


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 n robust single-metal-node networks that can transition from 3D to 2D extended structures.
2                    Further, an update on the transition from 2D to 3D cultures and current organoid (
3 ogression upon removal of MeCP2 in male mice transitions from 3 to 4 months to only several days, fol
4                      Our results show that a transition from 2M- to 4M-zirconolite occurs with increa
5 solated during the last glacial-interglacial transition from approximately 15 to 9 ka.
6 tion of ubiquitinating factors may drive the transition from a complex to a simple proteome.
7    The Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless phase transition from a disordered to a quasi-ordered state, m
8                               Thus, as cells transition from a dividing to a nondividing state, there
9                                            A transition from a high to a lower water concentration, f
10  NDH complex may increase the probability of transition from a photoautotrophic to a heterotrophic li
11 adation rates of long-lived proteins as they transition from a proliferating to a quiescent state.
12 rame, indicating the normative length of the transition from a right to a service is contextually dep
13 ble temperature resistivity studies reveal a transition from a semiconducting to a metallic phase wit
14 h rapid changes in climate led the forest to transition from a sink to a source of carbon.
15  Our results provide evidence that podocytes transition from a static to a dynamic state in vivo, she
16 rgy levels of the system as it undergoes the transition from a thermalized to a localized phase.
17      An increase in ionic strength induced a transition from a train to a loops and tails configurati
18 r (17.2 vs 1.6 per 100 person-years) for the transition from A(-)N(-) to A(-)N(+), three-times higher
19 pe (TEM) study revealed a similar structural transition from amorphous to a distorted rutile structur
20  undergoes a first order meta-magnetic phase transition from an antiferromagnet to a ferromagnet abov
21 homeostasis in the context of the vertebrate transition from an aquatic to a terrestrial lifestyle.
22 tion program that allows partial or complete transition from an epithelial to a mesenchymal state.
23  bypass the instability by inducing a smooth transition from an open to a closed bud.
24 frequency transverse phononic gap due to the transition from an oscillatory to a ballistic dynamic re
25 an control or inflamed specimens, indicating transition from flat to a deformed surface.
26  understanding of kinases that can block the transition from lineage commitment to a differentiating
27 ormula: see text], a dielectric material can transition from localization behavior to a band gap cros
28 hat this T c enhancement arises from a phase transition from pristine Bi2212 to a mixture of supercon
29 mination is protracted, with the growth cone transitioning from a dynamic to a static state.
30                       We show that TIRAP PBM transitions from a disordered to a helical conformation
31 orphology of WBC subpopulations as a patient transitions from a healthy to a diseased state.
32    Upon binding Ro, the GluN2B ATD clamshell transitions from an open to a closed conformation.
33  to 2, the primary Fe(III) oxidation product transitions from lepidocrocite to a ferrihydrite/silica-
34 ohol, the neural mechanisms that mediate the transition from use to abuse are not fully understood.
35              We show that there is an abrupt transition from alkaline to acid soil pH that occurs at
36 small changes in water balance cause a steep transition from alkaline to acid soils across natural cl
37          The mechanisms behind the increased transition from latent to active TB in coinfected indivi
38 ns were transplanted from the 81 donors that transitioned from DCD to actual DBD, including 24 heart,
39                         At 6 months subjects transitioned from study drug to ACZ.
40 ses interact with contextual factors to help transition from children's to adult services for young a
41 nd childhood, which means they must make the transition from children's to adult services.
42 e expression until hematopoietic progenitors transition from fetal to adult transcriptional states.
43 santhemum morifolium), results in precocious transition from juvenile to adult, as well as early flow
44 diac myocytes from the cell cycle during the transition from neonatal to adult stages.
45  replacement treatment are needed during the transition from paediatric to adult endocrine care, and
46        Influences on diet quality during the transition from adolescence to adulthood are understudie
47 /beta-catenin signaling is necessary for the transition from early to advanced pancreatic intraepithe
48 eneral, and about molecular details of their transition from soluble to aggregation-prone conformatio
49                                          The transition from noble metals to aluminum based antenna-r
50                                          The transition from prealveolar macrophage to alveolar macro
51 or recruitment of Pol III and to promote the transition from a closed to an open Pol III pre-initiati
52 dominant part of the protein population, the transition from a native to an amyloid-like structure oc
53                        S-peptide undergoes a transition from intrinsic disorder to an ordered helical
54 served variations of delta(44/42)Ca record a transition from placental nutrition to an adult-like die
55 ion of insect pollinator associations in the transition from gymnosperm to angiosperm dominance.
56 lting steric effects can be mitigated by the transition from glycine bound to apo state of the GluN1
57  It remains to be determined what causes the transition from "physiological" to "apoptotic" UPR, but
58                     We found the age-related transition from rhythmicity to arrhythmicity for each pa
59                The emergence of apomixis-the transition from sexual to asexual reproduction-is a prom
60 creasing order in cell motion causes a phase transition from symmetric to asymmetric body elongation.
61                 The mechanisms mediating the transition from the migratory to bactericidal phenotype
62     Recombination is attributed primarily to transitions from mobile carriers to band-tail or deep tr
63        The peptide exhibits a conformational transition from random coil to beta-sheet by changing th
64 ichia coli and other bacteria, including the transition from planktonic to biofilm growth.
65 ols diverse functions in bacteria, including transitions from planktonic to biofilm lifestyles, virul
66 re-water element abundances revealed a rapid transition from abiotic to biotic signatures of weatheri
67 udying C. amylolentus will shed light on the transition from tetrapolar to bipolar mating systems in
68 lantation mouse embryos, where it blocks the transition from morula to blastocyst during embryonic de
69 in a complete block of P. yoelii plasmei2(-) transition from liver stage to blood stage infection in
70  addition, neurons in both of these cortices transition from responding to both tactile and auditory
71 ndamental driving force for the evolutionary transition from solitary living to breeding cooperativel
72 e's ordered and disordered phases revealed a transition from plastic deformation to brittle failure a
73  with shorter infection time, indicating the transition from narrow autologous to broad heterologous
74 es by the external field as well as a smooth transition from single stripe to bubble domains, which o
75 plored size regime allows us to identify the transition from molecular vibrations to bulk phonons in
76  from each dimension in both streams, with a transition from shape to category along the posterior-to
77   In particular, microglia contribute to the transition from acute pain to chronic pain, as inhibitio
78 gesting this pathway may be important in the transition from acute to chronic middle ear inflammation
79 t significantly expand their apical area and transition from a polygonal to circular apical shape to
80                       To help facilitate the transition from concept to clinic, new research tools ar
81 ng near the blister crack tip, caused by the transition from membrane stretching to combined bending,
82 reveals the genetic hierarchy underlying the transition from progenitor to committed precursor, integ
83 levels in the amygdala may contribute to the transition from moderate to compulsive intake of cocaine
84             The inherently three-dimensional transition from bulk-turbulent to confined-coherent flow
85  content, the macrocycles undergo a stepwise transition from a cylindrical to conical shape.
86 CSE1L was significantly increased during the transition from AD to CRC when compared with NR in a CRC
87 s to the applied potential, and it shows the transition from overscreening to crowding of counterions
88                                    They also transitioned from disabled to dead earlier (adjusted HR,
89 icipants with >/=20 teeth had lower risks of transitioning from healthy to dead (adjusted HR, 0.58 [9
90 r RARgamma provides a key checkpoint for the transition from life to death.The molecular switch betwe
91 of the Fur, FsrA, and PerR regulons as cells transition from iron sufficiency to deficiency.
92 ond-bearing xenoliths and corresponds to the transition from coarse to deformed xenoliths.
93  proxy of health in countries that underwent transition from autocracy to democracy that lasted for a
94 bacterium Myxococcus xanthus, inhibiting the transition from growth to development when nutrients are
95 ghts into the processes of the shock-induced transition from graphite to diamond and uniquely resolve
96 6a limits RA pathway activity to control the transition from proliferation to differentiation in the
97 quired for Casparian strip formation and the transition from proliferation to differentiation in the
98 onal Theory (DFT) calculations show that the transition from indirect to direct bandgap in monolayer
99                                          The transition from nondirectional to directional force gene
100 etween twinning and strong shocks, we find a transition from twinning to dislocation-slip-dominated p
101 vity is thought to have been crucial for the transition from RNA to DNA genomes during the early hist
102 n-Arg-Gly-Asp-peptide affinity by 18% with a transition from single to double valency, consistent wit
103 e, temperature and strain rates regulate the transition from brittle to ductile behaviour.
104                              When crown buds transitioned from endo- to ecodormancy, the ABA metaboli
105 with praziquantel increases in an attempt to transition from control to elimination of schistosomiasi
106                     We also estimate 12 host transitions from bison to elk, and 5 from elk to bison.
107 on provides rate-limiting control during the transition from initiation to elongation which dictates
108 ion of RNA synthesis; rather, they block the transition from initiation to elongation, which is thoug
109                                          The transition from transcription initiation to elongation i
110 nding chromatin, cooperating to allow proper transition from transcription initiation to elongation.
111       In recent times, only HIV has made the transition from epidemic to endemic, but diseases that h
112                                    When UABs transitioned from para- to endodormancy, ABA and PA leve
113 ergetics played a direct, causal role in the transition from prokaryotes to eukaryotes and the subseq
114  BB expression, several marker genes for the transition from proliferation to expansion were highly u
115 onset of type 2 diabetes is characterized by transition from successful to failed insulin secretory c
116                                          The transition from antiferromagentism to ferromagnetism is
117                    On the other hand, sudden transition from coarse-to-fine grain sizes promoted a ho
118  target mimic resulted in compact spikes and transition from glumes to florets in apical spikelets.
119 t apical meristem (SAM) is a hallmark of the transition from vegetative growth to flowering.
120  a state of AF/FM co-existence and shows the transition from AF to FM regions proceeds via nucleation
121 thermomagnetic behaviour consistent with the transition from AF to FM.
122 ws that, in the long run, Neolitization (the transition from foraging to food production) was associa
123 near amplifier that allows global climate to transition from deglacial to full interglacial condition
124 esolution allowing for investigations of the transition from proplastids to functional chloroplasts.
125 er retinotopic visual areas, implying that a transition from retinotopic to "functional" organization
126 y around origins in G1 is established during transition from G2/M to G1 in a pre-RC-dependent manner.
127 ge includes the well-known solid-solid phase transition from Ga-I to Ga-II at low temperature.
128                                          The transition from wakefulness to general anesthesia is wid
129  experience may be a strong predictor of the transition from normal to generalized fear expression.
130          As threat intensity increases, fear transitions from discriminative to generalized.
131 gulate RNP assembly, a step required for the transition from primary transcription to genome replicat
132 the ecology of the paddies, which triggers a transition from local to global-scale control of water s
133                           These lines showed transitions from florets to glumes in the basal spikelet
134              Mitochondria guide the required transition from oxidative to glycolytic metabolism in nu
135                During the early stage, cells transition from growth-arrested to growing.
136 eation rate, the model predicts an explosive transition from stationary to growing asters with a disc
137                             Furthermore, the transition from H3K9me2 to H3K9me3 is required for RNAi-
138 activated by a post-EMT marker, boosting the transition from low invasion to high invasion, as mediat
139  span the rising phase of incubation and the transition from low to high CP-AMPAR levels.
140 ated by the presented method reveal a smooth transition from low to high LETs which is an advantage o
141  the history of the Earth's atmosphere as it transitioned from anoxic to highly oxic (1-2 billion yea
142 echanism that was apparently lost during the transition from hemimetaboly to holometaboly.
143        Cognitive function changes during the transition from hospital to home after acute coronary sy
144 barrier height and the dephasing strength, a transition from coherent to hopping electron transport o
145 able, just as many countries are considering transitioning from cytology-based to HPV-based cervical
146 um and water uptake were up-regulated during transition from dormancy to hydration.
147 n changing the pH between 5 and 8, via phase transition from super hydrophilic to hydrophobic.
148     The fungal pathogen Candida albicans can transition from budding to hyphal growth, which promotes
149 ns also revealed that GaSb undergoes a phase transition from F-43m to Imma at 7.0 GPa and explained t
150 GPa, which corresponds to a structural phase transition from F-43m to Imma.
151 and decline are common in middle age, as are transitions from impairment to independence and back aga
152 t learn to forage effectively to survive the transition from parental provisioning to independent fee
153 verages our current understanding of disease transition from bacterial carriage to infection with the
154  first detailed picture of the nature of the transition from the metallic to insulating states of a 2
155 es between May and August, when transmission transitions from very low to intense.
156 mates reveals that the dominant noise source transitions from extrinsic to intrinsic as light intensi
157                The mechanisms that drive the transition from commensality to invasiveness in Staphylo
158 nally, C-GAP expression level influences the transition from reversible to irreversible cell shape ch
159 s human cancers, and it exhibits a tractable transition from its latent to its productive cycle in ce
160 solutions, which undergo a thermally induced transition from spheres to large compound micelles (LCM)
161 ndividual productivity and the timing of the transition from first- to last-author publications.
162 e disappearance of PtdIns3P that signals the transition from early to late phagosomes is accompanied
163  intermediate and late stages and during the transition from intermediate to late stage of OA in the
164 et of a secondary instability-related to the transition from HF to LF-occurs during the fast equilibr
165 which the core complex directs the necessary transitions from end pairing to ligation is not known.
166 our experiments support a model in which the transition from sedentary to light activity is associate
167                     We demonstrated that the transition from full potency to lineage priming is preve
168  such as spatial connectivity, may lead to a transition from regional to local coexistence or it may
169 or (PMv) network during a gradual behavioral transition from full alertness to loss of consciousness
170  activity was preferentially involved in the transition from high to low gamma power that followed an
171 D19(-)IL-7R(+) progenitor compartment, which transitions from a myeloid to lymphoid program during on
172  is a strategy employed by KSHV to favor the transition from latency to lytic replication.IMPORTANCE
173 igate the translational landscape during the transition from normal homeostasis to malignancy.
174      Here, we show that TPMs acquired at the transition from benign nevus to malignant melanoma do no
175 of Prx1m for Leishmania parasites during the transition from insect to mammalian hosts.
176  24 hours or less, indicating the most rapid transition from colostrum to mature phase lactation yet
177                     LPL was required for the transition from prealveolar macrophages to mature alveol
178 r data indicate that beta-TrCP regulates the transition from mitosis to meiosis in male germ cells by
179    Identifying key factors that regulate the transition from primary to metastatic cancer is a fundam
180 ate disease and the inability to predict the transition from mild to moderate disease.
181 ss measurements themselves could predict the transition from mild to moderate fibrosis with sufficien
182 tures and a mechanistic model of the folding transitions from native (N) to molten globule (MG) to ki
183  concentration-response relationship and the transition from oscillatory to more sustained and prolon
184                                              Transitions from SI to MP were not associated with weake
185                                          The transition from single-cell to multicellular behavior is
186 ts transmission is the symbiosis expected to transition from antagonism to mutualism.
187 cted temperature-induced morphological phase transition from the nanodot to nanoribbon regime.
188 (5 K) magneto-resistance (MR) data reveals a transition from positive to negative MR with increasing
189 her show that Sox2 is essential for cells to transition from the activated to neuronal progenitor sta
190 , strain-rate, and applied stress reveal the transition from Newtonian to non-Newtonian flow to be ub
191  by spontaneous symmetry breaking close to a transition from oscillatory to nonoscillatory dynamics.
192 ose related specifically to the evolutionary transition from blood feeding to obligate nonbiting.
193                        Rifted margins mark a transition from continents to oceans and contain in thei
194               Overall, the data suggest that transitions from on- to off-states involve decreased mot
195  and mutations in alg-5 lead to a precocious transition from spermatogenesis to oogenesis.
196  of objective clinical criteria to guide the transition from intravenous to oral antibiotic therapy.
197 opening of the external gates as the protein transitioned from the inward to outward facing state.
198                                  Nutritional transition (from under- to overnutrition) among women of
199                                          The transition from asymptomatic to overt HFpEF is linked to
200 g frequency on pump detuning and observe the transition from period-1 to period-2 oscillation.
201 me, yet few data exist for the timing of the transition from acute to persistent critical illness.
202 resents an evolutionary link documenting the transition from chewing to piercing mouthparts in relati
203                                          The transition from molecular to plasmonic behaviour in meta
204  use of in situ solid-state NMR to probe the transition from intracrystalline catalysis to pore mouth
205                                   The timely transition from neural progenitor to post-mitotic neuron
206                                          The transition from prefusion to postfusion conformation of
207  rate was evaluated within each woman as she transitioned from pre- to postmenopause, defined by a bi
208 nia and identified widespread changes in the transition from prenatal to postnatal life.
209 2016) show that Lin28 controls the metabolic transition from naive to primed pluripotency by directly
210 we show that individual cells undergo abrupt transitions from a naive to primed pluripotent state.
211 dence interval 1.07, 1.47; P=0.005), whereas transition from public to private insurance was associat
212 nd CRT associated with edema recurrence upon transition from monthly to pro re nata (PRN) dosing were
213                   It is therefore crucial to transition from reactive to proactive responses for thes
214 rationale for the observed disruption of the transition from distributive initiation to processive el
215  Fibrosis, driven by inflammation, marks the transition from benign to progressive stages of chronic
216 rucial molecular pathways that accompany the transition from quiescence to proliferation and differen
217 ngle, high-conductivity buffer expedites the transition from cell lysis to protein electrophoresis.
218 bium Josephson weak links that demonstrate a transition from ballistic to pseudo-diffusive like evane
219 ttributed to experiences) are central to the transition from anomalous experiences to psychotic sympt
220 (44%), continuous public coverage (27%), and transition from private to public coverage (11%).
221 confidence interval 1.19, 1.56; P<0.001) and transition from private to public insurance (hazard rati
222                           In these analyses, transition from private to public insurance was associat
223 application for decision-making requires the transition from qualitative to quantitative AOP (qAOP).
224 e latter, the critical flexibility marks the transition from periodicity to quasi-periodicity in the
225 nanofibers are aligned parallel undergoing a transition from three to quasi-two dimension, light ampl
226 evelopment, neural stem cells (NSCs) undergo transitions from neuroepithelial cells to radial glial c
227                      As the climate warms, a transition from winter snow to rain in high latitudes wi
228                                  The ongoing transition from rapid prototyping to rapid manufacturing
229 t affected by methylation changes during the transition from pre-receptive to receptive phase.
230 -104) and a low, but nonzero, probability of transition from disease progression to recovery (median
231  cortical and striatal function underlie the transition from novel actions to refined motor skills.
232                     For suspended films, the transition from transmitter to reflector occurs when the
233     The molecular pathways that regulate the transition from renal progenitor to renal vesicle are no
234 t and recruited immune cells, and the phased transition from destructive to reparative inflammation.
235     Winter cereals require prolonged cold to transition from vegetative to reproductive development.
236 ciated with an alluvial floodplain ecosystem transitioning from agricultural production to restoratio
237                Additionally, analysis of the transition from ADP to rigor provides a structural ratio
238 eon with 3 additional surgeons progressively transitioning from open to robotic during the study peri
239                                        Cells transition from spread to rounded morphologies in divers
240 ion, but it promotes a hunger for salt and a transition from salt resistance to salt sensitivity.
241 t a change in the nature of the metamagnetic transition from first to second order-like at a tricriti
242                                          The transition from first- to second-generation MFC resulted
243 ptimises storage reserve mobilisation in the transition from seed to seedling via control of ERFVII a
244 ating system evolution, with the most common transition from outcrossing to self-fertilizing.
245                    Such a trend represents a transition from long- to short-term memory processes whe
246  skeletal muscle of the rabbit occurs during transition from isometric contraction to shortening unde
247                                The structure transition from sI to sII occurred during the methane-et
248 sulting in incommensurate layers, there is a transition from sticking to sliding with Aubry-type sign
249 examine defects in the in situ thermal phase transition from nematic to smectic A in hybrid-aligned l
250                                          The transition from C3 to so-called "proto-Kranz" anatomy re
251 semiclassical model and shown to be due to a transition from strong to soft recollisions with increas
252 lies the formation of crystals and the phase transition from liquid to solid.
253                                          The transition from proliferation to specification is fundam
254 the cargo is loaded into the SNP during heat-transition from rod-to-sphere.
255 , with inverse abundance dynamics during the transition from fall to spring.
256 ea level) across 12 mountains containing the transition from northern hardwood to spruce-fir forests.
257 -independent resistivity upturn with a clear transition from logarithmic- to square-root temperature
258 y dissipation by the defects and predict the transition from bouncing to sticking.
259                The mechanisms regulating the transition from single to streaming cell migration remai
260                    Phosphate release gates a transition from weak to strong F-actin-binding states.
261 hysically discontinuous structure during the transition from infragranular to supragranular neuron pr
262                                              Transition from an asymptomatic to symptomatic state in
263 enborough (DvH) to collapse after repeatedly transitioning from sulfate respiration to syntrophic con
264 deamination of cytosine is a major source of transitions from C*G to T*A base pairs, which account fo
265  be an essential epigenetic regulator of the transition from progenitor cells to terminally different
266 ) and has been shown to be important for the transition from elongation to termination during transcr
267    The crystal structure of bulk SrTiO3(STO) transitions from cubic to tetragonal at around 105 K.
268  for the study of evolutionary traits in the transition from fishes to tetrapods.
269 al conformational changes that accompany the transition from each state to the next throughout the tr
270       However, little is known about how the transition from inflammatory signaling to the engagement
271                                          The transition from the autoinhibited to the active form of
272  and a pronounced free-energy barrier at the transition from the epidermis to the dermis underneath,
273         Gamete differentiation initiates the transition from the gametophyte to the sporophyte genera
274  at lower temperature that may be due to the transition from the HO to the LMAFM phase.
275 00 nm) regime, but scattered behavior in the transition from the nanocrystalline to the ultra-fine re
276 nd even a direct kinship relation across the transition from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age add to t
277 as material culture in central Europe at the transition from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age.
278                                          The transition from the off to the on state is triggered by
279 d separation within monomer units during the transition from the oligomer to the fibril form.
280 , one that appears to be associated with the transition from the PM to the HO phase and another one a
281 riton condensates that might be described as transition from the thermal to the quantum annealing reg
282 interact with the actin thin filament during transition from the weakly to the strongly bound state w
283                                          The transition from vegetative to the reproductive stage is
284 re combined, between the two song types when transitioning from one to the other, and/or (ii) singers
285 r the first time that T. cruzi epimastigotes transitioning from the exponential to the stationary pha
286  decreases the number of actin-binding heads transitioning from the weakly to the strongly bound stat
287 ations have calculated that the cTnC paralog transitions from the closed to the open state more readi
288                    Strikingly, as the system transitions from the quantum to the classical regime, th
289 ations of increasing elevation is the abrupt transitions from forest to treeless alpine tundra.
290        Here we observed the rich kinetics of transitions from square lattices to triangular lattices
291 nnections contribute to speed-dependent gait transition from walk, to trot, and then to gallop and bo
292  including mice, demonstrate sequential gait transitions from walk to trot and to gallop and bound.
293 onlinear Schr odinger equation demonstrate a transition from single-pulse to two-soliton bound-states
294                 Our data also reveal a sharp transition from folded dimer to unfolded monomer between
295 ations are stochastic, and therefore lead to transitions from stable to unstable community states.
296      Paleoclimate proxy data indicate that a transition from colder to warmer climate conditions is p
297 e workflow, supporting seamless quantitative transition from MS to WB.
298      We attribute these characteristics to a transition from strong to weak interaction regimes in a
299 l materials from damage by creating a smooth transition from strong to weak that dissipates large for
300  FACT can recognize and bind Z-DNA or DNA in transition from a B to Z form.

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