamster ovary (
294                      Expression strength and tissue specificity were maintained over five transgenic
295 s in transcriptional factors/regulators show tissue specificity, whereas histone modifiers are often
296                  Our results reveal striking tissue specificity with distinct regulation of target p5
297            Evaluation of mRNA prevalence and tissue specificity, with particular focus on adult tissu
298                           There was striking tissue-specificity, with predominantly amino acids affec
299 sence of alternative promoters with distinct tissue specificity within many protein-coding genes.
300 ron 5/intron 6 ship1 genomic segment and its tissue specificity within transgenic mice expressing GFP

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