


コーパス検索結果 (right1)

1                                                       Taken together, our data are the first to suggest that asbestos ind
2                                                       Taken together, our data demonstrate that adipose Dnmt3a is a novel
3                                                             Together, our data demonstrate that GFRAL is a receptor for G
4                                                       Taken together, our data demonstrate that JNK regulates TNBC tumori
5                                                       Taken together, our data demonstrate that TMM dictates the specific
6 srepressed promoters such as IL-1beta, IL-6, and IL-8 Taken together, our data establish ACTN4 as a transcriptional co-re
7                                                             Together, our data favor the view that approximately 20 Hz co
8                                                       Taken together, our data identify cerebellar astrocytes as key resp
9                                                       Taken together, our data implicate Irk channels as a requirement fo
10                                                             Together, our data indicate that ROS signaling is critical fo
11                                                       Taken together, our data indicate that short-term sedation with pro
12                                                       Taken together, our data indicate that VPS4 activity is important f
13                                                       Taken together, our data may explain why colonization of superantig
14                                                             Together, our data position immune cell-derived complement pr
15                                                             Together, our data provide a wealth of information on protein
16 tained expression of Ets transcription factors such as ETV1 Together, our data provide strong support for the hypothesis
17                                                       Taken together, our data redefine the AVRs as Tie2 signaling-depend
18                                                             Together, our data reveal a druggable K2P site that stabilize
19                                                       Taken together, our data reveal a novel mechanism for disease-assoc
20                                                             Together, our data reveal an HSPG-dependent pathway that spec
21                                                       Taken together, our data reveal an unsuspected function for the Pf1
22                                                             Together, our data reveal crucial features of lacrimal gland
23                                                             Together, our data show that NR4A1 expression by MPPS limits
24                                                             Together, our data show that the rapid S1P-induced increase i
25                                                       Taken together, our data show that under conditions of reduced gluc
26                                                         All together, our data strongly suggest that recessive mutations
27                                                             Together, our data suggest a lysosomal mechanism of mHtt secr
28                                                             Together, our data suggest a model in which sustained FGF sig
29                                                             Together, our data suggest a previously unrecognized role for
30                                                       Taken together, our data suggest an elevated state of immune activa
31                                                       Taken together, our data suggest that although Ras/MAPK pathway inh
32                                                       Taken together, our data suggest that chromatin may exist in a mark
33                                                       Taken together, our data suggest that instability in the genetic ar
34                                                       Taken together, our data suggest that locus-specific epigenetic div
35                                                       Taken together, our data suggest that men are more engaged during t
36                                                       Taken together, our data suggest that p300-mediated acetylation of
37                                                             Together, our data suggest that pharmacological inhibition of
38                                                             Together, our data suggest that polymorphism in the CagA C-te
39                                                             Together, our data suggest that PON-2 regulates ENaC activity
40                                                       Taken together, our data suggest that PrP(C) can be found in mitoch
41                                                             Together, our data suggest that SK1 is important for islet re
42                                                             Together, our data suggest that the heptad repeat LIZ contrib
43                                                       Taken together, our data suggest that the regulation of CFTR intrab
44                                                       Taken together, our data suggest that, although short-term suppress
45                                                             Together, our data suggested that protein O-mannosylation is
46                                                             Together, our data suggested that Tmeff2 is specifically upre
47                                                       Taken together, our data suggests that aberrant levels of specific
48                                                             Together, our data support a model in which DACH1 stimulates
49                                                       Taken together, our data support a novel miRNA-mediated pathway dow
50                                                             Together, our data therefore provide important links between

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