


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 y, the isolate was subsequently selected for transcriptome analysis.
2 ent the problem, we performed single-nucleus transcriptome analysis.
3 idates were identified from a perturbed rice transcriptome analysis.
4 istent tumor characteristics as supported by transcriptome analysis.
5 led to hypomorphic Notch signaling, based on transcriptome analysis.
6  exhibit genomic alterations as indicated by transcriptome analysis.
7 CoV infection using immunological assays and transcriptome analysis.
8 xtreme individuals with high and low RFI for transcriptome analysis.
9  capabilities via in vitro assays, including transcriptome analysis.
10                                         2500 transcriptome analysis.
11 to epidermal cytokines was revealed by whole transcriptome analysis.
12 the transcriptome.RNA-seq is widely used for transcriptome analysis.
13                After comparative mapping and transcriptome analysis, 187 expressed genes (10 046 comm
14 YP450 genes most abundantly expressed in the transcriptome analysis across different castes, ages, ta
15            Here using comparative genome and transcriptome analysis across eight uni- and multicellul
16                                              Transcriptome analysis after remodeller depletion reveal
17 tive trait using whole genome-sequencing and transcriptome analysis allows to discover the functional
18                                         This transcriptome analysis also identified SFO transcripts,
19                                              Transcriptome analysis also showed some canonical SPI ge
20 based on Next Generation Sequencing-mediated transcriptome analysis and chromatin immunoprecipitation
21                                     In vitro transcriptome analysis and experiments using siRNA or sp
22                                              Transcriptome analysis and flow cytometry of IL-17A(+)Fo
23                   We performed a genome-wide transcriptome analysis and found that the same condition
24 xpanded Treg cells were isolated ex vivo for transcriptome analysis and found to contain multiple tra
25                                           By transcriptome analysis and functional screens in the med
26                                       Global transcriptome analysis and immunodetection of two major
27                                        Using transcriptome analysis and multiple concentration-respon
28                                              Transcriptome analysis and phenotypic characterization d
29                                      We used transcriptome analysis and real-time reverse transcripti
30                                  Comparative transcriptome analysis and recombinant gene overexpressi
31                                  Genome-wide transcriptome analysis and reporter assays revealed that
32              Rescue experiments coupled with transcriptome analysis and Runx1 DNA-binding assays demo
33 rgeted next-generation sequencing, exome and transcriptome analysis, and digital polymerase-chain-rea
34 h a combination of genetics, tissue-specific transcriptome analysis, and functional studies of candid
35 es of the (15) N-(18) O labelling technique, transcriptome analysis, and Illumina MiSeq sequencing we
36 entified the MAPK phosphatase Dusp9/MKP-4 by transcriptome analysis as selectively expressed in pDCs,
37                                              Transcriptome analysis at this early stage of bud develo
38                               In an unbiased transcriptome analysis, C1q was shown to modulate expres
39                                              Transcriptome analysis combined with genetic tests show
40                                  Single-cell transcriptome analysis combined with protein interactome
41                                            A transcriptome analysis comparing mesenteric visceral AT
42                                        Whole transcriptome analysis confirmed changes consistent with
43                                              Transcriptome analysis confirms increased expression of
44  associated with growth in mild drought, the transcriptome analysis delivered further insight into th
45 prior to neurodegeneration in these mice and transcriptome analysis demonstrated activation of ATF4,
46                                              Transcriptome analysis demonstrated dramatic dysregulati
47                           Furthermore, whole transcriptome analysis demonstrated similarity of the hE
48                                              Transcriptome analysis demonstrated that 7,943 genes wer
49                                              Transcriptome analysis demonstrated that IC3 expressed h
50                                      RNA-Seq transcriptome analysis demonstrated that PRMT5 and MEP50
51                                              Transcriptome analysis demonstrated that SG ILCs had cha
52                                         Root transcriptome analysis demonstrated the differential exp
53                                Additionally, transcriptome analysis demonstrates that CD4(+)Foxp3(+)
54                                              Transcriptome analysis demonstrates that CYP2J19 is sign
55 ro similarly to microglia in vivo, and whole-transcriptome analysis demonstrates that they are highly
56                                              Transcriptome analysis demonstrates the involvement of B
57                                              Transcriptome analysis detected the expression of multip
58 dy tissue-specific transcription and dynamic transcriptome analysis (DTA) to study RNA turnover.
59                         We performed kinetic transcriptome analysis during regeneration of differenti
60                                              Transcriptome analysis ex vivo revealed that IRAK1 promo
61 nalysis of key significant genes from global transcriptome analysis for ixazomib strongly favored tum
62                  Furthermore, RNA sequencing transcriptome analysis found that multiple growth factor
63                                         This transcriptome analysis from highly purified islet alpha-
64                                              Transcriptome analysis from slow cycling cells identifie
65                                     Based on transcriptome analysis, full-length complementary DNA cl
66                                              Transcriptome analysis further revealed that the effects
67                                              Transcriptome analysis further supported the distinct fu
68                                              Transcriptome analysis has been increasingly used to ide
69 echniques including cell-lineage tracing and transcriptome analysis have provided novel and exciting
70                                              Transcriptome analysis identified a class of mammary-res
71                                  Comparative transcriptome analysis identified a large number of gene
72                                              Transcriptome analysis identified Cdca7 as the top down-
73                                  Genome-wide transcriptome analysis identified key HSC transcription
74   Deep quantitative proteomics combined with transcriptome analysis identified miR-28 targets involve
75                                              Transcriptome analysis identified multiple factors that
76                                              Transcriptome analysis identified multiple genes that we
77                                  Genome-wide transcriptome analysis identifies novel targets of PU.1
78 in pluripotent stem cells, followed by whole-transcriptome analysis, identifies HPAT5 as a key compon
79       While recent studies using single cell transcriptome analysis illustrate the power to measure a
80  promoter capture both experimentally and by transcriptome analysis in bats.
81  and RNA polymerase II occupancy and perform transcriptome analysis in mouse female germline stem cel
82                                      Diurnal transcriptome analysis in separated alpha and beta cells
83 markers, 3) receptor autoradiography, and 4) transcriptome analysis in the hippocampus.
84 lts from measurement of cytokine release and transcriptome analysis in this pilot clinical study supp
85                                              Transcriptome analysis in time course reveals that both
86                                   Now, using transcriptome analysis in urothelial TEU-2 cells, we imp
87                                Comprehensive transcriptome analysis, including analysis of exon co-as
88                         RNA-sequencing-based transcriptome analysis indicated that inhibition of miRN
89            The integration of metabolome and transcriptome analysis indicated that the major and mino
90                                              Transcriptome analysis indicates that 86% of the noncodi
91 rases for its activity on AtMu1c Genome-wide transcriptome analysis indicates that JMJ24 affects sile
92                                              Transcriptome analysis indicates that, in comparison wit
93        The fundamental task in RNA-Seq-based transcriptome analysis is alignment of millions of short
94         An important step in the single-cell transcriptome analysis is to group cells that belong to
95           Using a combination of organ-level transcriptome analysis, molecular reporters, and physiol
96                                              Transcriptome analysis of 10 genes that make up six NATs
97 ng in human tissue by performing single-cell transcriptome analysis of 2,544 human pancreas cells fro
98                                              Transcriptome analysis of 3-AP-treated PEL cell lines re
99                        We used comprehensive transcriptome analysis of 622 single mouse neurons to cl
100  Petropoulos et al. now provide an extensive transcriptome analysis of a large number of human pre-im
101 tudy has conducted a comprehensive exome and transcriptome analysis of a large number of intrahepatic
102                                          Our transcriptome analysis of a number of Arabidopsis F1 hyb
103                                 Furthermore, transcriptome analysis of A. niger H915-1 revealed that
104                                        Using transcriptome analysis of Ahr(-/-) and Ahr(+/+) murine k
105                                              Transcriptome analysis of AKT-CAT tumors revealed that c
106                     In addition, comparative transcriptome analysis of bone marrow progenitors reveal
107                                              Transcriptome analysis of bronchial brushes in the nonhu
108                                   In a whole transcriptome analysis of BS149 glioblastoma cells overe
109                         Coupling TRAPeS with transcriptome analysis of CD8+ T cells specific for a si
110                                           By transcriptome analysis of cells along PSC differentiatio
111                                              Transcriptome analysis of cells infected with influenza
112 this study, we used comparative genomics and transcriptome analysis of citrate-producing strains-name
113       Here, we perform the first single-cell transcriptome analysis of cranial neural crest cell migr
114                                      In situ transcriptome analysis of drug-resistant melanoma cells
115 ar pathogenesis, we conducted a multi-region transcriptome analysis of DS and euploid control brains
116                                              Transcriptome analysis of DUX4-expressing cells revealed
117                               However, whole-transcriptome analysis of early embryos in flowering pla
118                         We present the first transcriptome analysis of EBCs isolated from intact plan
119                                      Indeed, transcriptome analysis of embryonic host-derived and pos
120 s, perform genome-wide CRISPR screening, and transcriptome analysis of en route cell populations by u
121                       METHODS AND Based on a transcriptome analysis of endothelial cells after miR-10
122                                              Transcriptome analysis of ex vivo-isolated Treg-exposed
123                                              Transcriptome analysis of FACS-purified choroid plexus e
124                                      Drought transcriptome analysis of finger millet (Eleusine coraca
125  frequently accelerated meiotic entry, whole-transcriptome analysis of fst-1 anthers undergoing meios
126                                              Transcriptome analysis of G9a knockdown cells revealed d
127                                              Transcriptome analysis of GA-treated pro(DeltaGRAS) leav
128                                              Transcriptome analysis of GCA-affected temporal arteries
129 comparative chromosome painting and/or whole-transcriptome analysis of gene age distributions and phy
130                                          Our transcriptome analysis of genome expression in vivo by t
131                                          The transcriptome analysis of HC-EVs from ASH mice detected
132                                      A whole-transcriptome analysis of heart biopsy specimens and for
133                          This spatiotemporal transcriptome analysis of heart development reveals line
134 y popular for unbiased and high-resolutional transcriptome analysis of heterogeneous cell populations
135                                     Unbiased transcriptome analysis of high- vs. low-Sost/sclerostin-
136               Here we describe a genome-wide transcriptome analysis of human benign prostatic basal a
137                                        Whole transcriptome analysis of isolated Ptch2(+) cells reveal
138                                              Transcriptome analysis of isolated TAMs from both entiti
139                                              Transcriptome analysis of ITD-positive CCSKs reveals enr
140                                 We performed transcriptome analysis of Jag1(Ndr/Ndr) livers and liver
141 A-sequencing technology, which enables whole transcriptome analysis of known, as well as novel isofor
142                                       RNAseq transcriptome analysis of Kras(G12D) tumors from F1 hybr
143                                       Global transcriptome analysis of L254F-OGT lymphoblastoids comp
144                          In support of this, transcriptome analysis of laser capture microdissected M
145                                              Transcriptome analysis of late gene changes suggested ro
146                   KEY MESSAGE: Comprehensive transcriptome analysis of leaf and root tissues of Notha
147  and Oakleaf plants, and present comparative transcriptome analysis of leaves and flowers from Oaklea
148                                              Transcriptome analysis of macrophages from lincRNA-EPS-d
149                    Here, we report the first transcriptome analysis of male and female Plasmodium fal
150                                              Transcriptome analysis of mushroom body, antennal lobe a
151           Present investigation entails deep transcriptome analysis of N. nimmoniana which led to ide
152                                       Global transcriptome analysis of naive B cells by mRNA sequenci
153                                              Transcriptome analysis of neural stem and progenitor cel
154                                              Transcriptome analysis of nod mutants revealed overrepre
155                                       Global transcriptome analysis of nrpe1 and ros1 at multiple tim
156                                              Transcriptome analysis of over 40000 transcripts of gene
157 h aberrant pericyte behavior, we performed a transcriptome analysis of patient-derived donor control
158                                              Transcriptome analysis of patients' cells highlights nov
159                                  Comparative transcriptome analysis of pigeon and chicken retinas at
160            In this study, we conducted whole transcriptome analysis of post-mortem brain tissues (cin
161                                              Transcriptome analysis of premorbid genetic risk identif
162  Here we use RNA-sequencing to perform whole transcriptome analysis of primary monocytes from thirty
163 on of data from MPseq, exome sequencing, and transcriptome analysis of primary PDAC cases identified
164                                              Transcriptome analysis of primary Pirb(+/+) and Pirb(-/-
165                                              Transcriptome analysis of RAGE(+) versus RAGE(-) T cells
166                                              Transcriptome analysis of rapamycin-treated cells reveal
167                                              Transcriptome analysis of rice cells treated with the TO
168                                              Transcriptome analysis of SCI tissue at day 1 identified
169                                              Transcriptome analysis of single acinar cells revealed t
170                                              Transcriptome analysis of single prokaryotic cells is a
171                                      We used transcriptome analysis of the betalain-producing plants
172                                              Transcriptome analysis of the epilines and a line select
173                                            A transcriptome analysis of the global effects of H2O2 on
174        Here, through post-mortem genome-wide transcriptome analysis of the largest cohort of samples
175                               We performed a transcriptome analysis of the major human lung cancer en
176                                              Transcriptome analysis of the retina from miR-211-/- mic
177                                      Through transcriptome analysis of the roots, an oxidosqualene cy
178                                  Comparative transcriptome analysis of the row-type mutants vrs3, vrs
179      Using next-generation sequencing, whole-transcriptome analysis of the Salmo salar response to IS
180 gh-sensitivity mutation detection with whole-transcriptome analysis of the same single cell.
181                             Finally, we used transcriptome analysis of the striatum via messenger RNA
182                                              Transcriptome analysis of the transgenic seeds revealed
183                                              Transcriptome analysis of the wild-type and dcl3 mutant
184                                              Transcriptome analysis of these acute tetraploid cells r
185 ced miR-132 expression in keratinocytes, and transcriptome analysis of these cells revealed that miR-
186                                            A transcriptome analysis of these complemented plants show
187                                              Transcriptome analysis of these mutants identified a so
188                                         Host transcriptome analysis of tissue samples processed by la
189 eous landscape of genetic perturbations, and transcriptome analysis of transformed T cells further hi
190                                              Transcriptome analysis of treated and untreated C. albic
191                                              Transcriptome analysis of Tregs was consistent with alte
192                                              Transcriptome analysis of trigeminal ganglia from latent
193                                A time-course transcriptome analysis of two cassava varieties that are
194                                              Transcriptome analysis of ventricular RNA after Angioten
195                                              Transcriptome analysis of wild-type and cyclooxygenase-2
196                                              Transcriptome analysis of xrn4-5 and vcs-8 mutant seeds
197                                 We conducted transcriptome analysis of zebrafish heart and searched f
198                         Although genome-wide transcriptome analysis on diseased tissues has greatly a
199                           Here, we performed transcriptome analysis on dozens of epicardial lineage c
200 al epilepsy are poorly defined, we performed transcriptome analysis on human epileptogenic tissue.
201 portion of genome, we conducted a total leaf transcriptome analysis on maize plants subjected to prol
202  combining patch clamping, morphological and transcriptome analysis on single-human neurons in vitro,
203 ncing and developed a pipeline called TAPIS (Transcriptome Analysis Pipeline for Isoform Sequencing)
204                        We performed detailed transcriptome analysis, quantitative real-time reverse-t
205                 We designed the START (Shiny Transcriptome Analysis Resource Tool) App with these req
206                                              Transcriptome analysis revealed 17 genes that were diffe
207                                     Antennal transcriptome analysis revealed a number of abundantly e
208                                              Transcriptome analysis revealed a selective deficiency i
209                                  Genome-wide transcriptome analysis revealed CB1R-dependent, tumor-in
210                                    A focused transcriptome analysis revealed changes consistent with
211                                     Detailed transcriptome analysis revealed expression throughout ch
212                                     However, transcriptome analysis revealed genotype-dependent diffe
213                                              Transcriptome analysis revealed impaired expression and
214                             In addition, our transcriptome analysis revealed spatio-temporal regulato
215                                              Transcriptome analysis revealed TGF-beta1-dependent chan
216                                              Transcriptome analysis revealed that 580 genes were decr
217                                              Transcriptome analysis revealed that a number of cell wa
218                                              Transcriptome analysis revealed that antioxidant gene ex
219                                   Neutrophil transcriptome analysis revealed that decreased apoptosis
220                                              Transcriptome analysis revealed that each of these domai
221                                              Transcriptome analysis revealed that four nitrogen-relat
222                                         IgVH transcriptome analysis revealed that islet-infiltrating
223                                              Transcriptome analysis revealed that loss of Foxp1 and F
224  migration in vitro Functional proteomic and transcriptome analysis revealed that loss of hypoxia-reg
225                                              Transcriptome analysis revealed that M9 induces a gradua
226                          Additionally, whole transcriptome analysis revealed that miR-30c mimic signi
227                                 Whole-genome transcriptome analysis revealed that overexpression of V
228                                              Transcriptome analysis revealed that salt stress-induced
229                                              Transcriptome analysis revealed that SIP(+) triggers the
230                         RNA-sequencing-based transcriptome analysis revealed that tetracycline-mediat
231                                        Whole transcriptome analysis revealed that the H201R replaceme
232                                              Transcriptome analysis revealed that trisomy 21 activate
233                                              Transcriptome analysis revealed that various phytohormon
234                                              Transcriptome analysis revealed that while Chd8 stimulat
235                                              Transcriptome analysis revealed that Wnt pathway, chemok
236                                              Transcriptome analysis revealed that YY1 is required for
237                                More broadly, transcriptome analysis revealed that ZFP407 regulates ma
238                                       Muscle transcriptome analysis revealed the induction of mitocho
239                                              Transcriptome analysis revealed up-regulation of genes i
240                                       Global transcriptome analysis reveals a major temperature-sensi
241                     Importantly, genome-wide transcriptome analysis reveals a Zeb2 target gene encodi
242                       Subsequent genome-wide transcriptome analysis reveals altered expression of gen
243                                  Comparative transcriptome analysis reveals that carbon starvation st
244                                  Genome-wide transcriptome analysis reveals that lipid biosynthetic e
245 Investigation of the underlying mechanism by transcriptome analysis reveals that Mtvrn2 mutants preco
246                                Additionally, transcriptome analysis reveals that PPARgamma is the key
247                                              Transcriptome analysis reveals upregulation of homologou
248                                              Transcriptome analysis reveals upregulation of Wnt7a wit
249 g in hematopoietic progenitor cells by whole transcriptome analysis (RNA-seq).
250 d by sequencing (ChIP-seq), in parallel with transcriptome analysis (RNA-seq).
251                                              Transcriptome analysis showed a remarkably higher expres
252                                          EBV transcriptome analysis showed expression of vIL-10 trans
253                                 Longitudinal transcriptome analysis showed that expression subtype is
254                    In this study, microarray transcriptome analysis showed that the absence of a gene
255                                   Subsequent transcriptome analysis showed that the reduction in miR-
256 SA CMCs are indistinguishable; nevertheless, transcriptome analysis showed that they possess fundamen
257                                              Transcriptome analysis shows diminished RNA levels of nu
258                                              Transcriptome analysis shows that dosage compensation ha
259                A hypothesis-generating whole transcriptome analysis shows that HBL tumors removed at
260                               Thus, vascular transcriptome analysis shows that S1P pathway is critica
261  single-cell mass cytometry with genome-wide transcriptome analysis shows that the amine groups reduc
262                                              Transcriptome analysis shows that TSPY and TSPX expressi
263                                              Transcriptome analysis shows that, in addition to those
264  Automated reference-based bacterial RNA-seq Transcriptome Analysis (SPARTA).
265           Integrated chromatin occupancy and transcriptome analysis suggest a role for SOX10 in both
266                                              Transcriptome analysis suggested that low sulfur causes
267                                              Transcriptome analysis suggests specific alterations to
268                                              Transcriptome analysis suggests that the immunoproteasom
269                                              Transcriptome analysis suggests that these forces result
270 ssion (CAGE) is a high-throughput method for transcriptome analysis that provides a single base-pair
271              Our results validate the use of transcriptome analysis to assess the cancer cell line re
272           Erdr1 expression was identified by transcriptome analysis to be elevated in splenic T cells
273 Notch signaling, and performed a genome-wide transcriptome analysis to identify other potential Sp1 t
274                 We carried out a genome-wide transcriptome analysis to identify the differentially ex
275                           We applied digital transcriptome analysis to precisely timed samples to ide
276 on lines, whole-genome sequencing, and whole-transcriptome analysis to study the locations and rate a
277                                              Transcriptome analysis underscored the functional differ
278 ntially expressed genes in a high-throughput transcriptome analysis using claudin-7-manipulated cells
279                                 Furthermore, transcriptome analysis using IL-17A(hCD2) reporter mice
280                    By performing genome-wide transcriptome analysis using MEF2D-depleted neonatal car
281                                              Transcriptome analysis using mouse embryonic fibroblasts
282 moderate alcohol consumption, we performed a transcriptome analysis using PBMCs isolated on day 7 pos
283                                  Genome-wide transcriptome analysis (using RNA sequencing) of early d
284 ons which could open up new opportunities in transcriptome analysis, virology, and other fields.
285 l legume Medicago truncatula Tissue-specific transcriptome analysis was achieved by laser-capture mic
286                                              Transcriptome analysis was performed to identify genes d
287                                           By transcriptome analysis we demonstrate how an HPT variati
288                                           By transcriptome analysis, we demonstrated that the ptsG ge
289  and candidate drug screening, combined with transcriptome analysis, we discover that nicotinamide (N
290  (SA) endophthalmitis and performing retinal transcriptome analysis, we discovered progressive change
291                                Through whole-transcriptome analysis, we find that in individuals with
292                Using genome-wide binding and transcriptome analysis, we found that Daxx and Atrx have
293                         Through whole-genome transcriptome analysis, we found that Obelus is required
294                                      Through transcriptome analysis, we have identified targets of mi
295                                      Through transcriptome analysis, we identified 114 common bean ge
296                               Using microRNA-transcriptome analysis, we identified miR-155 as a downr
297 g RNAP behavior at single-molecule level and transcriptome analysis, we reveal that adaptation to con
298                                      For the transcriptome analysis, we used conventional tools as we
299 ter the intervention and subjected to global transcriptome analysis with Gene 1.1 ST Arrays (Affymetr
300 osis (with TUNEL staining), and we performed transcriptome analysis (with RNA sequencing).

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