


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1                              These results are a first step to gain a better understanding of how mood fluctuations in re
2                                                    In order to gain a better understanding of how resistance to DNA methy
3  at a breath-taking pace and are revolutionizing approaches to gain a better understanding of human diseases.
4  has completed Phase III clinical studies, it is imperative to gain a better understanding of its mechanisms of protectio
5 latitudinal and altitudinal gradients is necessary in order to gain a better understanding of plant responses to ongoing
6                                                             To gain a better understanding of the relationship between me
7 iadins, gamma-gliadins, LMW subunits and antigenic epitopes to gain a better understanding of the technology at a molecul
8                                                             To gain a deeper understanding of the evolution of gene trans
9 addition, we expressed truncated forms and protein chimeras to gain a deeper understanding of toxin specificity and stabi
10                                                             To gain a fundamental understanding of their properties on an
11  titer: 157 g L(-1)), A1 (117 g L(-1)), and L2 (76 g L(-1))-to gain a genome-wide view of the mechanism of citrate accumu
12                                                             To gain a greater understanding of these two closely related
13  environmental metadata to support experimental designs and to gain a mechanistic understanding at system scales.
14 Committee following laser vitreolysis were analyzed by type to gain an understanding of the spectrum of potential complic
15 ctions and the organization of functional elements in order to gain control over the spatial and temporal elements of fun
16               A series of kinetic experiments was conducted to gain detailed insight into the reaction mechanism.
17 g natural range expansions in the context of climate change to gain essential mechanistic insights into insect invasions.
18 e determined by the subjective value a communicator expects to gain from sharing.
19 Although we found evidence that high-risk patients had more to gain from treatment, we were unable to replicate any genot
20 the information derived from separate, complementary assays to gain higher-confidence insights into cellular states.
21  of the human genome obtained by excision repair sequencing to gain insight into factors that affect UV-induced DNA damag
22 e JCI, Burnett and colleagues used a comprehensive approach to gain insight into how PWS-associated mutations drive disea
23                                                             To gain insight into spanin function, pseudorevertant alleles
24                                                             To gain insight into the cellular and molecular interactions
25                                                    In order to gain insight into the mango cuticle biogenesis and identif
26                                                             To gain insight into the mechanisms driving array organizatio
27                                                             To gain insight into the molecular basis for how these mutati
28                                                             To gain insight into the molecular mechanisms associated with
29                                                             To gain insight into the physiological mechanisms involved, w
30                                                             To gain insight into the TolA-pIII complex, we developed a ba
31                                                             To gain insight into this Hg(II) biouptake pathway, we have e
32                                                             To gain insight into this phenomenon, we analyzed a cohort of
33                                                             To gain insight into this question, we investigated the axona
34 e contrasted partners across different competitive contexts to gain insight to the influence of resource availability on
35  physical activity, fitness, and sleep from smartphones and to gain insights into activity patterns associated with life
36 CPVT2 and to use the generated hiPSC-derived cardiomyocytes to gain insights into patient-specific disease mechanism and
37                                              Here, we aimed to gain insights into the genetic architecture of biomarker t
38                                                             To gain insights into the molecular mechanisms of Lrp4 functi
39 th demographic inference methods, are improving our ability to gain insights into the population history of species.
40                                                             To gain insights into transient HG bps, we used solution-stat
41                                                             To gain insights, we developed a signature, "CA20", comprisin
42 tant not only to devise drug discovery approaches, but also to gain knowledge on TEAD regulation.
43 of systems across many branches of science, but our ability to gain mechanistic insight and effectively conduct numerical
44                                                   We sought to gain mechanistic insight into how IL-17A can influence IL-
45                                                             To gain mechanistic insight into the CYP121-catalyzed reactio
46                                  The goal of this study was to gain new insights into the underlying genetics of body fat
47        The Arg8/D-Arg8 ligand-pair was further investigated to gain novel insights into the oxytocin/vasopressin peptide-
48  C(1)-C(6) preference for the angular quinoxalenediynes due to gain of a new aromatic sextet.
49                                                             To gain understanding of MRN in cancer, we engineered mice wi
50 mouse line may provide a new ALS model with the opportunity to gain unique perspectives into mechanisms of neurodegenerat

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