


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  with an external DNA unwinding point during translocation.
2 a necessary and sufficient minimal motif for translocation.
3 's entry port, where they can impede further translocation.
4 tivity, and that such activity determines AC translocation.
5 , chromosomal rearrangement, and chromosomal translocation.
6 T1 signalosome complex involved in NF-kappaB translocation.
7 AP1L1 in the cytoplasm, blocking its nuclear translocation.
8 h by DNA-binding proteins via intersegmental translocation.
9  with multiple components to drive efficient translocation.
10 t be particularly susceptible to mutation or translocation.
11 rap (NET) formation, and neutrophil elastase translocation.
12 de folding can occur without complete domain translocation.
13 ide conformational change is required during translocation.
14 sitive to As and had higher root-to-shoot As translocation.
15  therapy and is possibly linked to microbial translocation.
16 tation cycle during the process of mRNA-tRNA translocation.
17 hesis including aminoacylation, decoding and translocation.
18 glycerol content and protein kinase Cepsilon translocation.
19 endosome membranes and GLUT1 plasma membrane translocation.
20 iated actin polymerization and GLUT4 vesicle translocation.
21 microbial dysbiosis and associated bacterial translocation.
22 ansmembrane domains that result in substrate translocation.
23 c72 subcomplex in post-translational protein translocation.
24  tumors that maintain the characteristic MYB translocation.
25 thin Hel308 affects the kinetics of helicase translocation.
26 RNA(Lys) affects mRNA decoding and tRNA-mRNA translocation.
27 he redox reaction is used to initiate proton translocation.
28 e small subunit P site during EF-G-catalyzed translocation.
29  of HIV to examine enteropathy and microbial translocation.
30 portant regulator of the intracellular LFA-1 translocation.
31 tdIns(3,4,5)P3 was sufficient to evoke K-Ras translocation.
32 hich stimulates SMAD3 expression and nuclear translocation.
33 Balpha phosphorylation and NF-kappaB nuclear translocation.
34 Pi dissociation and occurs before polymerase translocation.
35 reversible rotation events before completing translocation.
36  sites that lead to mutations and chromosome translocations.
37 d circulating disease or canonic chromosomal translocations.
38     Finally, the lncRNA plasmacytoma variant translocation 1 (PVT1) was inhibited by transfection of
39 ly to have renal involvement and to harbor a translocation 11;14.
40             We show here that the ten-eleven translocation 2 (TET2) gene, implicated in hydroxymethyl
41          This mechanism also decelerates DNA translocation, a desired property for sequencing and gen
42 lt in long-lasting calcium activity and NFAT translocation, a measure of full T-cell activation.
43  proteins requires accurate targeting to and translocation across the endoplasmic reticulum membrane.
44 8 transiently interacts with COX2 to promote translocation across the inner membrane of the COX2 C-ta
45        Two driving forces energize precursor translocation across the inner mitochondrial membrane.
46 rated that E. coli bacteremia initiated from translocation across the intestinal tract in an immunoco
47 which results in a slower rate of ADP or ATP translocation across the mitochondrial membranes.
48 ilizing its ATPase activity to drive protein translocation across the plasma membrane.
49                                  Condensin's translocation activity is rapid and highly processive, w
50                                 This mode of translocation allows helicases to bypass blocks on the s
51 e derive a detailed kinetic model for Hel308 translocation along ssDNA that sheds light on how superf
52  HSP90 blocks the effect of HNG on substrate translocation and abolishes the cytoprotective effects.
53 alis infection is characterized by microbial translocation and accompanying increases in levels of ac
54 sine triphosphatase (ATPase) that powers DNA translocation and an endonuclease that cleaves the conca
55  by B-1a cells in sepsis through its nuclear translocation and binding to putative responsive element
56           However, how TerL binds DNA during translocation and cleavage remains mysterious.
57 osis, low pH-induced pore formation, and the translocation and delivery of an N-terminal glucosyltran
58 clarifying the mechanism of peptide-mediated translocation and delivery of cargo molecules to specifi
59     CD44 knockdown reduced NF-kappaB nuclear translocation and downstream IL-1beta and TNF-alpha prot
60 e-scale conformational changes essential for translocation and enable the first molecular dynamics si
61          This feeds forward to enhanced CD36 translocation and further increased lipid uptake.
62              The combined results of the ion translocation and gating mechanisms in KR2 may provide a
63 on and its ability to induce GRalpha nuclear translocation and GRE-dependent GILZ expression.
64    Blockade of IFN response factor 7 nuclear translocation and inhibition of the IFN-alpha response w
65                  Increased NF-kappaB nuclear translocation and macrophage chemoattractant protein-1 a
66 ing the minute-timescale dynamics of protein translocation and membrane integration via the Sec trans
67                   Enhanced pS38 elevated Myc translocation and mutation frequency but not CSR or Ig s
68 reatment amplified the effects of BK on RhoA translocation and MYPT1/MLC20 phosphorylation, but suppr
69 nsists of three distinct phases: activation, translocation and pausing, similar to ACF.
70 d pairwise binding mechanism and enables the translocation and processing of double-stranded DNA.
71 rs analyzed so far, in GlcPSe sugar binding, translocation and release are also accomplished by the d
72 lux (PvACR3), on As tolerance, accumulation, translocation and speciation in A. thaliana.
73      Using pre-steady-state charge (calcium) translocation and steady-state ATPase activity under sub
74 on of Rac1, and then inhibited Rac1 membrane translocation and subsequent downstream signaling.
75 l catalytic cycle as well as prepare for DNA translocation and subsequent incorporation events.
76  co-receptors, enabling beta-catenin nuclear translocation and TCF/LEF-dependent gene transactivation
77 nt, which is believed to facilitate membrane translocation and uptake.
78  balanced rearrangements, such as reciprocal translocations and inversions, is troublesome, which is
79 h in human leukemia cell lines harboring MLL translocations and is >40 times better than the previous
80 ll malignancy characterized by recurrent IgH translocations and well described genomic heterogeneity.
81 icate dysregulation of ciliogenesis, nuclear translocation, and an epigenetic mechanism that may cont
82 s lymphocytes showed reduced pSTAT4, nuclear translocation, and impaired IFN-gamma production.
83 ed in bacterial envelope biogenesis, protein translocation, and metabolism.
84 WC and compared their membrane partitioning, translocation, and perturbation to one of the parent SMT
85 haracterize Na(+) and H(+) transport, charge translocation, and thermal stability of the different va
86 ding surface charge, affect cellular uptake, translocation, and tissue localization.
87 aks is associated with deletions, chromosome translocations, and genome instability.
88  previously-published algorithm that located translocations, and we have applied that framework to de
89 persistent monocyte activation and microbial translocation appear to be important in IRIS pathogenesi
90                              Sumoylation and translocation are required for the AtBAG7-WRKY29 interac
91 lved in coupling electron transfer to proton translocation, are unknown.
92 ia defined by mutations in RUNX1 or BCR-ABL1 translocations as well as a constellation of somatic str
93 as a broad DNA damage mechanism in oncogenic translocations as well as a functional role of TOP2A cle
94 le EF-G and thus causes multiple EF-G driven translocation attempts.
95 e single-cell level, we developed a specific translocation-based reporter for monitoring Fus3 activit
96 s had higher immune activation and microbial translocation biomarkers than uninfected volunteers.
97 appaBalpha degradation and NF-kappaB nuclear translocation but significantly reduced NF-kappaB DNA bi
98 atase 2A mediated the reduction in NF-kappaB translocation by HA.
99 ication as well as defective transepithelial translocation by Salmonella In conclusion, we define a n
100  the substrate trapped in the trans-membrane translocation cavity.
101  Our results suggest that Hrd1 forms a retro-translocation channel for the movement of misfolded poly
102  protein import intermediate arrested in the translocation channel prevents both protein and tRNA imp
103 sferase is localized adjacent to the protein translocation channel to catalyze co-translational N-lin
104 anslocation in yeast requires both the Sec61 translocation channel, and a complex of four additional
105                                    Microbial translocation, characterized by elevated levels of lipop
106 ructures led us to the hypothesis that sugar translocation could be achieved by an elevator-type tran
107                                     However, translocation could be restored by alpha-helical domains
108 C-terminal heavy chain (HC) which includes a translocation domain (HN) and a receptor binding domain
109 l protein toxin devoid of a cell-binding or -translocation domain.
110 tant bacteria, contain disordered N-terminal translocation domains (T-domains) that are essential for
111 cing of the charge decorations can alter the translocation dynamics significantly, trapping DNA in so
112 copolymer maximized both protein binding and translocation efficiencies, closely followed by the grad
113     To evaluate a possible modulation of the translocation efficiency by secondary structures of the
114 n the hydrophobicity of the h-region and the translocation efficiency of the resulting reporter varia
115 test; sequence context is also important for translocation efficiency.
116  pore-rich end walls, has a direct effect on translocation efficiency.
117  would be lost or disrupted by a chromosomal translocation event after amino acid 597, which has been
118  calcium signaling and intracellular protein translocation events, respectively.
119 omains, where multiple substrate binding and translocation features are conserved.
120 echanistic insight into why human neoplastic translocation fragile DNA sequences are more prone to en
121 delta inhibitors enhanced AID expression and translocation frequency to IGH and AID off-target sites
122 reased somatic hypermutation and chromosomal translocation frequency to the Igh locus and to several
123  Ser(256) is crucial and sufficient for AQP2 translocation from storage vesicles to the apical membra
124                                    Bacterial translocation from the gut is considered the key driver
125                     Celastrol promotes Nur77 translocation from the nucleus to mitochondria, where it
126 gs, we independently discovered a ZNF532-NUT translocation fusion in a newly diagnosed NMC patient.
127                                 The t(15;17) translocation generates a PML-RARalpha fusion protein ca
128 -CD44 Ab and HA treatments reduced NF-kappaB translocation, IL-1beta and TNF-alpha expression, and pr
129               Our results implicate vinculin translocation in a molecular switching mechanism that se
130 nally as a result of the t(4;14) chromosomal translocation in a subset of patients with MM.
131                                        Ready translocation in mice after digestive tract challenge de
132 ed that COX-2 was induced and showed nuclear translocation in two neuronal cell lines - mouse Neuro-2
133            These CHDs can mediate nucleosome translocation in vitro, but their in vivo mechanism is u
134 tructure supports a 'conveyor belt' model of translocation in which ATP binding allows a Vps4 subunit
135                   Post-translational protein translocation in yeast requires both the Sec61 transloca
136                    Furthermore, evidence for translocations in at least 36 of the maps was found.
137 ontributes to the formation of deletions and translocations in G1, which represent important initiati
138 C and BCL2 proteins, and MYC, BCL2, and BCL6 translocations in two prospectively randomized clinical
139                  The mechanisms of increased translocation include MCs and VIP.
140 pendent, p38- and MRTF-mediated and yet MRTF translocation-independent mechanism.
141 GFbeta did not act by promoting nuclear MRTF translocation; instead, it triggered p38- and MK2-mediat
142                  The latter serve as dynamic translocation intermediates of FGF2 with a subunit numbe
143 spD, which is essential for effector protein translocation into host cells.
144 ls of dynamin-related protein (Drp1) and its translocation into mitochondria, and prevented mitochond
145 strongly accelerated by mechanical substrate translocation into the AAA+ motor.
146 somal receptor LAMP2A and impaired substrate translocation into the lysosome caused by defective CMA
147 T cells from patients with SSc reduces T-bet translocation into the nucleus and its ability to associ
148 he unfolding of protein substrates and their translocation into the proteolytic chamber of HslV.
149 n and provide data to suggest that microbial translocation is a feature of asymptomatic S. stercorali
150 olecular mechanisms of mitochondrial protein translocation is crucial for understanding the integrati
151                             Overall, peptide translocation is defined by dynamic interactions between
152 on placement can change whether unfolding or translocation is rate limiting, and establish that one o
153                           Finally, tRNA-mRNA translocation is slower with the s(2)-deficient tRNA(Lys
154 ructural basis for substrate recognition and translocation is unknown.
155 HEJ) but whether this promotes or suppresses translocations is not clear.
156  involved in coupling between H(+) and sugar translocation, is replaced with a neutral side chain, th
157 he relationship between subunit rotation and translocation, it is necessary to rationalize these conf
158 namic monomer-dimer equilibrium modulated by translocation ligands, and multiple structural forms of
159 CD14 (sCD14), CRP, IL-6, and a gut microbial translocation marker (intestinal fatty acid binding prot
160  infection, the elevated levels of microbial translocation markers, acute-phase proteins, and inflamm
161              It has been proposed that lipid translocation may occur at protein-protein interfaces of
162 plastidial HMR, support a retrograde protein translocation mechanism in which HMR is targeted first t
163                                          The translocation mechanism is likely conserved for other AA
164 hese results, we propose a model for the ion translocation mechanism that explains previously controv
165 ometer coiled-coil subunits, indicative of a translocation mechanism that is distinct from any report
166                     Imaging of the multistep translocation mechanism using single-molecule FRET has l
167 se-stacking interactions are involved in the translocation mechanism.
168 posit, at least in part, a SecA dimer-driven translocation mechanism.
169                 Several redox-coupled proton translocation mechanisms have been proposed, but they la
170 into the peroxisomal membrane at the docking/translocation module (DTM).
171 ing a single DNA contact surface, long-range translocation occurs by jumping between widely spaced DN
172 cular dynamics simulations to study the pore translocation of 10-kbp-long DNA rings that are knotted.
173              This was accompanied by a rapid translocation of 5-LOX from nucleus to cytoplasm in both
174                               We demonstrate translocation of a number of effectors in the U. maydis-
175                          We study the driven translocation of a semi-flexible polymer through a nanop
176 al across a membrane based on the controlled translocation of a synthetic molecular transducer from o
177 a- and gammaENaC subunits in the SON and the translocation of alphaENaC immunoreactivity towards the
178 oblastoma stem-like cells drives the nuclear translocation of an intracellular fragment of ODZ1 throu
179 5alpha- dihydrotestosterone-mediated nuclear translocation of AR and induced proteasomal degradation
180 g in increased permeability and subsequently translocation of bacterial endotoxin-lipopolysaccharide
181 Ku70 in a hypoacetylated state, blocking the translocation of Bax to mitochondria and preventing apop
182      Neither increases in choline uptake nor translocation of CHTs occurred in STs.
183  at C-fiber synapses, it is required for the translocation of CP-AMPARs to these synapses following p
184 induces rapid dephosphorylation (Ser151) and translocation of CRTC1 from the cytosol/dendrites to the
185  substantial ramifications for assessing the translocation of drug cargoes conjugated to pHLIP.
186 r study indicates that targeting the nuclear translocation of ERK1/2, in combination with MEK inhibit
187 t phosphorylation, which induces cytoplasmic translocation of FoxO1 and suppression of Notch signalli
188  and insulin treatment did not elicit normal translocation of FoxO1 out of the nucleus.
189 n, which indicates immobilization or limited translocation of Ga in A. thaliana.
190 ts into cell organelles involved the massive translocation of genetic material from the organellar ge
191 an and mouse skeletal muscle by blocking the translocation of GLUT4 to the cell surface.
192  exercise tolerance and contraction-mediated translocation of GLUT4 to the plasma membrane in skeleta
193 out disrupting dexamethasone-induced nuclear translocation of GR.
194        Increased intestinal permeability and translocation of gut bacteria trigger various polyaetiol
195                                       Lastly translocation of interferon regulatory factor 7(IRF7) fr
196  NS1 blocked the phosphorylation and nuclear translocation of IRF3 upon stimulation by various induce
197 e intestinal epithelium, thus preventing the translocation of lipopolysaccharide, a cell wall compone
198                             In contrast, the translocation of longer 3' UTR mRNAs from RNPs to polyso
199  of hypoxia-triggered nucleus-to-cytoplasmic translocation of MTA1.
200 d act through the Rag GTPases to promote the translocation of mTORC1 to the lysosomal surface, its si
201 alance of forces that power the bulk forward translocation of MTs.
202                            Understanding the translocation of nanoparticles (NPs) into plants is chal
203                   Isoprenaline also promoted translocation of NDPK-C to the plasma membrane.
204                                      Nuclear translocation of NF-kappaB was detected by immunofluores
205 ranslocation to the nucleus, but not nuclear translocation of NFkappaB.
206 orter activity and etoposide induced nuclear translocation of NFkappaB.
207 culum (ER) stress elicited prominent nuclear translocation of Nrf2 in 100% of HCV infected hepatocyte
208                        The sustained nuclear translocation of Nrf2 in chronically infected culture in
209  nuclear p53 and MDM2-mediated mitochondrial translocation of nuclear and cytoplasmic p53.
210           We quantified an increased nuclear translocation of nuclear factor erythroid 2-related fact
211 3 promoter activity with concomitant nuclear translocation of nuclear factor-kappaB (NF-kappaB), indi
212 appaBalpha) and p65 phosphorylation, nuclear translocation of p65, and regulation of target genes and
213  and degradation of IkappaBalpha and nuclear translocation of p65, and suppressed basal level and TNF
214 ation of NF-kappaB via inhibition of nuclear translocation of p65-NFkappaB, the transcriptional activ
215                                          The translocation of PAHs in maize tissues has positive rela
216 EB, and Ser-727 of STAT3 and induced nuclear translocation of pCaMKII.
217 , events required for infection that involve translocation of peptides through capsid pores are assoc
218                This interaction prevents the translocation of pMHC to cell surface by causing the acc
219 or direct killing of competitors through the translocation of proteinaceous toxins.
220 ydrolysis of ATP to mechanical unfolding and translocation of proteins following recognition of seque
221 uses nuclear localization signals (NLSs) for translocation of proteins into the nucleus that differ f
222 tivation, as shown by the absence of nuclear translocation of RelA with a decreased expression of IL-
223  lesions from the template strand that block translocation of RNA polymerase II (Pol II).
224 y and sufficient to direct the targeting and translocation of RodZ to the bacterial plasma membrane i
225                                              Translocation of secretory proteins into the lumen of th
226                 This phosphorylation induces translocation of Septin7 to the spine, where it associat
227 e show that RanBP6 silencing impairs nuclear translocation of signal transducer and activator of tran
228 2 transcription through induction of nuclear translocation of the acetyltransferase EP300, which incr
229 ent on the macrophage surface results in the translocation of the autophagy machinery to the phagosom
230 ionally, our data indicate that the membrane translocation of the C terminus of pHLIP, the folding st
231          Previously, we identified increased translocation of the fatty acid transporter CD36 from it
232 n in RPE cells, which coincides with nuclear translocation of the lysosomal stress-sensing transcript
233     We confirmed that simvastatin caused the translocation of the small Rho GTPases RhoA, Cdc42, and
234 -vesicle messenger (EDTA) is used to control translocation of the transducer across the lipid bilayer
235      KPNA4 mediates the cytoplasm-to-nucleus translocation of transcription factors, including nuclea
236                                              Translocation of V-type ATPase after 1 h of exposure to
237                               Single-channel translocations of a 10-residue, guest-host peptide revea
238 of human acute leukemia carrying chromosomal translocations of the MLL gene.
239 s pushed ahead by the C-tier ring during CMG translocation, opposite the currently accepted polarity.
240 polysis without affecting ATGL lipid droplet translocation or ABHD5 interactions with perilipin prote
241 ge proportion of genes involved in oncogenic translocations overall contain TOP2A CCRs.
242         These results suggest that the lipid translocation pathway may lie at or near the interface o
243  display (YSD) screening and a twin-arginine translocation pathway selection.
244                   Upon light-induced nuclear translocation, phytochrome (phy) sensory photoreceptors
245  method to detect and map precisely BCL2-IGH translocations present in lymph node biopsies of follicu
246                                           As translocation proceeds, ubiquitin chains bound to substr
247                         Here, we capture the translocation process by crystallography and unguided mo
248 ermally injured mice, bypassing the need for translocation, produced similar results.
249 ble role for the DNA dioxygenase, ten-eleven translocation protein 1 (TET1), in depression-related be
250 hymine DNA glycosylase) and TET1 (ten-eleven translocation protein 1) association and function with T
251 t kinetic studies have estimated the average translocation rate of a UvrD monomer on ssDNA composed s
252 The hairpin acts as a road block slowing the translocation rate.
253 sDNA base stacking correlated with decreased translocation rates, supporting the proposal that base-s
254 sition and backbone insertions influence the translocation rates, with increased ssDNA base stacking
255 may therefore be dominated by the addition-H-translocation rather than slower direct H(*)-abstraction
256 F4 decreased NRF2 expression and its nuclear translocation, reduced HO-1 expression and increased nit
257                     We have developed kinase translocation reporters (KTRs), which enable multiplexed
258 singly, the new N-tier to C-tier polarity of translocation reveals an unforeseen quality-control mech
259  shown by the reductions of FITC-dextran gut translocation, serum interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels, bacter
260                                      The Tat translocation site is formed by substrate-triggered olig
261 rom the invading molecule is inserted at the translocation site.
262 age lambda by stalling RNA polymerase (RNAP) translocation specifically on lambda DNA.
263  positively charged amino acid residues, the translocation speed of DNA can be manipulated by deliber
264 ear-atomic resolution of Hsp104 in different translocation states.
265 ing signals mostly impair the EF-G-catalyzed translocation step of the two tRNALys and the slippery c
266 lyses show that two distinct Deltapsi-driven translocation steps energize precursor passage across th
267     Taken together, our results suggest that translocation substrates can be recruited to the Sec71-S
268          LPA signaling induced NFAT1 nuclear translocation, suggesting that autocrine LPA synthesis p
269 tionship between aminoacyl-tRNA decoding and translocation suggests that miscoding antibiotics may im
270 uced cytidine deaminase (AID) and ten-eleven-translocation (TET) family members regulate active DNA d
271                                   Ten-eleven translocation (Tet) proteins convert 5-methylcytosine (5
272 at the methylcytosine dioxygenase ten-eleven translocation (TET)2 regulates CD8(+) T cell differentia
273 s of the mucous barrier facilitate bacterial translocation that may contribute to the onset and propa
274  cell lines by monitoring phosphatidylserine translocation that occurs in early apoptosis.
275 characterized by a pathognomonic chromosomal translocation that results in an oncogenic fusion protei
276  in nonneural cells results from chromosomal translocations that create novel fusion proteins.
277 and meningitis, they have not been linked to translocation through intestinal barriers, a fundamental
278 ependence on a chaperone complex, IcmSW, for translocation through the secretion system, but its role
279 particles' surface charge density with their translocation time and verify the detection principle.
280                                    The total translocation time of DNA when exiting the extended coni
281  assembly prevented actin monomer from rapid translocation to and efficient incorporation into lamell
282 ndent anion channel 1 (VDAC1) induced Parkin translocation to mitochondria, presumably by stimulating
283 rusions and floating cysts contribute to PEC translocation to myocardium in a CDC42-dependent manner.
284 ardium constitutes a third mechanism for PEC translocation to myocardium, and observed a fourth mecha
285                    Using induced chromosomal translocation to pair barcodes representing binding prot
286 We conclude that PtdIns3P-dependent lysosome translocation to the cell periphery promotes mTORC1 acti
287 KA activation and isoproterenol-induced ATGL translocation to the LD periphery.
288  by which CaM binds to Akt to facilitate its translocation to the membrane.
289 s as a first contact site for Bax during its translocation to the MOM in the onset of apoptosis.
290 tes a proteolytic cleavage of arid3a and its translocation to the nucleus where it regulates another
291 ked TLR-induced cytokine production and IRF5 translocation to the nucleus, but not nuclear translocat
292 gulatory factor 3 (IRF3) phosphorylation and translocation to the nucleus, the induction of IFN-respo
293  quantify real-time platelet pause times and translocation velocities across a Cu(2+) HisTag-chelated
294 ruction event is more controlled by the knot translocation velocity than the knot size.
295 on by UVB, which induces MCSC activation and translocation via an inflammation-dependent process.
296 oth leading process (LP) extension and somal translocation via distinct pathways.
297 m was also assessed; however, no evidence of translocation was found.
298 xplore the mechanism of spontaneous membrane translocation, we synthesized seven arginine placement v
299 inhibition of nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kB) translocation, were attributable to LC incubation.
300 lla and demonstrate that PRMTs are cargo for translocation within flagella by the process of IFT.

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