


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ll (2C) embryos in which the blastomeres are totipotent.
2                      Most stem cells are not totipotent.
3 velopment, gametes are reprogramed to become totipotent.
4 maintaining high rates of DNA synthesis, are totipotent.
5 itions, that is, conversion of the oocyte to totipotent 2-cell blastomeres, compaction, and blastocys
6 caste fate, and (e) breeding conflicts among totipotent adults.
7 o environmental mutagens and plant cells are totipotent, an understanding of RNR function in plants i
8                                              Totipotent and differentiated cells exhibited similar in
9               Whereas Oct3/4 is expressed in totipotent and pluripotent cells in the mouse life cycle
10 complexes are essential for formation of the totipotent and pluripotent cells of the early embryo.
11 to host embryos is the key feature of murine totipotent and pluripotent cells.
12 1) Sox2(+) /Pax6(+) stem-like cells that are totipotent and self-renew over the long term, 2) Ascl1(+
13 generally considered pluripotent rather than totipotent because of the failure to detect germline cel
14 red oocytes for optimal progression into the totipotent blastocysts.
15                This finding demonstrates the totipotent capacity of bryophytes, the ability of a cell
16 inner cell mass (ICM) are the descendants of totipotent cells and can differentiate into any cell typ
17                                              Totipotent cells in early embryos are progenitors of all
18 pring were produced following aggregation of totipotent cells of the four-cell embryos.
19 scription factor associated with potentially totipotent cells.
20                    Thus, zebrafish achieve a totipotent chromatin state at ZGA through paternal genom
21 ticellular organisms can be regenerated from totipotent differentiated somatic cell or nuclear founde
22 ay for the induction of erythroid cells from totipotent ectoderm of the embryo.
23 taining the molecular characteristics of the totipotent egg and early embryo.
24 al and a naive paternal genome to generate a totipotent embryo.
25 friable embryogenic callus from which highly totipotent embryogenic suspension cultures could be esta
26                                              Totipotent embryonic stem (ES) cells are infected with a
27 the murine beta-globin locus was analyzed in totipotent embryonic stem cells and in differentiated ce
28     It was found that s-SHIP is expressed in totipotent embryonic stem cells to the exclusion of the
29  osteopontin enhancer, which is expressed in totipotent embryonic stem cells.
30 hese findings raise caution about the use of totipotent ESCs in cell transplantation therapy, because
31                     Genes activated in mouse totipotent F9 teratocarcinoma cells solely by activation
32 transcriptional gene regulation preserve the totipotent genome of germ cells through generations.
33               Higher eukaryotes must adapt a totipotent genome to specialized cell types with stable
34 ell tumors (GCTs) arise by transformation of totipotent germ cells.
35                                              Totipotent germline blastomeres in Caenorhabditis elegan
36 uires the engraftment of genetically altered totipotent hematopoietic stem cells (THSCs).
37 family of zinc finger proteins, expressed in totipotent hemopoietic cells as well as in myeloid proge
38 vidual, otherwise indistinguishable cells of totipotent human embryos, primordial germ cells, and sta
39  surrounded efforts to undertake research on totipotent human stem cells.
40                                          The totipotent mouse embryonic stem (ES) cell is known to di
41                           Differentiation of totipotent mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells to various ly
42  as a result of generation of GRP cells from totipotent neuroepithelial stem cells, of O2A/OPCs from
43 entage of adult or differentiated cells have totipotent nuclei, and a much higher percentage of cells
44 ese data suggest that the cell lines exhibit totipotent potential and that BMP4 can prime human PSCs
45 ound tissue identity is first specified from totipotent precursor cells in the embryo.
46 allowing differentiated gametes to unleash a totipotent program following fertilization.
47 nion at fertilization, their genomes drive a totipotent program, giving rise to a complete embryo as
48                             The immortal and totipotent properties of the germ line depend on determi
49 n oocytes can reprogram somatic cells into a totipotent state enabling animal cloning through somatic
50                                   Why does a totipotent state linger within the inner cell mass of mo
51 germ cells (PGCs) marks the beginning of the totipotent state.
52  research using human embryos as a source of totipotent stem cells can secure broad public support if
53                                              Totipotent stem cells have the potential to differentiat
54                                   Renewal of totipotent stem cells in the germline and cellular diffe
55 z1- or Rfz2-specific chimera leads, in these totipotent stem cells, to some differential activation o
56 rate the integration of a functional gene in totipotent stem cells.
57 es, similar to what is seen with features of totipotent two-cell blastomeres.
58 rements accompany the transition from motile totipotent unicellular organisms to multicellular organi
59             During gastrulation, PGCs remain totipotent while surrounding cells in the vegetal mass b
60  unique form of eusocial polyphenism in that totipotent workers can differentiate into either soldier
61 transforms a differentiated germ cell into a totipotent zygote capable of somatic development.
62 ession is essential for the development of a totipotent zygote into an embryo with defined cell linea
63 ty to transition from differentiated cell to totipotent zygote is unknown.
64  mechanisms regulate the transition from the totipotent zygote to pluripotent primitive ectoderm cell
65 eprogrammed after fertilization to produce a totipotent zygote with the potential to generate a new o

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