


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 on in lens size and anterior shifting of the transitional zone.
2  significant (P < .05) increase in T2 of the transitional zone.
3 focal fibroplasia was observed at the airway transitional zones.
4 s in the peripheral zone were 0.47 and 0.15; transitional zone, 0.37 and 0.07; diffusion-weighted MR
5 eripheral zone were 0.51 and 0.17 and in the transitional zone, 0.45 and -0.11; at diffusion-weighted
6  tract symptoms, with an increased volume of transitional zone and associated with increased stromal
7 xpanded expression of E-cadherin in the lens transitional zone and reduced expression of the fiber ce
8 k of the calcarine sulcus, we also defined a transitional zone, area 30v, located between the retrosp
9  adenocarcinoma of the pouch and/or the anal-transitional zone (ATZ), 1 (0.03%) with pouch lymphoma,
10 hrough inhibitory scar tissue at the CNS-PNS transitional zone before entering into a pro-regenerativ
11 istribution of M. burtoni, specifically in a transitional zone between Asia and Australia (Wallacea),
12 has historically been thought to merely be a transitional zone between CA3 and CA1.
13                In several organ systems, the transitional zone between different types of epithelium
14                           Interestingly, the transitional zone between PrC and posterior PhC contribu
15  of a matrix of wooded savanna that formed a transitional zone between the extremes of humid eastern
16 st of dorsal root axonal regeneration at the transitional zone between the peripheral and central ner
17                              The MZ, being a transitional zone between the SZ and DZ, thereby shared
18 rk demonstrated the existence of a chromatin transitional zone between the two domains.
19 nside or at the edge of WTs, with an obvious transitional zone between WT and MEC.
20 d on histological morphology, especially the transitional zone between WT and MEC.
21  gradients localized the Sph 1-P response to transitional zones between aerated and consolidated lung
22 ome epithelial cancers are known to occur in transitional zones between two types of epithelium, wher
23  and the central gland (combined central and transitional zones) between men with biopsy confirmed pr
24 d central anterior zones), recruitment zone (transitional zone), cortex (discrete concentric cohorts
25 ur findings reveal a previously unidentified transitional zone in the epithelium of the upper gastroi
26 ls (Layer III) composed of astrocytes, and a transitional zone (Layer IV) into the brain parenchyma.
27 esions and to T2-weighted imaging scores for transitional zone lesions were calculated.
28 d with an asymptomatic increase in T2 of the transitional zone of articular cartilage.
29 e RPGR (default) was the sole variant in the transitional zone of motile cilia in airway epithelia.
30 ing cilia and in a homologous structure, the transitional zone of motile cilia.
31 plasia, a heterogeneous lesion affecting the transitional zone of the gastro-esophageal junction whos
32                                       In the transitional zone of the Sahel, climate change is predic
33                                              Transitional zones of hypoxia also exhibited elevated le
34 tional columnar epithelium is present at the transitional zones of other mouse tissues (including the
35 t lower levels in both normal and neoplastic transitional zone tissues.
36 ep radial zone and 48 msec +/- 1 in the deep transitional zone to 67 msec +/- 2 in the outer transiti
37 perimentally the idea that susceptibility of transitional zones to malignant transformation may be ex
38 rate in retinitis pigmentosa (RP) and in the transitional zone (TZ) of atrophic zones (AZ), which cha
39 ific cartilage zones (superficial zone [SZ], transitional zone [TZ], and deep zone [DZ]) and regions
40 o obtain 3-dimensional images, we identified transitional zones where arterioles emptied into the sin

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