


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 oupled receptors (GPCRs, also known as seven-transmembrane receptors).
2 ai signaling module by a cell surface, seven-transmembrane receptor.
3 NA injection by T5 phage upon binding to its transmembrane receptor.
4 i) signaling module by a cell surface, seven-transmembrane receptor.
5 y similar defects as the knockout of the Dcc transmembrane receptor.
6 l guanosine 5'-triphosphatase (GTPase) and a transmembrane receptor.
7 the neuropeptide sensitivity of the neuronal transmembrane receptor.
8 tein that connects the actin cytoskeleton to transmembrane receptors.
9  connections by anchoring actin filaments to transmembrane receptors.
10 ptor tyrosine kinase, and the Frizzled seven-transmembrane receptors.
11 lowing their recruitment to signal-activated transmembrane receptors.
12 c lipids may modulate ectodomain shedding of transmembrane receptors.
13 nly at the carboxyl tails of GPCRs and other transmembrane receptors.
14  degradation, a pathway usually reserved for transmembrane receptors.
15 mains in extracytoplasmic regions in several transmembrane receptors.
16 mily (LRPs) are complex, multimodular type I transmembrane receptors.
17  function are G proteins controlled by seven transmembrane receptors.
18  receptors (GPCRs) are the largest family of transmembrane receptors.
19  (Galpha), most notably by G protein-coupled transmembrane receptors.
20 g pathways initiated by specific nuclear and transmembrane receptors.
21 stributed in the cytoplasmic domains of many transmembrane receptors.
22                         In addition to the 7 transmembrane receptor (7TM)-conserved disulfide bridge
23 stin1, which regulates many aspects of seven transmembrane receptor (7TMR) biology, has also been sho
24                                        Seven-transmembrane receptor (7TMR) signaling is transduced by
25 or (beta 2AR) and other members of the seven-transmembrane receptor (7TMR) superfamily activate G pro
26                         Members of the seven-transmembrane receptor (7TMR) superfamily are sequestere
27 ransmitters, and receptors, as well as seven-transmembrane receptor (7TMR)-type putative gustatory re
28                 Ubiquitously expressed seven-transmembrane receptors (7TMRs) classically signal throu
29                                        Seven transmembrane receptors (7TMRs) exert strong regulatory
30                                        Seven-transmembrane receptors (7TMRs) have evolved in prokaryo
31 estin-mediated signaling downstream of seven transmembrane receptors (7TMRs) is a relatively new para
32                                        Seven transmembrane receptors (7TMRs), also known as G-protein
33                                        Seven-transmembrane receptors (7TMRs), also termed G protein-c
34 upled receptors (GPCRs), also known as seven-transmembrane receptors (7TMRs), both by inhibiting clas
35                                        Seven transmembrane receptors (7TMRs), commonly referred to as
36 ation, and some signaling functions of seven-transmembrane receptors (7TMRs).
37 e important roles in the regulation of seven-transmembrane receptors (7TMRs).
38  both internalization and signaling of seven-transmembrane receptors (7TMRs).
39 ated G protein-coupled receptors, (aka seven-transmembrane receptors, 7TMRs) also mediate 7TMR intern
40                          Ligands acting at 7-transmembrane receptors (7TMs) transduce effects on cell
41 e first to reveal, we believe, for any seven-transmembrane receptor, a functional role of ubiquitinat
42 s, and our findings suggest that single pass transmembrane receptors act as GPCRs in plants, challeng
43 , for spatiotemporal control over endogenous transmembrane receptor activation, enabled through the o
44 talin are key steps to initiate the integrin transmembrane receptors' activation, which mediates many
45 med "energy taxis." In Escherichia coli, the transmembrane receptor Aer is the primary energy sensor
46 olic proteins that form complexes with seven-transmembrane receptors after agonist stimulation and ph
47 oinducing peptides (AIPs)) and their cognate transmembrane receptors (AgrCs).
48                   Expression of the cellular transmembrane receptor alphavbeta6 integrin is essential
49 that netrin-1 also interacts with the orphan transmembrane receptor amyloid precursor protein (APP).
50 ing cellular cytoprotective functions by a 7-transmembrane receptor and define the biochemical pathwa
51 bilical cord vascular endothelial cells as a transmembrane receptor and may recognize certain bacteri
52                      Tissue factor (TF) is a transmembrane receptor and primary initiator of blood co
53 otein expression and activation of NOTCH2, a transmembrane receptor and transcriptional regulator kno
54 structural and signaling scaffold that binds transmembrane receptors and a wide variety of intracellu
55 nctions through binding to ligand-stimulated transmembrane receptors and activating their kinase doma
56 located within the cytoplasmic tails of many transmembrane receptors and associated adaptor proteins
57 mains (IgFLNs), which interact with numerous transmembrane receptors and cytosolic signaling proteins
58 nally important bridging interaction between transmembrane receptors and histidine kinase.
59               Merlin associates with several transmembrane receptors and intracellular proteins servi
60 bly and intracellular trafficking of various transmembrane receptors and ion-transport proteins.
61 d shedding extracellular domains of multiple transmembrane receptors and ligands.
62                  IGF actions are mediated by transmembrane receptors and modulated by IGF-binding pro
63 s when extracellular signals are detected by transmembrane receptors and relayed to flagellar motors,
64 Rs) represent one of the largest families of transmembrane receptors and the most common drug target.
65 manner that required selective activation of transmembrane receptors and was distinct from VEGF-A-ind
66 ure accurate trafficking and distribution of transmembrane receptors and/or proteins and their ligand
67 terial MutS), ion transport (cystic fibrosis transmembrane receptor), and mRNA trafficking (yeast Elf
68                     Heart of Glass (HEG1), a transmembrane receptor, and Rasip1, an endothelial-speci
69 e last 20 years support the notion that some transmembrane receptors are activated not only by their
70                     In many sensory systems, transmembrane receptors are spatially organized in large
71                                              Transmembrane receptors are the predominant conduit thro
72 ost other cases, it appears that Notch-class transmembrane receptors are ubiquitously expressed.
73 oupled receptors (GPCRs, also known as seven-transmembrane receptors) are typically found at the cell
74 TLRs), widely expressed and highly conserved transmembrane receptors, are at the intersection of diet
75            In this model, Smo acts like many transmembrane receptors associated with cytoplasmic kina
76 response, which involves activation of three transmembrane receptors, ATF6, PERK and IRE1alpha.
77                           PAR1 is a biased 7-transmembrane receptor because G proteins mediate thromb
78 ance of C5a receptor [(C5aR)2/C5L2], a seven-transmembrane receptor binding C5a and C5adesArg, remain
79                                fat encodes a transmembrane receptor, but post-translational regulatio
80 ntrast to knownGPCRs, however, Arr4 is not a transmembrane receptor,but rather a soluble intracellula
81                                  Cleavage of transmembrane receptors by gamma-secretase is the final
82 esicles maintain the structural integrity of transmembrane receptors by keeping them in their physiol
83 ation of heterodimeric (alpha/beta) integrin transmembrane receptors by the 270 kDa cytoskeletal prot
84 echanism by which an anti-inflammatory seven-transmembrane receptor can negatively regulate JAK/STAT
85 e recent discoveries reveal the existence of transmembrane receptors capable of responding to steroid
86 rotein is necessary for transit of selective transmembrane receptor cargo by the COPII coat for anter
87  CCL21 are endogenous agonists for the seven-transmembrane receptor CCR7.
88 l. published in Nature demonstrates that the transmembrane receptor CD38 plays a critical role in reg
89 d for several genes, including those for the transmembrane receptor CD44 (CD44 [rs507230]; P = 3.98 x
90 ar carbohydrate-binding domain of the Type I transmembrane receptor CD44 is known to undergo affinity
91 nce suggests that interactions involving the transmembrane receptor CD44 may play an important role i
92                        CRT together with the transmembrane receptor CD91 function at the cell membran
93 way as a result of defective cystic fibrosis transmembrane receptor (CFTR) expression and function.
94 d for inferring the functional properties of transmembrane receptor clusters from their structure.
95 ndothelial growth factor receptor, Flt1 is a transmembrane receptor co-expressed with an alternate tr
96                                Integrins are transmembrane receptors composed of alpha and beta subun
97                                Integrins are transmembrane receptors composed of one alpha subunit an
98                  Integrins are heterodimeric transmembrane receptors consisting of alpha and beta sub
99  and detect their concentration via the AgrC transmembrane receptor, coordinating local bacterial pop
100 biogenic amine ligands folds deeply into the transmembrane receptor core where the binding of cis-ret
101                         Here, we show that a transmembrane receptor, DCC, forms a binding complex con
102           Here we show that netrin-1 via its transmembrane receptors, deleted in colorectal cancer an
103                                        Notch transmembrane receptors direct essential cellular proces
104 and through the neuronal leucine-rich repeat transmembrane receptor DMA-1 on sensory dendrites.
105 kin, SAX-7/L1CAM and MNR-1, and the neuronal transmembrane receptor DMA-1.
106 norhabditis elegans through the leucine-rich transmembrane receptor DMA-1/LRR-TM expressed on PVD neu
107  peptide ligand that binds and activates the transmembrane receptor domain, eliciting a cellular casc
108 ators interact with aromatic residues in the transmembrane receptor domain.
109 hat are involved in the glycosylation of the transmembrane receptor dystroglycan.
110  including the upregulated expression of the transmembrane receptor endosialin (CD248).
111       The gene identified encodes a putative transmembrane receptor expressed in all tissues capable
112 eptors (MORs) are members of the large seven-transmembrane receptor family which transduce the effect
113 nergic receptors (betaARs), members of the 7 transmembrane receptor family, have classically been sho
114 d be developed for multiple members of the 7 transmembrane receptor family.
115 llular loops in structural studies of this 7 transmembrane receptor family.
116                     We showed that the seven-transmembrane receptor fAR1 is required for folic acid-m
117 ved signaling node comprising a prototypical transmembrane receptor for c-di-GMP, LapD, and a cognate
118              Here we report that the CD44, a transmembrane receptor for hyaluronan, modulates synapti
119 signal phosphatidylserine (PS), a phagocytic transmembrane receptor for PS has proved elusive.
120 ranslocation disrupts ROBO2, which encodes a transmembrane receptor for SLIT ligand, and produces dom
121                        Mice lacking the CD44 transmembrane receptor for the glycosaminoglycan hyaluro
122 or-like tyrosine kinase (RYK) functions as a transmembrane receptor for the Wnt family of secreted pr
123 The activin receptor type IIB (ActRIIB) is a transmembrane receptor for transforming growth factor-be
124 radation of bri1-9 and bri1-5, two defective transmembrane receptors for brassinosteroids.
125                            The integrins are transmembrane receptors for ECM proteins, and they regul
126     Mammalian plexins constitute a family of transmembrane receptors for semaphorins and represent cr
127                       The internalization of transmembrane receptors from the cell surface plays a ce
128  of a physiological requirement for ER-QC in transmembrane receptor function in plants.
129 milarities and their ability to activate the transmembrane receptor glycoprotein 130 (gp130).
130          In this study, we show that a seven-transmembrane receptor, GPR17, negatively regulates the
131 results provide atomic insight into a type I transmembrane receptor heterocomplex and the mechanism o
132 ggest entry into neuronal stem cells through transmembrane receptors, hijacking cellular signaling to
133 s to reveal the arrangement of the component transmembrane receptors, histidine kinases (CheA) and Ch
134  The repeating ternary units are composed of transmembrane receptors, histidine-kinase CheA, and coup
135 Classic IL-6 signaling is conditioned by the transmembrane receptor (IL-6R) and homodimerization of g
136 ycation end products (RAGE) is a multiligand transmembrane receptor implicated in a number of disease
137               We screened all LRR-containing transmembrane receptors in C. elegans and identified the
138 ch encodes an emerging positive regulator of transmembrane receptors in plants, suppressed the effect
139 show that somatodendritic sorting of various transmembrane receptors in rat hippocampal neurons is me
140 eriments, we investigated the roles of three transmembrane receptors in regulating dorsolateral pathf
141      Members of the plexin family are unique transmembrane receptors in that they interact directly w
142 t spatio-temporal localization of Kremen1, a transmembrane receptor, in the mammalian cochlea, and in
143                                  These seven transmembrane receptors include Gr5a and at least one me
144 le photocontrol of the clustering of diverse transmembrane receptors including fibroblast growth fact
145 onse to the triggering of a diverse array of transmembrane receptors, including antigen receptors.
146 l lamina is linked to the sarcolemma through transmembrane receptors, including integrins and dystrog
147                                 A variety of transmembrane receptors, including multichain immune rec
148 lasma membrane to cytoskeleton by binding to transmembrane receptor integrin and actin.
149                                Activation of transmembrane receptor integrin by talin is essential fo
150 ase (ILK) plays a pivotal role in connecting transmembrane receptor integrin to the actin cytoskeleto
151                                              Transmembrane receptors interact with extracellular liga
152        Notch1 is an evolutionarily conserved transmembrane receptor involved in melanoma growth.
153 which signals through cAMP, is a melanocytic transmembrane receptor involved in pigmentation, adaptiv
154                                     Fas is a transmembrane receptor involved in the maintenance of to
155 c embryogenesis receptor kinases (SERKs) are transmembrane receptors involved in plant immunity.
156                                    Notch are transmembrane receptors involved in the determination of
157 ession requires the RNase activity of the ER transmembrane receptor IRE-1, we developed a potent IRE-
158                    The endoplasmic reticulum transmembrane receptor Ire1 senses over-accumulation of
159 In nonneuronal cells, CME of the majority of transmembrane receptors is either directly or indirectly
160                           The CD36 family of transmembrane receptors is present across metazoans and
161               Flagellin sensing2 (FLS2) is a transmembrane receptor kinase that activates antimicrobi
162 n AvrPto does so by directly targeting plant transmembrane receptor kinases involved in bacterial per
163 erceived by a protein complex containing two transmembrane receptor kinases, BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSIT
164 Smads, through C-terminal phosphorylation by transmembrane receptor kinases.
165 sduction pathway involving the BRI1 and BAK1 transmembrane receptor kinases.
166 plasmic levels of cyclic-di-GMP activate the transmembrane receptor LapD that in turn recruits the pe
167                                              Transmembrane receptor-like kinases characterized by the
168         BG1 encodes an Ig-superfamily type I transmembrane receptor-like protein that contains an imm
169                               There are many transmembrane receptor-like proteins whose ligands have
170 ntify GRK5/6 as novel kinases for the single transmembrane receptor LRP6 during Wnt signaling.
171                           MKS3, encoding the transmembrane receptor meckelin, is mutated in Meckel-Gr
172    Mutations in the gene encoding the single transmembrane receptor multiple epidermal growth factor-
173 to heightened inflammatory responses from CF transmembrane receptor mutant cells and highlight autoph
174    Release of HJV requires it to bind to the transmembrane receptor neogenin.
175                           Mice that lack the transmembrane receptor neuropilin-1 (Nrp1), which modula
176                              The role of the transmembrane receptor Notch in the adult brain is poorl
177                                          The transmembrane receptor Notch is used repeatedly during d
178                        Signaling through the transmembrane receptor Notch is widely used throughout a
179  microvessels to show that activation of the transmembrane receptor NOTCH1 directly regulates vascula
180               Members of the Notch family of transmembrane receptors, Notch1-4 in mammals, are involv
181  Deleted in colorectal cancer (DCC), a large transmembrane receptor of netrin-1, is critical for medi
182 ike domain containing receptor 1, a putative transmembrane receptor of unknown function.
183                               Interaction of transmembrane receptors of the Robo family and the secre
184     The vibrio autoinducer molecules bind to transmembrane receptors of the two-component histidine s
185                                   Atypical 7-transmembrane receptors, often called decoy receptors, a
186 th the binding of a chemical attractant to a transmembrane receptor on the cell surface.
187  (mRNA) expression of Indian Hh, a ligand of transmembrane receptor patched 1, was 184x higher in BE
188 d in a non-redundant fashion with the Draper transmembrane receptor pathway: loss of either pathway f
189                                         Cell transmembrane receptors play a key role in the detection
190                        We show here that the transmembrane receptor Plexin-B2 is expressed by prolife
191 , renal tubular epithelial cells lacking the transmembrane receptor Plexin-B2 or its semaphorin ligan
192 orin 3E (Sema3E), acts through a single-pass transmembrane receptor, plexin D1, to provide a repulsiv
193 s undergoes structural rearrangements as the transmembrane receptor protein is activated.
194                                          The transmembrane receptor protein neuropilin 1 (Nrp1) was r
195 learning rate, of the collagen formation and transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase activity
196  proliferation, regulation of transcription, transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase signaling
197 positional cloning and report it to encode a transmembrane receptor protein with two hypervariable ex
198                                              Transmembrane receptors recognize conserved pathogen-ass
199                   The Toll family of class I transmembrane receptors recognizes and responds to diver
200 erial chemotaxis signaling cluster, in which transmembrane receptors regulate CheA autokinase activit
201 homodimerization and heterodimerization of 7-transmembrane receptors regulate processes including spe
202 RIIa) has been identified as an ITAM-bearing transmembrane receptor responsible for mediating "outsid
203            These arrays can be formed around transmembrane receptors, resulting in arrays embedded in
204            Applying our approach to integrin transmembrane receptors revealed a spatial density gradi
205         The secreted protein, Slit2, and its transmembrane receptor, Robo-1, repel neuronal migration
206 ted neurorepellent Slit2, acting through its transmembrane receptor, Roundabout (Robo)-1, inhibits ch
207 discovery over 20 years ago, eukaryotic-like transmembrane receptor Ser/Thr protein kinases (STPKs) h
208 ondins (TSP or THBS) and the Notch family of transmembrane receptors share a role in multiple, overla
209  Members of the Frizzled family of sevenpass transmembrane receptors signal via the canonical Wnt pat
210 ce of membrane nanodomains in the control of transmembrane receptor signaling in vivo.
211 ents of signal transduction, cell cycle, and transmembrane receptor signaling pathways.
212 overed for their role in desensitizing seven-transmembrane receptor signaling via the heterotrimeric
213 how membrane nanoscale organization controls transmembrane receptors signaling activity remains a cha
214 ted that these glycoproteins would influence transmembrane receptor spatial organization and function
215                        Lu, an Ig superfamily transmembrane receptor specific for laminin alpha5, is a
216                   However, signaling via the transmembrane receptor ST2 and documented caspase-depend
217  been clarified despite recent advances in 7 transmembrane receptor structural biology.
218                                 Signaling by transmembrane receptors such as G protein-coupled recept
219  pattern recognition receptors-which include transmembrane receptors such as toll-like receptors (TLR
220 " Their receptors are part of a larger seven-transmembrane receptor superfamily, commonly referred to
221 nd colleagues have identified a novel 17-kDa transmembrane receptor, termed Plg-R(KT), that binds pla
222 are signalling molecules, which activate the transmembrane receptor TGR5 and the nuclear receptor FXR
223                       Podoplanin (PDPN) is a transmembrane receptor that affects the activities of Rh
224 ycation end products (RAGE) is a multiligand transmembrane receptor that can undergo proteolysis at t
225              The Nogo-B receptor (NgBR) is a transmembrane receptor that contains a conserved hydroph
226                                   Notch is a transmembrane receptor that controls a diverse array of
227                 GPER is a G(s)-coupled seven-transmembrane receptor that has been linked to specific
228                                RET encodes a transmembrane receptor that is 20 exons long and produce
229                     The Notch gene encodes a transmembrane receptor that is cleaved upon activation,
230 (Spz) into the activating ligand for Toll, a transmembrane receptor that is distributed throughout th
231                                GPR119 is a 7-transmembrane receptor that is expressed in the enteroen
232 ate Cyclase C (GC-C) is an apically-oriented transmembrane receptor that is expressed on epithelial c
233              Guanylate cyclase C (GC-C) is a transmembrane receptor that is expressed primarily on in
234 ial cells, guanylyl cyclase 2C (GUCY2C) is a transmembrane receptor that makes cGMP in response to th
235                   Cadherin is a cell-surface transmembrane receptor that mediates calcium-dependent c
236 AIL-R1; also known as death receptor 4) is a transmembrane receptor that mediates TRAIL-induced apopt
237 ked peptidoglycan, suggesting that PrkC is a transmembrane receptor that monitors the integrity of th
238                                  PlexinD1, a transmembrane receptor that regulates neuronal and cardi
239             Robo4 is an endothelial-specific transmembrane receptor that stabilizes the vasculature,
240 eceptor 5 (DR5) is a death domain-containing transmembrane receptor that triggers apoptosis upon bind
241 eptor (LIMR)-type proteins are putative nine-transmembrane receptors that are evolutionarily conserve
242                 Integrins are heterodimeric, transmembrane receptors that are expressed in all cells,
243                                  Unlike many transmembrane receptors that belong to large, extensivel
244                       Neuropilins (NRPs) are transmembrane receptors that bind class 3 semaphorins an
245                      Plexins are single-pass transmembrane receptors that bind the axon guidance mole
246                   CD44 comprises a family of transmembrane receptors that can give rise to multiple C
247               Notch proteins are a family of transmembrane receptors that coordinate binary cell fate
248                  Plexins are the first known transmembrane receptors that interact directly with smal
249                     Notch family members are transmembrane receptors that mediate essential developme
250 TPsigma) and its subfamily member LAR act as transmembrane receptors that mediate growth inhibition o
251                                Cadherins are transmembrane receptors that mediate intercellular adhes
252      Integrins are bidirectional, allosteric transmembrane receptors that play a central role in hemo
253                 TLRs are pattern recognition transmembrane receptors that play key roles in innate im
254                          Notch receptors are transmembrane receptors that regulate cell fate decision
255                                  Plexins are transmembrane receptors that regulate processes such as
256 ryotic organisms, where it is often found in transmembrane receptors that regulate two-component sign
257 ycle and signal transduction properties of 7-transmembrane receptors that serve to integrate many bio
258 dulators is controlled by endocytosis of the transmembrane receptors that transduce their effects.
259  are made possible by integrins, a family of transmembrane receptors that, upon binding to the extrac
260 otective signaling stimulated by a typical 7-transmembrane receptor the angiotensin ATII 1A receptor,
261  (interactome) as modulated by a model seven-transmembrane receptor, the angiotensin II type 1a recep
262 l lattice formed from three core proteins: a transmembrane receptor, the His kinase CheA, and the ada
263 in is one of the most mechanistically direct transmembrane receptors-the intracellular domain contain
264 aling proteins, cytoskeletal components, and transmembrane receptors, thereby serving as a scaffold t
265    The primary initiator of coagulation, the transmembrane receptor tissue factor (TF), has gained co
266 nditionally induced by agonists of Toll-like transmembrane receptors (TLR).
267 nteractions that promoted the endocytosis of transmembrane receptors, TLR4 was selected as cargo for
268                       After internalization, transmembrane receptors (TMRs) are typically recycled ba
269                               Trafficking of transmembrane receptors to a specific intracellular comp
270 is a highly conserved kinase cascade linking transmembrane receptors to downstream effector mechanism
271 s relay extracellular cues from heptahelical transmembrane receptors to downstream effector molecules
272 s of studies, namely the propensity of seven transmembrane receptors to form dimers and thus demonstr
273 chestrate efficient sorting of ubiquitinated transmembrane receptors to lysosomes via multivesicular
274  extracellular microenvironment by anchoring transmembrane receptors to the actin filaments.
275            Filamin-mediated linkages between transmembrane receptors (TR) and the actin cytoskeleton
276                          The Notch family of transmembrane receptors transduce extracellular signals
277 vity upon binding to either or both distinct transmembrane receptors TrkA and p75(NTR).
278 wth factor engages two structurally distinct transmembrane receptors, TrkA and p75, which have been p
279                       TrkA is a cell surface transmembrane receptor tyrosine kinase for nerve growth
280  mutations and amplification of the type III transmembrane receptor tyrosine kinase KIT.
281                                 VEGFR-3 is a transmembrane receptor tyrosine kinase that is activated
282                              ErbB4, a type I transmembrane receptor tyrosine kinase, is a member of t
283 or receptor (EGFR) is a heavily glycosylated transmembrane receptor tyrosine kinase.
284                        Here we show that the transmembrane receptor tyrosine phosphatase Leukocyte-an
285 Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is a transmembrane receptor-tyrosine kinase that is associate
286  protein coupling of agonist-activated seven-transmembrane receptors, ultimately resulting in recepto
287                  Dimerization of single span transmembrane receptors underlies their mechanism of act
288 -unstimulated cells overexpressing the seven transmembrane receptor vasopressin 2.
289 RDC3 and ARRDC4 upon activation of the seven transmembrane receptors vasopressin 2 and beta adrenergi
290 pression of Notch3, a member of Notch family transmembrane receptors, was elevated in human cells dur
291  kinase activation and migration evoked by 7-transmembrane receptors were greater than wild type in b
292                                        Seven transmembrane receptors were originally named and charac
293 eceptor (TLR) gene family consists of type 1 transmembrane receptors, which play essential roles in b
294                               FZD5 encodes a transmembrane receptor with a conserved extracellular cy
295  gene encodes an approximately 50 kDa type I transmembrane receptor with an ectodomain containing thr
296                        Plexin C1 is a type I transmembrane receptor with intrinsic R-Ras GTPase activ
297     The Kdrb locus encodes a 1361-amino acid transmembrane receptor with strong homology to mammalian
298 f chemokine receptors CXCR4 and CXCR7, two 7-transmembrane receptors with central functions in normal
299  human cytomegalovirus (HCMV)-encoded type I transmembrane receptors with Fcgamma-binding properties
300 herefore hypothesized that preorganizing the transmembrane receptors would potentiate local TGF-beta

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