


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nd its expression vector was constructed for transient expression.
2 a benthamiana using a geminiviral vector for transient expression.
3 t also localized to nuclei during protoplast transient expression.
4 between the two complexes were detectable in transient expression.
5 imply mixed with cells to reprogram them via transient expression.
6 l pathogens with cell death phenomenon under transient expression.
7                       Agrobacterium-mediated transient expression analysis of N-terminally truncated
8                     Using a plant protoplast transient expression analysis we have further revealed t
9  entire length of Aichi virus 3A followed by transient expression and affinity purification revealed
10 runcated SNARE constructs and antibodies for transient expression and analysis.
11 d-oleosin genes in Physcomitrella patens for transient expression and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) BY2
12                             The results from transient-expression and/or infection assays indicated t
13                                            A transient expression assay suggested that pp71 and IE1 w
14 ir endogenous promoter in Arabidopsis and in transient expression assay.
15 antage of Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transient expression assays (agroinfiltration) and virus
16 ion 118 partially maintains functionality in transient expression assays and supports efficient growt
17 ht-absorbing region of ZTL (the LOV domain), transient expression assays and ztl mutants to establish
18                                              Transient expression assays displayed CAMTA3 induction o
19 bidopsis promoters were cloned and tested in transient expression assays in Arabidopsis and lettuce p
20 performed Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transient expression assays in Nicotiana benthamiana to
21                                        Using transient expression assays in Nicotiana benthamiana, we
22 ysis of the CC and LRR domains of RPS5 using transient expression assays in Nicotiana benthamiana.
23                                           In transient expression assays in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacu
24                                  Rice embryo transient expression assays indicated that both MYBS1 an
25 mportant because Glc signaling in protoplast transient expression assays is compromised by disruption
26 brane localization of OsCPK4 was observed by transient expression assays of green fluorescent protein
27 l role of SUMO1 and SUMO3 in T3 induction in transient expression assays was closely matched to the p
28                                              Transient expression assays were used to identify the ex
29 ane domain from SGRL reduced its activity in transient expression assays, although variants with and
30  with PRK4 and PRK5 in Nicotiana benthamiana transient expression assays, and associated at discreet
31                                           In transient expression assays, HvVP1 controls the activati
32                                        Using transient expression assays, we show that SNE1 suppresse
33 we examined their synthesis from plasmids in transient expression assays.
34      We observed experimental variability in transient-expression assays and developed a mathematical
35                                              Transient-expression assays revealed the colocalization
36 ial chromatin immunoprecipitation assays and transient-expression assays suggested that BCL6 recruitm
37  mutant proteins, using genetic analysis and transient-expression assays.
38 in ts8-22-infected cells and with pU(L)28 in transient-expression assays.
39  to mTORC1 in vitro parallels that seen with transient expression, but binding to mTORC1 in vitro is
40 to facilitate gB-mediated membrane fusion in transient-expression cell-cell fusion experiments.
41                                              Transient expression, ChIP, and co-IP studies show that
42  identity in stamen-derived petals, as their transient expression coincides with early expression of
43  the pEAQ vectors have mostly been used in a transient expression context, through agroinfiltration o
44 ientation were evaluated in rice plants with transient expression employing quantitative RT-PCR analy
45  cortex contrasts with findings by others of transient expression exclusively in axon tracts in the d
46 her during early development or by inducible transient expression exhibited extensive HA degradation,
47                                              Transient expression experiments demonstrated that OsGZF
48                                              Transient expression experiments demonstrated the capaci
49                                           In transient expression experiments with Sf9 cells, chimeri
50 34 physically interacted with HIF-1alpham in transient expression experiments.
51 regulation by viral and cellular proteins in transient-expression experiments and by mutagenesis of t
52                As predicted, their regulated transient expression greatly improved the differentiatio
53 f OsWRKY24 via particle bombardment-mediated transient expression in aleurone cells represses the exp
54  their capacity to regulate ABA signaling by transient expression in Arabidopsis protoplasts.
55 species present in the supernatant following transient expression in Chinese hamster ovary cells were
56                                           On transient expression in HEK293T cells, these mTOR mutant
57                                              Transient expression in HeLa cells of two different muta
58 he variants on promoter activity assessed by transient expression in HepG2 cells.
59 tion of new monoterpene synthase genes using transient expression in N. benthamiana and the improveme
60                                              Transient expression in Nicotiana benthamiana (tobacco)
61  (GGPP) diversities, and plant morphology by transient expression in Nicotiana benthamiana and overex
62                                              Transient expression in Nicotiana benthamiana as well as
63                                              Transient expression in Nicotiana benthamiana confirmed
64                      Of the class II diTPSs, transient expression in Nicotiana benthamiana identified
65                                        Using transient expression in Nicotiana benthamiana leaf, we d
66 d to an IgG heavy chain fragment (EPO-Fc) by transient expression in Nicotiana benthamiana plants.
67 d genes together with Agrobacterium-mediated transient expression in Nicotiana benthamiana provided s
68                            We confirm, using transient expression in Nicotiana benthamiana, that miR4
69                                         Upon transient expression in Nicotiana benthamiana, the TPS e
70        Localization of PRX17 was examined by transient expression in Nicotiana benthamiana.
71  the recombinant enzymes were obtained after transient expression in Nicotiana benthamiana.
72 noyl oxide into forskolin as demonstrated by transient expression in Nicotiana benthamiana.
73                                        NATA1 transient expression in Nicotiana tabacum and the additi
74                                              Transient expression in onion epidermal cells, transform
75                                           By transient expression in onion epidermis, we demonstrate
76 deling, in vivo stable isotope labeling, and transient expression in petunia flowers reveal that BALD
77                                    Following transient expression in planta, HopQ1 was shown to copur
78 ssion in tumor-derived cell lines as well as transient expression in primary glioblastoma cells.
79 haracterization of genetic plant parts using transient expression in protoplasts and dual luciferase
80  expression throughout development, although transient expression in some neuronal subpopulations was
81 g primarily transcribed in the vector with a transient expression in the host only at tick-bite sites
82 of these regulators was further confirmed by transient expression in tobacco (Nicotiana benthamiana)
83 lized to the surface of lipid droplets after transient expression in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) cell
84 reen fluorescent protein) in Arabidopsis and transient expression in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) indi
85 timeric and CLV1-BAM multimeric complexes in transient expression in tobacco and in Arabidopsis meris
86 s individually and in groups and showed, via transient expression in tobacco cells that nucleolar loc
87                                              Transient expression in tobacco epidermis of a truncated
88 pecificities and validated their function by transient expression in tobacco leaves and in vitro DNA
89                                          Its transient expression in vivo induced the expression of k
90  in parallel with CLV1, recent studies using transient expression indicated that CLV2 and CRN from a
91                                              Transient expression is a rapid, useful approach for pro
92 FA complex plants dramatically inhibited the transient expression level of T-DNA and only reduced T-D
93 anscriptional positive feedback can modulate transient expression lifetime to a greater extent than p
94 uction increases the risk of tumorigenicity, transient expression methods have considerably lower rep
95 ombination of stably transformed plants with transient expression modules.
96                                              Transient expression of 2a NS4B resulted in a pronounced
97                                              Transient expression of a carboxyl-terminal reporter gen
98                     Indeed, we observed that transient expression of a constitutive membrane-bound mu
99                                              Transient expression of a GFP-fusion in tobacco demonstr
100                                     Based on transient expression of a luciferase reporter plasmid, t
101                                        Using transient expression of a panel of deletion and chimeric
102                                              Transient expression of a peptide composed of the amino-
103                                              Transient expression of a Pseudomonas aeruginosa Glc(NAc
104                                              Transient expression of a SlCAT9-YFP fusion in tobacco c
105                                              Transient expression of a ZmALMT1::GFP chimera confirmed
106                                              Transient expression of A20 reduced K63-linked ubiquitin
107 omain constructs are produced in parallel by transient expression of adherent human embryonic kidney
108 erentiating IBMX-then-dex treatment produced transient expression of adipogenic transcriptional regul
109                                              Transient expression of alpha4beta2 nicotinic receptors
110 t was localized in the apoplast, as shown by transient expression of an OsORAP1/green fluorescent pro
111                  Here we show that stable or transient expression of ArPIKfyve(WT) in mammalian cells
112 hod to rapidly determine gene function using transient expression of artificial microRNAs (amiRNAs) i
113   During hematopoietic cell differentiation, transient expression of ASB2alpha, the specificity subun
114                                              Transient expression of betatrophin in mouse liver signi
115                       This was reproduced by transient expression of both EGFP and other fluorescent
116 inside Fraction C' (large pre-BII) marked by transient expression of c-Myc.
117                                        Thus, transient expression of CAErbB2 in skeletal muscles lead
118                                 As expected, transient expression of CaMKIIalpha K42M in the NAcc she
119                                              Transient expression of Cav3, but not P104L, in HEK 293
120                                              Transient expression of CCR5 ZFNs permanently and specif
121 recursor cells (HSPC) can be modified by the transient expression of CCR5-targeted zinc finger nuclea
122    During T cell development and activation, transient expression of CD44 splicing variant 6 (CD44v6)
123 ver, these pathways alone cannot explain the transient expression of CDX1 in intestinal metaplasia or
124 totic downstream effector of p53 whereas the transient expression of CerS6 elevated PUMA in a p53-dep
125 olecular events occurring between the rapid, transient expression of cFOS and the subsequent MMP13 in
126 egrin-dependent cell migration similarly and transient expression of constitutively active Rac1 resto
127                                              Transient expression of CPRabA5e:EGFP fusion protein in
128            Finally, the vector is excised by transient expression of Cre recombinase (coexpressed wit
129                                              Transient expression of CycT1 in undifferentiated monocy
130                                              Transient expression of DeltaNp63-EGFP alpha and beta is
131                                              Transient expression of diphtheria toxin in beta cells o
132 s protocol yields efficient and reproducible transient expression of diverse genes and is exemplified
133                                              Transient expression of dominant-negative CHK1 raised ba
134                                              Transient expression of dominant-negative DeltaCLOCK blo
135 o rattle virus-derived plasmid for in planta transient expression of double stranded RNA (dsRNA) homo
136                                   Similarly, transient expression of E1B55K in IMR90 fibroblasts and
137                                              Transient expression of E2f3 in both HEK293 cells and in
138            The most striking finding was the transient expression of EAAT2 in layer V pyramidal neuro
139                             We conclude that transient expression of EAAT2 occurs during the window o
140 ndent release of TNF-alpha induced rapid and transient expression of early growth response protein 1
141                                              Transient expression of EBF3 mutant proteins in HEK293T
142                                  Remarkably, transient expression of either microRNA induces the epig
143                                              Transient expression of either VCP/p97 or PP2Ac was suff
144                               Interestingly, transient expression of EphA2 and/or Braf(V600E) in non-
145                                              Transient expression of ERdj4 and ERdj5 in X-box binding
146 h a localized proliferative response and the transient expression of established digit blastema marke
147                                          The transient expression of ETS-2 and PU.1 cDNAs in mesothel
148                                              Transient expression of FBP1 in FBP1 knockdown cells ful
149                                              Transient expression of FOXC1 in nontransformed mammary
150 s encoding alternative TMAO reductases; (ii) transient expression of frmRAB, encoding formaldehyde de
151                          Photoperiod-induced transient expression of FT (FLOWERING LOCUS T) caused pr
152                                              Transient expression of full-length PB1-F2, truncated (2
153                           Here, we show that transient expression of Gata3, Eomes, and Tfap2c in mous
154                                              Transient expression of GDP- and GTP-bound Rab8 mutants
155 of inoculation into fresh LB medium with the transient expression of genes involved in phosphate upta
156                                    Likewise, transient expression of Gli1, a downstream target of Shh
157     Furthermore, both nematode infection and transient expression of Gr-VAP1 in tomato plants harbori
158                                        Using transient expression of green fluorescent protein fusion
159                                              Transient expression of hCH25H in human hepatoma cells r
160                           Here, we show that transient expression of HCV RNA-dependent RNA polymerase
161                        Here, we identify the transient expression of histone demethylase LSD1 and the
162 with HLA-DR surface expression, Ab blocking, transient expression of HLA-DR without CIITA, and short
163          Epifluorescence imaging showed that transient expression of human phospholipase C-delta1, re
164                                     Finally, transient expression of ICP22 was sufficient to compleme
165                                              Transient expression of ICP27 and UL47 in HeLa cells sug
166                                  Myc-induced transient expression of ING4 is required for the differe
167                                 In contrast, transient expression of IRF4 decreases the SHIP1 level i
168 we have tested a mRNA-based method to induce transient expression of ITGA4, an adhesion molecule acti
169 and subclinical tubular injury, reflected by transient expression of Kim1 and vimentin in scattered p
170 -activated cell sorting we further show that transient expression of kindlin-1 or -2 in Chinese hamst
171  of proliferation rates that are restored by transient expression of miR-155.
172                                        Also, transient expression of miR-34a in glioblastoma cells st
173 later, at the common ILC precursor stage, by transient expression of mixed ILC1, ILC2 and ILC3 transc
174 hermore, treatment with recombinant MMP-9 or transient expression of MMP-9 is sufficient to reduce E-
175                                              Transient expression of mutant huntingtin in mouse prima
176  interaction between RPS15 and MDM2/MDMX and transient expression of mutant RPS15 revealed defective
177 ransgene on proliferation days 3 to 5 and by transient expression of Myc (alias c-myc).
178                            Functionally, the transient expression of Na(+) and I(h) currents initiate
179                Rat H9C2 cardiomyoblasts with transient expression of nebulette underwent cyclic mecha
180                                   Due to the transient expression of Neurog1 and extensive migration
181                                              Transient expression of Neurog1 promoted widespread neur
182                                      Because transient expression of Neurogenin3 (Neurog3) in progeni
183                                    In planta transient expression of NnCYP76B6 showed a significant e
184                          We suggest that the transient expression of Notch3 early in differentiation
185                                              Transient expression of NS1 depolarized electrically iso
186  at this stage appears to be mediated by the transient expression of Numb in the hemangioblast-derive
187                                              Transient expression of P104L caused a two-fold increase
188 levated in several cell lines in response to transient expression of p53 or in response to folate str
189             A previous study showed that the transient expression of pepper Bs2 in lemon leaves reduc
190                 Consistent with a low and/or transient expression of PfMSP8 on the surface of merozoi
191 gments immediately after pruning triggered a transient expression of phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL
192      Virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) and transient expression of Phytophthora infestans effectors
193                                              Transient expression of PMEPA1 down-regulates AR protein
194  the portal-scaffold interaction seen during transient expression of portal and scaffold proteins.
195               Fate mapping studies following transient expression of PRAS40 demonstrated that mTORC1(
196                                              Transient expression of protein-green fluorescent protei
197 fection compared to the wild-type virus, and transient expression of pUL29/28 activated the major imm
198                                We found that transient expression of Rab26 mutants and siRNA-mediated
199                                     Notably, transient expression of reprogramming factors in vivo re
200 a-amanitin, or the dissolution of R loops by transient expression of RNase H1, leads to the loss of s
201  no role in adulthood secondary to the short transient expression of SDF-1 and the delayed expression
202 Here, we use geminivirus-based replicons for transient expression of sequence-specific nucleases (zin
203                                              Transient expression of seven TPSs from A. thaliana, Cap
204                                              Transient expression of SGRL in leaves of Nicotiana bent
205                                   Similarly, transient expression of siRNAs into the primary effusion
206                                 We show that transient expression of six transcription factors Run1t1
207                                     Finally, transient expression of SlCipk6 in transgenic N benthami
208                                              Transient expression of Snapin not only rescues the slow
209                               Interestingly, transient expression of SPFMV gene products coagroinfilt
210  course of the transformation, reveal that a transient expression of stem cell markers precedes the m
211 hermore, similar to the known requirement of transient expression of survivin for pathophysiological
212 not high-frequency tetani, produced a rapid, transient expression of synaptic CP-AMPARs that facilita
213  essential for functional genomics; however, transient expression of target proteins in maize cells i
214                                              Transient expression of tensins increases beta1-integrin
215                           Here, we show that transient expression of Tfap2c, Gata3, Eomes, and Ets2 i
216 hat proper centripetal FC migration requires transient expression of the C/EBP encoded by slow border
217 of cell-associated NSM proteins derived from transient expression of the complete CCHFV M segment and
218                                          The transient expression of the corresponding cDNAs in straw
219  stably integrated gene construction, or the transient expression of the desired gene following the i
220                                              Transient expression of the entire pathway in Nicotiana
221                                           By transient expression of the ETS transcription factor ETV
222                                              Transient expression of the F and G (attachment) glycopr
223                                              Transient expression of the four essential entry glycopr
224             Neurogenesis is initiated by the transient expression of the highly conserved proneural p
225         We investigated the possibilities of transient expression of the immunosuppressive cytokine t
226 entiation-promoting cytokines in vitro or by transient expression of the myeloid transcription factor
227 elves have unique characteristics, including transient expression of the neuronal isoform of class II
228 trolled despite global hypomethylation, with transient expression of the pluripotency network, sugges
229  undetectable in cancer cell lines while the transient expression of the protein in cancer cells indu
230 ne responses were restored in these cells by transient expression of the STING protein but not after
231 ate lymphoid cell precursor characterized by transient expression of the transcription factor PLZF, a
232                           Here, we show that transient expression of the transcription factors Ascl1
233 haematopoietic stem cells (rEC-HSCs) through transient expression of the transcription-factor-encodin
234 tor neurons showed axonal degeneration after transient expression of the TTBK1 gene or treatment with
235                                              Transient expression of the viral tegument proteins of p
236                                         Upon transient expression of these nucleases the target gene
237                   Furthermore, the in planta transient expression of these three selected nanobodies
238 sive to HCV entry, we previously showed that transient expression of these two human genes is suffici
239                    Due to the very early and transient expression of this gene, dissections were perf
240 P13 rats, the appearance, disappearance, and transient expression of three cortical events and oscill
241                                              Transient expression of three mutations made in residues
242                                    Moreover, transient expression of TIG3 leads to terminal different
243                   This effect was rescued by transient expression of TPC2-GFP.
244                                Thus, low and transient expression of transgenic IL-12 in hepatocytes
245 y, genes specifically induced in response to transient expression of two disease-associated mutations
246         These events are associated with the transient expression of two previously unidentified C-te
247                                    Biolistic transient expression of UBA2-GFPs demonstrated that the
248                                              Transient expression of UNC-43/CaMKII in adults rescued
249 Nicotiana benthamiana as a plant factory, by transient expression of up to four genes coding for cons
250                                              Transient expression of various gene constructs transfor
251 ficient lentiviral vectors may be useful for transient expression of various other genes-of-interest.
252                             We show that the transient expression of VGLUT3 by a discrete population
253                          The vast number and transient expression of virulence factors in the infecti
254  cell-rounding phenotype associated with the transient expression of wild-type and mutagenized forms
255                                              Transient expression of wild-type gigaxonin in GAN fibro
256                                              Transient expression of WRI1 with OLEOSIN1 in Nicotiana
257 ast, unlike in N. benthamiana and C. quinoa, transient expression of wt CP in nonhost N. clevelandii
258                                              Transient expression of wtEphB2, but not noncleavable Ep
259                    Subsequent (and typically transient) expression of proneural factors promotes cell
260 he seven chimeric RNAs that follow the exact transient expression pattern as PAX3-FOXO1 are specific
261                   For additional small-scale transient expression, purification and binding analysis,
262 icity, yet the functional importance of this transient expression remains unknown.
263 analysis of all pairwise interactions during transient expression revealed a robust interaction betwe
264 ation of unnatural amino acids is limited to transient expression settings that lead to very heteroge
265                                      Using a transient expression splicing assay, we find that 7SK sn
266 nza A virus infection by using silencing and transient expression strategies in human lung epithelial
267                                              Transient expression studies of MAB1 in tobacco (Nicotia
268 ifs and translocates to the plant nucleus in transient expression studies.
269 n shown to have strong antiviral activity in transient-expression studies, and together with A3G, it
270 f these were functionally characterized in a transient expression system consisting of Agrobacterium-
271                           Collectively, this transient expression system facilitates tests of the phy
272                 In this paper, we describe a transient expression system in Arabidopsis mesophyll pro
273                             We established a transient expression system in Nicotiana benthamiana to
274 loned, and then expressed using the magnICON transient expression system in plants and their enzymati
275                               Our cell-based transient expression system is fast and easy to set up a
276                                    Using the transient expression system of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacu
277  of chimeras between Rpg1b and Rpg1r using a transient expression system revealed that AvrB versus Av
278 V-1) to suppress silencing was examined in a transient expression system that employed an imperfect h
279              Isolated protoplasts serve as a transient expression system that is highly representativ
280  elements within the 180-bp NIA1 fragment, a transient expression system using agroinfiltration of Ni
281                                         This transient expression system was successfully applied to
282 t strain and a plant (Nicotiana benthamiana) transient expression system were used to test the abilit
283 AtPTB2 was analysed in an in vivo protoplast transient expression system with a novel mini-exon splic
284                                      Using a transient expression system, 20 additional mutant V prot
285 f mutant and wild-type ICP22, we developed a transient expression system.
286 produce alpha-onocerin in the N. benthamiana transient expression system.
287 om oncogenic K-ras through Rac1 was shown in transient expression systems and reporter assays.
288                                  We used two transient expression systems to investigate the molecula
289                                              Transient expression systems were used to characterize Z
290 made in defining trafficking in plants using transient expression systems.
291 racted with DeltaNp63alpha under stable- and transient-expression systems.
292 In common use are a number of strategies for transient expression that greatly reduce the preparation
293 hippocampal neurons are limited by toxicity, transient expression, the use of immature neurons and/or
294  protein levels, a departure from its normal transient expression upon the initiation of cell growth.
295  in suppressing IFN-beta expression, we used transient expression vectors to test the abilities of a
296                          Additionally, barx1 transient expression was observed in the posterior later
297                       Agrobacterium-mediated transient expression was used to screen putative Z. trit
298                               Remarkably, by transient expression we show that also the Ave1 homologs
299       Moreover, using Agrobacterium-mediated transient expression, we found that overexpression of SI
300 dopsis and validated our method by comparing transient expression with expression in stably transform

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