


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ses, whereas external tufted cells responded transiently.
2         The RPE was involved only mildly and transiently.
3 rs mostly interact with chromatin DNA rather transiently.
4  been used to induce similarly exotic states transiently.
5 ion, whereas external tufted cells responded transiently.
6 thways to quiesce translation thoroughly but transiently.
7 , we found that contextual fear conditioning transiently (0.5 h) decreased Fto levels in these neuron
8 umination increased motoneuron discharge and transiently accelerated the rhythm.
9   Our data show that apical resection rather transiently accelerates centrosome disassembly as well a
10 ures of precursors, these structures can be (transiently) accessed and interconverted.
11 ified a chloride-channeling conformer, iChS, transiently accessible as EAAT1 reconfigures from substr
12 -lived excited protein states, such as those transiently accumulated during protein folding.
13                                 The nucellus transiently accumulates some starch, but is obliterated
14  biosensors, we show that LPA and endothelin transiently activate Cdc42 through Gi, concurrent with a
15 ch signaling on atrial electrophysiology, we transiently activate Notch signaling within adult myocar
16    Neurons in the lateral habenula (LHb) are transiently activated by aversive events and have been i
17               Interestingly, SK channels are transiently activated by calcium sparks and calcium infl
18                Murine EW strain RV infection transiently activated intestinal STAT1 at 1 day postinfe
19 he induced electrical changes are stable, we transiently activated Notch followed by a prolonged wash
20 n, the immune system in 22 sample donors was transiently activated with an endotoxin injection [lipop
21 ial arrhythmias in mice where Notch has been transiently activated.
22                                          TNF transiently activates RhoB in ECs coincident with develo
23 red 3 CAR T-cell termination strategies: (1) transiently active anti-CD123 messenger RNA-electroporat
24                     We thus suggest that LFS transiently acts at the site of primordia initiation, wh
25 lower mitochondrial capacity, which can even transiently adapt to increased peripheral lipolysis.
26                        This drug combination transiently administered for 2 weeks during epileptogene
27      Proteins are dynamic molecules that can transiently adopt different conformational states.
28 alizing glucagon in critically ill mice only transiently affected glucose and lipid metabolism, did n
29                                Blocking NRSF transiently after eFSE prevented granule cell dysmaturat
30                    We found that shortly and transiently after onset of ischemia, human and mouse car
31 alinity, the pH of the leaf apoplast (pHapo) transiently alkalizes.
32  in vivo experiment, blockade of C1q and C3a transiently altered hNSC migration and reversed astrogli
33                              These replicons transiently amplify to high copy numbers in plant cells
34 chieve these goals is production of multiple transiently amplifying intermediate neural progenitors (
35                   We find that labeled Wnt3A transiently and dynamically associates with the membrane
36 resent a unique type of structure that forms transiently and only once upon stimulation.
37  essential for epigenetic remodeling and are transiently and partially localized to the nucleus.
38 ation in the cornea, we show that lymphatics transiently and selectively invade the cornea and regula
39 treptococcus pneumoniae, competence develops transiently and synchronously in all cells during expone
40 epithelial taste precursor cells express Shh transiently, and provide a local supply of Hh ligand tha
41 r expression throughout the embryo fully but transiently, and, in this manner, regulate spatiotempora
42  composed of HIRA, ubinuclein-1, CABIN1, and transiently anti-silencing function 1, forms one of the
43               In the absence of T-cell help, transiently antigen-primed B cells do not undergo apopto
44 ases, a majority of CTCF molecules was bound transiently ( approximately 0.2 s) to chromatin, whereas
45 h, similar to mouse neocortical progenitors, transiently arrest at prometaphase.
46                       Unoccupied WH2 domains transiently associate with free filament ends, preventin
47                                These factors transiently associate with human U1 snRNP and are not am
48 st U1 snRNP as a model for understanding how transiently associated auxiliary proteins recruit human
49 estingly, early during ciliogenesis, Neurl-4 transiently associated with the mother centriole in a pr
50 ived structural models indicate that MT1-MMP transiently associates with bicelles and cells through d
51 f transcriptional activation, sometimes only transiently at 4 h, indicating highly dynamic regulation
52                                     Here, we transiently augmented or reduced the activity of DR sero
53 ated colonies, the demarcation line may move transiently before stabilizing.
54 m (ER) to the endosomal/lysosomal pathway by transiently binding DP(84Gly) via a non-CLIP region(s) i
55 early life, the DNA methyltransferase DNMT3A transiently binds across transcribed regions of lowly ex
56 ation-deficient A3G, and find that A3G first transiently binds DNA as a monomer.
57 w that the acidic tip of the E. coli Hfq CTD transiently binds the basic Sm core residues necessary f
58 scenarios: In the first scenario, the ligand transiently binds to the protein surface and then diffus
59 let B (UVB) irradiation, human keratinocytes transiently block progression of the cell cycle to allow
60           Furthermore, the replisome is only transiently blocked, and continues replication beyond th
61 orm to squeeze through these narrow vessels, transiently blocking or occluding the vessels they pass
62                                Revaccination transiently boosted BCG-specific Th1 cytokine-expressing
63 lytic to product complex and observe a third transiently bound metal ion in the product state.
64 ehensive studies enabled us to determine how transiently bound water molecules impact the rate and me
65                            In contrast, when transiently bound, beta-arrestin reduces ERK activity vi
66               Top2 regulates DNA topology by transiently breaking one double-stranded DNA molecule (c
67 ing or after DAA therapy, or they normalized transiently but then increased sharply after DAA therapy
68 culosa indirectly parasitizes barley, albeit transiently, by diverting nutrients extracted by B. gram
69 d 6/11/5 and 6/6/7/5 fused ring systems when transiently co-expressed with a GFPP synthase in Nicotia
70                       Gas from Pluto that is transiently cold-trapped and processed at Charon's winte
71 s ARF1 was localized to vesicular structures transiently contacting podosome rings.
72  U2 snRNP SF3b-containing domain, which also transiently contacts the helicase Brr2.
73     SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: The mossy fibers transiently corelease glutamate and GABA onto pyramidal
74 tronic and lattice degrees of freedom can be transiently decoupled, giving the opportunity of stabili
75 ancies have been shown to significantly, yet transiently, decrease numbers of CD4+ T lymphocytes, a m
76  or ex vivo human cortical slices to AbetaOs transiently decreased intracellular ATP levels and AMPK
77 4(+) T cells and, in the gut, Rh-alpha4beta7 transiently decreased the frequency of memory and IgA(+)
78 (+) neurons, depressed motoneuron discharge, transiently decreased the frequency, and perturbed the p
79  birth, hair follicle (HF) morphogenesis was transiently delayed, along with reduced expression of HF
80  viability and colony-forming ability, while transiently delaying cell-cycle arrest in vitro The prom
81 ncreased cellular concentrations of sgRNA by transiently delivering sgRNAs using a Tobacco mosaic vir
82 rgo an ensuing liquid-to-gas phase shift and transiently deposit 20-30mum large bubbles in the microv
83           During mouse development, Ascl2 is transiently detected in a subpopulation of Pax7(+) MyoD(
84  the chaperone Hsp70 and this association is transiently disrupted by heat shock, providing the first
85  in human NEIL1 immunoprecipitation complex, transiently dissociate from chromatin bound NEIL1 comple
86 t over time, the E. coli population was only transiently disturbed by the introduction of new lineage
87                    Hh/Smo activation enables transiently divided clusters of Shha-expressing epidermi
88 B cells responding to lineages of HIV-1 that transiently dominate the within host viral population.
89  of ReDirect PCR mutagenesis protocol, which transiently duplicates a number of important cell divisi
90 - or parvalbumin-positive interneurons, even transiently during the delay, impaired task performance,
91 ng of RTKs with selective inhibitors is only transiently effective, as the majority of patients event
92  stereotyped sequence actions, becoming only transiently elevated by the most distal and unexpected r
93 akes in triple helix (triplex) formation, is transiently elevated following low dose irradiation and
94 s associated with a significant incidence of transiently elevated IOP postoperatively, but had a low
95               In lean young adults, 24-h SER transiently elevated subjective appetite and marginally
96 uency-dependent steering and found that flow transiently eliminates high spatial frequency responses.
97 niformly over the whole visual field, with a transiently enhanced contribution from locations along t
98 cited state, which tend to reduce order, and transiently enhanced Fermi surface nesting stabilizing t
99                                     Here, by transiently enhancing 3D chromatin interactions, we esta
100 before engagement of the target particle, is transiently enriched in the phagosomal cup.
101 namic microtubules with EB3 capped plus-ends transiently enter spines.
102 he reduced nicotinamide ring of the cofactor transiently enters the active site where it displaces th
103 oreover, nascent FXa product of TF-FVIIa can transiently escape the slow kinetics of Kunitz-type inhi
104              In the presence of malate, RoxS transiently escapes from repression by the NADH-sensitiv
105                            Mammalian embryos transiently exhibit aerobic glycolysis (Warburg effect),
106 ller glia by P10, when horizontal cells also transiently exhibit NFIA immunofluorescence.
107 ched in the matrix metalloprotease ZMP-1 and transiently expands AC volume by more than 20%, displaci
108 at must continuously bind to and unbind from transiently exposed template strands during DNA synthesi
109                                           We transiently exposed the cultures to oxygen or nitrate tw
110     We show that primary mouse keratinocytes transiently exposed to the SASP exhibit increased expres
111 are specified during gastrulation, when they transiently express Foxa2, a gene not previously implica
112 e present study was to generate T cells that transiently express HBV-specific TCRs using mRNA electro
113 c endocrine progenitor cells proliferate and transiently express the bHLH transcription factor Ngn3.
114             During acute infections, PD-1 is transiently expressed and has the potential to modulate
115 SCHEN (DRN) and DRN-like (DRNL) genes and is transiently expressed at incipient and young primordia,
116 chaperone that is essential for ERAD, and is transiently expressed by O. tsutsugamushi during the inf
117 e also found that the vitamin D receptor was transiently expressed during MAC differentiation and tha
118 C (TnC), an extracellular matrix protein, is transiently expressed during tissue injury and plays a r
119 be modeled as agonist-induced aggregation of transiently expressed GFP-CB1R.
120 combinant alpha1beta2gamma2L GABAA receptors transiently expressed in HEK293T cells.
121 he NaARADL1 protein can form homodimers when transiently expressed in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves an
122 showing that the cytochrome P450 TgCYP76AE2, transiently expressed in Nicotiana benthamiana, converts
123 nocerin from squalene-2,3;22,23-dioxide when transiently expressed in Nicotiana bethamiana In contras
124  Strep-tagged UAPs from Arabidopsis and rice transiently expressed in planta, we demonstrate that a u
125       This report shows that Kv3.4, which is transiently expressed in the axonal growth cones of many
126 y the effect of 4-PBA on human ABCC6 mutants transiently expressed in the liver.
127            METHODS AND We show that CD146 is transiently expressed in vascular smooth muscle developm
128 that two Notch modifiers, Lfng and Mfng, are transiently expressed precisely at the neural boundary o
129 rs basal translation affecting production of transiently expressed proteins.
130 led MT arrays in Nicotiana benthamiana cells transiently expressing GFP-IQD fusions and observed IQD-
131 ter assay of RXFP1 signaling in HEK293 cells transiently expressing RXFP1.
132 ay and that, unexpectedly, the light stimuli transiently facilitate excitatory synaptic transmission.
133 odia are dynamic, actin-rich structures that transiently form on a variety of cell types.
134 and rG.rU mismatches in DNA and RNA duplexes transiently form tautomeric and anionic species with pro
135 level descriptions of sparsely populated and transiently formed alternative conformations.
136 ture and the THF product conformation in the transiently formed excited state remain elusive.
137 sotope exchange of the reversibly generated, transiently formed oxidation product [2-(2)H]-(2R)-2-met
138 te of hTRF1 is only marginally populated and transiently formed, it is inaccessible to standard NMR a
139 est that these repair differences arise from transiently forming loops and hairpins within 30 nucleot
140 ding is stimulated by the U6 telestem, which transiently forms in the intact U4/U6 RNA complex.
141 er step of the electron-relay mechanism: the transiently generated carbazole radical cation acts as a
142 addition reaction between nitrile oxides and transiently generated enolates of alpha-keto esters has
143 of sodium iodide and 2) sequestration of the transiently generated iodine (I2 ) as I3 (-) , this appr
144  inferior frontal gyrus has been reported to transiently impair the ability to perform phonological m
145 minished IFN-gamma production and at least a transiently impaired degranulation ability.
146                                         Both transiently impaired locomotion through an off-target ef
147 erall, 80% were consistently nonimpaired, 9% transiently impaired, 7% consistently impaired, and 4% n
148 on and 1 month later: consistently impaired, transiently impaired, newly impaired, and consistently n
149 ass, or food intake in either group, but did transiently improve glucose tolerance in high fat-fed mi
150 uantum spin dynamics of radical pairs formed transiently in cryptochrome proteins.
151         Reactive oxygen species are produced transiently in response to cell stimuli, and function as
152     When expressed stably in Arabidopsis and transiently in rice and tobacco, it localises to the Gol
153                    Here, we show that AID is transiently in spatial contact with genomic DNA from the
154 es that abut their cellular targets are only transiently in the "perpendicular" orientation required
155          Pluripotency is a state that exists transiently in the early embryo and, remarkably, can be
156 n in the spleen, despite LNPs being observed transiently in the liver and other organs.
157  receptor (NMDAR) agonist D-aspartate occurs transiently in the mammalian brain because it is abundan
158 ne, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and semen, but transiently in vaginal secretions.
159                    Since the ICM exists only transiently in vivo, it remains unclear how sustained pr
160 ensity examinations, total hip BMD increased transiently in women with parathyroidectomy (4.2% at <2
161                   We have employed TIER-seq (transiently inactivating an endoribonuclease followed by
162 ukaryotic cells, with over 100 million rNMPs transiently incorporated in the mammalian genome per cel
163 d mechanically by fluid mechanical forces to transiently increase cell membrane permeability.
164 ther stem cells also change division mode to transiently increase their population size as part of a
165 menstrual cycles and pregnancy (in this case transiently) increase the risk of breast cancer, the rea
166 e frequency of circulating MDSCs rapidly and transiently increased 24 h after vaccine administration.
167            Hepatic mitochondrial respiration transiently increased and declined with aging along with
168                                          LPS transiently increased interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis f
169 applied together with repeated OVA challenge transiently increased specific serum IgA, IgE, and IgG1
170                                     Oxytocin transiently increased the drive of the anterior olfactor
171 ization with SFB or SAA administration alone transiently increased the H3K27 histone demethylase Jmjd
172 had minimal impact on dendritic polarity but transiently increased the number of dendritic segments.
173 toneuron firing and locomotor frequency both transiently increased.
174                   Acute tacrolimus treatment transiently increases hepcidin in wild-type mice.
175                             We show that H2S transiently increases phosphorylation of eukaryotic tran
176  specialized calcium sensor for facilitation transiently increases the probability of release, and th
177 convergence of experience and internal drive transiently increases the spliced protein-coding Orb2A m
178 nteractions contribute to asthma severity by transiently increasing MMP activation, airway smooth mus
179 ation or stroke volume variation obtained by transiently increasing tidal volume (tidal volume challe
180    However, serum response factor appears to transiently induce cytoskeletal genes independently of H
181 (m(6)A) in RNA is rapidly (within 2 min) and transiently induced at DNA damage sites in response to u
182                  The probability of symptoms transiently induced by electrical stimulation was deline
183                                PSCs are also transiently induced by growth factors (GF) in nontransfo
184 une regulators, such as TBF1, is rapidly and transiently induced upon pathogen challenge (see accompa
185                              A low BCAA diet transiently induces FGF21 (fibroblast growth factor 21)
186 ormation by tiling in time neurons that were transiently informative for approximately 200 millisecon
187       Although the MEK inhibitor selumetinib transiently inhibited ERK signaling, which subsequently
188 lity of controlling tumor growth compared to transiently inhibiting Akt.
189 )) mice and greatly reduced by destroying or transiently inhibiting C1.
190                  We show that Wnt signalling transiently inhibits expression of the main body cell fa
191                                Similarly, NA transiently inhibits neural crest migration in Xenopus e
192 ng in both sexes and that a D1/D5 antagonist transiently inhibits neuropathic pain.
193 ght chain mutant combinations were expressed transiently inN.
194   They suggest that one or more SecA regions transiently integrate into the heart of the SecY channel
195 howed that the fully disordered isolated ID3 transiently interacts with an IDR of ZFP106 in a fashion
196  mitochondrial import and maturation NDUFB10 transiently interacts with CHCHD4 and acquires disulfide
197 ransmembrane domain, and subsequently, COX18 transiently interacts with COX2 to promote translocation
198 ethers SA1 within telomeric regions that SA1 transiently interacts with.
199 el-segregation effect where cancer cells are transiently isolated from host tissue.
200 , implying that the majority of monomers are transiently kept in a non-polymerizable "reserve" pool.
201 specific T-cell engaging antibody construct, transiently links CD3-positive T cells to CD19-positive
202                       Here we show that Rga1 transiently localizes to the immediately preceding and o
203 companies vibrissa-based sensation, in rats, transiently locks to ongoing hippocampal theta-rhythmic
204   Interestingly, we observe that E. faecalis transiently maintains CRISPR targets despite active CRIS
205 a model wherein Rev self-association acts to transiently mask the NES peptide(s), thereby biasing Rev
206 merization provides a mechanism by which Rev transiently masks its NES peptide, thereby biasing its t
207 ) peptide to MYO1C(C) yielded a protein that transiently mimics MYO1C(35) kinetic behavior.
208 humans, the enzyme pyruvate dehydrogenase is transiently nuclear at the 4/8-cell stage coincident wit
209 vidual molecules and resolve closely spaced, transiently occupied folding intermediates.
210 rotein folding process involves formation of transiently occurring intermediates that are difficult t
211                 We utilize this technique to transiently or constitutively activate a typical human o
212 nic probabilities when kRASG12V is expressed transiently or constitutively at different developmental
213             Whilst Nature almost by default (transiently) organises her components at multiple differ
214 e we report a simple and versatile method to transiently overexpress the hyaluronic acid (HA) recepto
215 al respiration was up-regulated in myoblasts transiently overexpressing Mb; complex IV activity was s
216  time because helical turns were observed to transiently pair and dissociate.
217 magnetic stimulation (TMS) intervention that transiently perturbed the LPFC.
218 positively charged segment of MOAG-4 forms a transiently populated alpha-helix that interacts with th
219  nonequilibrium dynamics to be probed, e.g., transiently populated intermediates that are inaccessibl
220                                              Transiently populated oligomers formed en route to amylo
221 tinct kinetic folding intermediates that are transiently populated on parallel pathways between the d
222 ied view of the folding process emerges when transiently populated states are undetected because of l
223 mediate liganded states, which are typically transiently populated.
224                                      It then transiently populates a previously unreported intermedia
225 rdiac injection of mesenchymal stromal cells transiently preconditioned with cardiotrophin-1 preserve
226                                           By transiently priming cells for commitment to different li
227                 It has long been possible to transiently produce proteins bearing ncAAs, but stabiliz
228 dy, we demonstrate that IL-27 is rapidly and transiently produced by CD301b(+) cells in the skin afte
229 2 (EDN2) is a potent vasoconstrictor that is transiently produced prior to follicle rupture by granul
230  develop targeted mRNA nanocarriers that can transiently program gene expression by simply mixing the
231 or to depletion, Pten-null activated SCs can transiently proliferate upon injury and regenerate injur
232 ns and thus act as a disinhibitory gate that transiently promotes the excitation of hippocampal CA1 p
233 athways compete with chaperone proteins that transiently protect nascent ncRNA ends from exoribonucle
234 by aversive events inhibits dopamine neurons transiently, providing a neurobiological representation
235 WRs), when representations of experience are transiently reactivated from memory, movement- and immob
236 AHNAK, and we demonstrate here that AHNAK is transiently recruited by invading chlamydiae.
237  addition, our results indicate that Hat1 is transiently recruited to sites of chromatin assembly, di
238 , during immunological synapse formation, it transiently redistributed to the T cell and APC contact
239    Milk-induced basophil CD63 expression was transiently reduced in whole blood samples from both oma
240                         Mavs(-/-) mice had a transiently reduced production of antiviral cytokines an
241              Only corticosteroid monotherapy transiently reduced proteinuria at 12 months.
242                                              Transiently reduced Pt atoms serve as active sites for A
243 lectively expressed in PV-containing neurons transiently reduced the seizure threshold of the mice bu
244                                      Fasudil transiently reduces prelimbic cortical dendritic spine d
245 idines have demonstrated varying efficacy in transiently reducing paralysis following BoNT poisoning,
246 strate that conditioning procedures aimed at transiently reducing the concentration of potassium in t
247 uble-strand break (DSB) generation, Cdc14 is transiently released from the nucleolus and activated.
248 rative burst, expression of the Rag genes is transiently repressed to prevent the generation of doubl
249 l, and we demonstrate that the epithelium is transiently reprogrammed into a primitive state.
250 insically create a single-molecule threshold transiently requiring excess molecules in the inactive s
251 incoming viral genome throughout mitosis and transiently resides in the nucleus until after the viral
252 rmore, in the absence of bound ligands SUMO1 transiently samples a high energy conformation, which mi
253 o prevent somatic differentiation, PGCs must transiently silence their genome, an early developmental
254 ticospinal neurons in mediating recovery, we transiently silenced the minor dorsolateral corticospina
255 enosine terminated 100% of triggered ATs and transiently slowed or suppressed 100% of automatic ATs.
256 leoid, polyP granules consolidate and become transiently spatially organized during cell cycle exit.
257            Treatment with camptothecin which transiently stabilized nucleolar R-loops recruited RNase
258 sts that this transformation may occur via a transiently stable iodinated intermediate rather than by
259  events suggests the formation of an initial transiently stable pore at the beginning of vesicle rupt
260               The Escherichia coli replisome transiently stalls at leading-strand template lesions an
261  wild-type, mice activation of aNAcSh fibers transiently stopped the mice licking for sucrose or an e
262 portant for the wanting of a reward and that transiently stops ongoing consummatory actions, such as
263  that intraglomerular NETs were present only transiently, suggesting that NETs were susceptible to di
264 R) and checkpoint kinase 1 (CHK1) kinases to transiently suppress DNA synthesis and cell cycle progre
265 e topical corticosteroids, which broadly and transiently suppress inflammation and symptoms of ACD, b
266           We found that fructose acutely and transiently suppressed mTORC1 signaling in vitro and in
267 ion of bNAbs to chronically infected animals transiently suppresses virus replication, which invariab
268 (runs) with random reorientations (tumbles), transiently suppressing tumbles whenever attractant sign
269 ns are related to local spiking activity and transiently synchronize with anatomically related areas,
270 ires the DNA-binding activity of ParA, which transiently tethers the partition complex during translo
271  The focus of this review is on the class of transiently thermoresponsive polymers.
272 agonist 5'-N-ethylcarboxamidoadenosine binds transiently to an extracellular vestibule formed by ECL2
273  highlighted that transcription factors bind transiently to chromatin but it is not clear if the dura
274                We found that Syk colocalizes transiently to FcepsilonRI and that Syk-FcepsilonRI bind
275 ary scaffolds have been designed to function transiently to prevent acute recoil, but have retained t
276  critical in wound repair, where it operates transiently to redirect fates.
277 bs, including H4B4, and traffics rapidly but transiently to the MHC class II loading compartment, as
278  24 degrees C-32 degrees C gradient migrated transiently to the warmest compartment and survived as a
279 o-epitope when two proteins interact, albeit transiently, to form a complex.
280  We identify the gene dunk, which we show is transiently transcribed when cellularization starts and
281 ular localization of IFT43 in the retina and transiently transfected cells was examined by RT-PCR, we
282 um-flux assays and patch clamp recordings of transiently transfected HEK-293 cells for electrophysiol
283  human keratinocyte cell line (HaCaT) and in transiently transfected HEK293T cells and found that the
284 splay them on the surface of the sporozoite, transiently transfected populations of E. tenella expres
285 ouse model or from rat E18 embryos that were transiently transfected with ASYN-GFP for 72 hrs.
286 onance energy transfer measurements in cells transiently transfected with fluorescently labeled SERCA
287                                   293A cells transiently transfected with mER isoforms were used to d
288                Zolpidem has been observed to transiently treat a large variety of neurologic disorder
289 may therefore act as a cellular mechanism to transiently tune BAZ2B histone-binding affinity.
290 RGS2 mRNA expression often is strikingly and transiently up-regulated and then down-regulated upon ce
291                                    PRMT5 was transiently upregulated during maximal proliferation of
292 CCR5, the receptor for CCL3 and CCL4, can be transiently upregulated on a subset of naive CD8(+) T ce
293 ver upon antigen presentation, telomerase is transiently upregulated.
294            Moreover, some cortical areas can transiently "wake up" [8] in an otherwise sleeping brain
295   Diaphragm lactate release increased in CMV transiently whereas in STIM lactate dropped during this
296 ficient to down-regulate canonical autophagy transiently while triggering noncanonical autophagy.
297 mokers, levels were similar to those reached transiently with 75-150 mg DMXB-A immediate-release form
298            Strikingly, WRAMP structures form transiently, with cells displaying directional persisten
299 emoved, either stably by genetic deletion or transiently (within 1 h) by tagging the endogenous prote
300 del for End-Stage Liver Disease (MELD) score transiently worsened postantibiotics, but reverted to ba

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