


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 n (only the best performing groups are asked to do so).
2                                              To do so, 22 colon cancer cell lines were screened for c
3                                              To do so, 28 sarcoma and neuroblastoma cell lines were s
4 a lethal dose of medication if it were legal to do so; 31 percent of the respondents would be unwilli
5 %) or that the participant did not have time to do so (37%).
6                                              To do so, 5-HT was added to red blood cells and lipid me
7 o directly and instead uses adaptor proteins to do so [5].
8 gnificantly better than for those who failed to do so (95% versus 53% at 3 years post-DLI, P = .0001)
9                                              To do so, a mouse model of conditional overexpression of
10                                              To do so, a two-step concentration protocol based on mag
11 o 350.1 microg]; P = 0.003), and took longer to do so (adjusted mean delay, 91 seconds, [CI, 61.0 to
12 s generally stops spontaneously; if it fails to do so, aggressive management is required.
13 rogen intermediates, though they were primed to do so, and did not have increased levels of TNF-alpha
14                                All were able to do so, and time and velocity rapidly improved with pr
15 tients and of more concern over the barriers to doing so; and (3) a lack of support from supervisory
16 phate--the only archaebacterium so far known to do so--and makes very small quantities of methane, al
17                                              To do so, arterial pressure and heart rate responses to
18                                              To do so, ASCs must modulate the balance between cell pr
19                    We posited that, in order to do so, at least one additional feature must exhibit z
20 sed that they require other cellular factors to do so, but none has been identified thus far.
21  planning to become psychiatrists are likely to do so, but the vast majority of students who choose p
22                                              To do so, cardiac tissue monolayers were designed into a
23                                              To do so, Chlamydia expresses proteins on the surface of
24                                              To do so, cohesin must be protected against its cellular
25                                              To do so, corollary discharges are conveyed to sensory a
26                                              To do so, data from 1,170 individuals were used to model
27 utant PUB17 lacking E3 ligase activity fails to do so, demonstrating that PUB17 ligase activity is cr
28 liefs (mentalizing) when explicitly prompted to do so, despite having impairments in social communica
29 on the capacity of memory in the rodent and, to do so, developed novel "span" tasks in which a variab
30                                              To do so, distinct labeling patterns were used to sense
31      Transfer of T-bet(-/-) A-NK cells fails to do so, due to their reduced in vivo survival, ineffic
32                                     In order to do so, eIF3 must associate with pre-termination compl
33                                              To do so, ERRgamma was selectively over-expressed in the
34                                              To do so, Escherichia coli was intratracheally instilled
35 , and employ the plasma membrane proton pump to do so, expands the biological framework in which self
36                                              To do so, extracellularly recorded electrophysiological
37                                              To do so, FFAs were increased in 10 subjects to approxim
38                                              To do so, FFAs were increased in seven women by an 8-h I
39                                              To do so, Hfq co-ordinately promotes hmsP mRNA accumulat
40 rowth (Hgb-), but a minor population is able to do so (Hgb+).
41 owth (Hgb-), but a minor population was able to do so (Hgb+).
42                                              To do so, however, we need to know whether risk associat
43                                              To do so, I regressed the 1990-2012 change in piped-to-p
44  mitochondrial fission protein DRP1 was able to do so, implying that alpha-syn operates downstream of
45 with a repertoire of limited diversity fails to do so, implying that cells of a given specificity pre
46 nant tissue factor pathway inhibitor, failed to do so, implying the physiologic relevance of APC's le
47                                              To do so, in 18 healthy volunteers, we measured the comp
48 to fix, and advantageous alleles less likely to do so, in the presence of extinction and recolonizati
49                                              To do so, in vivo T2 relaxation data was acquired from t
50 ble to preserve log Keff > or = 12 were able to do so, indicating that the membrane's effective avidi
51                                              To do so, infants need to infer that one of the agents (
52                                              To do so, it has evolved into two specialized subsets th
53                                              To do so, it is essential to understand how stem cells i
54                                   To be able to do so, it is necessary to collect data from an extrem
55                                              To do so, it is necessary to understand the distribution
56                                              To do so, it must encode the tools necessary to acquire
57 tein carries out retroviral integration, and to do so, it must make specific interactions with both v
58                                              To do so, it represses string, Cut, and Hedgehog signali
59                                              To do so, land systems should be understood and modeled
60 esulting in a latent infection or are unable to do so, leading to active disease.
61                                              To do so, male Long-Evans rats chronically implanted wit
62 ducts, or are genetically engineered ex vivo to do so, may provide a strategy for long-term treatment
63  or which are genetically engineered ex vivo to do so, may provide another strategy.
64                                              To do so, medical educators must have access to reliable
65                                              To do so, melatonin levels were firstly measured in eyec
66 vidual cells have enough metabolic resources to do so (metabolic prudence).
67                                              To do so, morphine-induced CPP was established using an
68 y and energy needed for membrane fusion and, to do so, must be localized to their correct membranes.
69                 In the process of attempting to do so, new bias may be introduced or a study may be r
70 (1), whereas 50% of those with SDA were able to do so (p < 0.003).
71                                              To do so, participants' saccades were adapted backward o
72 ning procedure, but many have been reluctant to do so, partly because of the impression that reimburs
73                                              To do so, rats (n=8-10 per group) received either sham o
74                               For those able to do so, recalled pain intensity and pain distress scor
75                                     In order to do so, recombinant proteins to different regions of t
76 s able to reseal, while MtrE-E434K is unable to do so, resulting in the vancomycin-sensitive phenotyp
77 rediction utilizing the best available model to do so, Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
78 at they moved it when they had the intention to do so (self-generated movement) than when they expect
79                         If, they are capable to do so, several benefits can follow in terms of societ
80  a RAR antagonist (CD2366), which was unable to do so, stimulated the growth of Calu-1 cells in serum
81 Although they were not explicitly instructed to do so, subjects tracked target motion with normal, hi
82 hile nontransforming mutants of v-Rel failed to do so, suggesting a role for these two genes in v-Rel
83 verexpression or GT11 treatment alone failed to do so, suggesting that both ACER2 up-regulation and D
84 of the purified PKA catalytic subunit failed to do so, suggesting that factors in addition to PKA are
85 murine leukemia virus (MLV) integrase failed to do so, suggesting that integrase-transportin 3 intera
86 chimerae with each other, but 2 pairs failed to do so, suggesting that the genes in each pair partici
87                                              To do so, testing at reference laboratories is required,
88            Although there may be reasons not to do so, the advantages outweigh the obstacles.
89                                              To do so, the American College of Surgeons and the Natio
90                                              To do so, the author studied the primary source material
91                                              To do so, the bacterium releases high-affinity iron-bind
92                                              To do so, the concept of intention-to-treat (ITT) surviv
93                            However, in order to do so, the content of "impoverished" predicted percep
94                                              To do so, the ITC signal is cast explicitly as a first-o
95                                              To do so, the kinetochore must hold on to depolymerizing
96                            While not powered to do so, the study found no significant differences in
97                   There are two main methods to do so: The first involves using between-group compari
98                            However, in order to do so, there is a need to first understand how much i
99 ereas the genes with longer deletions failed to do so, thereby indicating that the KH domain is essen
100                                              To do so, they can assign the new learning to a new "sta
101                                              To do so, they exert significant penetrative forces.
102                                              To do so, they must combine information about the distri
103 or any trait, let alone its "essentialness." To do so, they must show that a particular group trait w
104                                              To do so, they release abundant quantities of siderophor
105                                              To do so, they rely on learning systems encoding reward
106                                              To do so, they seem to avail themselves of many strategi
107                                              To do so, they shift their daily rhythm from diurnality
108 e to their predetermined final location and, to do so, they use different modes of migration.
109                                              To do so, they use their brains.
110                                              To do so, two methodological approaches involving the us
111                                              To do so, two transgenic lines deficient in LS biogenesi
112                                              To do so, Tyr was substituted in Abeta40 or Abeta42 at p
113                                              To do so, uncertainty in each data set was incorporated
114                                              To do so, viruses encode dedicated protein(s) that facil
115 this information, even when it is beneficial to do so: visual search for a target that appears to be
116 ed Ag(+) ions in complicated animal tissues; to do so, we adjusted the operating parameters of the KR
117                                              To do so, we administered HIV gag to mice successively a
118                                              To do so, we analysed the mechanisms underlying faecal p
119                                              To do so, we analyzed TLR-induced interleukin (IL)-1beta
120                                              To do so, we applied a modified differential screen with
121                                              To do so, we asked patients and controls to examine nega
122                                              To do so, we augmented the MAGPIE microbial genome annot
123                                              To do so, we bring to bear a simple validation framework
124                                              To do so, we carry out structure refinement experiments
125                                              To do so, we coexpressed EAAC1(WT) with the mutant trans
126                                              To do so, we compared the transcriptome of APEC O1 durin
127                                              To do so, we compared two division rules: geometrical (n
128                                              To do so, we compared two modeling approaches in which e
129                                              To do so, we computed 1 million EFMs for each energetic
130                                              To do so, we conducted a genome-wide survey of multiple
131                                              To do so, we conducted a GWAS for lymphocyte count, a ph
132                                              To do so, we conducted a manipulative experiment in natu
133                                              To do so, we conducted a two-part study in healthy young
134                                              To do so, we conducted the most comprehensive phylogenet
135                                              To do so, we considered a coalescent model of directiona
136                                              To do so, we constructed a template that allows transcri
137                                              To do so, we coupled LCA methodologies on freshwater con
138                                              To do so, we coupled structural equation modelling with
139                                              To do so, we create variants of human pancreatic ribonuc
140                                              To do so, we created a tri-alanine scanning library that
141 tness-related traits in Arabidopsis thaliana To do so, we created a unique series of 56 cytolines res
142                                              To do so, we created mice harboring liver parenchymal ce
143                                              To do so, we crossbred ank/ank mice with mice lacking Va
144                                              To do so, we cultured cartilage explants, obtained from
145                                              To do so, we cultured neonatal rat cardiomyocytes on mic
146                                              To do so, we delivered a mimotope peptide, recognized by
147                                              To do so, we designed a dockerin-fused variant of a rece
148                                              To do so, we designed an experimental set-up for the syn
149                                              To do so, we designed liposomes targeted for the CD163 r
150                                              To do so, we determined the relative proportions of mult
151                                              To do so, we develop a compartmental model composed of a
152                                              To do so, we develop a formalism in which high-dimension
153                                              To do so, we develop a tight-binding function, DeltaE(st
154                                              To do so, we developed a generally applicable method for
155                                              To do so, we developed a method to study the repair of U
156                                              To do so, we developed Fractionation iCLIP (Fr-iCLIP), i
157                                              To do so, we devised a strategy to decouple levels of 8-
158                                              To do so, we devised a three-dimensional in situ approac
159                                              To do so, we employed normal bovine chondrocytes and mou
160                                              To do so, we established a panel of iPSCs from 58 well-s
161                                              To do so, we established microglial cultures, mixed neur
162                                              To do so, we estimated 12-month mortality risk in simula
163                                              To do so, we estimated gene expression differences betwe
164                                              To do so, we estimated the genetic correlations between
165                                              To do so, we evaluated the consequences of MV challenge
166                                              To do so, we examined the effects of early and limited e
167                                              To do so, we examined the effects of the addition of FGF
168                                              To do so, we excised a helical turn (four residues) from
169                                              To do so, we exploited the stability of implanted multie
170                                              To do so, we explore the crystal structures of Puf3p com
171                                              To do so, we explore the utility of a highly biologicall
172                                              To do so, we fabricate a tandem repeat of the receptor t
173                                              To do so, we focused on novel putative chemotaxis transd
174                                              To do so, we fused together the genes that are responsib
175                                     In order to do so, we generalize the QuSAGE gene set analysis alg
176                                              To do so, we generated lipin 1 that contained the PBD of
177                                              To do so, we have created fluorescent GABAA receptors th
178                                              To do so, we have employed both bulk and single-molecule
179                                              To do so, we have first to estimate piecewise constant i
180                                              To do so, we have structurally and biophysically charact
181                                              To do so, we identified minimally cytotoxic doses of ant
182                                              To do so, we identified short linear motifs whose evolut
183                                              To do so, we infer a hiHMM distribution from sequence da
184                                              To do so, we infused a selective GABAB(1a) receptor anta
185                                              To do so, we injected synthetic RNAs into Xenopus oocyte
186                                              To do so, we investigated FCD mediating a key executing
187                                              To do so, we investigated the associations of prediabete
188                                              To do so, we isolated fibrocytes expressing CD45, CD11b,
189                                              To do so, we laser-ablate single k-fibers at different s
190                                              To do so, we linked PUF scaffold proteins to a translati
191                                              To do so, we look for novel genes whose expression patte
192                                              To do so, we measure a basis set of polarized 2D electro
193                                              To do so, we measured a panel of 12 inflammatory, angiog
194                                              To do so, we measured the strength of selection, estimat
195                                              To do so, we modified HA so it would bind only the desir
196                                              To do so, we monitored fluorescence activity in cells co
197                                              To do so, we must first identify the key points that det
198                                              To do so, we mutated tryptophan 391 to an alanine within
199                                              To do so, we perform comparative sequence analysis for t
200                                              To do so, we performed a series of epistasis experiments
201                                              To do so, we performed mutagenesis in Drosophila melanog
202                                              To do so, we present complete sets of basis functions le
203                                              To do so, we processed three C1 replicates from three hu
204                                              To do so, we propose augmented Markov models (AMMs), an
205 s prime candidate for downhill folding fails to do so, we propose that protein folding will remain ba
206                                              To do so, we quantified Now/Later choice behavior in nat
207                                              To do so, we quantified pancreatic islet and exocrine sy
208                                              To do so, we quantified the length and magnitude of axon
209                                              To do so, we reconstitute a portion of the extracellular
210                                              To do so, we recorded from the apical dendrites of hippo
211                                              To do so, we searched protein sequences predicted from 2
212                                              To do so, we segment individual fish tracks into interva
213                                              To do so, we selected multiple chemical series by struct
214                                              To do so, we simulate patterns of gene activities using
215                                              To do so, we studied a homozygous PiggyBac insertion (c0
216                                              To do so, we studied eight adult patients with uncomplic
217                                              To do so, we studied five key resurrected ancestral enzy
218                                              To do so, we study a mesoscopic model of a hydrated bila
219                                              To do so, we targeted the CD163+ population, which to a
220                                              To do so, we tested how AMG655 affected apoptosis induct
221                                              To do so, we tested the hypothesis that Colesevelam incr
222                                              To do so, we took advantage of the lack of tryptophan re
223                                              To do so, we turned to a grid-based version of this meth
224                                              To do so, we use genome-wide DNA methylation data from a
225                                              To do so, we used a purified rat retinal ganglion cell c
226                                              To do so, we used a visually tractable prion model consi
227                                              To do so, we used an established H2BGFP label retaining
228                                              To do so, we used CT and the related Escherichia coli he
229                                              To do so, we used data from 25 demographic and health su
230                                              To do so, we used graph-theoretic network analysis to pr
231                                              To do so, we used in vivo single-cell labeling approache
232                                              To do so, we used long-lived female Drosophila melanogas
233                                              To do so, we used the giant reticulospinal (RS) neurons
234                                              To do so, we used the vignette-based method.
235                                              To do so, we used wild type (WT) and Y857F mutant PDGFRb
236 oliferation, but the wild-type protein fails to do so, when exogenously expressed in Xiphophorus cell
237 strate exaggerated neural responses in order to do so, which may further potentiate risk for anxiety-
238 of WT nCD4s, IKKalpha-deficient Tregs failed to do so, which was associated with their inability to r
239  milk or wheat were advised by their doctors to do so, while less than 49% of patients who avoided bu
240          The model, although not constrained to do so, worked by using two corresponding classes of n
241                                              To do so, WT and DeltaMA PrGag proteins were tagged with

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