


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                                             To define the functional role of endogenous IL-1R2 in the K/B
2                                                             To define the interplay between the carbohydrate receptor and
3                                                             To define the relative contribution of endogenous TGF-beta pr
4                                                             To define the role of individual T-cell receptor (TCR) clonot
5                                                    We aimed to define an association between mtDNA and fibroblast respons
6 e neurons while exhibiting milder cell loss in PD, we aimed to define the electrophysiological properties of DMV neurons
7                                     In this study, we aimed to define the mechanisms by which noninflammatory SF modulate
8 enes conferring protection from or risk of disease but also to define the functional roles these genes play in disease.
9 ic inhibitors, phosphoproteomics, and Western blot analysis to define the necessity of various proteins involved in Sigle
10 ice versa, we applied demixed principal components analysis to define kinematics synergies that maximized variance across
11 reens with large-scale single-cell gene expression analysis to define the heterogeneity within the LSC population in chro
12 dicators developed to record programmatic interventions and to define strategic priorities more effectively.
13                                  We exploit this bottleneck to define roles for glial Netrin and Semaphorin in pioneer- a
14  size distributions for sediment samples were characterized to define geological facies, and the relationships among phys
15 ing of zebrafish cranial neural crest-derived cells (CNCCs) to define global gene expression along the dorsoventral axis
16                             Social animals must communicate to define group membership and coordinate social organization
17   We used the 1999 World Health Organization (WHO) criteria to define GDM: >/=7.0 mmol/L for fasting glucose and/or >/=7.
18 precise nature of the protective effecthas proved difficult to define as G6PD deficiency has multiple allelic variants wi
19          We use the correlations of CO2 with trace elements to define an average carbon abundance for the upper mantle.
20                               Future research should evolve to define novel methods optimized for the role of cardiovascu
21 he transcription-factor-(TF)-dependence of ncRNA expression to define enhancers and enhancer-associated ncRNAs that are i
22  KPD programs were not designed to help CP, it is important to define allocation metrics that enable CP to receive a bett
23  we used electron microscopy combined with genetic labeling to define the three-dimensional arrangement of the S. pombe C
24    Here we sequence spontaneously arising Emu-Myc lymphomas to define transgene architecture, somatic mutations, and stru
25 cultural differences in intestinal microbiota are necessary to define applicability of new strategies targeting the intes
26                              Prospective studies are needed to define the impact of pretransplant sensitization on lung t
27                        Larger prospective trials are needed to define the optimal chemotherapy regimen.
28      We used a mouse model of maternal-diet induced obesity to define predictive correlations between maternal factors an
29                                                    In order to define the transcriptome of small groups of cells from a s
30 cts and multivariate statistical optimization was performed to define the conditions for the highest extraction efficienc
31 Finally, bone marrow transplantation studies were performed to define the contribution of As3MT-mediated methylation in d
32                                                  Procedures to define kinetic mechanisms from catalytic activity measurem
33 ime-resolved series of electron tomographic reconstructions to define the steps required for the first embryonic abscissi
34 al to increase liver utilization, but more work is required to define factors predicting good outcomes.
35 s should undergo ultrasonography of the hemiplegic shoulder to define the nature and extent of soft tissue injuries prior
36 Using transcriptomic profiling of airway tissues, we sought to define the molecular phenotypes of severe asthma.
37 e viruses, the utility in using viral load of URT specimens to define viral pneumonia was equivocal.
38                                                     Studies to define the temporal requirements for Glut1 reveal that pre
39 Therefore, we have used cellular expression profiling tools to define the distinct miRNA expression of MNs, which is like
40 nd robust statistical analyses with in vivo lineage tracing to define a detailed map of the postnatal olfactory epitheliu
41 sis, cell proliferation assays, and genetic lineage tracing to define the lineage relations and restrictions of the mesen
42                                         Two clinical trials to define novel ways of using an existing antibiotic, fosfomy
43  being a marker of GFR and risk in people with CKD, its use to define CKD in this manner has not been evaluated in primar
44 h concentration-normalized dual-marker analysis can be used to define "analytical zones" in a manner which is then indepe
45 iations were stronger when only antidepressant use was used to define cases (for ozone, HR = 1.08; 95% CI: 1.02, 1.14; fo
46 nt (in hours) when complications began to increase was used to define early and delayed surgery.
47                            Descriptive statistics were used to define patient characteristics, including age, prostate-sp
48 , while directly measuring the droplet size allows the user to define the more meaningful parameters of droplet size and
49                                        This study's aim was to define the effects of these mediators on neutrophil functi
50                                                Our goal was to define the genetic cause of the profound hypomyelination i

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