


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 function to maintain hepatic homeostasis and tolerogenicity.
2 ing to I-A(k) molecules, immunogenicity, and tolerogenicity.
3 enhance their in vivo survival and potential tolerogenicity.
4 and may potentiate their previously reported tolerogenicity.
5 al donor DCs, may account for inherent liver tolerogenicity.
6 on of the fusion protein is not required for tolerogenicity.
7  allografts governs their immunogenicity and tolerogenicity.
8 ory responses and may promote inherent liver tolerogenicity.
9 nt results in DCs with in vitro hallmarks of tolerogenicity.
10 at LPS-stimulated HSCs might promote hepatic tolerogenicity by influencing naturally occurring immuno
11 eptidase (gGT), have been reported to induce tolerogenicity by reprogramming dendritic cells (DCs).
12 es to the enhancement of dendritic cell (DC) tolerogenicity for the promotion of cell or organ allogr
13 ps between these factors with each other and tolerogenicity have not been clearly elucidated.
14  of the details of the molecular basis of DC tolerogenicity have yet to be elucidated, emerging infor
15                             The induction of tolerogenicity in DCs by MSCs was dependent on the expre
16             Another possible contribution to tolerogenicity may be the inability of neonatal antigen
17 to compare the relative immunogenicities and tolerogenicities of HBV structural (envelope [ENV]) and
18 ining the balance between immunogenicity and tolerogenicity of DCs in vitro and in vivo.
19                           Immunogenicity and tolerogenicity of DCs is also determined by anabolic and
20 pproaches that have been used to promote the tolerogenicity of donor-derived DC in experimental model
21 n spermatogenesis, determines the egress and tolerogenicity of MGCA.
22                                          The tolerogenicity of neonatal skin grafts derives in part f
23      In this study, the role of IL-10 in the tolerogenicity of neonatal skin grafts was examined.
24  hepatic immune homeostasis and the inherent tolerogenicity of the liver.
25 rted that, in B10.A mice, immunogenicity and tolerogenicity of the self-MHC class I peptide, Ld 61-80
26 ere, we have examined the immunogenicity and tolerogenicity of various self-peptides derived from reg
27          The mechanism(s) responsible for DC tolerogenicity, which may involve activation-induced apo
28 CD4+ Th cells into TRAMP mice abrogated TADC tolerogenicity, which was associated with reduced Foxo3

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