


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 chnology presented in this article is a step toward this goal.
2  interactome mapping and to elucidate a path toward this goal.
3  In this paper we make several contributions toward this goal.
4 R vaccine, most states are well on their way toward this goal.
5 ealths, and protectorates to assess progress toward this goal.
6 rs such as vaccinia or avipox have been used toward this goal.
7 luripotent human stem cells hampers progress toward this goal.
8 Significant progress has been made in moving toward this goal.
9      Here we review past and recent progress toward this goal.
10 m standard of testing is thus a prerequisite toward this goal.
11 nd emerging technologies can enable progress toward this goal.
12  could be achieved, and some recent advances towards this goal.
13 rain, and significant progress is being made towards this goal.
14  to identify the best targets and approaches towards this goal.
15 the factors crucial for maintaining momentum towards this goal.
16 f DNA molecules provides an attractive route towards this goal.
17 tion or suspension provide a promising route towards this goal.
18 hape - may substantially accelerate progress towards this goal.
19  synthetic genomes, have restricted progress towards this goal.
20 etic engineering show considerable potential towards this goal.
21  have independently made major contributions towards this goal.
22 nique called optical binding provides a step towards this goal.
23                                              Towards this goal a time switching strategy known as the
24                                              Toward this goal, a combined experimental and molecular
25                                              Toward this goal, a controlled, sublethal, moderate drou
26                                              Toward this goal, a doubly modified Hb with very low O2
27                                              Toward this goal, a new affinity purification strategy h
28                                              Toward this goal, a random library of S. enterica typhim
29                                              Toward this goal, a representative group of OspA serotyp
30                                              Toward this goal, an introductory set (1a-d and 2a-d) of
31                              As a first step toward this goal, an optical distance assay system has b
32                                              Towards this goal, an attenuated poxvirus, modified vacc
33 e some of the most important recent progress toward this goal and also provide a forward-looking view
34 rticle will describe the past decade of work toward this goal and articulate both the promise that no
35 ies of water, we present here a new strategy toward this goal and support it by molecular dynamics si
36  research efforts to accelerate our progress toward this goal and the improvement of human health.
37 e cells has transformed potential approaches toward this goal, and the engraftment of cardiac progeni
38                                              Towards this goal, and because domains are the functiona
39 e 3 most promising plant breeding strategies toward this goal are as follows: 1) increasing the conce
40           Potential obstacles and next steps toward this goal are discussed.
41                                While efforts towards this goal are well advanced for DNA, they have h
42 , but in weak-field spectroscopy we can move toward this goal because only a finite number of levels
43     Structure-based methods have contributed towards this goal but they focus on predicting the bindi
44 y inactive state constituted a major advance toward this goal, but also raised new questions.
45 dynamics simulations can be effectively used toward this goal by bridging the gap between functionall
46                  Here, Davanco et al. stride toward this goal by hybrid on-chip integration of Si3N4
47        In 2008, we made substantial progress toward this goal by performing in-depth mass spectrometr
48      This study represents an important step toward this goal by setting the stage for a crystallogra
49        Recent experiments have made progress towards this goal by demonstrating entanglement among an
50                                              Towards this goal catalytically active nanoformulations
51                                              Toward this goal, Chang et al. recently introduced a sys
52                                              Towards this goal, control of a computer cursor or robot
53               Recent strategies and advances towards this goal during the last four years will be dis
54                                              Toward this goal, during the recent meetings of the Inte
55                                              Toward this goal, effects on viral RNA abundance of muta
56                             As initial steps toward this goal, extended X-ray absorption fine structu
57       In this paper, we present a first step towards this goal, focusing on generating correct and si
58                                              Toward this goal, genetic engineering can be used to mak
59                         Significant progress toward this goal has been made using alpha-helical prote
60                    In recent years, progress toward this goal has included the identification of mole
61                              Recent advances toward this goal have come from stepwise reduction in ge
62                         Significant advances toward this goal have come from two recent strands of in
63                                              Towards this goal, here we have combined unstructured pe
64                                              Towards this goal, high-throughput sequencing technology
65 in complexes has provided one important step towards this goal; however, even knowledge of the stoich
66                                              Towards this goal, I present here computations of horizo
67 lexes in solution but have not been employed toward this goal in the solid state.
68                                              Toward this goal, in vivo experiments were conducted on
69                                        Steps towards this goal include: defining the semantics of the
70                        Despite some progress toward this goal, including EM studies of COG lobe A (su
71                Here, we present a first step toward this goal, introducing a novel algorithm for iden
72 ion controls influence climate; a first step towards this goal involves estimating net climate impact
73                            However, progress toward this goal is hampered by incomplete understanding
74                                     Progress toward this goal is hindered by the lack of knowledge of
75                         Substantial progress toward this goal is possible using current technology.
76                            Current knowledge toward this goal is summarized.
77                            An important step toward this goal is the creation of molecular logic gate
78                             One crucial step toward this goal is the development of discrimination pr
79                            An important step toward this goal is the identification of high-affinity
80                                An early step toward this goal is to benchmark computational models ag
81                                 One approach toward this goal is to combine two or more distinct reac
82                            An important step toward this goal is to create a portable, durable, singl
83                                     Progress towards this goal is being made with the development of
84                                              Toward this goal, isotopically labeled p-((13)C(15)N-cya
85                                              Toward this goal, it is important to have access to tech
86                             Despite progress towards this goal, it remains a major challenge to direc
87                                              Toward this goal, living cells are used in conjunction w
88                                              Toward this goal, many of the biophysical properties of
89                                              Toward this goal, numerous prodrug approaches have been
90                                     Stepping towards this goal of incorporating biochemical data into
91 us their biomolecular engineering approaches toward this goal, offering promising results that could
92                              Important steps towards this goal over the past fifteen years include th
93                    Despite dramatic advances towards this goal over the past five decades, many chall
94                              As a first step toward this goal, phage display was used to generate pep
95                                              Toward this goal, recent studies have revealed an unexpe
96                              As a first step toward this goal, recombinant syntaxin1A/SNAP25 (t-SNARE
97                     Despite limited progress toward this goal, renewed optimism has followed the rece
98                                              Towards this goal, several activity-based screening and
99                                        Steps toward this goal should take into account the complexity
100   Lu et al. now present significant progress toward this goal, showing in rats that transplanted neur
101                                              Toward this goal, Sorghum bicolor L.
102                                              Towards this goal, supplementation with human cytokines
103                              As a first step toward this goal, the biocompatibility and the feasibili
104                              As a first step toward this goal, the conformationally constrained pseud
105                              As a first step toward this goal, the kinetics of hematologic engraftmen
106                              As a first step toward this goal, the present investigation was designed
107          In continuation of efforts directed toward this goal, the present work capitalizes on the pu
108                                              Toward this goal, this article investigates the geometri
109                                              Towards this goal, this article develops a new haplotype
110                      In a molecular approach toward this goal, three ruthenium compounds with 2,2'-bi
111                                              Toward this goal, three-dimensional quantitative structu
112                                              Toward this goal, two commercially unavailable, thiobenz
113          There has been significant progress towards this goal using electron tomography.
114                                              Toward this goal, various localization strategies have b
115                Two papers in this issue move toward this goal via 3D imaging of active neurons across
116                                              Toward this goal we are investigating an alternative app
117                                              Toward this goal we demonstrated the degradation of phos
118                                              Toward this goal we developed HierVLS, a fast hierarchic
119                                    As a step toward this goal we have developed DNA ligands that reco
120                                              Toward this goal we have developed WormGUIDES, a mobile
121                                              Toward this goal we have established genome-wide referen
122                                              Toward this goal we have used a functional GFP-tagged Pn
123                                              Toward this goal we present a new strategy to prepare Au
124                                              Toward this goal we used tiled microarrays to identify s
125                                      Working towards this goal we achieved high strength in a low cos
126                              As a first step towards this goal we have determined the number of myosi
127                               In progressing towards this goal we synthesized a novel mitochondria-ta
128                                              Toward this goal, we are building a knowledge base of th
129                                              Toward this goal, we combined parallel affinity capture
130                                              Toward this goal, we compared force-field interaction en
131                                              Toward this goal, we constructed a helper-dependent aden
132                                              Toward this goal, we demonstrate a general framework for
133                                              Toward this goal, we demonstrate a very important role f
134                                              Toward this goal, we demonstrate hyperspectral stimulate
135                                              Toward this goal, we derived variants of the prototype a
136                                              Toward this goal, we describe a method called PARADIGM-S
137                                              Toward this goal, we describe a three-step methodology:
138                                              Toward this goal, we describe here a single-molecule tec
139                                              Toward this goal, we describe the direct oncolytic activ
140                                              Toward this goal, we designed a 9,604-member rational co
141                                              Toward this goal, we developed a lectin-directed tandem
142                                              Toward this goal, we developed a software pipeline named
143                                              Toward this goal, we developed an image-based computatio
144                                              Toward this goal, we developed cell-seeded disc-like ang
145                                              Toward this goal, we developed two mouse lines, includin
146                                              Toward this goal, we examined a panel of antibodies elic
147                                              Toward this goal, we examined T. gondii infection of Bat
148                                              Toward this goal, we first constructed and assayed a num
149                                              Toward this goal, we generated a UCP1;SLN double knock-o
150                                              Toward this goal, we generated and characterized five di
151                                              Toward this goal, we generated mice with PPR deletion in
152                                    As a step toward this goal, we genetically engineered the aerobic
153                              As a first step toward this goal, we have analyzed immunologic and viral
154                                              Toward this goal, we have cloned the alpha and beta subu
155                                              Toward this goal, we have collected and analyzed experim
156                                              Toward this goal, we have constructed a human fusion pro
157                                              Toward this goal, we have designed a 2-ureido-6[1H]-pyri
158                                              Toward this goal, we have developed a facile synthesis o
159                                              Toward this goal, we have developed a method that effici
160                                              Toward this goal, we have developed a sensitive method f
161                                              Toward this goal, we have developed a technique for rapi
162                                    As a step toward this goal, we have developed an approach to build
163                                              Toward this goal, we have developed an azide-functionali
164                                              Toward this goal, we have developed RNASEQR to accuratel
165                                              Toward this goal, we have electrochemically deposited ir
166                                              Toward this goal, we have engineered and validated signa
167                                              Toward this goal, we have found that treatment of membra
168                                    As a step toward this goal, we have generated recombinant adeno-as
169                                              Toward this goal, we have isolated a group of overlappin
170                                              Toward this goal, we have performed preclinical and clin
171                                              Toward this goal, we have prepared a series of cyclic pe
172                                              Toward this goal, we have sequenced, assembled, and anno
173                                              Toward this goal, we have solved the structure of a mult
174                           As an initial step toward this goal, we have undertaken a study aimed at op
175                                              Toward this goal, we have used a combination of mutation
176                                              Toward this goal, we have used a model system, the elong
177                                              Toward this goal, we have used simulated annealing to st
178                                              Toward this goal, we have used the DNA-binding specifici
179                                              Toward this goal, we implemented a circular polarization
180                                              Toward this goal, we infected mouse embryonic fibroblast
181                                              Toward this goal, we isolated BMI1-containing protein co
182                                              Toward this goal, we performed mass spectrometry, GFP ta
183                                              Toward this goal, we performed molecular dynamics simula
184                                              Toward this goal, we present a methodology termed mCpG-S
185                                              Toward this goal, we present an algorithm for the calcul
186                                              Toward this goal, we present the Systems Biology Graphic
187                                              Toward this goal, we recently demonstrated that intercel
188                                              Toward this goal, we recently developed an integrated sy
189                                              Toward this goal, we recently developed analogues of a n
190                                              Toward this goal, we reconstructed in 3D the trajectorie
191                                              Toward this goal, we report here an integrative DNA micr
192                                    In a step toward this goal, we report the construction and impleme
193                                              Toward this goal, we report the first observation of the
194                                              Toward this goal, we report the synthesis and enzymatic
195                                              Toward this goal, we report the synthesis and transcript
196                                    As a step toward this goal, we report the use of 5'-O-(1-thio)inos
197                                              Toward this goal, we showed that dendritic cell (DC) vac
198                                      To work toward this goal, we solved by X-ray diffraction the 2.9
199                                              Toward this goal, we sought to determine the optimal com
200                                              Toward this goal, we synthesized an amorphous FeOOH (a-F
201                                              Toward this goal, we synthesized an exendin-4 conjugated
202                              As a first step toward this goal, we tested the ability of the transcrip
203                                              Toward this goal, we tested the potential of Escherichia
204                                              Toward this goal, we tested the transition of hESC and h
205                                              Toward this goal, we transduced isolated Lewis rat hepat
206                              As a first step toward this goal, we use a stochastic Monte Carlo approa
207                                              Toward this goal, we used a proteomic approach as the fi
208                                              Toward this goal, we used affinity chromatography couple
209                                              Toward this goal, we used several independent techniques
210                                              Toward this goal, we used the gene expression signature
211                                              Towards this goal, we biopanned three phage-displayed pe
212                                              Towards this goal, we characterise the cold and hot dena
213                                              Towards this goal, we demonstrate the purification of a
214                                              Towards this goal, we describe a method to construct dir
215                                              Towards this goal, we developed a freely available and o
216                                    As a step towards this goal, we developed a method to examine whet
217                                              Towards this goal, we engineered a microbial host for or
218                                              Towards this goal, we explore the properties of genealog
219                                              Towards this goal, we have constructed two eukaryotic ex
220                                              Towards this goal, we have determined the complete genom
221                                              Towards this goal, we have developed a novel computation
222                                              Towards this goal, we have identified secretogranin V (S
223                                              Towards this goal, we have synthesized a prototypical su
224                                              Towards this goal, we performed array-based comparative
225                                              Towards this goal, we propose a novel algorithm named iR
226                                              Towards this goal, we show that gold nanocrystals act as
227                                              Towards this goal, we tested inhibitors of human EGFR an
228                              As a first step towards this goal, we used a deterministic approach to e
229                                              Towards this goal, we used a maternal intrauterine infla
230  promise to dramatically accelerate progress toward this goal, which will facilitate the rational des
231 his communication, we present the first step toward this goal with the synthesis, crystal structure d
232                               The first step toward this goal would be to predict proteins that can f

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