


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 kade of other homing receptors also prevents tolerization.
2 shed the disease-suppressing effect of nasal tolerization.
3 cific Ag in the absence of adjuvant leads to tolerization.
4 l alloreactive T cells that may have escaped tolerization.
5 ts that have repopulated the periphery after tolerization.
6 g dominant myosin epitopes must have escaped tolerization.
7 act responses to antigens not present during tolerization.
8 immune system is particularly susceptible to tolerization.
9 ice are not subject to central or peripheral tolerization.
10 receptors on T cells implicated in antigenic tolerization.
11 7a (Lamp1) mobilization, hallmarks of T-cell tolerization.
12 followed by cyclophosphamide (CY) for T-cell tolerization.
13 t gut-homing receptors are required for oral tolerization.
14 ure Th1 effector cytokine) during peripheral tolerization.
15   Wild-type but not p27delta cells underwent tolerization.
16 riding determinants of T cell priming versus tolerization.
17                         In the context of CY tolerization, a high, fixed dose of haploidentical T cel
18 tered in the eye result in specific systemic tolerization; a phenomenon akin to gut-induced oral tole
19 HP-1, and MonoMac-6 cells, whereas endotoxin tolerization abrogated LPS inducibility of Pellino-1.
20                             However, peptide tolerization affected in Tregs the activity of the MAPK
21 h1 effector CD4 cells are induced to undergo tolerization after exposure to cognate parenchymally der
22                          Furthermore, immune tolerization against MOG ameliorated symptoms.
23 idually, CY but not IL-2 can markedly impede tolerization, although their combination is the most eff
24 unctional differences during early stages of tolerization and priming, suggesting that these divergen
25    Blockade of PD-1 signals prevented T-cell tolerization and restored tumor immunity.
26 -II cells was required to prevent TcR-I cell tolerization and significantly slowed progression of TRA
27 he role of CTLA-4 in the expansion, decline, tolerization, and differentiation of T cells following t
28 improved CD8(+) T cell expansion and reduced tolerization, and it was dependent on presentation of bo
29 velop and are required within the LNs during tolerization, and provide compelling evidence that disti
30  ligands that in theory could promote immune tolerization; and 3) the practical intranasal delivery o
31             Accordingly, we are developing a tolerization approach to dnaJP1, a peptide part of a pat
32 have significant implications for the use of tolerization approaches to prevent human GVHD.
33 S-induced DC maturation and fail to drive DC tolerization as assessed by induction of Treg properties
34 se against these parasites owing to neonatal tolerization become productively infected with the filar
35         These results demonstrate that cross-tolerization between Nod1 and Nod2 leads to increase rec
36 vity of CD4+FoxP3+ T cells changed following tolerization, but the serum level of anti-mycobacterial
37 ce, selectively lacking CD103(+) DCs, failed tolerization by inhaled Ag.
38                                        Thus, tolerization by injection of the virus during the neonat
39 r results reveal that CagA is crucial for DC tolerization by modulating IL-10 secretion and, in turn,
40 n still occurred, indicating that priming vs tolerization cannot be explained by pathogen-induced thi
41                          In contrast, myosin tolerization completely abrogated myocarditis in mice im
42                            In contrast, SVL9 tolerization completely abrogated the development of OAD
43                                   Successful tolerization depended on high plasma levels of cyclospor
44          Thus, for this endogenous Ag, cross-tolerization does not appear to be an operative mechanis
45 -bet expression during Th1 effector CD4 cell tolerization does not impair IFN-gamma expression potent
46 were prevented from undergoing PD-1-mediated tolerization, either by antibody blockade of the PD-1-PD
47 selectin every other day for 10 days (single tolerization group) or on two tolerization schedules sep
48 tion schedules separated by 11 days (booster tolerization group).
49 so found to be a prerequisite for successful tolerization in clinical responders.
50 per lymph node structure and function during tolerization in murine cardiac transplantation.
51 Nod2 deficiency was associated with impaired tolerization in response to pathogenic and commensal bac
52 nly tumor control but also susceptibility to tolerization in the tumor microenvironment.
53 eriphery they generally undergo a process of tolerization in which they become hyporesponsive/anergic
54 L(-/-), but not CD62L(+/+), T cells prevents tolerization in wild-type recipients.
55 cular modeling, may circumvent cell death or tolerization induced by tumor Ag, and thus, may provide
56                              Thus, neonatal "tolerization" induces immune deviation, not tolerance in
57  that contribute to this breakdown in T cell tolerization mechanisms is beginning to be deciphered.
58                                         This tolerization method should be applicable to the treatmen
59 of the Ifng locus during peripheral CD4 cell tolerization might allow for preferential expression of
60 ction in vitro and in an ovalbumin-dependent tolerization model in vivo.
61                                         This tolerization occurred at the time when the peptide reach
62 specific Ag expression on the activation and tolerization of Ag-specific B cells was assessed in vitr
63 e, with a MUC1 peptide resulted in transient tolerization of all splenic DCs.
64   Exposure to donor bone marrow allows rapid tolerization of alloreactive CD4 cells when the CD40 pat
65 ce and identify a role for PD-1 in the rapid tolerization of an alloreactive T-cell population via a
66 mmune complexes via CR1/CR2 receptors in the tolerization of B-1b cells.
67                                              Tolerization of B10.RIII mice (H-2r) with i.v.-injected
68 Although these studies have shown peripheral tolerization of CD8+ T cells, the mechanism of antigen t
69 ow-derived cells and cross-presented for the tolerization of CD8+ T cells.
70   Such systemically circulating CEA promoted tolerization of CEA-specific CD8 T cells in the endogeno
71 nt parenchymal self-Ag and contribute to the tolerization of cognate naive and Th1 effector CD4 cells
72 lls, or even self-tissue, for stimulation or tolerization of CTLs.
73 rine studies indicate that H. pylori induces tolerization of DCs and impairs DC maturation, the virul
74 y cells, such as activation of Th2 cells and tolerization of dendritic cells by suppressing IL-23 pro
75 bone marrow transplantation was critical for tolerization of diabetogenic and alloreactive host T-cel
76 lation in vitro and are required for ex vivo tolerization of donor T cells, which results in their re
77                           Moreover, neonatal tolerization of LysMcre mice with p105-119 or ML-M abrog
78 ne repertoire; and (c) adoptive transfer and tolerization of MCC-specific Vbeta3(+)/Valpha11(+) trans
79 able of Ag cross-presentation and subsequent tolerization of naive CD8(+) T cells.
80                         Furthermore, reduced tolerization of Nod2-deficient macrophages in response t
81 providing a mechanism to explain the reduced tolerization of Nod2-deficient macrophages infected with
82                     Mechanistically, reduced tolerization of Nod2-null macrophages was mediated by re
83 w that pretreatment with IFN-gamma prevented tolerization of primary human monocytes and restored TLR
84                                  Deletion or tolerization of SEB-reactive V beta T cells was not obse
85 lex rather than to the continual deletion or tolerization of self-reactive T cells.
86 h as the failure to affect HSK severity upon tolerization of susceptible BALB/c and B-cell-deficient
87                                              Tolerization of T cells directed against a target autoan
88 permanent marrow engraftment and intrathymic tolerization of T cells that develop subsequently.
89                     Much work has focused on tolerization of T cells using proteins or peptides.
90 or-associated dendritic cells (TADC) reduced tolerization of TCR(hi) T cells and enhanced their antit
91 est that neuroendocrine axes are crucial for tolerization of the innate immune system to microbial en
92              EAE could be inhibited by prior tolerization of the mice with soluble PLP(139-151) pepti
93 hat different mechanisms are involved in the tolerization of the preexisting and newly-developing ant
94                     We report that endotoxin tolerization of THP1 cells and human monocytes impairs L
95            A20 shRNA knockdown abolished LPS tolerization of THP1 cells, mechanistically linking A20
96                            Aire promotes the tolerization of thymocytes by inducing the expression of
97 njection of Ag-loaded mature DCs delayed the tolerization of tumor-infiltrating effector CD8 T cells.
98 trategies to treat cancer is by impeding the tolerization of tumor-reactive effector T cells.
99 nduction, and the effects of this peripheral tolerization on myosin-induced myocarditis were assessed
100 tested was the effect of mycobacterial Hsp65 tolerization on T cell responses to AIA-related mycobact
101              The ideal scenario involves the tolerization or anergy of the donor T cell that attacks
102 d Ags in a manner that elicits either T cell tolerization or immunity, respectively.
103 latory pathway, would be a valuable tool for tolerization or immunization, respectively.
104 venting the secondary booster response, oral tolerization permits repeated adenovirus-directed gene t
105                                       T cell tolerization prevents and improves T cell-mediated exper
106 ECs, suggesting that estrogens may alter the tolerization process and favor environment for an autoim
107   In autoimmune conditions, breakdown in the tolerization process results in activation of self-react
108 ut prevented long-term graft acceptance in a tolerization protocol that did not induce chimerism.
109  facilitated long-term graft acceptance in a tolerization protocol that induced mixed chimerism, but
110                         An immunosuppression/tolerization protocol was initiated in case 2 because of
111 lowed for at least 30 months of therapy, the tolerization rate was 93%.
112                                         This tolerization regimen suppressed the strong myosin-specif
113                                            A tolerization regimen was developed that prevents a stron
114 otransfer of TcR-II cells delayed TcR-I cell tolerization, repeated transfer of TcR-II cells was requ
115                          In contrast to oral tolerization, s.c. immunization of transgenic animals wi
116 tin every other day for 10 days on a mucosal tolerization schedule suppressed delayed type hypersensi
117 0 days (single tolerization group) or on two tolerization schedules separated by 11 days (booster tol
118            Enforcing T-bet expression during tolerization selectively rescued the ability to express
119 6.SJL to BALB/c marrow transplants, but with tolerization, stable multilineage chimerism was obtained
120 fected with an irrelevant vaccinia, CD4 cell tolerization still occurred, indicating that priming vs
121 properties of H. pylori can be exploited for tolerization strategies aiming to prevent allergen-induc
122  daily practice, novel treatment options and tolerization strategies are underway.
123 s, using mutant-viral strains, peptide-based tolerization strategies, or short-term anti-IFN-gamma tr
124 0th, position on the peptide carrier; and 3) tolerization studies confirmed down-regulation of PDC-in
125 eptibility of effector T cells to undergoing tolerization suggests that tolerance might also negative
126 elf-Ag-expressing mice eventually succumb to tolerization, this delay results in an increased level o
127 mmatory context, while leaving available for tolerization those delivered in a noninflammatory contex
128 ary immune response can be abrogated by oral tolerization to adenoviral antigens, we immunized biliru
129 tissues are an important site for peripheral tolerization to alloantigen.
130  protease inhibitor 6, are also resistant to tolerization to alloantigen.
131                                              Tolerization to beta-gal96-103 significantly prolonged b
132                                              Tolerization to dnaJP1 leads to immune deviation and a t
133 g the first application of systemic-mediated tolerization to improve the efficacy of brain injections
134 ogether, these results suggest that CD4 cell tolerization to parenchymal self-Ags and priming to path
135 elicit tolerization toward self-HA, CD4 cell tolerization to viral-HA did not occur.
136 l insights and may prove instrumental in the tolerization toward non-self therapeutic proteins delive
137 s extended for the period required to elicit tolerization toward self-HA, CD4 cell tolerization to vi
138 e protected against acute disease, but after tolerization treatment a lethal demyelinating disorder e
139 , the signaling cascades engaged in human DC tolerization upon H. pylori infection remain unknown.
140 xploring an approach toward antigen-specific tolerization using erythrocyte-binding antigens, based o
141 n of potent immunoregulatory capacity during tolerization via CD40:CD40L blockade provides a fail-saf
142                    The mean time for humoral tolerization was 28 months from initiation of therapy.
143                            TNF-induced cross-tolerization was mediated by suppression of LPS-induced
144                                     For oral tolerization, we administered to the immunized rats prot
145 his immune response can be abrogated by oral tolerization, we instilled protein extracts of a recombi
146                                   Thus, oral tolerization with adenoviral antigens permits long-term
147                                        After tolerization with an artificial peptide (pConsensus, pCo
148                We have previously shown that tolerization with an artificial peptide based on these T
149                                  Remarkably, tolerization with any one of the nucleosomal peptides im
150                                       Single tolerization with E-selectin had only a slight trend tow
151               Here we show that oral or i.p. tolerization with H. pylori extract prevents the airway
152 ory cells from a CD4+CD25- population during tolerization with IL-10 and TGF-beta provides an additio
153 but containing plasmacytoid DCs (pDCs), fail tolerization with inhaled Ag and cannot support Foxp3 in
154 duced diabetes in the PVG.RT1u rat, neonatal tolerization with insulin B-chain peptides, but not A-ch
155 a model of organ-specific autoimmunity, oral tolerization with myelin basic protein was abrogated as
156                        Our data suggest that tolerization with pCons activates different subsets of i
157                                              Tolerization with peptide:PDC conjugate resulted in abro
158 ammation in the local microenvironment, oral tolerization with self antigens may provide a therapeuti
159                                              Tolerization with soluble mycobacterial Hsp65 leads to s
160           The effects of preimmunization and tolerization with these epitopes on the development of d
161 nherited metabolic disease following central tolerization with thymic antigen.
162 sorbent (ELISPOT) analysis revealed specific tolerization (within 4 to 15 days) of both T helper 1 (T

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