コーパス検索結果 ( left1)
1 Together, these data show that access consciousness and perce
2 Together, these data show that activated B cells require Glut
3 Together, these data show that although skeletal muscles are
4 Together, these data show that CD4+ subsets utilize and requi
5 Together, these data show that CYFIP1 overexpression results
6 Together, these data show that Drosophila nonmuscle myosin-2
7 Together, these data show that epithelial Wnt ligands can ult
8 Together, these data show that GARP is essential for cellular
9 Together, these data show that IL-4 influences the entire per
10 Together, these data show that injection of small numbers of
11 Together, these data show that inverted Ca(2+)/Mg(2+) binding
12 Together, these data show that IR family receptors can functi
13 Together, these data show that leptin regulates synaptic tran
14 Together, these data show that M344 normalizes several dispar
15 Together, these data show that mast cells sense colder temper
16 Together, these data show that Nek2 is a switch balancing cil
17 Together, these data show that NiVB is more pathogenic in AGM
18 Together, these data show that ongoing protein synthesis is r
19 Together, these data show that ONOO(-) participates in Ang II
20 Together, these data show that PARP plays an important role i
21 Together, these data show that perturbation of THO function i
22 Together, these data show that phosphosignaling controls repl
23 Together, these data show that retinotopic specificity depend
24 Together, these data show that rudimentary multicellularity i
25 Together, these data show that the ability of BCAR3 to promot
26 Together, these data show that the auditory cortex is necessa
27 Together, these data show that the CasA subunit of Cascade fu
28 Together, these data show that the four isoforms of 4CL in Ar
29 Together, these data show that the induction of hyperexcitabi
30 Together, these data show that the UL128, UL130, and UL131A p
31 Together, these data show that TLR4 signaling after SCI is im
32 Together, these data show that transient systemic inflammatio
33 Together, these data show that upon prodomain binding to fibr
34 Together, these data show that vaspin binds heparin with high
35 Together, these data show that while STING is an important co
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