


コーパス検索結果 (left1)

1                                                             To study changes in both retinal structure and function durin
2                                                             To study IL-17-related cytokines in nasal/bronchial biopsies
3                                                             To study its dynamics at multiple time scales in response to
4                                                             To study the associations of endogenous estradiol and testost
5                                                             To study the biological effects of low GSH levels, we disrupt
6                                                             To study the degree of CRS control using novel EPOS control c
7                                                             To study the impact of hypoxic necrosis on the efficacy of an
8                                                             To study the role of neutrophils in LPS-induced endotoxemia,
9                                                             To study whether maternal allergen sensitization affects offs
10 examples of the way in which intravital FLIM can be applied to study kidney diseases and metabolism.
11                                 Here, we use genotypic data to study range-wide patterns of genetic admixture between the
12                This protocol is based on a method developed to study yeast vacuolar fusion.
13                        Such transient species are difficult to study experimentally, but it has proven valuable to prepar
14                                  Intravital imaging enables to study dynamic tumour-stroma interactions within primary an
15 along the auditory pathway, and form an empirical framework to study the representational changes in learning, attention,
16                    Several mouse models have been generated to study OPMD; however, most of these models have employed tr
17                     Here, we used two-photon Ca(2+) imaging to study visual processing in VGluT3-expressing amacrine cell
18 roglial-like cells (iMGLs) can be differentiated from iPSCs to study their function in neurological diseases, like Alzhei
19                                        We apply this method to study the cAMP binding domain A (CBD-A) of Protein kinase
20    This is mainly because while capacity is a useful metric to study information transmission in signaling pathways, it d
21 s infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV) as a model to study aquatic enveloped virus diseases and their inhibitio
22 ome unstable in humans, and we present a unique mouse model to study human circadian disorders with unstable circadian rh
23 n monkeys, which are among the best available animal models to study RSV infection.
24 eral terms, prompts the use of iPSC-derived cellular models to study epigenetic mechanisms impacting on health and diseas
25 vity in the middle temporal (MT) area of the macaque monkey to study the neural mechanisms that underlie the behavioral c
26 tion in a different modality, provides a unique opportunity to study how multimodal information is represented in the hum
27 odels human NBL and establishes a new system with potential to study early stages of NBL oncogenesis, to functionally ass
28 urred in the MVC-TDF group but was judged not to be related to study drugs.
29 had serious adverse events; neither were considered related to study drug treatment.
30  due to the lack of adequate optical microscopic resolution to study human synapses.
31 single-cell RNA sequencing provides unparalleled resolution to study cellular heterogeneity.
32 onnectivity Map (CMAP) represents an unprecedented resource to study the gene expression consequences of expressing short
33                                 Our results provide a route to study unconventional superfluids, spin liquids, Berezinski
34      We sought to develop Nicotiana benthamiana as a system to study NHR against Z. tritici.
35      Furthermore, we demonstrate the utility of this system to study neonatal hematopoiesis, a developmental stage that h
36 The target article highlights the utility of new technology to study sign language and gesture.
37 erefore presents an opportunity to use thermodynamic theory to study an emergent adaptive animal behaviour.
38                            This study provides a novel tool to study dynamics in ordered and disordered solids and provid
39     Thus, R. typhi(GFPuv) bacteria are a novel, potent tool to study infection with the pathogen in vitro and in vivo and
40 tes against ZIKV are coming online, but immunological tools to study anti-ZIKV responses in preclinical models, particula
41                               This approach also allowed us to study the properties of distinct AML subclones, including
42                                  Thin film formats are used to study the Claisen-Schmidt base-catalyzed condensation of 6
43 uman poliovirus infection and poliomyelitis, it can be used to study polio pathogenesis, candidate antiviral drugs, and t
44           Mouse models of T. cruzi infection have been used to study heart damage in Chagas disease.
45 on with chemical double-mutant cycles (DMCs) have been used to study the competition of a polar solvent for formation of
46  containing bioinformative DNA and proteins, have been used to study viral diversity, viral metagenomics and virus-host i
47                                Confocal microscopy was used to study functional and bioenergetic parameters in cardiomyoc
48                 Standard histochemical techniques were used to study ovule/seed development and germination of Austrobail
49 tinuum elastic models of the membrane have been widely used to study protein-membrane interactions.
50 ne responses of the pistil makes it a prime system in which to study the consequences of plant-pathogen interactions on f

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