


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  in the optic tract but innervate the tectum topographically.
2 undus autofluorescence (FAF) can show damage topographically.
3 e propose that zooplankton, swimming through topographically adjacent phytoplankton micropatches and
4                     These EFNAs subsequently topographically align ingrowing visual cortical axons to
5 rease in the measured elastic modulus of the topographically aligned cells.
6 vity facilitated sensory-evoked responses of topographically aligned neurons in primary somatosensory
7 pooling of convergent functional inputs from topographically aligned TC neurons with very diverse res
8 l" column by spontaneous impulses of single, topographically aligned TC neurons.
9 lumn facilitated whisker-evoked responses in topographically aligned thalamic barreloid neurons, whil
10 ystem, retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) project topographically along anterior-posterior (A-P) and dorsa
11 mber of systems afferent axons are organized topographically along their trajectory as well, and it h
12 ivity increased when the environment changed topographically, although not when the change was visual
13 traints on all six functional maps, we found topographically analogous functional maps to emerge from
14    Development of fabrication techniques for topographically and chemically 1D patterned surfaces and
15 ter nuclear layer (ONL) thickness was mapped topographically and compared with that in normal subject
16                   These bundles are arranged topographically and contain projections, not only to the
17 al injections revealed that the LGN projects topographically and densely to V1 and that a significant
18 n which somatosensory inputs into the SC map topographically and establish alignment with visual inpu
19 pled from bone formation-the 2 processes are topographically and temporally distinct.
20 y self-assembly, in which the patches remain topographically (and chemically) invisible but have much
21 e notion that LM and AL are architecturally, topographically, and connectionally distinct areas of ex
22 tiple large boutons that were well organized topographically (anteroposterior = rostrocaudal).
23 mulation engage overlapping areas within the topographically appropriate digit representation in the
24 disparate loci, rather than stabilization of topographically appropriate inputs.
25 have a demonstrated role in guiding axons to topographically appropriate locations in other areas of
26 n of single whiskers evokes peak activity at topographically appropriate locations within somatosenso
27 grey matter abnormalities were detected in a topographically appropriate region of the left motor cor
28 veral classes of sensory axons regenerate to topographically appropriate regions of the dorsal horn w
29 on, vibratory stimulation of the foot evoked topographically appropriate responses in SI and second s
30 n a larva of each stage and found consistent topographically arranged connectivity between identified
31 rtical intrinsic connectivity networks share topographically arranged functional connectivity with th
32  focus on the vagus motor neurons, which are topographically arranged in both mammals and fish.
33 could subliminally presented objects leave a topographically arranged representation that can capture
34     These findings reveal the existence of a topographically arranged store of "visual" objects, the
35                   Meningeal inflammation was topographically associated with cortical demyelination i
36               Together, these nuclei project topographically back to the medial amygdalar nucleus, to
37  Areas of cystoid edema were associated with topographically co-localizing flow voids in the deep vas
38  Areas of cystoid edema were associated with topographically colocalizing flow voids in the deep vasc
39 tohippocampal and caudocentral divisions are topographically comparable to the mammalian septohippoca
40  hydration structure of-polar, nonpolar, and topographically complex concavities on the surfaces of p
41                        The structures of the topographically complex products were deduced by 2D NMR
42 ents of climate vulnerability, especially in topographically complex regions.
43                                        These topographically complex sensors and dosing sources have
44                                      Because topographically complex substrates are easily fabricated
45  olfactory bulb (OB) is highly organized but topographically complex.
46           The data presented graphically and topographically confirm and extend previous pathological
47  is a subcortical structure reciprocally and topographically connected with all sensory and motor dom
48 utilizes natural hydrogel polymerization and topographically constrained cell-mediated gel compaction
49 tures of nanoimprint and soft lithography to topographically construct metal thin films with nanoscal
50 this, neurons exhibit amazingly stereotypic, topographically continuous maps of several functional pr
51                              There is also a topographically continuous U-shaped band of cortical are
52 ntrations were low and also appeared largely topographically controlled and reflective of benthic inp
53 , coarse-scale climate grids may not capture topographically controlled climate variation at the scal
54 elinated and unmyelinated sensory axons with topographically correct connections in the spinal cord.
55              Although foxc1a mutants display topographically correct fin innervation, mutant fin musc
56 ingrowth and elaboration of axon branches at topographically correct places, we studied the topograph
57 caused ectopic arborization posterior to the topographically correct site in deeper layers of the tec
58 pic domains of ephrin-B1 and arborize at the topographically correct site.
59 d the inner border of the ellipsoid zone and topographically corrected according to measurements in c
60            These functional changes were not topographically correlated with the area of fluorescein
61 s had inner choroidal flow void on OCTA that topographically corresponded to regions of abnormal hype
62  high level, these regions may function like topographically defined data registers, encoding the flu
63 et, axon terminals defasciculate, migrate to topographically defined positions, and form synapses wit
64 seradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) were placed in topographically different locations within the SC.
65 ivity is essential for refinement of initial topographically diffuse neuronal projections into their
66 interactions are common in area 3b, somewhat topographically diffuse, and maximal when the suppressin
67 t pilus formation requires the presence of a topographically discrete assembly complex that is compos
68                       Both phenomena exploit topographically distinct binding sites to promote unique
69 divided into two groups with most likely two topographically distinct binding sites.
70 hat words of different semantic types elicit topographically distinct brain responses substantially e
71      Infants' form and motion responses were topographically distinct but contrasted with the corresp
72 t least three molecularly, structurally, and topographically distinct cell populations in rodents.
73 CR+ interneurons into three structurally and topographically distinct cell populations.
74 inferior parietal lobule, lpIPL) induced two topographically distinct changes in functional connectiv
75 led that nine of these ten residues form two topographically distinct clusters.
76 riatum, Scgn co-expression also identified a topographically distinct CR+ interneuron population with
77  the habenula projecting pallidal nucleus is topographically distinct from the dorsal pallidum, the h
78                 Allosteric binding sites are topographically distinct from the endogenous ligand (ort
79                 Allosteric binding sites are topographically distinct from the endogenous ligand (ort
80     The identification of sites on receptors topographically distinct from the orthosteric sites, so-
81 unctional connectivity analysis revealed two topographically distinct fronto-temporal circuits, with
82                        The modules form four topographically distinct longitudinal columns that only
83 otypically heterogeneous disorders involving topographically distinct nerves and muscles.
84  phenotypically heterogeneous and located in topographically distinct niches in the lining layer and
85  a sufficient determinant of colonization of topographically distinct niches, and that the peri-impla
86                                              Topographically distinct patterns of connections were re
87 vely modulated this phase reset effect, with topographically distinct sets of recording sites exhibit
88 ely demonstrating their ability to bind to a topographically distinct site to change M(1) receptor co
89  and (b) the allosteric interactions between topographically distinct sites are mediated by a conform
90 ogether, we detected two physiologically and topographically distinct subgroups of V3 INs, each likel
91 ng of colloidal particles with chemically or topographically distinct surface domains (patches) has a
92 nsing elements in many nanoscale sensors are topographically distinct, this approach should be widely
93  transduction relies on interactions between topographically distinct, yet conformationally linked, d
94 istribution of these contrasting changes was topographically distinct: with the haloperidol decreases
95                                 At least two topographically distributed projections were found withi
96 hereas CRF-immunoreactivity was localized to topographically distributed varicose processes within th
97 50-2069) stream temperature changes over the topographically diverse Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem (e
98 ich transports rock and heat from depth, and topographically driven fluid movement that concentrates
99 ression of behavioral responses, rather than topographically encoding go vs. stop behaviors.
100  turbidity, all appear to be consistent with topographically enhanced current speeds driving these en
101               All projections were organized topographically, even those from nontonotopic nuclei.
102 at the thalamoreticular pathway is organized topographically for most neurons.
103 ical set in each hemisphere of three modules topographically forming a lateral core and medial shell
104 ptogenesis may involve the creation of these topographically fractured microdomains and ictogenesis (
105    Zebrafish axial motoneurons are recruited topographically from the bottom of the spinal cord up.
106 angiocellular carcinoma (CC) originates from topographically heterogeneous cholangiocytes.
107                         These increases were topographically heterogeneous, predominantly in dependen
108 upper crust, such core complexes remain both topographically high and in isostatic equilibrium.
109  preference apparatus characterized by three topographically identical chambers, the chambers being d
110 ables individual solution-filled pores to be topographically identified.
111 orneal epithelium over the entire cornea was topographically imaged via a novel anterior segment opti
112        Myelination of the CST axons occurred topographically in a dorsal-to-ventral pattern.
113  the EphA/ephrin-A family that are expressed topographically in the retina and tectum of embryonic ch
114 C axon guidance molecules is the presence of topographically inappropriate projections or 'ectopic sp
115 he three patients had apparently an ectopic (topographically inconsistent) representation of the ipsi
116 continuous, with patches of SC responding to topographically incorrect locations.
117 s to RA and that RA projection neurons (PNs) topographically innervate brainstem vocal-motor and resp
118             We show that cholinergic neurons topographically innervate wide areas of the striatal com
119 ed of large populations of neurons organized topographically into a map of gaze-centered space whose
120 n ranges that were ecologically discrete and topographically isolated from one another.
121    MCC- and NCC-loaded WPI gel matrices were topographically less uniform and contained many more und
122                                              Topographically linked hydrology-soil-vegetation sequenc
123 nd nasotemporal (NT) axes, and this order is topographically maintained in its axonal connections to
124 mal eyes of 21 forme fruste KC patients with topographically manifest KC in the contralateral eye wer
125                  Each of these modalities is topographically mapped and aligned with the others to en
126 racy and spatial conservation as a result of topographically mapped axonal connections.
127 Spatially distributed sensory information is topographically mapped in the brain by point-to-point co
128 ences perception of visual features that are topographically mapped in this region through intraregio
129 the utility of this understanding to SICM by topographically mapping a live cell's cytoskeleton.
130 differences in growth will be conditional on topographically mediated soil moisture availability; (ii
131 enucleated at birth, callosal fibers connect topographically mismatched, mirror-symmetric loci.
132 enucleated at birth, callosal fibers connect topographically mismatched, mirror-symmetric loci.
133                                              Topographically, NA was classified as I (thin-cap NA), I
134 -eight eyes of 78 unaffected patients and 21 topographically normal eyes of 21 forme fruste KC patien
135 ents with manifest KCN, subclinical KCN, and topographically normal KCN relatives compared with contr
136 nd to the ectopic cerebellum, establishing a topographically normal projection.
137 Zs in ephrin-A2A5(-/-) mice without altering topographically normal TZs.
138 lity to colonize and integrate inputs across topographically novel donor glomeruli, different from th
139 bacteria live deep within the body, they are topographically on the exterior surface and thus outside
140 ucleus in motor cortex that in turn projects topographically onto hindbrain neurons innervating vocal
141    In mammals, tactile information is mapped topographically onto the contralateral side of the brain
142 uld play an essential role in generating the topographically ordered circuitry of the visual system.
143 rmance revealed the sequential activation of topographically ordered functional ensembles with modera
144 that in the rat A1, direction selectivity is topographically ordered in parallel with characteristic
145        Retinal ganglion cell (RGC) axons are topographically ordered in the optic tract according to
146 terfascicular, and transverse, which receive topographically ordered inputs from the medial amygdalar
147   In many vertebrates parallel processing in topographically ordered maps is essential for efficient
148 e terminal fields indicated the existence of topographically organised 'feed-forward' (insular to PL/
149                    The VNO-AOB projection is topographically organised such that axons from apical an
150 I study suggests that the human bSTC is also topographically organized according to modality preferen
151 e bimodal superior temporal cortex (bSTC) is topographically organized according to the modality pref
152 us is under the control, on the one hand, of topographically organized afferents from the cerebral co
153  the connections from MEC to hippocampus are topographically organized and divergent, it has been hyp
154     We also show that the sSC-dSC pathway is topographically organized and mediated by monosynaptic e
155 ofugal pathways were found to be widespread, topographically organized and partially overlapping.
156              This minimal circuit element is topographically organized and regionally differentiated,
157 e instantaneous output of the hippocampus is topographically organized and represents a segment, rath
158  demonstrate that a model circuit comprising topographically organized and strongly recurrent neural
159 osterior parietal cortex (PPC) contains four topographically organized areas along the intraparietal
160 ual cortex provide evidence for five or more topographically organized areas.
161 s tadpoles, visually driven Ca2+ signals are topographically organized at the subcellular, dendritic
162                      The Ipc neurons display topographically organized axons that densely ramify in r
163 The establishment of the connections between topographically organized brain regions has attracted mu
164 ys an important role in the specification of topographically organized circuits and neuronal response
165                        This nucleus receives topographically organized collaterals from both thalamus
166                                          The topographically organized connections of V4 included bid
167                        Area V4 has numerous, topographically organized connections with multiple cort
168 ctionally organized units that are linked by topographically organized connections.
169 hin the ventral human pulvinar and extensive topographically organized connectivity with visual corte
170 fferent areas of the targets, supporting the topographically organized descending projections from th
171  into heterogeneous groups that give rise to topographically organized forebrain projections.
172 ence to support the latter account, in which topographically organized frontoparietal areas each gene
173   Here, we demonstrate that perturbations to topographically organized human frontal and parietal cor
174 , a component of the reticular formation, is topographically organized in animal models and implicate
175 s indicated that the ITN-GP projections were topographically organized in parallel to the ITN-Str pro
176       Centrally, cochlear ganglion axons are topographically organized in the auditory brainstem as e
177 of the external world are systematically and topographically organized in the brain.
178 (P29), showed that the nBIC-SC projection is topographically organized in the rostrocaudal axis, alon
179                                   In the SC, topographically organized inputs from the retina and V1
180 arbor, which may be important for processing topographically organized inputs.
181 nd retrograde tracing experiments revealed a topographically organized inter-hemispheric circuit: SHE
182     The primary somatosensory cortex (SI) is topographically organized into a map of the body.
183 e projections (>75%) were homotopic and from topographically organized loci in the corresponding area
184 tal cortex contains several areas defined by topographically organized maps of the contralateral visu
185                                              Topographically organized maps of the sensory receptor e
186 nes of the BF map in AI retrogradely labeled topographically organized MGBv projections and weaker, m
187               Whether these oscillations are topographically organized or relevant to locomotion is u
188                  Our results showed multiple topographically organized patterns of projections from t
189 Second, and again similar to monkey PPC, all topographically organized PPC areas responded to differe
190                               Results show a topographically organized prefrontal hyperdirect pathway
191 posterodorsal MEA (MEApd), revealing direct, topographically organized projections between distinct a
192 of dorsal striatum, which receives extensive topographically organized projections from higher cortic
193 ow that the input to the IID map arises from topographically organized projections from the MGBv.
194 he GLv is also the target of substantial and topographically organized projections from the optic tec
195 ference at the population level, focusing on topographically organized regions in the human PPC [visu
196 ng methods, the degree to which this area is topographically organized remains controversial.
197 ce of multiple auditory cortical fields with topographically organized responses to sound frequency.
198    In birds, it is in receipt of a dense and topographically organized retinal projection.
199 nctionally as a "hedonic hot spot." A highly topographically organized set of connections involving e
200 ial, motor, and cognitive information into a topographically organized signal of behavioral salience.
201 , core fields represent a transition between topographically organized simple receptive field arrange
202 star rats and quantified c-Fos expression in topographically organized subpopulations of serotonergic
203 nd the spacing between the firing fields are topographically organized such that grid cells located m
204      Mammalian primary visual cortex (V1) is topographically organized such that the pattern of neura
205  case of the auditory DVR, we found a highly topographically organized system of reciprocal interconn
206            In addition, spindle frequency is topographically organized with a sharp transition around
207 imilarly to cortical networks, the model was topographically organized with spatially local connectiv
208                The digit representations are topographically organized with the distal digit surface
209            Individual HVC(RA) axons were not topographically organized within RA: 1) axon arbors of H
210      Auditory nerve fibers innervate narrow, topographically organized, "isofrequency" bands in deaf
211 ticopontine studies suggest that the pons is topographically organized, but details remain unresolved
212 ck direct sensory input and are only loosely topographically organized, forming interlocking feed-for
213                              Projections are topographically organized, preferentially in the caudal
214 alamus and cerebral cortex are connected via topographically organized, reciprocal connections.
215      Can the adult brain assimilate a novel, topographically organized, sensory modality into its per
216      Secondary projections on the SGN/V were topographically organized, those of the facial lobe main
217  outputs of each basal ganglia structure are topographically organized, which suggests that the basal
218 al attention and cinguloinsular networks are topographically organized, with at least seven maps of t
219                          Touch direction was topographically organized, with distinct organization fo
220 orking memory actions of CRF in the PFC were topographically organized, with impairment observed only
221 ese cerebrocerebellar loops were shown to be topographically organized.
222 as observed in individual cells, but was not topographically organized.
223 ere located in midtectal layers and were not topographically organized.
224 hat the efferent component of the PCX may be topographically organized.
225 toward the OB along blood vessels (BVs) that topographically outline the RMS.
226                       This technique employs topographically patterned agarose gels to deliver variou
227 rotein were collected from cells cultured on topographically patterned and planar substrates and anal
228                  Here, we discuss wetting on topographically patterned but chemically homogeneous sur
229 sms that cause a smooth epithelium to become topographically patterned during development are poorly
230                                            A topographically patterned substrate with stochastic surf
231                 HTM cells were also grown on topographically patterned surfaces, and IL-6 mRNA was an
232 ain structures on submicrometer scale within topographically patterned thin films.
233 neurons in rat and primate striatum into two topographically-, physiologically- and structurally-dist
234 d in concise foci that were weakly organized topographically (posteroanterior = rostrocaudal).
235  millisecond-scale neuronal interactions and topographically precise anatomical connections in the pr
236 resentation of the visual world, achieved by topographically precise inputs from the lateral genicula
237 se placodally derived neurons must produce a topographically precise pattern of connections in both t
238 ontinuous, as expected from the actions of a topographically precise signal encoding discrete events.
239 neurofilament (NF) proteins NF-M and NF-H is topographically regulated.
240 erior-posterior (A-P) inductive signals, two topographically related progenitor pools that share a co
241 pecialized structure, the plexus, where they topographically reorganize before navigating towards the
242 the lesioned area 5, and areas 1 and 2, were topographically reorganized and that receptive fields fo
243 U/calbindin-colabeled cells were observed in topographically reorganized cortex.
244 rning shortens RTs, which is modeled through topographically reorganized inhibition.
245 ins trapped for several hours as a result of topographically restricted diffusion.
246 A(A) antagonist picrotoxin, which produces a topographically restricted region of striatal immediate-
247                         A peptide library of topographically segregated encoded resin beads was synth
248 onal projections within the lateral horn are topographically segregated from those of V-PN and DC4-PN
249 erent layers of the epidermis is conveyed by topographically segregated sensory circuits, suggesting
250                    We developed a bottom-up, topographically selective approach employing self-assemb
251 which we have found to occur early and to be topographically selective.
252                                Adults showed topographically separate responses, with midline motion
253                               This mechanism topographically separates reduction of quinone and reoxi
254 s versus non-carriers, patient groups showed topographically similar connectivity reductions in the s
255 r mats, a substrate that we have shown to be topographically similar to brain scaffolds.
256  The dorsal CN subdivision, structurally and topographically similar to the cerebellum, arises from m
257 dominant (first component) metabolic RSN was topographically similar to the default mode network (DMN
258                            Although maps are topographically smooth at the macroscale, they are often
259 ed samples have electrochemical hot spots in topographically smooth regions of the surface.
260 subtype of DSGC, direction preference varies topographically so as to align with specific translatory
261                                              Topographically specific activity persists as early as V
262 mb use is needed to refine CS terminals into topographically specific clusters of dense terminal bran
263 thalamic spatial response tuning by engaging topographically specific excitatory and inhibitory mecha
264                                    Distinct, topographically specific expression patterns emerge, how
265 xibility by regulating striatal function via topographically specific frontostriatal connections.
266                      These results show that topographically specific integrin phosphorylation can co
267       In contrast, FEF stimulation induced a topographically specific pattern of enhancement and supp
268  EphA tyrosine kinases are thought to act as topographically specific receptors in the well-character
269 ed in the Brn3b(-/-) retinas, in contrast to topographically specific RGC loss observed in glaucomato
270                                              Topographically specific TMS pulses were delivered over
271                Predictive relationships were topographically specific to theta cordance for frontal e
272        However, while top-down activation of topographically specific visual areas during visual imag
273            Although this dissociation is not topographically specific, a single generator for all spi
274 nd IPL thickness loss in Brn3b(-/-) eyes was topographically specific.
275 tectum/superior colliculus by regulating the topographically-specific interstitial branching of retin
276 ns of HVEM/BTLA and HVEM/LIGHT interactions, topographically-specific, competitive, and nonblocking a
277  SII source activity correlated directly and topographically specifically with the fractional anisotr
278 , with emphasis on anisotropic behavior with topographically (structurally) patterned surfaces.
279 noprinting' technique with the capability to topographically structure and actuate hydrated gels in t
280  thermal annealing on bare, or chemically or topographically structured substrates, such printed patt
281 lated fluid were hyporeflective, were larger topographically than the large choroidal vessels, had an
282                                              Topographically, the longitudinal orientation of the PV1
283                                              Topographically, this pattern of staining predominates i
284 at, as in other species, sSC neurons project topographically to the dSC, providing a route for the tr
285 lls and filled axons in the LSO were related topographically to the position of the DCN injection sit
286   In addition, the current studies show that topographically treated MSCs have a distinct differentia
287                                              Topographically unique spatial wiring of the olfactory s
288 fovea and periphery, also form the basis for topographically-unique plastic changes in the blind.
289 lpha-chloro amine functionality produces the topographically unusual amine (pKa = 6.7) in good yield.
290 ging (fMRI) study suggested that they may be topographically variable across individuals, occurring,
291                                    We reveal topographically variegated scaling relationships between
292  results to favor the double belt model, the topographically very similar hairpin-belt model cannot b
293  of cytochrome c, protein molecules were not topographically visible on the lipid bilayer-buffer inte
294                                RM and CM had topographically weighted connections with all other area
295                                 A1 and R had topographically weighted connections with medial and lat
296 -term synaptic depression (STD) is expressed topographically, where unitary high CF synapses are more
297 isual system, many connections are organized topographically, which preserves the spatial order of th
298  depletion focally along dendrites coincides topographically with calpain II and ERK 1/2 activation,
299 ansition from promotion to inhibition varied topographically with retinal position.
300 iking pattern overlaps both functionally and topographically, with the earliest cognitive deficits se

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