


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 regions and participate in the recombination transaction.
2 ich bring together ranking principles within transactions.
3 sphate backbone damage during biological DNA transactions.
4 is of fluctuations in time intervals between transactions.
5 uth become involved and on youth-environment transactions.
6 omplex is a key player in multiple chromatin transactions.
7 reation of undesirably long flaps during DNA transactions.
8  machinery and other enzymes involved in DNA transactions.
9 iae, Pif1 is involved in a wide range of DNA transactions.
10 is an important feature of virtually all DNA transactions.
11 hat is self-sufficient in a number of genome transactions.
12 sticated memory to store information on past transactions.
13 chromosomal DNA and facilitates numerous DNA transactions.
14 ation of proteins involved in key biological transactions.
15  nonsense-mediated mRNA decay and other mRNA transactions.
16 luding 13 proteins with known roles in mtDNA transactions.
17 he fidelity of gene expression and other DNA transactions.
18  proteins, some of which are involved in RNA transactions.
19 tant role in gene regulation and various DNA transactions.
20 portunities, is the main motivation for such transactions.
21 lear antigen (PCNA) coordinate multistep DNA transactions.
22 required for numerous essential nucleic-acid transactions.
23 fferent proteins play different roles in DNA transactions.
24 teins with imputed functions in nucleic acid transactions.
25 fic sequences to facilitate a variety of DNA transactions.
26 se system tuned to support a large number of transactions.
27 promoter-enhancer interactions and other DNA transactions.
28  notion of a key role of such enzymes in DNA transactions.
29 econdary structures that impede cellular DNA transactions.
30 g T4 recombination-dependent DNA replication transactions.
31 ts' unusual thinking during stressful family transactions.
32  complexes that potentially assist other DNA transactions.
33 unction in nucleoid morphology, and in mtDNA transactions.
34 e we report new functions for Abf2p in mtDNA transactions.
35 les of mismatch repair proteins in other DNA transactions.
36 the same mechanism causes arrest of both DNA transactions.
37 ics in relation to fundamental DNA-dependent transactions.
38 elicase and its orthologs drive multiple DNA transactions.
39 duals in one domain of social life: economic transactions.
40  that must be accessed during various genome transactions.
41 ifunctional proteins involved in several RNA transactions.
42 of the DNA and can interfere with normal DNA transactions.
43 chanism for achieving sequence-dependent DNA transactions.
44 ydrolysis by Pch2 are required for Pch2-Hop1 transactions.
45  is a fundamental problem during many social transactions.
46 tein, is involved in nearly all cellular DNA transactions.
47 so suggested to participate in bacterial DNA transactions.
48 sible new role for UvsW in gp32-mediated DNA transactions.
49 ry transient intermediates in normal nuclear transactions.
50 d over eons to coordinate many essential DNA transactions.
51 modeling, DNA repair, and other nucleic acid transactions.
52  published in volume 1 of Medico-Chirurgical Transactions (1809), are discussed.
53                                       Market transactions also tend to reduce the role of farm divers
54 of research that recognizes multidirectional transactions among biological systems.
55                                   Results of transaction and mutational studies demonstrated that bot
56 extent to which they were satisfied with the transaction and whether they believed that the interacti
57                   The infrastructure records transactions and account balances, yielding measurements
58 ltitasking DNA helicases mediate diverse DNA transactions and are relevant for human disease pathogen
59 t the execution or fidelity of enzymatic DNA transactions and cause mutations and cancer.
60 sA-FtsA subunit interface, also enhanced ATP transactions and exhibited gain of function phenotypes i
61              Then again, inaccuracies in DNA transactions and failures to remove mutagenic lesions ca
62 es easy and efficient access for protein-DNA transactions and has a central role in driving segregati
63  essential roles in nearly all DNA metabolic transactions and have been implicated in a variety of hu
64 icase family proteins are important in these transactions and have been termed the guardians of the g
65 ediate both the memorization of nonreductive transactions and their nature as conversions.
66                                      The DNA transactions and various proteins involved in SN-BER of
67  TMG caps for an essential developmental RNA transaction, and three genetically distinct meiotic spli
68 ariety of functions (e.g. search, commercial transactions, and social media).
69  of exchange rates as conversions to African transactions; and (iv) the return to economic life in a
70 have suggested that proteins involved in DNA transactions are also required for whole-chromosome stab
71 nd more time in virtual environments, online transactions are coming under increasing research attent
72 to define the molecular mechanism of WRN-DNA transactions are currently underway in many laboratories
73 particular intuitions, e.g., that impersonal transactions are dangerous or that international trade i
74 mplications of these protein dynamics to DNA transactions are discussed.
75 ts specifically participate in different DNA transactions are not well understood.
76                 Here, we show that these DNA transactions are promoted by RECQ5 DNA helicase in a man
77                                        These transactions are strictly dependent upon mitochondrial t
78 hey could directly affect the downstream DNA transactions, as well as interfere with protein binding
79 ynamic analysis of combinatorial protein-DNA transactions at a genome-wide level.
80 g indicates that telomerase affects multiple transactions at the telomere and provides a physical foo
81 al perception in visual processing, in which transaction between rostral ventral visual cortex and am
82 lobal scale, enabling the massive volumes of transactions between distant strangers that are characte
83            Environmental psychology examines transactions between individuals and their built and nat
84           A review of research and theory on transactions between people and physical environments em
85 otein (WRN) suggest that it functions in DNA transactions, but the physiological function of WRN rema
86 agment revealed a p53-binding site-dependent transaction by wild-type p53, but not by several transac
87  specific recognition in single-stranded DNA transactions by an otherwise nonspecific DNA-binding pro
88           Topoisomerases carry out these DNA transactions by passing one segment of DNA through the o
89 pair, as we are learning how these essential transactions can operate in coordination to achieve geno
90          These mutants in various DNA repair transactions cannot be redundant with dUTPase and instea
91 cilitated by the unusual nature of Cdc34-SCF transactions: Cdc34 binds SCF with nanomolar affinity, n
92 n-Berkeley stores; (3) consumer spending per transaction (checkout episode) would not increase in Ber
93           The substrate for these epigenetic transactions, chromatin, is a polymer of nucleosome buil
94 ation, transient FACT (facilitates chromatin transactions) complex recruitment, and nucleosome deplet
95 e can stimulate recombination presents a DNA transaction conundrum: a transcription fidelity factor t
96 head, mine mouth, or refinery might minimize transaction costs as well as opportunities for leakage.
97  with the need for a better understanding of transaction costs but provide evidence that they do not
98         Better knowledge sharing and reduced transaction costs increase work efficiency.
99 ant data not accessible to consumers or when transaction costs make proenvironmental action difficult
100        Finney claims that we did not include transaction costs while assessing the economic costs of
101 active positions), and allows accounting for transaction costs.
102                                  Supermarket transaction data and surveys were used to measure the fo
103  algorithms for association rule mining from transaction data are mostly deterministic and enumerativ
104                   An analysis of supermarket transaction data showed no significant intervention effe
105                               Using pharmacy transaction data, we evaluated 45029 patients who were n
106 ce, and perform rule mining from the reduced transaction dataset generated by the sample.
107 sistence of firing 2 weeks after high spinal transaction demonstrated that spontaneous firing rate wa
108                         During many of these transactions, DNA is tethered and is likely subject to f
109                                          DNA transactions driven by long-range protein-mediated inter
110 n characterizing the dynamics of chromosomal transactions during T4 infection, we have employed a uni
111 of their circular chromosomes to control DNA transactions during the cell cycle.
112  a needle) or emblems that facilitate social transactions (e.g., finger to lips indicating "be quiet"
113 nd health departments) who conduct financial transactions electronically ("covered entities").
114 store revenue/consumer spending (dollars per transaction) fell 18 cent less in Berkeley (-$0.36, p <
115                                    Financial transactions for all ICU patients (n = 23,107) treated d
116 d semantics of the GO, generates generalized transactions from annotation data and mines interesting
117          Selective pressures and various DNA transactions have been invoked to explain the heterogene
118 hereby raising the question of what cellular transactions, if any, are TMG cap-dependent.
119 e in Berkeley; overall consumer spending per transaction in the stores studied did not rise.
120  understanding HMG-1's role in mediating DNA transactions in a variety of enzymological systems.
121  essential DNA-, RNA-, and protein-dependent transactions in all cells and many viruses.
122 architecture and in global regulation of DNA transactions in bacteria.
123 recombination is one of the most complex DNA transactions in biology.
124 many downstream factors in virtually all DNA transactions in cell.
125  zeta (pol zeta) participates in several DNA transactions in eukaryotic cells that increase spontaneo
126                                 Numerous DNA transactions in eukaryotic nuclei are regulated by eleme
127 rovide a framework for understanding similar transactions in eukaryotic viral infections.
128 en documented in the labor market, in social transactions in everyday life, and in studies involving
129               To investigate the role of ATP transactions in FtsA function in vivo, we isolated intra
130            HAMP domains mediate input-output transactions in many bacterial signalling proteins.
131 ld for coordinating multiple chromatin-based transactions in somatic cells.
132 DNA) binding protein utilized in diverse DNA transactions in the cell.
133 empted to detect transcription-dependent DNA transactions in the mtDNA of a hypersuppressive petite m
134 mplex harboring PSA2 and PsaG mediates thiol transactions in the thylakoid lumen that are important f
135 tive mechanism for spatial regulation of DNA transactions in vivo by selective condensation of chromo
136 ynthesis, a process that influences many DNA transactions in vivo We found that Pol epsilon is unable
137                             It also includes transactions in which nature provides restoration or inf
138 st-tax year 1 scanner data SSB sales (ounces/transaction) in Berkeley stores declined 9.6% (p < 0.001
139 tore revenue (inflation-adjusted dollars per transaction) in two large chains, and usual beverage int
140 ex FACT (facilitates chromatin transcription/transactions) in preventing budding yeast CENP-A(Cse4) m
141 ease/helicase participates in eukaryotic DNA transactions including cleavage of long flaps generated
142  as chromosomes undergo a full compendium of transactions including DNA replication, recombination, c
143 n nature and play a central role in many DNA transactions including replication, recombination, and r
144 s genomic stability by perturbing normal DNA transactions including replication, repair, and transcri
145 ive effect on several mitochondrial-specific transactions including the repair of the mitochondrial D
146              Several important physiological transactions, including control of replicative life span
147 It also has important functions in other DNA transactions, including DNA recombination, transcription
148 ses play important roles in a variety of DNA transactions, including DNA replication, transcription,
149 ion of this structure may interfere with DNA transactions, including processing of DNA damage at thes
150 ation is also implicated in other chromosome transactions, including replication and segregation.
151 somes provide a template for a number of DNA transactions, including replication and transcription, b
152 orm alternative structures during normal DNA transactions, including replication, DNA repair and tran
153 d result from a defect in any of several DNA transactions, including those that determine the DNA rep
154  DNA polymerases (pols) are involved in kDNA transactions, including three essential proteins related
155 ibutors to regulation of chromatin-templated transactions, including transcription, replication, reco
156          We show that knowing the price of a transaction increases the risk of reidentification by 22
157     An essential component of every economic transaction is a willingness-to-pay (WTP) computation in
158   The participation of DNA ligase I in these transactions is directed by physical and functional inte
159 cking contributes to the specificity of MAPK transactions is incompletely understood.
160 f PARP1 in regulation of various nuclear DNA transactions is well established.
161 ), an essential complex involved in most DNA transactions, is required for damage-induced PCNA ubiqui
162 rone involved in transcription and other DNA transactions, is upregulated in cancers, and its downreg
163 been implicated in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) transactions: it is found in mtDNA nucleoids associated
164 ning a dataset containing just a few hundred transaction items, if no action is taken to constrain th
165              Despite its importance in these transactions little is known about how AID finds its tar
166 ated with physiological changes of other DNA transactions: mainly replication, transcription, and pac
167                                 Acute spinal transaction markedly broadened MRRFs, with hip rotation
168                          These communication transactions might offer an opportunity for safety impro
169 om replication by a brief SCC, and all three transactions move along the chromosome at the same fast
170 t that NM23-H2 is involved in DNA structural transactions necessary for the activity of the c-MYC pro
171  compartment, where they are used for energy transactions, nucleic acid synthesis, and a multiplicity
172 present the primary intermolecular signaling transaction of the activated photoreceptor, tagging the
173 , but not different from that observed after transaction of the midbrain posterior to the rvmPAG (+42
174                                          DNA transactions of a wide variety generally require three m
175 ities, provide a plausible mechanism for all transactions of the primosome including initiation, elon
176 ibility has sparked profound interest in how transactions on DNA and chromatin surrounding DNA damage
177 otentially important for enzymatic reactions/transactions on nucleosomal substrate and the formation
178 important implications for regulation of DNA transactions on surfaces.
179  determine if they occur during a single DNA transaction or during two independent events.
180 emedies traditionally used (eg, blocking the transaction or requiring that the parties divest assets)
181                             In these agentic transactions, people are producers as well as products o
182                 Total payments and number of transactions per category of payment, geographic region,
183    FACT (FAcilitates Chromatin Transcription/Transactions) plays a central role in transcription and
184                   Topoisomerase 2 (TOP2) DNA transactions proceed via formation of the TOP2 cleavage
185 ics play an essential role in regulating DNA transaction processes, but it is unclear whether transcr
186 ation and repair factors and coordinates DNA transactions ranging from Okazaki fragment maturation to
187 may serve specialized roles in different DNA transaction reactions.
188 ical record, which suggests that prehistoric transaction records and the invention of writing for rec
189       From October 2014 to May 2015 official transaction records were collected and a questionnaire-b
190 ut the full set of factors involved in these transactions remains unknown.
191 ac10b family may play important roles in RNA transactions requiring destabilization of RNA secondary
192                                  Supermarket transaction (sales) data and surveys measured the main o
193 or gene regulation, as well as for other DNA transactions such as recombination, replication and repa
194 rm of chromatin or is undergoing biochemical transactions such as transcription, replication or repai
195 ification has been shown to affect other DNA transactions, such as expression and chromosome segregat
196                             Essential genome transactions, such as homologous recombination, are achi
197 ions that interfere with essential chromatin transactions, such as replication and transcription.
198  proteins also participate in many other DNA transactions, such that inactivation of MMR can have wid
199  a distributed COM server with full database transaction support.
200  of recent trends in licensing and financing transactions that affect early- to mid-stage life scienc
201 provides restoration or inflicts stress, and transactions that are more mutual, such as the developme
202 ve as a general mechanism for modulating DNA transactions that are sensitive to DNA superhelicity.
203 roofreading could be relevant to several DNA transactions that control genome stability.
204 ng protein that participates in multiple DNA transactions that include replication and repair.
205 lting from a perturbation of one of the many transactions that maintain genetic fidelity.
206 , but also for coordination of the molecular transactions that occur during lagging-strand synthesis.
207 the potential to block critical cellular DNA transactions that require strand separation.
208 rto difficult-to-investigate multi-molecular transactions that underlie genome regulation.
209 se of these proteins in repair and other DNA transactions, this expanded list of beta interactive pro
210      This mutually regulatory intermolecular transaction thus provides a mechanism with the dual capa
211         Younger patients and women found the transaction to be more stressful, and older patients bel
212 hundreds of thousands of individual economic transactions to ask: how predictable are consumers in th
213 ortunity for protein factors involved in DNA transactions to bind to or translocate along the DNA.
214  We find striking scale-free behavior of the transaction volume after each switching.
215 company in the Financial Times and the daily transaction volume of a company's stock both on the day
216               Satisfaction with the bad news transaction was high.
217 essful, and older patients believed that the transaction was less important for subsequent interactio
218 nalyses indicated that satisfaction with the transaction was uniquely predicted by factors related to
219                                  Complex DNA transactions were detected that take place around GC-clu
220 t MRRFs remain expanded 1 month after spinal transaction, whereas PICs recovered to >80% of their pre
221 ccurs in one environment or another, and the transactions with and within them have important consequ
222 er as people increasingly engage in fleeting transactions with genetically unrelated strangers in lar
223 nly their neighbors and avoiding open-market transactions with outsiders.
224 ase of the DHp domain and prevents molecular transactions with the DHp domain to which it is bound by
225 uildings are often tested during real estate transactions, with results reported to the Department of
226                 One set of these chromosomal transactions within a single cell cycle constitutes the

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