


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1         Second, mature CD8+V beta 5+ T cells transit through a CD8lowV beta 5low deletional intermedi
2  transgenic mice, mature CD8+Vbeta5+ T cells transit through a CD8lowVbeta5low deletional intermediat
3 ude that the vast majority of myogenic cells transit through a MyoD+ state, and that MyoD+ progenitor
4  at the flagellum base, after which subunits transit through a narrow channel at the core of the flag
5                       Unfolded subunits then transit through a narrow channel at the core of the grow
6 , Drosophila neural stem cells (neuroblasts) transit through a period of quiescence separating distin
7 le proteins and nearly all membrane proteins transit through a protein-conducting channel in the memb
8 some differentiation pathways do not require transit through a requisite multipotent or bipotent mega
9                         On quitting, smokers transit through a state of withdrawal characterized by a
10 ells developed via the conventional pathway, transiting through a double-positive stage.
11 asses over one face of the T-ag OBD and then transits through a gap in the open ring structure.
12 quires a major structural rearrangement that transits through a partially unfolded intermediate.
13 nomatous stage to invasive carcinoma without transit through an intermediary polypoid stage.
14 sis of nucleosome positions as budding yeast transit through an ultradian cycle in which expression o
15  this property, primordial germ cells (PGCs) transit through an unprecedented programme of sequential
16 bias in polymerization and proceeded without transiting through an obligate intermediate pattern.
17 ed Madin-Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cells by transit through apical recycling endosomes, a route asso
18 on by H2O2 depends on entry into the cell by transit through aquaporin-3 (AQP3), a plasma membrane H2
19 der, played a determining role for efficient transit through both the outer and cytoplasmic membranes
20  zebrafish showed similar reorganization and transit through capillary-sized vessels in vivo.
21 cal and biogeochemical interactions of water transiting through catchments.
22 known how the collective output of neoblasts transit through differentiation pathways to produce spec
23 ogenitors undergo progressive restriction or transit through distinct competence states; however, the
24                Concomitantly, epiblast cells transit through distinct pluripotent states, before line
25            Recycling synaptic vesicles (SVs) transit through early endosomal sorting stations, which
26 ast one branch of the yeast exocytic pathway transits through endosomes before reaching the cell surf
27 nal-regulated kinase (ERK)) pathway controls transit through G(1) phase of the cell cycle by regulati
28 phorylation of raptor facilitates cell cycle transit through G(2)/M.
29        These cells require 16 to 18 hours to transit through G0/G1 period and 28 to 30 hours to enter
30 DNase I cleavage pattern are observed during transit through G1 and entry into the S phase.
31              Depletion of NS in ESCs retards transit through G1 and induces gene expression changes a
32  was found to force growth-arrested cells to transit through G1 but to stall at the junction with S p
33 renewal, demonstrate the importance of rapid transit through G1 for this process, and expand the know
34  factors and cell anchorage jointly regulate transit through G1 in almost all cell types, but the cel
35                                              Transit through G1 was shortened by the premature activa
36 tion from the Fos serum response element and transit through G1.
37 ility of E2f1-3-deficient cells to enter and transit through G1/S (but not G2/M).
38 present a distinct subset of CLLs which have transited through germinal centers (GCs), the physiologi
39 carbohydrate modifications characteristic of transit through Golgi compartments.
40          It is proposed that membrane fusion transits through hemifusion, a condition in which the ou
41 uring development, the hematopoietic lineage transits through hemogenic endothelium, but the signalin
42 accumulates LDL-derived cholesterol that has transited through host lysosomes.
43                  We then simulate neutrophil transit through individual pulmonary capillary segments
44 rary opening of the ileocecal valve and food transit through it were delayed, with postoperative incr
45 d includes two steps: binding to the NPC and transit through its central channel.
46 lving cell surface receptor(s) and requiring transit through late endosome/lysosome compartments.
47 btain the most reliable retention if T cells transit through LNs stochastically, which may explain th
48 ivity increased approximately 10-fold during transit through M phase.
49                We have previously found that transit through M-phase is necessary and sufficient to e
50                                              Transit through MDCK and DH82 cells was demonstrated by
51                 SdiA is not activated during transit through mice infected with a yenI mutant of Y. e
52 tudies in humanized mice, diet can affect GI transit through microbiota-dependent or microbiota-indep
53 azole, a rereplication of DNA occurs without transit through mitosis.
54 trol of not only cell survival but also cell transit through mitosis.
55 monolayers containing M-like cells; however, transit through monolayers containing only enterocytes w
56 he myosin motor domain folds very slowly and transits through multiple intermediates that are detecta
57 (3D) environments, where cells often have to transit through narrow constrictions that are smaller th
58 ce microscopy to directly monitor cargoes in transit through NPCs in permeabilized cells.
59 ssembly of Imp alpha/cargo complexes as they transit through NPCs.
60                Nuclear entry itself requires transit through nuclear pore complexes.
61 ses, are able to infect nondividing cells by transiting through nuclear pores to access the host geno
62 ine from cystamine and pantethine during the transit through OHSCs were 91% +/- 4% (SEM) and 0.01%-0.
63 sities or if dLN egress is restricted, rapid transit through other nodes is optimal.
64 nt satellite cells and their progeny as they transit through proliferation, differentiation and gener
65                    Rather, internalized LGR5 transits through Rab7- and Rab9-positive vesicles, co-lo
66              The internalized integrins then transit through recycling endosomal compartments to repo
67             Peptidergic vesicles continually transit through resting terminals, but retrograde peptid
68 , cell cycle arrest in G1 phase, and delayed transit through S and/or G2/M phases.
69  two separate signaling modules required for transit through sequential checkpoints.
70                                Naive T cells transit through sequential stages of cytokine activation
71 out a model in which cyclic nucleotides must transit through sheath-oocyte gap junctions to activate
72 cating that myosin 15-S1 was rate limited by transit through strongly actin-bound states, similar to
73 hannels (Ala(2)(6)), and (iv) [Fe(3)(+)O](n) transit through subunits (Val(4)(2), Thr(1)(4)(9)).
74                         The extruded exopher transits through surrounding tissue in which some conten
75  A retained intact di-chain structure during transit through T-84 or Caco-2 cells, and when released
76 ables their interaction with actin and final transit through the actin-rich IS to the synaptic membra
77  single-well free energy profile for peptide transit through the alphaHL pore.
78 ngth (that is, of the orbit scale), the beam transit through the atmosphere in lowest order produces
79 m the murine gallbladder, demonstrating that transit through the bile duct into the intestine can occ
80 of precursor proteins to the lysosome during transit through the biosynthetic pathway.
81  provides time-resolved imaging of lymphatic transit through the CCL.
82                                 In contrast, transit through the CD4(+)CD8(+) stage involved a global
83 ecombination is unaffected by enforced rapid transit through the cell cycle induced by an E mu-myc tr
84 n-cdk complexes to arrest mitogen-stimulated transit through the cell cycle, but these proteins have
85 enter G1 and by subsequently promoting their transit through the cell cycle, respectively.
86  factor E2F, which is critically involved in transit through the cell cycle.
87 3 and other regulatory proteins and inhibits transit through the cell cycle.
88 ewly synthesized LamB molecules during their transit through the cell envelope.
89 revious work, the band broadening during the transit through the colloidal crystal is negligible.
90 h membrane fusions occur during capacitation/transit through the cumulus, prior to any physical conta
91 s that release from chromatin do not require transit through the cytoplasm to regain functionality.
92 fides was determined to be sufficient during transit through the cytosol while still allowing for rel
93 lso include blood-borne langerin(+) DCs that transit through the dermis before reaching the DLN.
94                  All NSP molecules appear to transit through the detectable acyl-enzyme intermediate
95             Polyvalency not only accelerates transit through the endocytic pathway but also induces a
96 tors alter their signaling properties during transit through the endocytic pathway, but the mechanism
97 oA) are prenylated in the cytoplasm and then transit through the endomembrane system on their way to
98 ion of chaperones involved in mediating CFTR transit through the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi appa
99 nine sites on proteins that are predicted to transit through the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi.
100 t asparagine-X-serine/threonine sites during transit through the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi.
101 ired for many aspects of protein folding and transit through the endoplasmic reticulum.
102  are modified by the VKD carboxylase as they transit through the endoplasmic reticulum.
103 isease and for the mechanism of phospholipid transit through the enzyme during the reaction cycle.
104 stage larvae (L3) deposited on the skin that transit through the epidermis, which contains Langerhans
105 mally proteolytically processed during sperm transit through the epididymis, showed reduced levels of
106  lumen and binds to sperm heads during their transit through the epididymis.
107 re virions takes place in the late stages of transit through the ER.
108 ly enriched for proteins that localize to or transit through the ER.
109  natural "braking" mechanism for PMNs during transit through the extracellular matrix.
110 alpositioned in the suprachoroidal space can transit through the eye to the central circulation, resu
111            Upon ejaculation and during their transit through the female reproductive tract, they unde
112 a-gonad-mesonephros (AGM) and mature as they transit through the fetal liver (FL).
113 lear differences in the manner in which they transit through the G(1) and S phases as well as exit fr
114 tivation of PPARgamma resulted in a delay in transit through the G(1) phase of the cell cycle that wa
115 romotes ESC self-renewal by sustaining rapid transit through the G1 phase of the cell cycle.
116 at S. Typhimurium did not detect AHLs during transit through the gastrointestinal tract of a guinea p
117 obial peptides and differentiates during its transit through the gastrointestinal tract of the reduvi
118 ther with mutated V(H) genes consistent with transit through the germinal center.
119     Dose contributions from radioactivity in transit through the GI tract were estimated using a comp
120 tially when its propeptide is removed during transit through the golgi and later while it occupies th
121 minal extension, activated EGFR during their transit through the Golgi apparatus.
122  from the endoplasmic reticulum and requires transit through the Golgi before it is targeted to late
123                     ENaC maturation involves transit through the Golgi complex where Asn-linked glyca
124                      Tyrosinase activity and transit through the Golgi were restored by either mainta
125 of the sec7-1 allele of Sec7, which controls transit through the Golgi.
126 cadherin domains of Fat and Dachsous as they transit through the Golgi.
127 in can also mobilize the G1-G2 precursor for transit through the Golgi.
128 onium chloride treatment, and prior to their transit through the Golgi.
129 s causes supernumerary PGCs, their premature transit through the gut epithelium, and ectopic coloniza
130 orption of a 40-g fructose test meal and its transit through the gut, which was assessed by serial MR
131 survival of enteropathogenic bacteria during transit through the harshly acidic environment of the ma
132 cer cells from their primary sites, to their transit through the hematogenous and/or lymphatic system
133    Therefore, the ability of B. anthracis to transit through the host macrophage or dendritic cell ap
134  the paths that rays of light follow as they transit through the interfaces.
135 RGIC-53, suggesting that rotavirus particles transit through the intermediate compartment between the
136                                        Rapid transit through the intermediate states, achieved at ver
137  value for C is consistent with the time for transit through the intestinal tract without colonizatio
138 ic acid residue may regulate proton entry or transit through the K-channel.
139 d at step 2 shows a defect in its ability to transit through the last spliceosomal complex.
140 P-gp rapidly effluxing substrates while they transit through the lipid bilayer.
141  improved the increase in perfusate PO(2) on transit through the lung after storage to 25.16 +/- 2.33
142 llular infiltrates caused by N. brasiliensis transit through the lungs were quickly resolved in WT mi
143 ly unknown function for LYVE-1 and show that transit through the lymphatic network is initiated by th
144 another aspect of HA biology: its continuous transit through the lymphatic system and its potential i
145 and decay of the transcript follows ribosome transit through the mCRD.
146 ensional (3D) pathway taken by mRNPs as they transit through the NPC, and the kinetics and selectivit
147 tivate the pathway, while Ste5 with enhanced transit through the nucleus has enhanced ability to loca
148                          After synthesis and transit through the nucleus, messenger RNAs (mRNAs) are
149 TA, must be completely denatured in order to transit through the PA63 formed pore and enter the eukar
150 aperoning of the alpha-domain of IcsA during transit through the periplasm.
151 -7-dependent pathway and did not require its transit through the plasma membrane or early endosomes.
152 , we deduced that wild-type virulent strains transit through the PNS via both afferent and efferent r
153  entering through voltage-gated channels may transit through the postsynaptic cistern, since ryanodin
154 ger mineral nuclei form during postcatalytic transit through the protein cage, and mineral accretion
155               Fat in the distal gut inhibits transit through the proximal small intestine as the ilea
156 hypertension demonstrated faster-than-normal transit through the proximal small intestine.
157 owth factors and the extracellular matrix in transit through the Rb checkpoint, entry into S phase, a
158 ropeptide which undergoes proteolysis during transit through the regulated secretory pathway.
159 in-dependent kinase (CDK) complexes regulate transit through the restriction point of the cell cycle,
160    The ability of specific mitogens to allow transit through the restriction point paralleled their a
161 chanism by which tRNAs rapidly and precisely transit through the ribosomal A, P, and E sites during t
162 lue to the mechanism by which E2F1 regulates transit through the S phase checkpoint, by acting on a s
163 suggesting that these cells were impaired in transit through the S phase.
164          PE2 (precursor to E2), however, can transit through the secretory pathway and be expressed a
165                                       During transit through the secretory pathway, it undergoes an a
166                                  Despite its transit through the secretory pathway, NS1 is an essenti
167 uman fVIII due to enhanced posttranslational transit through the secretory pathway.
168 nsitive sugar modifications in their initial transit through the secretory pathway.
169 and FV displayed interaction with CRT during transit through the secretory pathway.
170  class I dissociation from the PLC and their transit through the secretory pathway.
171  localized to the Golgi indicating efficient transit through the secretory pathway.
172 ted by the peristaltic reflex; despite this, transit through the shorter colon is at least 10 times s
173 he human colon takes > or =30 hours, whereas transit through the small intestine takes 24 hours.
174                         Circulatory antigens transit through the small intestine via the fenestrated
175                              PRU accelerates transit through the stomach, small bowel, and colon in p
176  to the elongating RNA polymerase during its transit through the trans-activation response region (TA
177                        Many soluble proteins transit through the trans-Golgi network (TGN) and the pr
178  are thought to incorporate copper stably on transit through the trans-Golgi network, in which ATP7A
179                                     Ribosome transit through the upstream NS2 gene region was necessa
180 lood vessels, a critical step in cancer cell transit through the vasculature to metastasize.
181  it was endocytosed by SMC and EC; and 5) it transited through the early endosome, partially occupied
182 and S2(P) levels increased as the polymerase transited through the gene.
183 correlated with the detection of fewer cells transiting through the cell cycle in the absence of gros
184 tudy, due to their reinforced coating, while transiting through the enterocytes by surface adsorption
185 ion of single molecules interacting with and transiting through the NPC, allowing novel questions to
186 y), and (iii) the velocity of the cell as it transits through the constriction (transit velocity).
187  After export from the endosome, Fet3p-Ftr1p transits through the Golgi apparatus for resecretion.
188 ble sources of uncertainty that occur as DNA transits through the nanopore and finds the sequence tha
189 el of Abeta toxicity where the Abeta peptide transits through the secretory and endocytic compartment
190 kocytes to reside within, rather than simply transit through, the meninges.
191 at the Gbeta-GPSM3 complex is formed at, and transits through, the Golgi apparatus and also exists as
192 tural defenses of the ocular conjunctiva and transit through tissue.
193  evaluation of the dynamics in which tomosyn transits through tomosyn-SNARE complexes or of the exten
194           However, SdiA was activated during transit through turtles colonized by Aeromonas hydrophil
195 o S-phase transit as well as G(2) to M-phase transit through two distinct mechanisms.
196  (2017) show that olfactory epithelial cells transit through unique and unfamiliar paths of different
197 rotein-rich DSF protects anthocyanins during transit through upper digestive tract for subsequent col

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