


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ic CBF response, characterized by an initial transient increase (~ 5 minutes) followed by a prolonged
2                                  Following a transient increase, all rat Klf6 isoforms decreased in r
3 pirate the double emulsions, which result in transient increase and permanent decrease in oil thickne
4                   Increased cell cycling and transient increased bcl-2 expression were noted.
5 etermined that less Ca2+ release per [Ca2+]i transient, increased Ca2+ buffering strength, shortened
6 ndergoes strong regulation with a pronounced transient increase during early postnatal stages.
7                      These findings identify transient increased expression of type I IFN genes in pr
8           Less Ca(2+) release per [Ca(2+) ]i transient, increased fast Ca(2+) buffering strength, sho
9 13 administration was associated with higher transient increased fever risk than administration of ei
10                           There were initial transient increases from baseline in the frequency of CD
11 urface 170-kDa Pgp, in association with both transient increase in 130-kDa Pgp and increased Pgp ubiq
12 cking TRPV4, the PAR(2) agonist stimulated a transient increase in [Ca(2+)](i).
13 he removal of high-[K+]e results in a second transient increase in [Ca2+]cyt (K+off) that is independ
14 sure/stretch pulse of 50 ms, induced a rapid transient increase in [Ca2+]i.
15 aseline [Ca2+]i concentration, followed by a transient increase in [Ca2+]i.Cardiomyocytes were challe
16                   We also observed an acute, transient increase in a population of CD11b+ myeloid cel
17                                            A transient increase in absorbance at approximately 300 nm
18 tozoan Toxoplasma gondii triggers not only a transient increase in activated CD4(+) Th1 cells but als
19   Underlying this gating of information is a transient increase in adaptation to contrast, enhancing
20 d following injury but was associated with a transient increase in adjusted mortality rates.
21 ing REST/NRSF specifically in NSCs display a transient increase in adult neurogenesis that leads to a
22 al pattern suggestive of the Weber effect (a transient increase in adverse event reporting that tends
23              These results indicate that the transient increase in alphaCaMKII observed in neurons of
24 RV heterogeneities in APD adaptation cause a transient increase in APD dispersion in the human ventri
25                                            A transient increase in autofluorescence also occurred.
26 rial along the neurite and was paired with a transient increase in axonal tension.
27 A1 nor LPA2 was required for LPA to elicit a transient increase in blood pressure following intraveno
28 s in loss of cv2 expression in the PPR and a transient increase in Bmp4 activity that lasts throughou
29 rapy can contribute to bone metastasis via a transient increase in bone marrow myeloid cells and myel
30  a selective CB1 agonist, caused a rapid and transient increase in BRET efficiency (BRETEff) between
31 for root coverage exhibits a significant but transient increase in bucco-lingual tissue dimension.
32 cal imaging of mitochondrial Ca(2+) showed a transient increase in Ca(2+) on caffeine exposure and a
33 M in the NAcc shell produced a corresponding transient increase in CaMKIIalpha and decrease in pCaMKI
34 l Cancer (DCC) receptor activation induces a transient increase in cAMP that causes a brief increase
35 ith this notion, IL-6 concurrently induced a transient increase in cAMP, and its ability to activate
36 he MAP kinases ERK1/2, resulting in an early transient increase in cap-dependent mRNA translation tha
37 oblasts to myotubes, there is an obligatory, transient increase in caspase-3 activity, accompanied by
38                                We observed a transient increase in CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell numbers at th
39                        A genetically induced transient increase in cell size was quickly corrected by
40            Notably, renal ischemia induced a transient increase in cellular calcium, and reperfusion
41 he present study, iron was found to induce a transient increase in cellular cAMP, followed by the nuc
42           Antagonist 12 elicited a rapid and transient increase in circulating levels of PTH followin
43 erturbations of the carbon cycle including a transient increase in CO(2).
44 disease detection might be associated with a transient increase in colposcopy referral rates in the f
45             At anaphase onset, we observed a transient increase in cortical dynein, followed by a red
46 24 and 36 h postinfection (hpi), with only a transient increase in COX-1 levels seen at 24 hpi.
47 ation period may have been associated with a transient increase in CRC risk.
48                     This tuning results in a transient increase in CS utilization transcripts upon ex
49 ent enhancement of Kv7 channels, following a transient increase in cytoplasmic Ca(2+), results in a p
50  with high extracellular K+ ([K+]e) evokes a transient increase in cytoplasmic Ca2+ ([Ca2+]cyt) (K+on
51                                The resulting transient increase in cytoplasmic free calcium concentra
52 ow that stimuli used to induce EMT produce a transient increase in cytosolic calcium levels in human
53 nitiate cocaine seeking by inducing a rapid, transient increase in dendritic spine size and synaptic
54 y the 5-HT(2) receptor agonist DOI induced a transient increase in dendritic spine size, as well as p
55 nges in population activity coincided with a transient increase in dendritic spine turnover in these
56 ced amphetamine reward was correlated with a transient increase in dendritic spines in the NAc.
57                                          The transient increase in dF/dt at the onset of lengthening
58 ry fibroblasts, Ras(V12) infection induced a transient increase in DHX33 protein level, as well as an
59  NMDAR and AMPAR activation may facilitate a transient increase in dopamine concentration, as type II
60 e activity is primarily responsible for this transient increase in emission levels, while DMADP level
61 pamine neurons that is initially offset by a transient increase in endocannabinoid tone, but lasts da
62                                   Although a transient increase in endogenous H2S production provides
63        Fourth, carbachol induced a rapid and transient increase in endogenous NAADP levels.
64                                            A transient increase in endothelial cytosolic free calcium
65                    These data suggest that a transient increase in ER lipids is the likely mediator o
66  AMPAR function was coincident with a marked transient increase in expression and function of the Pol
67                                            A transient increase in expression of CD25 correlated with
68       In neonates, CpG pretreatment led to a transient increase in expression of major histocompatibi
69      However, acute exposure at P60 caused a transient increase in expression of NMDA receptor subuni
70 ind that ER Ca(2+) release correlates with a transient increase in extracellular Ca(2+).
71 ected: A lower-than-expected reward caused a transient increase in firing rate in 60-80% of the total
72                                 Whether this transient increase in fitness observed for T3SS-negative
73 ase A-dependent reporters showed a rapid but transient increase in fluorescence resonance energy tran
74     Onset of atheroprotective flow induced a transient increase in FN deposition, whereas atheroprone
75                                          The transient increase in free radicals acutely triggers ath
76           However, all animals showed only a transient increase in gene-marked lymphoid and myeloid c
77 of stroke, this simple procedure reduced the transient increase in glutamate, consequently decreasing
78                              OLZ-IV caused a transient increase in glycemia and a higher rate of gluc
79 broventricular infusion of OLZ resulted in a transient increase in glycemia as well as a higher R(a)
80 SV-2-coinfected persons is associated with a transient increase in GUD and HSV-2 GUD.
81 ipients (n = 63 analyzed) showed an apparent transient increase in H. influenzae carriage but no furt
82 onse in vivo is characterized by a rapid and transient increase in H3K14ac, H3K27ac, and H4K5ac as we
83 d persistently undetectable HBV DNA, six had transient increase in HBV DNA during follow-up, and none
84 ows that fNIRS is able to detect a brief and transient increase in hemodynamic activity localized to
85 l changes were both associated with an early transient increase in high-frequency power that was more
86    Epithelial injury caused a time-dependent transient increase in HO-1 expression and HO activity th
87 thing of cubs in January was identified by a transient increase in HR and activity.
88 nalysis of the amide I vibrations suggests a transient increase in hydration of transmembrane alpha-h
89                    In contrast, there were a transient increase in IgM and a sustained increase in Ig
90                       However, a significant transient increase in IL-10 production after 10 months o
91 ve with viral growth, both viruses induced a transient increase in immunomodulators, followed by vira
92 s movements via the direct pathway whereas a transient increase in inhibition by the basal ganglia to
93                                 In 3 dogs, a transient increase in inhibitor titers (up to 7 Bethesda
94 reases blood glucose levels and stimulates a transient increase in insulin secretion in KKAy diabetic
95 utely, ponezumab triggered a significant and transient increase in interstitial fluid amyloid-beta40
96                            ET-1 stimulated a transient increase in intracellular Ca(2+) ([Ca(2+)](i))
97                These results indicate that a transient increase in intracellular Ca(2+) can overcome
98 her demonstrated that NPS reliably induces a transient increase in intracellular Ca(2+) concentration
99  aminoglycosides, dying hair cells undergo a transient increase in intracellular Ca(2+) that occurs s
100 in thalamocortical synapses accompanied by a transient increase in intracortical excitatory connectio
101           The combination therapy produced a transient increase in intratumoral vascular density and
102 tients with and without HIV, together with a transient increase in Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpes
103 the pattern is different: surgery produces a transient increase in latency, returning to baseline wit
104 mediated startle response characterized by a transient increase in locomotor activity.
105                                            A transient increase in lung elastase activity occurs in S
106 s or mice infected with pYV(-), except for a transient increase in macrophages at 6 h compared to the
107       GM-CSF treatment was associated with a transient increase in mature DCs, but not MDSCs.
108  spinal cord of IL-1alpha(-/-) mice showed a transient increase in mature oligodendrocyte numbers, co
109   Consistent with prior reports, MA caused a transient increase in mean arterial blood pressure, body
110                             Mice exhibited a transient increase in microgliosis and astrogliosis, whi
111 ediated miR regulation, whereby AR induces a transient increase in miR-23a27a24-2 transcription, but
112 han occurred in wild-type mice, as well as a transient increase in monocytes and altered cytokine/che
113 tion of Dlg1 in Schwann cells display only a transient increase in myelin thickness during developmen
114 or example, the salience network exhibited a transient increase in network efficiency followed by a p
115 umoral responses to Gag and Env, including a transient increase in neutralizing Abs against the neutr
116 onjunctival hemorrhage, a sore throat, and a transient increase in neutralizing antibodies (NAbs) aga
117 body-stimulated Jurkat cells demonstrating a transient increase in NFAT-driven luciferase reporter ge
118 during high altitude exercise appear to be a transient increase in oxidative damage followed by redox
119 trials of stimulated spike activity showed a transient increase in p(open) in response to action pote
120 y its ligand leads to an extremely rapid and transient increase in palmitoylation levels of the tyros
121 , an abrupt global warming event linked to a transient increase in pCO2, was comparable in rate and m
122 lls expressed low levels of PD-1; however, a transient increase in PD-1 expression was observed durin
123             pDMS-projecting neurons showed a transient increase in pERK expression in posterior layer
124  phrenic motor nucleus to stabilize an early transient increase in phrenic burst amplitude and to for
125 h depletion appeared to be associated with a transient increase in plasma and GI tissue viral loads.
126 ependent hypersensitivity, produced a rapid, transient increase in plasma of carboxy-methyl-lysine, a
127 onal escape from CD8(+) T cell responses and transient increase in plasma viremia after depletion of
128 netrin-1 into the tectum induced a rapid and transient increase in presynaptic site addition that res
129 gnaling in Shh expressing cells results in a transient increase in proliferation and subsequent deple
130                                         This transient increase in regenerative events was likely fac
131 the lungs of neonates and adults, although a transient increase in regulatory T cells occurred only i
132 reversal of HIV-1 latency with a concomitant transient increase in residual viremia or depletion of t
133 a chemical form of LTP, produces a rapid and transient increase in RhoA protein levels.
134 01), a difference that was attributable to a transient increase in ribosomal abundance, i.e. translat
135 g, wrestling) were associated with a greater transient increase in risk (7.0% of bleed windows vs 3.4
136   Antipsychotic use may be associated with a transient increase in risk for AMI, possibly mediated by
137 ation of the dynorphin/KOR system produces a transient increase in serotonin transport locally in the
138 sease suppression occurs with only a modest, transient increase in serum 25(OH)D(3) levels.
139                            There was a mild, transient increase in serum creatinine, but serum cystat
140                        Side effects included transient increase in serum creatinine, hyperglycemia ma
141                   LeTx challenge resulted in transient increase in serum PAF levels and a concurrent
142                                The resulting transient increase in SIRT1 expression generates an anti
143 n with 2,4,6-trinitrochlorobenzene induced a transient increase in size and cellularity of skin-drain
144    Acute E2 application resulted in a rapid, transient increase in spine density, accompanied by temp
145 ditioning and unpaired conditioning induce a transient increase in spine formation or spine eliminati
146 resynaptic glutamate release, evidenced by a transient increase in spontaneous EPSC frequency and pai
147 ority of new hair cells are generated from a transient increase in support cell proliferation that oc
148                 We show that leptin causes a transient increase in surface expression of KATP channel
149 known to inhibit insulin secretion, causes a transient increase in surface expression of Kv2.1 channe
150 R indicated that KRV infection resulted in a transient increase in the abundance of Bifidobacterium s
151 ses in mutant mice that were associated to a transient increase in the acquisition rate and in the co
152        High-frequency stimulation leads to a transient increase in the amplitude of evoked synaptic t
153  resulted in a rapid (within 30 minutes) and transient increase in the concentration of TRL apoB-48,
154 p-regulation of RARbeta concomitantly with a transient increase in the CRABP-II/FABP5 ratio at early
155                                  There was a transient increase in the density of synapses with no as
156  at the beginning of each session prompted a transient increase in the drinking rate that might facil
157      During induction, there was significant transient increase in the expression of inflammatory and
158 NFalpha, which characteristically involved a transient increase in the expression of proinflammatory
159                                              Transient increase in the frequencies of LMP1&2- and EBN
160 asma from irradiated wild-type mice showed a transient increase in the IL-13 saturated fraction of th
161 d potent depletion of all lymphocytes, but a transient increase in the incidence of circulating Treg.
162          This pattern induced an intense and transient increase in the majority of motility parameter
163                                            A transient increase in the mean alanine aminotransferase
164 ject from the high-dose cohort experienced a transient increase in the muscle enzyme creatine phospho
165 esting Tregs (CD4(+)CD45RA(+)Foxp3(+)) and a transient increase in the number of activated Tregs (CD4
166             Histamine stimulated a rapid and transient increase in the paracellular Na(+) conductance
167                                  There was a transient increase in the rate of starch accumulation in
168 ve dental treatment may be associated with a transient increase in the risk for vascular events.
169 ties (eg, basketball) were associated with a transient increase in the risk of bleeding (30.6% of ble
170 rain via the perivascular pathway, causing a transient increase in the severity of CAA.
171 at the exploration of novel space leads to a transient increase in the temporally correlated firing o
172 silicon-based QD group showed a definite but transient increase in the waves of the ERG, especially i
173                    We hypothesized that with transient increase in tidal volume from 6 to 8 mL/kg pre
174 cle insulin resistance was associated with a transient increase in total and cytosolic diacylglycerol
175                                            A transient increase in transitional B cells and cells wit
176                                  Following a transient increase in translation, IR-sensitive (nontran
177 GPA infestation of Arabidopsis resulted in a transient increase in trehalose and expression of the TP
178                 In addition, we found that a transient increase in TrkB receptor phosphorylation in t
179 for newly diagnosed glioblastomas results in transient increase in tumor enhancement (pseudoprogressi
180          Neonatal HI resulted in a rapid and transient increase in tyrosine phosphorylation of NMDAR
181              Apcdd1-deficient mice exhibit a transient increase in vessel density at ages P10-P12 due
182                        Limited evidence of a transient increase in viremia and a decrease in the perc
183          In a post hoc analysis, a rapid and transient increase in viremia was noted in a subset of i
184 mus cells bathed in 5 mm KClo , but elicited transient increases in [Ca(2+) ]i in cells that were mod
185         These synchronization events lead to transient increases in alpha-band power and render the n
186                                              Transient increases in angiogenic factor levels and prol
187                 Cutaneous infection elicited transient increases in anti-Hla and anti-PVL antibodies;
188 eatment with GSK690693 resulted in acute and transient increases in blood glucose level.
189 natural ligand octopamine leads to rapid and transient increases in cAMP.
190 -cognitive effects of DMXB-A may result from transient increases in cell signaling that are limited b
191 ent studies demonstrate that vaccines induce transient increases in circulating Ab-secreting cells (A
192 cross-trial firing rate variability, and (4) transient increases in coherent firing of neuronal pairs
193 ple domains are consistently associated with transient increases in cortical activity in medial super
194 dopamine in the prefrontal cortex (rapid and transient increases in cortical dopamine concentration).
195 anical forces consistently trigger rapid and transient increases in cytosolic Ca(2+) and that the sig
196 and time-dependent behaviours in response to transient increases in cytosolic calcium.
197                                              Transient increases in cytosolic zinc levels are concurr
198            Phasic release produces local and transient increases in dopamine (DA) up to micromolar co
199  rapid functional compensation is indexed by transient increases in electrophysiological measures of
200 reveal that retinal waves are accompanied by transient increases in extrasynaptic glutamate, directly
201  reduced firing rates before REMs as well as transient increases in firing rate immediately after, si
202          The use of water sprays resulted in transient increases in formation of certain compounds (e
203 ublethal injurious stimuli in neurons induce transient increases in free intracellular Zn(2+) that ar
204 es in P9 C57BL/6N wild-type mice resulted in transient increases in GluR1 S831 and GluR1 S845 phospho
205                        Sustained, repetitive transient increases in high gamma (80-150 Hz) amplitude,
206 ating that pulse exposure to PGE2 results in transient increases in HSC homing and engraftment potent
207                                              Transient increases in intracellular Ca(2+) levels were
208 M-1 mM) elicited reproducible and reversible transient increases in intracellular calcium, allowing t
209 omers through these tubes is marked by large transient increases in ion current and was confirmed by
210               In a subgroup of participants, transient increases in levels of d-dimer and prothrombin
211                                  We observed transient increases in levels of endogenous MDA in wound
212 ately by hepatic Kupffer cells, resulting in transient increases in liver enzymes, focal ischaemic ar
213                                              Transient increases in mitochondrially-derived reactive
214 ithdrawal from self-administered cocaine and transient increases in MMP-9 during cue-induced cocaine
215 reductions in transmission intensity lead to transient increases in morbidity and mortality.
216                                      Similar transient increases in NAD(H) levels observed in the par
217 mice performing an operant task, we observed transient increases in neural activity in both direct- a
218                                        Thus, transient increases in neuronal DSBs occur as a result o
219                                              Transient increases in nucleus accumbens (NAc) dopamine
220 ese fine synchrony events result mostly from transient increases in overall neuronal network spiking
221                                              Transient increases in oxidative stress produced during
222 , or both epitopes simultaneously, exhibited transient increases in parasite loads, although ultimate
223 ive response to therapy but resulted in only transient increases in peripheral blood T cell counts.
224 mbinant simian IL-7 (rsIL-7) results in only transient increases in peripheral CD4(+) and CD8(+) TN n
225                                              Transient increases in plasma HIV-RNA levels were observ
226                     Vestibular loss triggers transient increases in postsynaptic excitability, occlus
227                    At the locus of bleaching transient increases in reflectance of the 532 nm, but no
228 al responses to acute ethanol with rapid and transient increases in Ser422 phosphorylation at 15 min.
229 in both awake and quiescent states there are transient increases in slow gamma (20-50 Hz) power and s
230                                      Because transient increases in SPW-R rates have been reported fo
231 version rapidly to 5-HT through successively transient increases in substrate availability and TRP hy
232 ocaine use in a rat model is associated with transient increases in synaptic strength at prefrontal c
233               There are, however, subtle and transient increases in Tau phosphorylation at 3-4 specif
234                                              Transient increases in the bone formation markers procol
235  indicates that these isotope shifts reflect transient increases in the burial of organic carbon and
236                                              Transient increases in the cytoplasmic Ca(2+) concentrat
237 ate molecular layer that were accompanied by transient increases in the firing of dentate and CA1 neu
238                                              Transient increases in the intracellular calcium level t
239 rough a micropipette produced dose-dependent transient increases in the measured extracellular concen
240 -CO2 shift in ndhR, specifically the lack of transient increases in the photorespiratory pathway inte
241                Importantly, only limited and transient increases in the proportion of activated or CC
242 ansplantation we observed significant though transient increases in the proportion of CD4+ FoxP3+ T c
243  treated with elicitor from the scab fungus, transient increases in the SaB4H, SaBIS, and phenylalani
244  encoding aspects of behavior, we found that transient increases in the volatility of activity in the
245 e highest dose levels (0.3, 1, and 3 mg/kg), transient increases in TNF-alpha and MIP-1beta serum con
246 ween groups being mainly due to asymptomatic transient increases in transaminase concentrations in so
247                                              Transient increases in transaminase levels were noted in
248                          Although there were transient increases in viral loads of the primary virus
249 C produced a 17% extension of lifespan, with transient increases in weight, forelimb grip strength, a
250 at synaptic activity results in a rapid, but transient, increase in eEF2K activity that is regulated
251 mice showed an early and significant, albeit transient, increase in the activity of the NOD-like rece
252 for gadopentetate dimeglumine, a significant transient increase occurred in the frequency of reported
253 fference-in-difference assessment revealed a transient increase of 604 excess deaths (95% CI, 419-790
254 tivated L-type Ca(2+) channels, leading to a transient increase of [Ca(2+)](i) and inhibition of PKA
255 ve front, while during this latency period a transient increase of [Ca(2+)](SR) was observed.
256             Western blot analyses revealed a transient increase of activated caspase-3 in cortical, a
257                                            A transient increase of around 1.5 mm Hg in mean systolic
258                                              Transient increase of cAMP concentrations in the early m
259 ntly reported that TIV vaccination induced a transient increase of circulating ICOS(+)PD-1(+)CXCR3(+)
260                                         This transient increase of connectivity may represent an home
261   One of the earliest flg22 responses is the transient increase of cytosolic Ca(2+) ions, which is cr
262 nd calcium imaging analysis demonstrated the transient increase of cytosolic free calcium.
263  Forskolin-induced cAMP release reverses the transient increase of EGF-mediated ERK1&2 kinase activit
264  ER stress, and UPR was discovered whereby a transient increase of ER stress caused reduced senescenc
265                            Our data reveal a transient increase of eukaryotic translation initiation
266 y similar, but quantitatively heterogeneous, transient increase of HZ incidence.
267 in IL-5 in the SCIT group and a significant, transient increase of IL-10 observed after 10 months of
268                  ATP and histamine induced a transient increase of intracellular Ca(2+) concentration
269         These chemicals trigger an early and transient increase of intracellular calcium concentratio
270 ction potential in a muscle cell membrane, a transient increase of intracellular calcium concentratio
271              Minor adverse events included a transient increase of intraocular pressure (IOP), exposu
272 ithelial proliferation was associated with a transient increase of limbal epithelial stem cells.
273 zation by laser heating or, in rare cases, a transient increase of magnetization.
274 siology, we have also shown that a small and transient increase of membrane conductance parallels NP
275     First, early upon infection VacA induces transient increase of mitochondrial translocases and a d
276 disappearance of the MZ was accompanied by a transient increase of MZ-like B cells in the blood rathe
277                       Ischemic stroke causes transient increase of neural stem and progenitor cell (N
278                      We show that, besides a transient increase of peripheral proliferation, IL-7 exe
279 ary myoblasts was accompanied by a rapid and transient increase of phosphorylated FAK.
280  cytoplasmic up-regulation was preceded by a transient increase of phosphorylated heat shock protein
281                                            A transient increase of phosphorylation-dependent ephrin-B
282 he presence of mutant astrocytes displayed a transient increase of synapses after 2 weeks.
283 iodic sensory stimulation also resulted in a transient increase of synchrony after stimulus onset.
284 he neurons with estradiol caused a rapid and transient increase of the biotinylated 52 kDa and 66 kDa
285 pts and thus more crypt fissions caused by a transient increase of the crypt transit-amplifying zone.
286 r activity of rimcazole was accompanied by a transient increase of the tumor uptake of (18)F-FDG (mea
287 fter the EVO was exhausted as evidenced by a transient increase of U concentration above ambient valu
288 ymphocytic leukemia (CLL) often show marked, transient increases of circulating CLL cells following i
289  Thus, our results indicate that exposure to transient increases of glutamate and more lasting increa
290                                              Transient increases of stressors during acute bouts of e
291 hood, temporarily alter kr with an attendant transient increase or decrease in the rate of change in
292 imary end point, arterial TEE, we observed a transient increased risk of TEE during the day of an IVI
293 for atrial fibrillation is associated with a transient increased risk of thromboembolic and hemorrhag
294  injected with AMD3100 or G-CSF demonstrated transient increased S1P levels in the blood mediated via
295 ation and the peak amplitudes of the calcium transients increased significantly over the next 7 days.
296 t2 mRNA were also detected in the lung, with transient increases soon after birth.
297 th concomitant anti-CD28 costimulation, with transient increased survival.
298 ecovery of the depolarization (K(+))-induced transient, increased transient peak and area, and elevat
299               Cytoplasmic calcium levels and transients increased upon mechanical stimulation with a
300  of oscillations as well as the magnitude of transients increased with the contrast of the image stim

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