


コーパス検索結果 ( left1)

1                         These cardiovascular effects appear to be mediated by paracrine FGF control of kidney FGFR1 and s
2                              C4d deposition does not appear to be a necessary criterion for the diagnosis, and although s
3                              The behavior we report appears to be general, implying that the metastable isomer of a photo
4                                               There appears to be both an anticipatory effect (future targeted procedures
5 hown to be highly toxic in several bacteria and is believed to be one of the major costs of maintaining these defense sys
6                                              It is believed to be the cellular target of several antimycobacterial compou
7  barrier for the pseudopericylic [1,3]-NO shift, calculated to be only 8.4 kcal/mol above 21.
8 rk is devised to allow the efficacy of different candidates to be directly compared and determine the minimal antibody ti
9 rity in wireless networks has traditionally been considered to be an issue to be addressed separately from the physical r
10                 Water contamination is generally considered to be detrimental to the performance of aprotic lithium-air b
11                              Exposure to violence continues to be a growing epidemic, particularly among children.
12  this, primarily because of the size and volume of the data to be processed, but also because it ensures standardization
13 hrough Lactococcus lactis (L. lactis) has been demonstrated to be a promising approach for diabetes reversal in NOD mice.
14                     In infants, this same variant was found to be associated with cingulate and prefrontal grey matter vo
15                              The prodomain region was found to be intrinsically disordered independent of the activation
16 For insight into the mechanistic details of hm(5)C function to be obtained, the availability of RNAs containing this modi
17 line Abeta1-42 level is an important finding that will have to be replicated in other cohorts.
18                             This genetic duet was indicated to be involved in the aggressiveness of PTC, but its prognost
19 s networks has traditionally been considered to be an issue to be addressed separately from the physical radio transmissi
20 he sensitivity, precision, and accuracy of d-AQuA enable it to be suitable for multiple biotechnological and medical appl
21 nd its ligand stromal cell-derived factor (SDF)-1 are known to be involved in inflammation.
22 se to a stressor.Animals' response to acute stress is known to be influenced by sex and genetics.
23 e for phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis, that were not known to be essential for phototrophic growth.
24 tion module, expanding the arsenal of defence systems known to be at the disposal of prokaryotes against their viruses.
25 %, respectively) and an aging workforce that is less likely to be in private practice.
26                                 AD-LIBS is therefore likely to be useful in studies of non-model or ancient organisms tha
27 iently precise, robust, or scalable for association mapping to be conducted for specific cell wall polymers.
28 erlapped with reference XANES spectra, allowing this method to be used for fingerprinting and linear combination analysis
29                                      We determined 1,200 mg to be the recommended single-agent dose for future studies in
30 med in G2-phase, indicating that specific interactions need to be dissolved for replication to proceed.
31 ized, and parsimonious approach to quality assessment needs to be maintained to allow the nephrology community to further
32 s in nanomedicine to down-regulate inflammatory pathways or to be employed as diagnostic tools with colorimetric readout.
33 misphere in neglect is pathologically over-excited it ought to be suppressed.
34  However, microbial strain typing allows zoonotic pathogens to be categorised, and the relative frequencies of the strain
35           Millions of cis-regulatory elements are predicted to be present in the human genome, but direct evidence for th
36 alyst during the electrochemical reaction has been proposed to be beneficial for its catalytic performance, but the role
37 act magnitude of the resulting carbon cycle impacts remains to be confirmed, the radiocarbon data suggest an increase in
38 , but its prognostic value in PTC-related mortality remains to be specifically established.
39 unctional significance of the vast majority of them remains to be elucidated.
40 binding-inhibitory activity of antibodies has been reported to be associated with protection and a measure of vaccine pot
41 e unilaterally engaged brain regions, a strategy that seems to be at odds with the notion of lateralized functions in cer
42                  These newly identified promoters are shown to be transcriptionally active in 293T (embryonic kidney), Ve
43                            Such autoimmunity has been shown to be highly toxic in several bacteria and is believed to be
44                 However, pig CD47 has previously been shown to be ineffective in transducing signals through primate sign
45 in mediating integrin activation, has been previously shown to be involved in the regulation of T cell proliferation and
46 lure and respiratory failure in one patient) were suspected to be related to everolimus treatment.
47                           Epigenetic mechanisms are thought to be important for balancing effector and memory differentia
48                            NRGs have generally been thought to be transported to axons and presynaptic terminals where th
49 onal regulation, and the ACC has motor areas and is thought to be important for error detection, the dialogue between the
50 cts that deleterious mito-nuclear interactions are unlikely to be much more prevalent in individuals born to MRT than nor

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