


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ophrenia have an exceptionally high risk for tobacco dependence.
2 y to nicotine may influence vulnerability to tobacco dependence.
3 ble, safe, and effective in the treatment of tobacco dependence.
4 fiant disorders, as well as with alcohol and tobacco dependence.
5 rm of treatment for individual patients with tobacco dependence.
6 vironmental and biological codeterminants of tobacco dependence.
7 ked to motivationally significant aspects of tobacco dependence.
8 d adverse effects with pharmacotherapies for tobacco dependence.
9 bling were significantly more likely to have tobacco dependence (84.0% versus 61.1%) and antisocial p
10 ctive models to manage chronic diseases like tobacco dependence across transitions in care.
11 duce early onset tobacco smoking and risk of tobacco dependence among smokers.
12 receptors (nAChRs) play an important role in tobacco dependence and a potential therapeutic role in n
13 w class of medications for treatment of both tobacco dependence and cannabis dependence.
14 r proposed approach to a genetic data set on tobacco dependence and found a significant interaction b
15 ype on chromosome 15 underlying the risk for tobacco dependence and lung cancer.
16 tion of new therapeutic targets for treating tobacco dependence and other addictions.
17                                         Both tobacco dependence and such conditions as diabetes are s
18 istration-approved medications used to treat tobacco dependence, bupropion and nicotine replacement t
19 king cessation could elucidate the nature of tobacco dependence, enhance risk assessment, and support
20 mplementation of fibrates as a treatment for tobacco dependence, especially in smokers with abnormal
21 Although the efficacy of pharmacotherapy for tobacco dependence has been previously demonstrated, the
22                  While subjective aspects of tobacco dependence have been extensively examined as pre
23 duals with mental illness have high rates of tobacco dependence; however, little is known about what
24 ducation, including a lack of integration of tobacco dependence information throughout all 4 years of
25  quit smoking after discharge and received a tobacco dependence intervention in the hospital; 92% of
26                                              Tobacco dependence is a chronic, relapsing condition tha
27                   Intensive intervention for tobacco dependence is a more effective smoking cessation
28                                              Tobacco dependence is an addiction with high rates of re
29                                              Tobacco dependence is difficult to treat, with the vast
30                                     Treating tobacco dependence is one of the most cost-effective act
31               The findings were specific for tobacco dependence; odds of marijuana dependence were no
32                                              Tobacco dependence should share the status of other chro
33  gave evidence of three classes pertinent to tobacco dependence syndrome in smokers by young adulthoo
34 ore likely to meet DSM criteria for lifetime tobacco dependence than offspring of mothers who reporte
35 multistakeholder committee with expertise in tobacco dependence treatment and/or LDCT screening.
36 ividualize the type, dosage, and duration of tobacco dependence treatment based on genotype, and maxi
37 ss of triple-combination pharmacotherapy for tobacco dependence treatment in these high-risk smokers
38                    A particular challenge in tobacco dependence treatment is the development of effec
39                      The optimal duration of tobacco dependence treatment is unknown, and some smoker
40              Combining pharmacotherapies for tobacco-dependence treatment may increase smoking abstin
41 betes are well covered by insurance, whereas tobacco dependence treatments are often limited.
42 nd naltrexone, have yielded mixed results as tobacco dependence treatments.
43 sorders, severe substance use disorders, and tobacco dependence were calculated using the Composite I
44 e management model is effective for treating tobacco dependence, which deserves as high a priority in
45  percentage of smokers receive treatment for tobacco dependence with counseling and/or medication, th
46 vity to which may influence vulnerability to tobacco dependence, yet mechanisms of nicotine avoidance

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